Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 687: Real game!

Meteor standard time, 7:58:36 at night.

Heaven Saint City first Planetary Ring, core area, Refining Edge Association park.

The man-made sky gradually showed a deep starry sky, the night was down, and the lantern was at the beginning, the ignorance of ignorant tourists was still flowing, and the lights were green and laughter.

A lot of Magical Artifact press conferences and Magical Artifact experience conferences started as scheduled.

In every Artificer room, countless Artificers still discuss and communicate with each other.

Everything seems to be the same as yesterday.

However, an impenetrable celestial network is spreading silently towards the twenty-seven coordinates in core area.

Hospitals, shopping malls, transportation hubs, luxury hotels, dilapidated guest houses, air purification stations, Star Harbor temporarily built for Refining Edge Association

It looks calm and calm, but it is murderous. The last moment of tranquility before the landslide broke apart, it looked extra long and suffocating.

Operation Broken Miasma, about to detonate.

The outermost part of core area, the ventilation pipe manhole on the 55th, Li Yao lies behind the intricate pipeline, completely hiding itself in the dark, like a venomous snake diving into the swamp.

Only the whole body’s muscles tremble, driving Battle Armor on his body, making a “boom” sound.

All member of Operation Broken Miasma are divided into three groups.

The first is the strike team, which is responsible for sending out hardships at the same time and launching a thunder strike against Immortal Cultivator such as “Black King” and “Black Spider Eight Blades” firmly locked.

The member of the strike group is mostly top-tier expert of Six Heaven Saint Factions, including several Nascent Origin Old Monster of Combat Type. All of them have been repeated hundreds of times in the virtual Heaven Saint City created by Grand Void Illusion World in advance, aiming at every possible situation. , Have come up with countermeasures.

The second is the bracketing group. Also composed of Six Heaven Saint Factions‘s core gatekeepers, well-trained and not afraid of death.

Their mission. It was after the Thunder’s blow that started, chasing and blocking. Lock all Immortal Cultivator firmly.

The strength reaches Nascent Origin Level number, all of which is the peerless expert, which is not necessarily suppressed by relying on many people.

Maybe this Nascent OriginBlack King” of Eternal Palace, cultivation base may not be as strong as Six Heaven Saint Factions‘s Nascent Origin, but he must be good at stealth and shadow assassination.

If such a Nascent Origin wants to escape with one heart, 3-5 and Nascent Origin may not be able to stop him!

If he loses his way, the dog jumps the wall. If you give up the escape and prepare to pull a few backs in desperation, then ten Nascent Origins may not prevent him from Heaven Saint City core area, causing a tragedy!

So, although the combat power of the cultivator side is more than ten times that of the Immortal Cultivator side, no one dares to take it lightly.

The cultivators surrounding the group have already made up their minds if Nascent Origin in Immortal Cultivator really appears. Even if you give your life, you must hold him dead!

Third, the leak plugging group.

Including Li Yao. Most of the cultivator who have been called together temporarily belong to this group, mainly responsible for the outermost periphery. The other party is likely to escape from the entrance of the first Planetary Ring and form a third line of defense.

Heaven Saint City is too big. The top ten Planetary Rings on the periphery and not to mention, the core urban area in the first Planetary Ring alone is a huge super metropolis.

During Refining Edge Association, the crowds have skyrocketed. In order to cope with the expansion of tourists and participants, countless materials have to be delivered from the remaining Nine Elites Planetary Ring to core area every day. Therefore, a lot of Star Harbor and docks were temporarily opened, and countless barges traveled between the first Planetary Ring and the remaining rings. The terrain environment is very complicated!

So, you need to plug the leak group, and control each node where the other party may run away.

The entire “Operation Broken Miasma” ​​was simulated countless times in Grand Void Illusion World before a set of the most perfect plan was introduced, all factors were taken into account.

At the moment, ambushing with Li Yao near the ventilation pipe access port on the 55th is the Battle Armor Department young associate professor who has the most frequent consultations on Meteor Elite University and is most familiar with each other. cultivation base reaches Crystal Armor expert Ye Hongfei of Core Formation Stage.

At the same time, Ye Hongfei is also a teacher of Li Yao’s Crystal Armor.

Two months ago, Li Yao found the Meteor Elite University school and said that he had come to Heaven Saint City for so long. He deeply realized the power of the super Magical Artifact platform “Crystal Armor” and hoped to learn the way of Crystal Armor control.

Exactly, Ye Hongfei had had several discussions with Li Yao before, and the two got along well, and they readily agreed to use their spare time to teach him some basic knowledge of manipulating Crystal Armor.

Teacher Sha, are you a little nervous?”

Ye Hongfei stared at the dozens of pictures split from the light curtain, which were the member of the strike group and the surrounding group. The main angle of view shot through Crystal Eye allowed the peripheral leakage blocking group to be with them in real time. Take control of the progress of Operation Broken Miasma.


In the depths of Li Yao ’s left eye, a flicker of blood swelled, forming a magical ring of blood outside the pupil, flashing away, the corner of the mouth curled up, licking the chapped lips, “I ’m not nervous, just I ’m so hungry that I ’m trembling. “

Ye Hongfei said: “Hungry? I still have a few concentrated Spiritual Energy sticks here, do you want it?”

