Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 54: Three big killers

The supply point is a clearing in the forest. A circle is set up to attack Glyph Array. Once Fiend Beast enters, it will be ruthlessly killed by Glyph Array. Over time, Fiend Beast will not come from a dead end.

A small amount of clean water and food are piled up in the supply points. In addition, there are dozens of military green weapon boxes.

Li Yao glance around, first open a weapon box, take out a set of jungle camouflage Battle Suit and put on.

As for the combat boots, he did not consider it, because the environment in the jungle is too complicated, wearing boots is not convenient to attack, or is barefoot flexible.

Open the second box again, which contains dozens of gleaming alloy swords.

Li Yao is like facing a pile of garbage, kicking it away, dismissive.

The third and fourth boxes are opened one after another, which are full of Magical Artifact components.

Li Yao took a look and found that except for one box containing first-aid medicines, the other boxes were all Magical Artifact components.

He simply opened all the boxes, dumped out the parts, and piled them into a hill.

“What is he doing?”

Monitoring center, cultivator are talking to each other.

The Magical Artifact components of the supply point are used to assemble Magical Artifact for contestant by themselves. The test is the familiarity and practical ability of contestant to Magical Artifact structure.

However, most people just open one or two weapon boxes, take out the supporting components, and assemble one or two Magical Artifact.

“This little guy mixes all the Magical Artifact components together, can he distinguish them clearly? Although they are all the lowest level Magical Artifact, but all the components are added together, there are also thousands of kinds. I want to find the matching components from it. Hard, hard, too hard! “

An High-Level officer shook his head in disapproval.

In the army, the “Group Magical Artifact” competition is also very popular, requiring soldiers to assemble Magical Artifact in the shortest time.

Some experts can even cover their eyes to complete the assembly of low-level Magical Artifact.

However, this competition uses the same Magical Artifact components. No one can mix dozens of different Magical Artifact components. How can this be distinguished?

Although the ranking of Li Yao’s is getting lower and lower, cultivator‘s interest in him is getting stronger and stronger.

Li Yao doesn’t know that in the Distant Expanse above his head, there are so many cultivator watching his performance.

He is still not slow, and he plays at his own pace.

He first found a Crystal Origin Case from the parts pile, and then selected several Magical Artifact parts to be wound on the Crystal Origin Case, and made a very ugly and weird little device.

After completion, take out about twenty more Crystal Origin Case, follow the same process, and finally connect them together.

“What is this?”

In the monitoring center, the cultivators were puzzled, and everyone’s eyes turned to Artificer Specialist Xie Tingxian.

Xie Tingxian thoughtfully said, “Crystal Origin Case is the core of Low Rank Magical Artifact and is responsible for providing Spiritual Energy source for Magical Artifact. However, this challenger is made by Crystal Origin Case, but it is not any Magical Artifact format. A device with a little Magical Artifact function. “

Professor Xie, what use is this device?” an officer couldn’t help asking.

Xie Tingxian groaned for a moment: “It is an explosive device that can destroy the solid Glyph Array in Crystal Origin Case, so that the powerful Spiritual Energy contained in Crystal Origin Case bursts in an instant, generating a powerful explosive force.”

“Does he want to make hundreds of bombs and blow them all the way?”

“It’s not right. He connected more than twenty Crystal Origin Case in series. It’s so big that he can’t carry it at all, let alone throw it out and fry Fiend Beast. Don’t fry yourself to death!”

The officer frowned and fell into deep thought.

Unexpectedly, Li Yao suddenly changed its style after making a large, small and two wafer bombs.

His hand speed suddenly increased in an instant, his hands turned into two phantom, and hundreds of components were quickly selected from the parts pile.

In a crackling crackle, a long sword with a serrated blade quickly formed.

“Fast hand speed!”

There is an uproar in the surveillance hall.

Assembling Magical Artifact is the basic skill of cultivator. Each cultivator has a little understanding.

But at their level, you do n’t have to do anything, just use Spiritual Energy to manipulate the parts.

For a ordinary boy who has not yet awakened Spirit Root, having such a fast and spooky hand speed is definitely a long and arduous cultivation!

“The basic skills are very solid!”

Xie Tingxian nodded again and again, faintly felt that this time he would pick up treasure.

