Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 755: Ferocious flood!

Underground War Fort, the deepest part, the main warehouse. ╣╋╋╠ 要 ╋╣Read╬┟Book w-w = w, .1 ^ k`a-n / s ^>

Bai Wulei looked at the piles of ruins, debris, and various rusty Magical Artifact fragment, dumbfounded.

The 3D-style Crystal Armor display rack with five rows of about a dozen and a height of tens of meters seems to be covered with the powerful Crystal Armor of Star Ocean Empire Era, but with a light touch of your hand, all Crystal Armors are made of gravel condensing, suddenly collapsed and become The flying iron scraps

Bai Wulei was coughed up loudly with iron filings. He coughed and yelled: “Impossible! Why is there so little broken copper? The old man said that there is a Secret Treasures hidden enough to arm tens of thousands of cultivator! “

Like crazy, he rushed around the warehouse, constantly digging a piece of weapons and Magical Artifact, but unfortunately his fingers seemed to have the ability to destroy everything in an instant, and he was gently touched by him The weapons and Magical Artifact were all fragmented and collapsed into a pile of wreckage.

how can it be like this?”

Bai Wulei is really about to cry, clenching his teeth, “It does n’t make sense, the old man used to countless divine ability and Magical Artifact from Underground War Fort some time ago to stimulate morale. At that time, I asked him to use so many Secret Treasures. Give it to others, what shall we do? “

“As a result, the old man laughed and said that the things he brought out were nothing but the real good things are all in underground!”

“How come!”

“Must be wrong, there must be other warehouses, definitely!”

Bai Wulei swing down holds a seemingly gorgeous Flying Sword, but with a light wave, it breaks into about a dozen pieces, which are more brittle than glass. ┡╋ 要 ┣╠┢Reading┣┝w, w-w.1>

Fengyu Chong, Black Spider Tower, the previous generation Venerable Master Venerable Hidden Mist, and the real “Black KingYe Motian, three Immortal Cultivators frowned, staring at the surrounding walls, thoughtfully.

The huge warehouse is shrouded in a touch of dark mist, as if it were a ray of Fiend Qi coming out of the wall infiltration.

Fengyu Chong respectfully said: “Black King. What do you think?”

At the moment, Ye Motian, in full view, has attacked Bai Xinghe through Nascent Origin Level, and it is no longer meaningful to conceal his identity. He lost the low-key of “Black Spider Eight Blades“, stood upright, and surrounded himself with life and death, and an impeccable momentum. lightly said: “It seems that we are all fooled by Bai Xinghe, this old and sly Star Pirate’s King. But it is just blowing the atmosphere.”

“In Underground War Fort, there are not as many Empire Secret Treasures as he brags, even if there are, most of the Magical Artifact and weapons are also corroded and damaged!”

“He got everything on the ground, this old fox!”

“But …”

Black King Ye Motian narrowed its eyes and pondered, “I suddenly thought that along the way, most of the weapons and Magical Artifact were seriously damaged. But the reserves of war materials are unexpectedly much, especially Thunderstone, Revolving Yang Stone, Lanthanum Stone Such high-energy crystal seems to be far beyond the needs of the ordinary war. “

The words did not fall, Ye Motian suddenly changed his face, and he painted a Spirit Glyph, grabbed his palm, sang words in his mouth, and slammed!

A black worm immediately flew out of his palm. ┝To read a book┣w ^ w, w,. ^ Turned into a black streamer and flew away into the distance!

After a while, Fengyu Chong tipped his nose and sniffed. His face dignified and said: “It’s a little weird, the air humidity has increased instantly, Water Element Spiritual Energy is very active!”

“Not good!”

Ye Motian seemed to perceive something, his face became pale, and he said sharply, “Go!”


The upper and middle floors of Underground War Fort. It is another scene.

During 10,000 years, several earthquakes, especially 5,000 years ago, were affected by the Heavenly Tribulation. The severe earthquakes had already ripped Underground War Fort apart, and there were holes everywhere.

Yan Xinjian carefully designed mechanism, through several insignificant explosions, precisely changed the direction of the underground Styx, making the underground Styx like a flood dragon with open teeth, clawing Underground War Fort to death, flood dragon Tentacles and lackey/claws and fangs, through countless gaps in the upper part of the battle fort, pour into the battle fort!

For a time, Underground War Fort became the water country Zeguo!

In countless tunnels, the raging flood, like a roaring beast, rammed in an unstoppable manner.

Countless Star Pirates were swallowed by the flood before being reacted, and were hit hard against the wall by the turbulent water. Even if protected by Crystal Armor, they spit blood and viscera torn. ┣To read╣┝Book╠╣┞╣w, w / w ·., 1, k / a ^ n ·>

The flood itself is not terrible, but most of the warehouses throughout Underground War Fort are more or less piled with high-energy crystal such as thunderstones and Revolving Yang Stone.

These highly unstable crystal do not even need to be in direct contact with water. As long as the air humidity is increased to a certain level, the Water Element Spiritual Energy in the air is extremely active and will immediately explode!


Underground War Fort, there were four explosions, and countless warehouses and corridors were too swallowed by water before they were destroyed. Numerous Star Pirate and Immortal Cultivator could n’t even scream, and they were hit by fireballs and hundreds of millions of rocks , Devour and crack down!

