Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 3250: Silver eyes

hōng hōng hōng hōng boom!

Li Yao saw a row of white smoke rising in front of the opponent’s row of Warship hidden in the waves, and Revelation Organization fired!

Although the Warship under the opponent ’s command, except for the last aircraft carrier formation, are almost all the destroyers and frigates of the level of the 1960s and 70s of the last century, the mighty momentum is still not underestimated The cannon will only hit a mud pit differently. In the real world battlefield, even the cannon fire coverage of the World War II series can still smooth every mountain on the island of Ark.

At that moment, time seemed to freeze, and the air became something thick and heavy, and the trajectory of each shell flying in mid-air was clearly visible.

No, it ’s not the Li Yao’s illusion, but there is really some kind of mysterious power that forms an invisible force field around the Ark island, even delaying and fixing all the “squeaky” shells. Midair!

The closest artillery shell was no more than fifty meters from the island. Everyone could see it spinning rapidly like a gyroscopic warhead, but it couldn’t move on Half-Step anymore.

Li Yao sensed that dozens of strong magnetic fields of life were surging behind him. When he looked back, he saw dozens of jailbreakers standing in the void, his hands spread out, and his mouth was full of words, expression grave extreme.

The forehead is full of blue muscles, blood is overflowing from the nostrils and the corners of the mouth, and even some people ’s hair turns white at a rate visible to the naked eye. Obviously, blocking the shells from falling down consumes a lot of their physical strength and spirit.


Under the leadership of one of the jailbreakers, they issued a binge at the same time, pushed with both hands, and even pushed the cannonballs scattered across the sky back, following the original trajectory, back to Warship.

hōng hōng hōng hōng Boom!

Before returning to Warship, the shells exploded in mid-air, and a cluster of blood-colored red lotus blossomed between the dark heavens and earth where the rain was pouring.

The shore-based firepower of Ark Island has spread one after another.

It is neither an artillery nor a missile, but a bunch of milky white beams, or arc-shaped, crackling metal projectiles, wind and electricity, whistling away, as long as it can hit an enemy ship, it often penetrates back and forth, destroying and decaying. Fatal injuries, regardless of whether the target is a fishing boat, freighter or Warship, will fall apart in a minute and sink into the cold and deep sea.

It’s a pity that the sea is undulating, and the tide seems to be deliberately against Ark Institution, so that they can’t accurately aim, but instead expose their own turret, and ushered in wave after wave of fire attacks.

Although there are many jailbreakers on the island of Ark, not everyone is in control of Spatial Imperial Control, divine ability distorting the force field, even the deep consciousness who awakened the 7-8 secondary reincarnation memory can interfere with the direction of 3-5 shells Extremely, when more shells are coming, they often spit blood, their faces pale, and they fall to the ground. Even if they can barely interfere with the landing of the shells, they ca n’t escape the range of the Ark island, let alone the original path. Going back, in a short while, a hot ball of fire emerged from the beach head position of Ark island, and the firepower of counterattack suddenly became sparse.

wēng wēng wēng wēng buzz!”

There was a murmur of big head flies on the sea. Li Yao was lying between the interlocking reefs. It narrowed its eyes and looked closely. I saw countless prisoners wearing flying wings and carrying jetpacks. Pounce on Ark island.

After all, the war between the awakeners must end in the way of the awakeners.

Found the enemy approaching, and the jailbreakers behind him also made a final roar.

“For Human Race, for freedom!”

“I would rather never be superborn than to be careful and steal!”

“We are not fighting alone. In the battlefield of Great Universe, the magnificent and extremely glorious ultimate war is also in full swing, persevere, **** battle, victory and hope!”

Many of the jailbreakers also use their own super powers, or the weapons provided by Ark Institution beyond Era, to fly into the air to meet the prisoners of Revelation Organization!

When the awakening men on both sides met shortly, collided fiercely in mid-air, and tangled into a mess, the scene was not much more beautiful than the rogue fights in the city, and even more cruel and ugly.

Just as a jailbreaker cut off the head of a prisoner with a lightsaber, another prisoner used his ability to burn coke, and the second prisoner was also in the next second. The second prisoner planted a “microbial bomb” similar to Gu Poison, and his face instantly turned blue, his belly swelled at a speed visible to the naked eye, exploded, and his internal organs were exploded.

The jailbreaker here just released some kind of brainwave resonance divine ability, forming a shadowless and invisible air Great Array, causing the other party to fall into a state of weakness and stagnation, and the several prisoners over there instantly dried up After the blood was sacrificed, life was sacrificed, and I turned myself into a living skeleton, but a black mist like a worm swarmed from my mouth, breaking the Great Array here, and then both sides were exhausted and unable to resist the ground The heart gravity, planted between waves from a height of hundreds of meters, was completely swallowed by the deep sea.

