Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 710: The First Owl

Bai Xinghe arrived on the Star Pirate ship at the age of eleven or twelve. At this time, no matter how talented he is, he is only an ordinary person and can only serve as the most lowest level sailor.

Perhaps All Heaven’s Gods and Demons really blessed him in the midst, he continued his luck in the depths of Spider Nest Star, survived the battles of nine deaths, and accumulated a wealth of combat experience, which is getting stronger and stronger.

At the age of fourteen, he awakened Spirit Root and became cultivator.

The subsequent experience, like the flooding, is beyond control.

He was first on the battlefield and saved the Star Pirate Group leader who bought him and pushed him into Spider Nest Star underground Abyss. He won the trust of the other party and gradually became the left arm of the leader.

He then colluded with another larger Star Pirate Group, and in a perfect inside-out cooperation, the leader was completely buried in steal from thieves.

But instead of taking the opportunity to receive this small type Star Pirate Group, he took the entire Star Pirate Group to the larger Star Pirate Group.

A few years later, this larger Star Pirate Group leader was a strange “mortality”.

What is even more bizarre is that Bai Xinghe, who has just joined the team for a few years and has no qualifications and popularity, is accused of being the new leader of Star Pirate Group.

Everyone unanimously supported the decision, except for dozens of dead people whose throats were cut overnight.

The next few decades have been a series of conspiracies, betrayals, killings, alliances and destructions,

Bai Xinghe, the little orphan who survived in Star Ocean Storm in the past, the struggling Treasure Hunter in Spider Nest Star underground Abyss, took control of Starship, Crystal Armor Refinement Center, and even the shipyard.

In the end, his Commander‘s “Abyss Star Pirate Group” became the most powerful Star Pirate Group of Spider Nest Star. And he also controlled the largest number of docks and Crystal Armor Refinement Center, becoming a veritable “Star Pirate’s King“!

During the decades of his rise, the entire Star Pirate, the poorest of Spider Nest Star, was frightened. The destruction of countless Star Pirate Group seems to be related to him. It was just that every action was clean and neat, and there was absolutely no trace of clues, which made the guardians of the dark order helpless.

And when he became Star Pirate’s King, he transformed into the most loyal defender of the dark order and began to talk about “rules and regulations” everywhere.

He collects the handles of various Star Pirate Groups everywhere, and puts the evidence of Star Pirate Group doing steal from thieves and other activities on Nine Dragons Association. In the name of Nine Dragons Association, Zhengda brightly attacked these Star Pirate Group, and naturally accepted the materials and manpower left by these Star Pirate Group justly, and the power was further expanded.

As a result, the strength of Bai Xinghe is getting stronger and stronger, and Star Pirate is hindered by his obscenity, and he has become trembling and keeping his own.

It is not an exaggeration to say that in recent decades, Spider Nest Star has the best order and the most stable gold Era in the past thousand years.

With so many docks and Crystal Armor Refinement Center. In recent decades, Abyss Star Pirate Group of Bai Xinghe has rarely gone out for robbery, as long as you sit on the ground to distribute fat and **** blood from other Star Pirate Group.

This is the benefit of being at the top of the food chain.

“Even Fengyu Chong is an old fox. They are deeply afraid of Bai Xinghe, it seems that they are really difficult to deal with.”

Li Yao pondered, trying to scratch her hair, but scratched a sturdy helmet. This reminds me that I have been wearing Mystic Skeleton Battle Armor this month, except when I supplement Spiritual Energy, I have never taken it off.

In addition to this information. Fengyu Chong also recorded a very interesting rumor.

That is the secret about the rise of Bai Xinghe.

Even in Spider Nest Star, only the ability is valued, not the place of origin. Bai Xinghe can jump from Treasure Hunter like White Mouse to become the most powerful Star Pirate’s King in more than 100 years. It is also a legend.

Many people analyzed the secrets of the rise of Bai Xinghe afterwards and found that he can always come up with a large number of powerful Magical Artifact at the most critical time.

gradually. I do n’t know where the news came from. Some people suspect that Bai Xinghe has a “Spider Key” in his hand.

Spider Nest Star’s underground is an intricate, labyrinthine Underground War Fort, such a battle fort, of course, will have a Control Center, and certainly have a map, and open all mechanism key.

In the past millennium, no Star Pirate can find Control Center and key.

Many Star Pirate suspected that when Bai Xinghe sneaked into the underground treasure hunt in the early years, he used his own figure to be small and exquisite in bones, and drilled into some secretly said. He accidentally discovered the center that controls the entire Spider Nest Star underground battle fort Detailed map and key with Underground War Fort turned on!

As a result, hidden in underground, Star Ocean Empire’s arsenal, Magical Artifact and divine ability ten thousand years ago, naturally belong to him!

With such a huge amount of resources, plus Bai Xinghe himself is a talented wizard, naturally he can dominate the world on Spider Nest Star!

Once this rumor came out, it naturally made all Star Pirate jealous, stealing secretly, and even seven Star Pirate Group united to destroy Abyss Star Pirate Group and **** Spider Key.

As a result, it was wiped out in one fell swoop by Bai Xinghe, and in turn swallowed the seven Star Pirate Group!

There were rumors later that the so-called Spider Key was fake, and it was a fake message from the opponent of Bai Xinghe, just to make everyone covet the Bai Xinghe.

