Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 819: Fight for the future!

After Li Yao finished speaking, his lips were squeezed, and a deep gift was given, driving the lifting platform, leaving the center of the venue.

Full-hearted assistance to Heaven Origin Sector is related to the future of Meteor Sector. It is impossible for him to decide in three words. Next, he can only wait for the results with five Ghost Cultivator from Heaven Origin Sector and Professor Mo Xuan!

After Li Yao went off, the conference host Luo Xingzi slowly rose to the center of the venue, looking around the tens of thousands of small crystal capsule meeting rooms around.

Xiao Xuance used to be Feathered Snake Church’s Church Leader. The power of Immortal Cultivator was very deep in Feathered Snake Church infiltration. His rebellion caused a great blow to Feathered Snake Church.

Luo Xingzi is the Junior Brother of Xiao Xuance and the elder of Feathered Snake Church’s. When Feathered Snake Church was in the storm, he resolutely carried the heavy burden. Not only did Immortal Cultivator in Feathered Snake Church be cleaned mercilessly, but after that, he hanged the Star Pirate and Immortal Cultivator remnants. During the war, the Feathered Snake Church’s teachers also gave up their lives and forgotten their deaths. The charge was ahead, and the smell of humiliation was washed with blood.

Luo Xingzi and Feathered Snake Church, in this way, regained the respect of Cultivation World.

Luo Xingzi gave a little salute and said: “The information collected so far is just like this. Now we will start this one, which will determine the fate of Feixing and Heaven Origin.”

“However, before starting the voting, I only represented myself, as a ordinary flying star cultivator, to talk to everyone about my views.”

“First, standing on the scale of Great Universe, our Meteor Sector and Heaven Origin Sector are very close, and our lips and teeth are dependent, and we are neighbors of a hundred percent.”

“If the Small Heavenly Tribulation of Empire of True Humanity. really hit Heaven Origin Sector, and even occupied Heaven Origin Sector. Build super Star Torch in Heaven Origin Sector to navigate the army of Empire of True Humanity.”

“Then the army of Empire of True Humanity does not need hundreds of years, but it is very likely that it will appear above Meteor Sector through the Heaven Origin Sector” springboard “within ten years!”

“The so-called‘ cold lips die cold. ’This is the truth.”

“So. Rescue Heaven Origin Sector is actually saving ourselves. Only by resisting this Small Heavenly Tribulation will it be possible to win one or two hundred years of precious development time!”

“Second, I know that many Daoists have concerns. We feel that we have just ended the eight years of war and we are in a hurry, and we will face the invasion of Empire of True Humanity more than a hundred years later. Another Greater Thousand Worlds war. Will it greatly consume our strength? “

“In this regard, my opinion is that the complementarity between Heaven Origin Sector and Meteor Sector is extremely strong, saving Heaven Origin Sector. It will bring us great benefits, far exceeding our efforts.”

“Not to mention that both sides have their own strengths in many aspects of divine ability, Cultivation Technique, and Magical Artifact. You can learn from each other’s strengths and weaknesses.”

“In terms of social structure, Heaven Origin Sector also has a lot of places worth learning.”

“As we all know, since the arrival of Heavenly Tribulation in 5,000 years ago. Meteor Sector is like a sheet of loose sand, dozens of Star Field, and thousands of Sect, each operating as its own. Even the largest Heaven Saint City is only a super city.”

“Although we also have a lot of expert, powerful Magical Artifact, and popular Crystal Armor, we lack a powerful central Government to integrate all these forces!”

“Because our power is too scattered, even a small Spider Nest Star has no choice but to find a flaw in Immortal Cultivator and launch a deadly rebellion!”

“If we continue to maintain the like a sheet of loose sand, each with its own situation, even the Star Pirate and the small stock Immortal Cultivator can cope with such a difficult situation, and when the well-trained and disciplined Empire of True Humanity army is killed, we still have the strength to fight back What? “

“So, the reunification of Meteor Sector has become the consensus of everyone.”

“However, it is not easy to unify dozens of Star Field under one Government !”

“We have been scattered for too long. For five thousand years, we have not built a huge country, nor have we formed a huge army.”

“Even our Six Heaven Saint Factions‘s Sect Master and elders, at most, only control millions of people, tens of millions of people.”

“And our army, each Sect fleet, Armour Master Division, the number of people will not exceed 100,000!”

“If we really built a central Government that ruled billions of people, gathered all the fleets and Armour Master Division together to form a huge army of tens of millions, even hundreds of millions of people, it should be How to operate this central Government and use the resources of Meteor Sector in the most reasonable and efficient way? And how to command this army with a scale of hundreds of millions and start a head-on confrontation with Expedition Army of Empire of True Humanity? “

“No one knows what to do.”

“Without actual combat experience, everything is on paper, Empire of True Humanity will not give us a second chance!”

“Let’s take a look at Heaven Origin Sector again.”

“Although Heaven Origin Sector is a small world with only one Star Field, all Spiritual Energy and resources are gathered in this Star Field, giving birth to a rather rich and stable planet, Heaven Origin Star.”