Li Yao shook his head: “Thank you, no, I am not hungry, Spiritual Energy is not enough to feed me.”

Ye Hongfei froze and smiled: “Understood, you are not nervous, you are excited! I went to Heavenly Sword Arena for the first time, when I participated in the unrestricted Crystal Armor fighting competition where I signed the life and death situation, it was the same!”

“You don’t understand, Mr. Ye, this is not the same as the competition you participated in.”

Li Yao slowly rubbed the temple on the left, revealing a very strange expression, both looking forward and enjoying, half-squinted eyes, muttered, “Mr. Ye, you were born in cultivation family, since childhood The genius that attracted much attention, grew up smoothly, entered Meteor Elite University Battle Armor Department, and stayed in school smoothly after graduation. cultivation arrived at Core Formation Stage without a surprise! “

“The most tragic combat you have ever experienced, is nothing more than being held in the arena,” Unlimited Crystal Armor Fighting Competition “!”

“So, you don’t understand at all, what am I expecting!”

“The kind of unrestricted ring games that you have participated in, signed the sign of life and death, but are in the prescribed ring, and watched by countless audiences, in my opinion, is just a game for children. “

“Let me tell you what a real” unlimited competition “is!”

“Taking heaven and earth as the venue, all the stars in various heavens is my audience. Sun and Moon serve as referees, exhausting every strand of divine soul, draining every cell, and burning the last life, even if death is not the end!”

“This is the real unlimited competition, this is the game I am thinking about!”

“Now, this game is about to start, you said, how can I not be excited, how can I not be hungry!”

Ye Hongfei was dumbfounded.

This Core Formation Expert was suddenly blown apart by Li Yao, and it was extremely powerful, fierce, and mysterious.

For a moment, he even felt the urge to tremble.

Ye Hongfei looked pale and stuttered: “Sand, Teacher Sha, what’s wrong with you, it doesn’t seem like Supreme One in peacetime!”

Li Yao was also stunned by the words that he just blurted out. I was puzzled for a long time. I took a deep breath and rubbed my left eye, whispering: “Sorry, Mr. Ye, I was probably a little too excited, too Impulsive. “

“Then, in Operation Broken Miasma, the location we arranged for is too bad. The ventilation pipe inspection port on the 55th is the safest and least likely place to break through Immortal Cultivator. We are arranged here, not to look down on people. Is it? “

Another sentence, Li Yao did not say it.

Since this is the most “safe” and the most “impossible to break through” place, of course there are no top-tier expert arranged around him.

That is to say, the peerless expert in “Immortal Cultivator” in “in case”, such as “Black King“, really “accidentally” broke through from the 55th ventilation pipe, and there was nothing he could do much to help him Teammates!

“No way, Operation Broken Miasma is the real big scene, not to mention you, even if I have been with Cultivation World for so many years, I have never seen so many expert gathered together!”

“This is the real Nascent Origin battle!”

Ye Hongfei saw Li Yao returned to normal, relieved and smiled bitterly, “Although I reached Core Formation Stage, but you are right, my actual combat experience is not rich enough, and those top-tier expert who are battle-hardened Compared to it, it’s a matter of course that it is located in the most remote place! “

Li Yao coldly snorted said: “My combat power can be matched with Core Formation expert, and the actual combat experience is also very rich. Why should I be arranged here?”

This sentence, but he opened the communication channel to say, intentionally let everyone in the entire communication channel hear.

Ye Hongfei glanced at the look of Li Yao’s, and made him completely normal. He touched his nose and said: “Teacher Sha, it is not very pleasant to say, yes, your secret skill is indeed powerful, able to play the battle of about a dozen times Foundation Establishment peak cultivator Li, the ordinary Core Formation cultivator is not your opponent at all, even in the case of Nascent Origin, you can take two moves. “

“But, this is the case where no one wears Crystal Armor!”

Crystal Armor is the greatest invention in the Modern Cultivation world. It is the super Magical Artifact platform, King of Magical Artifacts! A cultivator wears Crystal Armor, combat is completely different!”

“Do n’t look at me when I do n’t wear Crystal Armor, it ’s not your opponent at all, but I ’ve seen it after wearing Crystal Armor. You ’ve seen it yourself. What are the results of our contests? I do n’t need to remind you. ? “

“And your Iron Original Star True Qi Battle Armor …”

“I’m straightforward, don’t be angry. The difference between True Qi Battle Armor and Crystal Armor is like the difference between a buffalo and a rhinoceros. It looks like differs not much, and the increase in combat force is completely different!”

Li Yao stared: “Humph!”

Ye Hongfei spread its hands and said: “I would never say this in front of you, but now I know that you are still an experienced Artificer in Teacher Sha and also participated in Peerless Suit and a series of Crystal Armor Refining, you should have a strong understanding of the power of Crystal Armor, right? “

“Otherwise, two months ago, you would not find the school in a hurry, and wanted to learn Crystal Armor control, right?”

“It ’s just that, in just two months, it ’s also a spare time, three days of fishing and two days of exposure to the net cultivation. I can only teach you a little basics. How high are you at controlling Crystal Armor? Chu Chu! “(To be continued.)

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