Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 3122: Guess?

With the cry of exhaustion, there seems to be a golden Great Dao at the foot of Li Yao, and this road extending towards the endless distance is like a cold war sword, straight to the female captain and all Genesis Clan ghost soul.

The captain of the female captain and the ghosts of Genesis Clan are determined to be deterred by Li Yao’s, just like the smoke under the Blazing Sun, which is blurred and unsteady by the sunlight.

“I really did not expect that a new Human Race Civilization will appear in hundreds of millions of years, and this Human Race Civilization even has someone like you.”

The captain smiled so lonely and remorseful. She seemed to speak to herself and to the undead of all her compatriots, “If at first … At the end of the earth era, there was also you It would be nice if such a person exists. If there is a person like you around the Civilization leader ‘Wan Zanghai‘ at that time, and he will achieve a balance of good and evil, good and evil, light and darkness, maybe, maybe our Civilization will be completely different. In the direction of development, maybe Hong Chao will not be birth, maybe entire universe sea will become more prosperous, lively and beautiful than today … 10,000 times better.

“In the beginning, it was just the beginning, and today is about to pass, but there are still hundreds of millions of possibilities in the future, waiting for us to create, including the possibility of‘ better ten thousand times better. ’

Li Yao clenched his fists, starting at Lei Ji, “we will definitely create our own future!”


The captain smiled slightly and looked back at her compatriot.

All the ghosts of Genesis Clan laughed with relief, and a plume of pale golden smoke was scattered all over their bodies. It seemed that after suffering and waiting for hundreds of millions of years, they finally waited for the final relief and could not wait to enter an eternal sleep. Too.

“Your performance is better than all possibilities preset by the program.”

The phantom of the female captain is gradually becoming thinner, like ice cubes gradually melting in warm water, but the smile on his face is getting stronger and stronger. “In the” clearance conditions “preset by the program, we mainly test Three points-First, whether tester has absolute freedom and indomitable will, can stick to his own ideas.

“You are right, the concepts of right and evil, good and evil, light and darkness are not things we care about. Who said that evil and darkness in the conventional sense must not be the way out, the key is balance and persistence.

“If tester itself tends to be bright and kind, then we will give him a darker and evil option. If tester itself comes from the weak are prey to the strong, the cruel assassination world, then we will give him the option of light and kind It does n’t matter what you choose, the key is to stick to yourself and not be controlled by us — anyone.

“Second, on the basis of adhering to one ’s own opinions, tester must also have the spirit of sacrifice—not only for its own countrymen, homes and Civilization, but also for its own ideas. However, it is impossible for a guy who robs a girl, who is a prostitute, and who is full of vices to lead an Civilization to glory. Only a true martyr, even an evil and dark martyr, can become a powerful Civilization leader.

“Third, and most important, is to be absolutely sober-minded, knowing trade-offs and patience, even if the temptation to inherit God Grade Civilization cannot shake his Dao Heart, it is possible to avoid the various problems caused by the sudden expansion on the road of Civilization development. To avoid the tragedy of ‘spin up and spin off’, and even resist the invasion of Hong Chao.

“Originally, according to the standard of the procedure, as long as you have the courage to reject the” golden key “of Genesis Civilization, it will be regarded as success, but when we designed Final Test, we did not expect that there would be such things as the” corpse of a hundred pioneers Civilization “. Exist, our original plan, as long as tester rejects the ‘Golden Key’, his Civilization will be retained, and we will also pass Connecting Heaven Tower, drop everything Genesis Civilization, step by step, and slowly teach them to them, of course It’s not a stupid thing to use seedlings and cultivation System to kill them all at once.

“However, think about it now, our setting is still too hasty, and it will only cultivate another little Genesis Civilization that weakens and degrades Version, rather than a new future, or your idea makes sense.

“So, tester Li Yao, I hope that the new generation of Human Race Civilization can really absorb the essence of one hundred pioneers Civilization as you said, inherit the legacy of these ‘brother and sister’, and move forward in this vast Star Ocean in your own way. , Go on without looking back!

“Hundreds of millions of years of waiting, we are so tired, we can finally take a good rest, I hope that when I wake up, the entire universe will really become a 10,000 times better tomorrow, and you have found a solution. Hong Chao method.

“On behalf of Genesis Civilization‘s final will, I sincerely wish you all success, Human RaceCivilization …”

The female captain and all the ghosts of Genesis Clan smiled together and saluted Li Yao, which is both heartfelt wishes and thanks to him. Thank you for giving them a better answer and letting them get eternal relief.


