Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 471: Different ideas

This is the first time Li Yao has put on High-Level Crystal Armor of Meteor Sector. √∟,

The previous “Rock Soldier“, which is only for the civilian Magical Artifact of ordinary people, barely has a negligible combat power after some strengthening of modification. Whether it is the use of Heavenly Material and Earthly Treasure or the computational ability of Crystal Computer, it is all lacking.

This “eight arms”, but the High-Level color from Heaven Saint City, when worn on the body, it is like a warm spring flowing through the skin, without a little bit of stiffness, like wearing First Level as thin as a cicada’s wing Second skin.

Countless streams of information poured into Li Yao’s neural field, and his nerve cluster was completely connected with Crystal Armor‘s crystal wire.

“It ’s really great. It combines the advantages of Combat Crystal Armor and Maintenance Crystal Armor. It not only contains sixteen different types of cutting blade sets, but also seven types of spray guns that can spray different types of Spiritual Energy. Twenty thousand times the microscopic Crystal Eye, and the micro-knife made of diamond crystal, can engrave hundreds of Glyph Array in square inches! “

“This‘ eight-arm ’maintenance function is really powerful, except for the lack of a refinement furnance, almost all maintenance tools are readily available!”

“It’s a mobile repair shop!”

Crystal Armor‘s structure, Magical Artifact contained, and a lot of information rolled down in the form of a waterfall. Li Yao was dazzled, and there was a smile of excitement in the corner of the mouth.

Just …

When he really controlled Eight Arms Crystal Armor and made some of the most basic tactical moves in Training Room, he found awkwardness that he couldn’t say.

Eight Arms Crystal Armor, it seems that he did not inform him of all the information he perceived, but passed the processing of Mainframe Crystal Processor in advance, filtered the complicated information flow, and calculated dozens of response plans.

And he only needs to choose the best one among these coping options.

For example. When he makes a short forward thrust, if it is replaced with Mystic Skeleton Battle Armor, then he must use his spirit thread to go deep into each Propulsion Glyph Array and control the rotation direction of each Spiritual Energy nozzle to the nearest 0.01 degree.

And on the “eight arms”. He just had the idea of ​​”advance” and chose one of the ninety-seven advance modes. The excitation level of Propulsion Glyph Array and the fine-tuning direction of the Spiritual Energy nozzle were all handled by Mainframe Crystal Processor.

As a result, the operation of Crystal Armor is simpler, the response during combat is more sensitive, and the room left for driver to play is less.

Li Yao doesn’t like this kind of feeling very much. He thinks that “Crystal Armor” seems to be a bit more subtle.

Li Yao is still more used. Every Glyph Array on Crystal Armor, every component is controlled by himself. Crystal Armor is just a simple Magical Artifact platform, a tool, and he is responsible for every detail of combat.

As a result, although there is more information to be processed, it is more free. You can do as you like, combat as you like.

Meteor Sector‘s Crystal Armor refining approach. From the beginning, it has embarked on a different path from Heaven Origin Sector. It has paid more attention to the improvement of Crystal Computer performance. When computational ability is improved to a certain level, it will actively screen information, formulate tactics, and Optimize, coordinate and guide the operations of driver! “

“In this way, the operation becomes simple and straightforward, and there will be no hassles. Even ordinary people can easily control Crystal Armor, and then with the” Divine Ability Card “that contains expert moves, it is equivalent to ordinary tactics and tactical tactics. Combine. Power is not to be underestimated! “

“This is probably caused by the special environment of Meteor Sector.”

“The Star Ocean of Meteor Sector is full of war wrecks, and various advanced Magical Artifact and Crystal Computer are innumerable, so the cultivator in this world, from the beginning, has the very powerful Crystal Computer of computational ability, mainly Crystal Computer, also Not surprising! “

“However, in this mode, the play space of Armor Master is severely restricted. It is a bit like a puppet hidden in Crystal Armor. It has lost its creativity. It only needs to choose different tactics, connect them in series, and master It ’s good to release divine ability at the right time! “

“Convenience is convenient, but after Crystal Computer optimized tactics, it is easy for opponents to figure out the rules, then not good!

Three thousand Great Dao, all the rules, Li Yao ca n’t say that Meteor Sector ’s Crystal Armor refinement must be wrong, he just does n’t like it.

Growing up in Magical Artifact Graveyard, the combat rule advocated by Li Yao is the random strain. Even if the same moves are made, they must be fine-tuned when facing different enemies in different environments.

Before this, Li Yao even rarely used fixed moves.

His own “Thunderstorm Slaughter Blade” is just an artistic conception. As for how to cut this knife, it still depends on the situation at that time.

So, Li Yao, who was led by the “eight arms”, was always holding back his body and wanted to screw with Crystal Armor to stubbornly choose the best combat method he thought.

In the eyes of Lei Dalu, when Li Yao is driving this Crystal Armor, it is a little swaying, not so natural and smooth.

Lei Dalu did n’t see anything unusual, but he thought it was normal.

Even if Eight Arms Crystal Armor is placed in Heaven Saint City, it is considered as High-Level. Li Yao cannot be fully grasped at first, it is reasonable!

A’Yao, I also bought three Divine Ability Card, which have been inserted in Crystal Computer, you can try it!” Lei Dalu laughed.

Li Yao nodded and glanced at the Divine Ability Card message in the lower left corner of the light curtain, slightly surprised: “One gold and two silver?”

Divine Ability Card is divided into four grades: general card, silver card, gold card, and white gold card.

The so-called general card is the infusion of divine ability and thoughts by Qi Refining Stage cultivator, which can exhibit Divine Ability Card of Qi Refining level moves.

silver card is refined from Foundation Establishment cultivator and can exhibit divine ability of Foundation Establishment series.

gold card, which is refined by Core Formation cultivator, contains Core Formation Expert moves, and once exhibited, the power is nothing short of extraordinary!