There are even more terrible rumors that Spider Key is indeed fake, but it is the fake news released by Bai Xinghe himself. The purpose is to lure other Star Pirate Group to attack him, and he just counterattacks rightly, not against Spider Nest Star’s darkness The law, can naturally devour one after another Star Pirate Group, expand their power.

Since these seven Star Pirate Groups were annihilated together by Bai Xinghe, no Star Pirate Group dared to provoke Bai Xinghe.

The Bai Xinghe Star Pirate’s King also has a strange sense of humor.

He actually refined a huge pendant that looks like a spider and a key, and hangs on his neck brightly, no matter where he goes, he shakes in front of his chest.

But there is no Star Pirate, dare to ask him whether this can control the entire Spider Nest Star Underground War Fort, countless Magical Artifact, divine ability and arsenal Spider Key!

“When Star Pirate gets this share, it’s worth it!”

Li Yao closed Crystal Computer and sighed secretly.

My own trip to Spider Nest Star this time, I have to face Fengyu Chong, an old fox that rushed to Nascent Origin Stage. We must also face the heroes like Bai Xinghe.

If the Netherworld Blade is true, then the real Black King is at least the Nascent Origin Level figure.

Three Nascent Origin. Not counting the remaining expert of Eternal Palace, such as “Lotus king” and other strong presence.

In an instant. Li Yao has the urge to go home.

“This trip to Spider Nest Star is different from Iron Original Star. It needs to change its style of behavior and sneak in quietly, focusing on investigations, less than a last resort, absolutely do not do it, low-key. Low-key, then low-key! Otherwise , Getting three Nascent Origins is not fun! “

Li Yao scratched the iron shell of Crystal Armor and pondered, “This Transport Ship has traveled a long distance in Star Ocean for more than a month, and has traveled through asteroid belt several times. Many places have been damaged. When it arrives at Spider Nest Star, it will definitely enter Some dock to go overhaul. At that time, I can slip out without knowing it, and mix it into the most lowest level, which is the ‘Star Pirate Reserve’ waiting to be hired.

“It’s just. How do you approach the core of Spider Nest Star’s afterwards?”

While thinking hard, the entire pipe maze trembles slightly.

Li Yao froze and stuck to the wall of the pipe to amplify the sensitivity of sound wave reception Glyph Array to the limit. Only listening to the cooling pipes in all directions, all heard deafening whistling sounds!

“Not good!”

Li Yao’s‘s pupils contracted suddenly, “Come again!”

Transport Ship does n’t know what happened, he is advancing in a serpentine shape, and from time to time he makes some crazy dodge moves.

In this state. All Propulsion Glyph Array are excited to the limit, naturally. The eruption of heat flow in the cooling pipes also became irregular. Disorganized!


In an instant, Li Yao was hit by more than two thousand degrees, with extremely corrosive hot air, and rushed out!

The Crystal Computer of Mystic Skeleton Battle Armor made a piercing buzz, the damage on the breastplate that was barely repaired with Black Horn Battle Armor material, and the infinite flame infiltration came in, as if it was on his chest again, a severe cut!

“It’s terrible!”

Li Yao sprinted down the road, expanded its perception to its limit, and covered the entire pipeline maze to find a place to live.

It’s a pity that this time the Propulsion Glyph Array was running more violently than it was when Star Ocean Storm was encountered three days ago. In the entire cooling pipe, there was no piece of pipe temperature that could make him dormant.

how can it be like this? Did you encounter Star Ocean Storm again?”

“Impossible! The spider Star Field has been entered here, and it is on the most familiar channel of Star Pirate. It is unlikely to be so unlucky, encountering such a large-scale Star Ocean Storm?”

The alarm sound of Mystic Skeleton Battle Armor is getting louder and louder. Li Yao reddened his eyes. After finding out that there was no way back, he gritted his teeth, blasted a piece of cooling pipe with his hand, and drilled out!

This is the maintenance room next to the power cabin, empty.

However, dangerous red awns bloom on the surrounding bulkheads.

The sound Glyph Array in the upper corner is accompanied by a rapid alarm.

There was a panic of footsteps on the outside corridor.

When Li Yao chose the lurking Starship, after careful consideration, he carefully selected several Star Pirate ships he found, and finally chose one that looked shabby.

According to the Crystal Computer of Netherworld Blade, if everything goes according to plan, there should be no important person of Eternal Palace on this Starship, only some insignificant materials and lowest level Immortal Cultivator are transported.

The star road is long, Li Yao is reluctant to spend a month on the same Starship with dangerous people like “Black King“.

Even so, be absolutely careful.

After a few rounds of Li Yao, Mystic Skeleton Battle Armor was retracted, and a spare set of maintenance clothing was taken out from the cabinet in the maintenance room.

At this time, the shock of Transport Ship is getting stronger and stronger, just like the a leaf-like lonely boat in the stormy sea, or a broken lonely boat.

A few times, Li Yao’s‘s head was almost stuck in the ceiling.

Putting your ear against the door and listening carefully for a while, when you were sure there was only one footstep outside, Li Yao opened the door violently.

“Why, what’s going on?”

Li Yao pretended to be panic and stuttered.

On the Yong Dao, there was only one Star Pirate, and I had n’t had time to put on Crystal Armor. A face was whiter than the dead, screaming: “White, Boss Bai is here!” (Unfinished.)

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