Even if the place that was not affected by the lightning stone and the Revolving Yang Stone explosion was completely submerged by the flood, countless underground variant beasts in the Stygian River also followed the flood and drilled in together.

These variant beasts have lived in underground, where they ca n’t see their fingers for thousands of years. They only rely on Spiritual Energy to perceive their prey.

In order to avoid natural enemies, they often evolved the ability to converge Spiritual Energy.

Right now, instead of converging on Spiritual Energy, these hands are busy, but they have stimulated the strongest realm‘s Star Pirate and Immortal Cultivator, which are like fireflies in the night, becoming their most prey.

Floating variant beast with a faint light like a jellyfish; a fish variant beast that is crystal clear like a goldfish but has a sharp fang that can be bitten by even a strengthened alloy; twisted, like a water snake , Like giant type centipede, covered with flagella and tentacles, worms variant beast wriggling …

Hundreds of kinds of variant beast, swimming in the river, sneaking, searching, exchanging greedy and cruel information with each other. To read a book╠w ^ w ^ w-.`1 / k />

Even the usual natural enemies have given up the idea of ​​hunting each other at this moment, because in front of them, there are more delicious prey.


A hovering class like variant beast like a transparent jellyfish, pounced on a Star Pirate struggling in the flood. The boneless body opened like a pocket, and the Star Pirate‘s head was covered with lightning, soft Incomparable tentacles, groping the gap of Crystal Armor, inject the deadly venom into it.


Hundreds of “goldfish” with sharp teeth converged into a deadly golden awn. They were shot at a Immortal Cultivator who was hit by the flood and suffered internal injuries, and his teeth bite his Crystal Armor. Under desperate tears, Crystal Armor “crunchy” and shattered!


giant type Centipede-like insect variant beast, while swimming, sprayed corrosive body fluid, dark green body fluid quickly melted in the water, turned into a dark green Bewildering Mist, silent toward two The ignorant Immortal Cultivator enveloped the past.



“What is this? What the **** is this!”

The Star Pirate and Immortal Cultivator communication channels soon burst into wailing. Countless people did n’t even sense the enemy, so they wandered with their dreams of immortality!


In the secret corridor, Bai Kaixin and Lei Da 6 are moving cautiously. Lei Da 6 ’s nostrils suddenly enlarged, his ears shook violently, against the wall, he listened carefully for a while, and murmured: “It seems not quite right.”

Bai Kaixin is nervous: “What’s going on? This path is very hidden, and Immortal Cultivator should not appear.”

“Listen to the sound, it’s not like Immortal Cultivator …”

Lei Da 6 murmured and suddenly shouted, “No, run!”

“Why …”

Bai Kaixin has n’t finished a word, I heard a “boom” sound from a distance, as if something exploded, followed by a deafening flood sound, surging, with the power of electro-optical stone fire , Approaching them.

Bai Kaixin was dumbfounded: “how can it be like this?”

*crash*! *crash*! *crash*!”

As if the horn of Dragon King sounded, a white wave slammed across the corner, spreading its teeth and dancing claws.

“Stunned what to do, run!”

Lei Da 6 grabbed Bai Kaixin‘s arm, turned and ran!


Li Yao and Bai Xinghe dive into the water, and everything they see in front of them makes them shudder.

This is a channel that has just been ravaged by variant beast in floods and water.

There are countless wreckage floating in the turbid water, it is not clear whether it is Crystal Armor or Magical Artifact wreckage in Underground War Fort, and sometimes there is an empty Crystal Armor, keeping the gesture of hands swing down, quietly sinking under the water, when Li Yao approaches When looking at it in the past, there is often only an empty bone shelf left in it, not even bone scum.

These are all Star Pirate and Immortal Cultivator that were attacked by variant beast in the water, and no corpses were left.

Li Yao and Bai Xinghe both know the power of variant beast in these waters. Both of them switched Crystal Armor to stealth mode to minimize their dispersal of Spiritual Energy, relying solely on the strength of muscles and bones, and groping forward in the water.

Now, there are a large number of panicked Star Pirate and Immortal Cultivator, which have pushed Spiritual Energy to the limit, which is a more attractive prey than them, so they a little bit of Spiritual Energy, which is not too important.

On the way, the two of them have also encountered variant beast passing by in the water. If it is a small stock variant beast, it will be eliminated by thunder. If it is a large stock variant beast, it will simply turn off the last bit of Spiritual Energy output and pretend to be two The iron shell of icy cold.

Generations have been living in the dark underground for generations. Many of the visual organs of the variant beast in the water have been degraded, relying on the Spiritual Energy perception, swimming like a blind eye, swimming past them, there is no conflict, but it is ugly. The appearance of Li Yao’s aroused goose bumps.

“The two of them gradually ran deep into Underground War Fort.”

Bai Xinghe excited the light curtain again while there was no variant beast in the water, but the voice was mixed with deep worry, “No, according to the current route, they are very likely to hit the main force of Immortal Cultivator head-on!”

“Before they collide with the main Immortal Cultivator, they must be rescued and brought back to Star Piercing Room, and everyone will escape underground together!” (To be continued.)

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