Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 3255: Just count it

Deep in neural field of Red Polar Star.

Ten million bundles of silver wire completely replaced his microvessels and nerve clusters, and scanned the vibrations of every brain cell. Using this method to “violently crack” divine soul of Red Polar Star, read every track hidden in the deepest part of divine soul information.

However, when ten million bundles of silver wire invade the deepest part of Red Polar Star divine soul, a blood-colored crystal with infinite lightning is also smashed completely.

In an instant, the red lightning converged into a torrent, and the torrent also converged into the sea. The sea rolled up the surging Frenzy Tide, the thinking Frenzy Tide counterattacked comprehensively, and in turn eroded the will of the earth dormant in “Li Yao“!

The expression of Red Polar Star has once again become extremely mysterious and subtle.

It ’s like an invisible mask cracking, revealing a more real self that he does n’t even know about himself.


The will of the earth manipulates “Li Yao” and raises his eyebrows high, “What is this, a power never seen before …”

Zhang Daniu is in a secret room under your feet. Of course he is not drunk, but is in the most sober state of his life, like a shiny mirror, ready to reflect from Great Universe All information on the battlefield. “

Red Polar Star “honestly” replied, “As for the control system of” Thunderbolt Invincible Super Brainwave Amplifier “, no, there is no, there is no need for that kind of thing, because the whole system has already been launched.”

“Already launched?”

The pictures around the earth ’s will show dozens of super giant type antennas on the outer periphery of the island, and the picture of burning fiercely, “This is impossible. Your system will need three days to complete preparations, and so many antennas have been destroyed by cannon fire. , I have occupied this control room again. Other people than you should have no such authority and can activate the system-you do n’t believe others at all and will never easily hand over vital control authority Someone else’s? “

“Yes, I certainly do n’t trust others easily, but I do n’t know why you are so naive. Believe every word I say, I say that it takes three days to prepare, and you believe it? You are so naive, How to learn from others to be the ultimate great demon king? “

The eyes of Red Polar Star are getting brighter and brighter, without the pain and decadence of the moment, “If I tell you,” Thunderbolt Invincible Super Brainwave Amplification System “has completed all the preparations the day before your arrival, and the real The transmitting antennas are not the ones you see. Those complicated super giant type towers of structure are just cover-ups. The real antennas are hidden deep in the island and underwater, and they are specially prepared for you-‘Elite UniversityLi Yao‘. Do you believe it? ? “

“What, this is impossible!”

Earth will will say, “Even if there is a” Thunderbolt Invincible Super Brainwave Amplification System “, it will not be possible to complete the construction and preparation within one or two months, and one or two months ago,” Elite UniversityLi Yao ” There is no awakening at all. Unless you have the ability to know the prophet, how can you guess that this person has a problem? “

“Of course, a month ago, I did n’t know the existence of‘ Elite University born Li Yao ’, but what does that matter?”

Red Polar Star smiled, “I know that most of your power will be put on the battlefield of Great Universe. At most, you can only mobilize 1% of the power to suppress this kind of” rear harassment “. Even if it is omnipotent, “Earth will” or “Hong Chao“, there are not many tactics to choose from. The most deadly tactic is the “targeted drug”-diving into the Ark Institution‘s nest and directly beheading me.

“However, if the” targeted medicine “wants to work, the most important thing is that it must not cause me to doubt, and what kind of person can absolutely not cause me to doubt? Naturally it is another me, even more than me. Like the Li Yao’s guy!

“So, even if there is no ‘Elite University student Li Yao‘, there will be a ‘middle school student Li Yao‘, ‘staff Li Yao‘, ‘soldier Li Yao‘, ‘unemployed homeless Li Yao‘ or ‘housewife Li Yao‘, in short, as long as it is a Much like a person like Li Yao’s, come to Ark Island, sneak into me, and do n’t believe him or her right! “

“So …”

Earth will gaze at Red Polar Star‘s “hū hūdivine soul, said solemnly spraying sparks and arcs outward, “When did you notice?”

“A long time ago, it was us-all the” Li Yao divine soul fragments “almost completely washed away these things, leaving only the last little” seed “, hidden in the deepest part of my divine soul, and set A trigger condition, when someone tries to brute force and completely devour my divine soul, all the memory information is turned on and the incredible thing is released. “

The power hidden in the depth of Red Polar Star divine soul, in the form of a wave of lightning, madly poured into the will of the earth, showing the edge of Great Universe to the will of the earth, a full new student life form completely different from carbon-based intelligent life , A magnificent journey, a force that cannot even resolve and suppress it in an instant.