Inside the door, other cultivators only feel that Li Yao has a fast hand speed, only he can see that while maintaining the speed of expert, Li Yao also maintains the stability of both hands, ensuring the Precise and stability of each component assembly. , Not even the slightest disturbance in breathing.


Xie Tingxian blinked, and he found that the assembly sequence of Li Yao seemed to be different from the standard assembly process of this military sword.

At first, I thought that Li Yao was busy. I found out that it was Li Yao that changed structure, and added some small “things” in the least noticeable place.

“Interesting, really interesting.”

Xie Tingxian did not expect that Li Yao, a high school student, could change the classic Magical Artifact structure that had already been finalized.

Although he doesn’t know what effect this small change can have, he has made him nod again and again, and he is more determined to pay attention to Li Yao’s.

Within five minutes, Li Yao has completed the assembly of the first Magical Artifact.

This is a military standard called “tiger shark” Chainsaw Sword!

A wide-bladed two-handed sword with a length of more than one meter and five sides, surrounded by a circle of serrated teeth made of superalloy steel. Driven by Crystal Origin Case, the serrations can rotate with ultra-high speed, the lethality is amazing, and the thickness of the big tree can With one sword cut, Low Rank Fiend Beast’s outer shell and tough bones will not help.

“In four minutes and thirty-nine seconds, this speed has exceeded many veterans in the army.” The officer just lost his voice.

Strictly speaking, this Magical Artifact assembly is just a piece of pre-refined Magical Artifact components, which is not really a “Artificer“.

But by the standards of an eighteen-year-old boy, the Li Yao’s performance is absolutely “excellent”!

Next …

Li Yao didn’t carry the tiger shark Chainsaw Sword out and kill the Quartet as most cultivator thought. Instead, it put Chainsaw Sword aside and picked out a bunch of components to start the assembly of the second Magical Artifact.

The component he chose this time is completely different from the previous one, with a rougher style, fierce, violent, and looks like a sword.

Soon, the length of a handle is slightly shorter, but it is wider and thicker, like a dog-shaped sword in the hands of Li Yao birth.

Thunderclap Warblade?” the officer cried out.

It is also the most basic low-level Magical Artifact, Thunderclap Warblade and Chainsaw Sword. The design idea is completely different. It relies on the shock Glyph Array engraved on both sides of the blade back to generate ultra-high frequency shock waves, which drives the blade to make tens of thousands of times per second. Shock to increase attack power.

Often Fiend Beast’s can be completely shattered with one stroke. In the low-level Magical Artifact, they are all aggressive extreme!

The two design ideas are completely different, and even the opposite Magical Artifact is familiar with Li Yao, as if he has been exposed to these Magical Artifact since he was born.

“This kid, really a monster!” the officer mumbled.

This is not the end. After finishing the second Magical Artifact, Li Yao was buried in the parts pile again, and the third batch of parts with completely different styles were selected.

It only took five minutes, and the force was very heavy. At first glance, the huge War Axe called head was numb and formed in his palm!

Li Yao grip the Movement Glyph Array on the axe and wave it gently.

Several channels of Glyph Array engraved on the surface of War Axe suddenly light up, and the axe blade part becomes orange-red, like a red-hot soldering iron!

This is a thermal energy War Axe known as “Fentian”. Its combat principle is different from the previous two Magical Artifact.

The powerful Spiritual Energy emerging from Crystal Origin Case is not converted into mechanical energy, but is directly turned into a super high temperature heat flow under the excitation of Glyph Array!

With one axe, Fiend Beast’s can be burned into coke!

In just 20 minutes, I completed three low-level Magical Artifact assemblies with very different styles and very different design ideas!

Li Yao has no sorrow or joy on his face, as if to accomplish a trivial matter, took a sip of clear water, and poured some on his hands, rubbing carefully and cooling.

The crowd just discovered that his hands had been burning because of the long-term ultra-high speed exercise, and it was red!


I went to Sanjiang today. Thank you for your support. Lao Niu really has nothing to report!

But I saw a friend leave a message in the book review area, saying that he would give a ticket to Lao Niu Sanjiang-what is that? It sounds amazing.

In short, do you have any Sanjiang tickets, recommended tickets or whatever? Give the old cow more time.

Mixed in the science fiction column, there are infinite in the front, the maiden in the back, and Marvel Tigers next to it. The subject of the old cow is written in an ancient way, which is really difficult.

One more chapter at twelve tonight. Laoiu fights, everyone is free!

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