As for white gold card, that is Divine Artifact refined from Nascent Origin Old Monster, insert it into Crystal Armor, and it will pop out Nascent Origin Level and other divine ability!

Of course, if you want to use the corresponding Divine Ability Card, your own strength ca n’t be too weak, at most it can only differ by one line.

ordinary people can only use general card, Qi Refining Stage cultivator can use silver card, Foundation Establishment cultivator can play the power of gold card, and white gold card, Core Formation Expert can use Magical Artifact freely.

Lei Dalu prepared one gold, two silver and three Divine Ability Card!

If you say this Eight Arms Crystal Armor. Can also be regarded as Li Yao repaired Spiritual Energy Protective Shield to help Golden Horn Ship escape Dark Flame Star Belt rewards, then these three Divine Ability Card‘s favor, but owed too much!

Li Yao extracted a trick named “Fleeting Dawn Blade” from a piece of silver card, which was instantly excited!

The speed of Eight Arms Crystal Armor immediately increased by one step. Hundreds of Glyph Arrays flashed suddenly, a ray of light spiraled to the right arm, forming an Fleeting Dawn Blade awn at the fingertips of the close together, “hushing” out of hand, bombarding a metal target on the opposite side, leaving a deep Visible bone cracks.

Li Yao frowned secretly, not very satisfied with the power of this move.

For the same reason, he is an experienced senior Armor Master with combat and already has his own style and philosophy. I don’t like to be commanded by a Crystal Armor, so when the Crystal Armor is launched, the body naturally produces a force of resistance, resulting in some deformation of the final movement.

Li Yao doesn’t agree with Divine Ability Card.

In his opinion, if you want to truly exert the greatest power of divine ability, you must truly understand the mood and mystery of this divine ability, and thoroughly analyze the Spiritual Energy cycle and excitation model. Then reconstruct one side in the way that suits you best.

It is the divine ability that really belongs to you when you show it like this!

Otherwise. But it’s just like a cat or a tiger.

“It seems that the Crystal Armor combat mode of Meteor Sector is not suitable for me.”

“But it doesn’t matter, anyway, I am Artificer. I can do modification on Crystal Armor, reallocate computational ability of Crystal Computer, cancel the process of Crystal Computer pretreatment, and transform into combat mode of Heaven Origin Sector.”

“As for Divine Ability Card, it is usually used for cultivation. It is good to feel expert‘s moves. As for combat, it is still up to you!”

Li Yao thought secretly.

The voice of Lei Dalu from the communication channel seems to have some toothache: “A’Yao, it seems that you are not talented in driving Crystal Armor. I just measured that the synchronization rate between you and Crystal Armor is only 37%. It ’s … quite low. “

The synchronization rate is a very important indicator when Meteor Sector cultivator controls Crystal Armor.

Because the Crystal Armor here have extremely strong autonomous combat capabilities, so often, the strength and weakness of a Armor Master is how high is the coordination and cooperation between him and Crystal Armor.

If you can reach the level of “Person and Armor Unite, the integration of the two brains”, the synchronization rate is extremely high, and you can naturally exert a strong combat power.

The concept of Li Yao’s runs counter to Feixing cultivator. He is like a very unreasonable tyrant. Every detail of Crystal Armor must be firmly controlled in his own hands. Clash with Crystal Computer. It is strange to have a high synchronization rate !

The synchronization rate is 37%, and even the third-rate is not considered in Meteor Sector. The expert in this world must have a synchronization rate of more than 60%. top-tier expert has a synchronization rate of more than 90%!

Lei Dalu laughed and said: “Fortunately, your ideal is to become a Artificer, Maintenance Crystal Armor and Combat Crystal Armor are different, the requirements for the synchronization rate are not high, you don’t need to care too much.”

Of course, Li Yao does n’t care. He has his Dao Heart. Even if the synchronization rate is 0.1%, it does n’t matter. A light smile, sincerely said: “Thank you, leader!”

Lei Dalu has launched a small metal box from the side, engraved with mysterious and unfathomable spirit mark on all sides, saying: “Listen to Xiong Bo, what you are best at is not the repair and maintenance of large type Magical Artifact, but individual Magical Artifact? In those days, the Magical Artifact of many little guys in Tiger Killing Camp were all fixed by you! “

“The little cub of Zhao Nuo went to fight with the Liao Meng knives in the commando team the day before yesterday. As a result, the two battle knives collided, and Liao Meng’s Vibration War Blade was suddenly broken!”

Liao Meng’s War Sword, but the combination of Tianliu Steel and Wujinyan, and has just been polished and repaired by Artificer, the most sharp, but usually more important than his life, no one expected this result. , Call him Ao Ao angry. “

“Even Xiong Bo came to see it, it was amazing, no matter how overestimated you are, or underestimated you!”

“Xiong Bo said that his best areas are Starship maintenance and modification. In the field of individual soldiers Magical Artifact, especially Crystal Armor, there is not much to teach you, so I have to give you this thing. Go! “

“This is …”

The large characters of four reinforced iron bones are imprinted on the metal box, causing the Li Yao’s pupil to contract suddenly, “Crystal Armor World!” ——

An analogy is really an inappropriate analogy. It ’s good to understand the spirit.

The Crystal Armor of Meteor Sector is equivalent to an automatic transmission.

Crystal Armor of Heaven Origin Sector is equivalent to manual transmission.

As an old driver who is used to manual transmission, Li Yao always feels that automatic transmission is not so much. After First Level, manual transmission is more fun to drive.

Well, that’s about it! (To be continued …)

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