Even, even those seemingly invincible deep-sea Spirit Beasts—large white fish with colorful fins and brightly-coloured jellyfish, also joined combat under the control of the jailbreakers, but their combat power did not The appearance was so beautiful, it was quickly crushed by the other party’s steel giant, and turned into a cloud of traces in the black sea water.

The opposing carrier ’s formation is getting closer and closer to the Ark island.

In fact, modern warfare focuses on over-the-horizon strikes. Even Li Yao can see each other ’s aircraft carriers with their naked eyes. This has far exceeded the radius of the other party ’s air strikes.

However, due to the stormy weather and lightning flashes and thunder rolls weather, the combat and bombers are really difficult to dispatch, and those who have super powers are hard to solve with fighter planes, so the other party is still pushing forward. It has to be crushed to the beach head of Ark island.

Li Yao! Li Yao!”

Suddenly he heard someone calling him behind him, Ms. Grey Mist!

Ms. Grey Mist ’s face became paler than when she encountered Hunter that day. She grabbed the Li Yao’s wrist and said, “What are you doing here, Red Polar Star wants you to pass right away? The situation has changed. Radio amplification system, he wants you to join him to form the core part of the puzzle! “

Li Yao stunned slightly and looked at the super giant type antennas surrounding the island.

Revelation Organization apparently also found the deflection of these antennas. Many cannon fires were precisely aimed at the antennas and smashed. Although there are prisoners desperately guarding, there are still two antennas High Tower hit by artillery shells and melted in the blazing flames And tilted, turned into a lumpy waste copper rotten iron.

Also, despite the haste, if you do n’t start now, you will never have a chance.

“I will go immediately!”

Li Yao‘s eyes were flooded with light that he didn’t even find. He jumped from the reef and washed down the underground command room.

In the underground command room at the moment, there has been a mess.

Because the folds of the space have been smoothed, the island seems to have been severely distorted. The original straight channel has become a labyrinth. The Li Yao cat leaned on the waist and drilled in the dark cracks. It ’s easy. Only came to the command room full of screens yesterday.

Fortunately, the photoelectric lines and wireless signals here are very stable, and most of the screens still flash a variety of images-both the live scenes of Ark island corners and the surrounding seas, as well as being encountered all over the world The destruction of natural disasters, as well as a series of data and reports.

Li Yao glanced at random, and found that the situation around the world is quite bad-within a few days, natural disasters everywhere, including but not limited to earthquakes, storms, floods, hail and volcanic eruptions, are serious Many times, countless densely populated Human Race traditional residential areas have been razed to the ground, countless economically developed coastal areas have been reduced to water country Ze, and tens of millions of large cities, in the unprecedented super earthquake, It collapses like a building block built by children

This is … the catastrophe of Civilization, the eternal catastrophe!

Looking at the screen, the majestic large cities collapsed, and the beautiful villages were covered with volcanic ash. All the factories and farmland were swallowed by the flood. The heart and fists of Li Yao’s shrank to the limit.

“I have no time.”

Red Polar Star seems to have been hit hard. His voice was ten years old. He was frantically operating on the console. He seemed to be preparing for the “Super Brainwave Amplification System”. He heard Li Yao coming in. Footsteps, without looking back, turned away from Li Yao, “Even if we can only activate 30% of the functions, we have no second choice, you have to help me!”


Li Yao said, “How can I help?”

I was a little puzzled—what about Zhang Daniu? Would n’t it be too much to hangover, ca n’t we get up now?

This guy will be bad!

His eyes glanced back and forth between hundreds of screens, and suddenly his eyes were fixed.

He saw the Revelation Organization fleet on dozens of screens.

At this time, including almost the aircraft carrier formation, a huge silver-white balloon dangled steadily above almost all ships, ignoring the wind and rain, lightning, and cannon fire, and floated into the air.

The diameter of each balloon should be more than 3-5 meters. It is a meteorological balloon designed for high-altitude detection, or an anti-air balloon that intercepts enemy fighters, so it is very strong. Even if lightning is raging around, they ca n’t stop them from flying over. high.

Hundreds of silver-white balloons fluttered and floated between the dark clouds and thunder, like hundreds of silver-white eyes, staring at Li Yao through the screen.

Li Yao’s breathing suddenly stagnated, his heartbeat became very weak, his fists clenched in anger for the destruction of the earth gradually loosened, his fingers twitched unconsciously, but his pupils were slightly enlarged, losing the glory just as deep as a black hole. In the depths of eyes, two silver-white light spots with the size of needle tips appeared.

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