Star Glory Federation, which rules Heaven Origin Star, has a population of 10 billion have several, and has been fighting with Fiend Clan for the past five hundred years.”

Star Glory Federation can be said to have been operating in a” war state “for five hundred years. For the operation of the wartime economy System, the efficient use of resources, and the establishment and control of a large army, the cooperative operations of cultivator and ordinary people, etc. The fields have very rich accumulation and profound theoretical reserves. “

“According to the two Daoist friends Li Yao and Mo Xuan, in the most extreme case, Star Glory Federation can conduct a” full mobilization “, and can even gather a huge army of more than 2 billion people, and equip these troops with Chainsaw Sword, Exploding Arrow Gun Waiting for weapons! “

“Compared with Meteor Sector in the last millennium, Heaven Origin Sector is fighting in the most brutal battle, their experience is invaluable!”

“If we fully cooperate with Heaven Origin Sector, on the one hand, both Magical Artifact and divine ability can communicate with each other. On the other hand, we can also learn from Star Glory Federation how to build and operate a very large-scale country and army. At the same time, we can also Take Fiend Clan as the best training object. “

“An army that has never seen blood is destined to have no hope. The lackey/claws and fangs of Fiend Clan can be used to sharpen our meteor people army even sharper!”

“The above is my thinking about aid Heaven Origin Sector, including aid and benefits, and the disadvantage of not assisting.”

“However, apart from pure gains and losses, I would like to chat with you more deeply.”

“In the fight between us and Star Child, he once painted a terrible scene for us-all Human Race worlds have been conquered by Empire of True Humanity, and every Greater Thousand Worlds is ruled by Immortal Cultivator, which is a the weak are prey to the strong , A very cruel world, only expert can be in the world of call the wind and summon the rain, doing power and blessing, and the weak are reduced to worthless tools, playthings and garbage! “

“Although Star Child is an exaggeration, Empire of True Humanity has not yet expanded to that step.”

“However, if we continue to sit still and continue to bury our heads in the sand like an ostrich and hide ourselves in a fragile nest, who would say that one day, such a picture will not become a reality?”

“When Empire of True Humanity really conquered Heaven Origin Sector, conquered Blood Fiend Sector, and conquered all the worlds of the original Star Ocean Empire’s, we really became the ‘last cultivator‘. At that time, who would hear our cry for help, Come and fight alongside us? “

“So, although I know that the cost of assistance Heaven Origin Sector is very high, many people will die, many Starship will be destroyed, and even many Sect will be helpless.”

“However, I still hope you make the right choice!”

“At least, I am Feathered Snake Church, Luo Xingzi, here in front of all Daoist friends, swear heart’s demon blood oath!”

“If the bill is really passed, I will go to Heaven Origin Sector for the first time. I will never leave until I completely defeat Fiend Clan and Small Heavenly Tribulation of Empire of True Humanity!”

“Not only Heaven Origin Sector, if one day we found a new Greater Thousand Worlds, and the people there also need the help of cultivator, I will go there without hesitation!”

“Even, I hope that in the not-too-distant future, our descendants can form a vast army, attack the Empire of True Humanity homeland, and liberate all ordinary people enslaved by Immortal Cultivator!”

“Think about it, everyone! Think about why we gathered here today and why did you vote!”

“No, we are here today, what will be decided is not whether to save Heaven Origin Sector, or whether to save Meteor Sector, but-whether to save the entire future of Human Race Civilization!”

“Perhaps, after a thousand years, whether Human Race Civilization is guarded by cultivator or completely defiled by Immortal Cultivator depends on today and on the sacred vote in your hands!”

After Luo Xingzi has finished speaking, the voting has officially started.

In a secret meeting room, every Sect Master of Cultivation Sect and the elders whispered and thoughtfully.

Many people turn over and over again to check the information of Heaven Origin Sector, calculating the losses and benefits.

More people have repeatedly browsed and unearthed them in the past six months. All kinds of information about Empire of True Humanity have fallen into deep thinking.

After three minutes, someone has inspired the virtual voting light curtain, either a little heavy, or made a firm choice.

Li Yao, Professor Mo Xuan and others waited in their own meeting room. This was perhaps the longest five minutes of their lives. The atmosphere in the meeting room was extremely tense. It was like a big ice lump. freeze.

No one speaks, no one even breathes. The five pairs of Li Yao’s eyes and Professor Mo Xuan and others, Crystal Eye, stared straight ahead at the light curtain.

Suddenly, ripples floated on the light curtain and re-condensed into the face of Luo Xingzi. His eyes swept slightly, and despite his efforts to control every muscle on his face, a hot flame erupted in the depths of his pupils.

“The voting results have been generated.”

“11033 votes in favor, 1010 votes against, and 950 abstentions.”

“Over two thirds of the votes in favor, reaching an absolute majority, the bill passed!”

Meteor Sector will spare no effort to rescue Heaven Origin Sector, we work together to defend the future of Human Race Civilization!” (To be continued.)

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