That’s … lightnings whose life cycle is calculated in “seconds” or even “microseconds”!

“In short, when all the” Li Yao divine soul fragments “are still one and active in Pangu Universe as the” Vulture Li Yao “identity, I once encountered a full new student life of mysterious and unfathomable or even Civilization on the way of the ancient ruins of Expeditions . “

Red Polar Star raised his hand and ignored his chest, and pointed to his head. “At that time,” Vulture Li Yao “had a deep contact with the plasma torrent. His divine soul and plasma torrent ’s will embraced tightly. Together, you can also understand that a strong current flows through Vulture Li Yao’s neural field and divine soul, by the way … the divine soul weapon that buried you in Li Yao neural field is also called “Ou Yezi“.

“Although Vulture Li Yao at that time did not see through the truth of ‘Ou Yezi‘, it did produce a very uncomfortable feeling, especially when he was exposed to ‘Genesis Civilization‘ and ‘Superbody Civilization‘ deep in the ruins The information is even more vague, connecting the causes and consequences together.

“And his way of thinking, self-will or divine soul, after the baptism of lightning lifeform, also gave birth to a small upgrade-if he is always in a stable state of divine soul, clear thinking, firm will, maybe lightning lifeform can’t cause too much impact on him, just like spark disappears instantly.

“But it happened that he rushed into the” Rainbow Bridge “shortly afterwards, using his flesh and blood and even divine soul as a bomb, destroying the ship with the possibility of” divine soul self-destruct “. Starship full of Pangu Universe coordinate information and Civilization information!

“In the general Human Race time scale, divine soul self-destruct is a matter of an instant. In an instant, everything returns to zero. Even if the peerless expert and computational ability of Spirit Transformation Grade soar to the limit, they cannot think about too many things in an instant.

“However, after the baptism of lightning lifeform, Li Yao’s divine soul structure is very different from the average person. At least the moment of explosion is enough for him to carefully study every detail of his century-old life and find out all the things that are doubtful and inquisitive. Of course, it is also easier. Discover the essence of the so-called ‘Ou Yezi‘.

“The” doubt points “you just pointed out are really good. The so-called ‘Ou Yezi’s remnant soul’ has no logic at all and is completely unreasonable. Compared with all the adventures Vulture Li Yao carried out in Pangu Universe, I got Compared with all the abilities and all the friends and enemies I met, ‘Ou Yezi‘ is too weird, like the ink dots on white paper are so bright, so out of place. “

“How, how is it possible?”

The will of the earth ca n’t believe it, “You just did n’t know the truth of ‘Ou Yezi‘, I’m monitoring your nerves. Your astonishment, shock, despair and anger are all true and can never be faked. ! “

“So, people must deceive themselves before they can deceive those who want to deceive, or those who want to deceive him!”

Red Polar Star coldly said, “This is just a very simple ‘self-hypnosis’ trick. While erasing 99% of life information, the last 1% of life information is highly compressed and packaged into an unremarkable seed, deep Buried deep, and wait until the right conditions to fully activate it.

“Using the new upgrade ability brought by lightning lifeform, Vulture Li Yao took the initiative to split divine soul into countless fragments at that moment, and among the two larger divine soul fragments, there is a very distinctive personality brand, which is’ Li Yao Personality ‘, and’ blood colored heart’s demon Personality ‘, then seal the’ Ou Yezi’s Remnant Soul ‘, which is your’ divine soul Weapon ‘, into the’ Li Yao Personality ‘and the trick will be over. “


The will of the earth said, “You have been aware of the existence of the divine soul weapon, but you have not completely destroyed it, but actively sealed it into the” Li Yao personality “. Why, do n’t you know that such a” Li Yao personality ” ‘As soon as I return to the earth, I will be discovered? “

“It will be discovered by you anyway. Since Li Yao understands that he has passed through Star Ocean and the whole process of coming to the edge of the universe has been manipulated by some kind of power, then when he crosses the earth again, this kind of power will definitely notice his return. . “

Red Polar Star calmly said, “Since you will find it anyway, it is better to take the initiative to create a brighter flame, and use a shiny divine soul fragment to cover up the smaller, dim and deadly fragments.

“What ’s more, since Vulture Li Yao has seen through the truth of” Ou Yezi Remnant Soul “, it can be counted and used as an divine soul weapon for your own use, which will lead you to hook.

“So, the” Li Yao personality “sacrifices itself actively, that is, it is deliberately waiting to be swallowed and merged by you, just to win the precious activity space for the” blood colored heart’s demon personality “, bring you a lot of information misjudgement, guess your best Possible tactics! “

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