Li Yao feels that there is something in the captain ’s words, but she is sweating full head in the spiritual world, “Do n’t hurry, I still have a lot of confusion and unsolved, many questions are not asked!

“You just said that according to the different nature and moral concepts of tester, the scenes presented by Final Test are also ever-changing. Then I would like to know what the so-called ‘Genesis Civilization Conquest History’ seen by those dark and evil testers by nature Yes, the tragedy at the end of the earth era, “Great Extermination Command” includes the “Solar Defense Project” … Have these things ever appeared in real history, what is the true and false sentence of the voice, and what is the real history? What kind of!

“Also, is the Civilization of a hundred pioneers really destroyed by you, or is there something else?

“Also, what happened to my wife, is it okay, since I have passed the test, can I release them all?

“Also, how about the fierce violent tide of beasts, the fierce violent tide of beasts that is impacting Connecting Heaven Tower? I think this fierce violent tide of beasts is too strange, should n’t it, should n’t Hong Chao ’s tentacles have reached Pangu Universe? Right? “

“History is created by people, and it is also rendered, smeared and tampered with. Even if the history is just a hundred years ago, there are different opinions. There is no one agrees, right and evil, good and evil, right and wrong, who can comment on it?”

The female captain has turned into a golden luminous cluster that ca n’t clearly see the features of the facial features, and there is a faint voice from the luminous cluster, “Even for us hundreds of millions of years ago, the Earth Era, Great Extermination Command and the Solar Defense Program , Also belongs to the category of ‘ancient history’, who knows the truth?

“And, did n’t you say that too, the beginning was just the beginning, the past is long past, the important thing is today and the future, everyone is the past, the condensate of today and the future, what you are like today, history What does it look like in the future, why bother too much.

“How exactly did the Civilization of the one hundred generations of pioneers be destroyed? We have just answered it, of course, there are countless details, countless twists and turns, heartbreaking, thrilling stories, huh, these interesting information are recorded in their Among the remains, if you want to know, why not go to Expeditions yourself?

“As for the ongoing Final Test

“Since you have success breakthrough, there is naturally no need to continue, but I still hope that all Human Race tester can persist, until the moment they fail or success, but even if they fail, they will not accept any punishment. ——In addition to the torture on the soul, I think that this will leave them with a deep memory and let them understand the truth that “any power has a price”. In the end, it is best for you to reveal the truth to them in person. Arrangement. “

“You mean …”

Li Yao thought for a long time, “Let ’s say, for example, a tester success passed all the previous tests and came to the” golden key “link, saw so many Destroy the Heavens and Exterminate the Earth Magical Artifact, amazing divine ability, beyond Imagined technology, he was naturally ecstatic, grabbed the golden key, but found that he had a dream of Huang Liang, and then I appeared in front of him, and he said to him with a smile, all this is fake, and there is nothing too ancient. , The inheritance was rejected by me-like this? “


The female captain said, “What do you think?”

“I think —”

Li Yao said, “I will be killed by them.”

A soft laughter came from the golden light group.

“What about the beast tide?”

Li Yao said anxiously, “Do n’t you think the fierce outside violent tide of beasts is too strange?”

“We are just a small program, which is a last word after hundreds of millions of years of erosion and becoming mottled.”

The female captain said, “We do n’t know anything about violent tide of beasts, even if it ’s really a Hong Chao Regiment striker, we ca n’t do anything about it-within our ability, we can instantly destroy Connecting Heaven Tower and Taikoo ruins, including staying in All the carbon-based life and energy life here, all involved in the turbulent Abyss in time and space, will always become nothingness.

“But I believe this is not the solution you want, isn’t it?

“Hundreds of millions of years, even if Hong Chao really came here, it ’s not surprising that we have made our best efforts, and it ’s up to you to see you next, go, heir Li Yao, to prove that you are not exaggerating , Guys with low expert, go to combat in your way! “

“Are you really just a program?”

Li Yao questioned, and gave my own answer, “I do n’t believe, how can the program be so lively, the answers can be streamed, and even the questions beyond the settings can be answered? Even the ordinary artificial intelligence ca n’t do it!

“Even Pangu Civilization can evolve into super artificial intelligence like ‘Fuxi‘. There is no reason why Genesis Civilization could not be done hundreds of millions of years ago. What are you, is it some kind of super artificial intelligence similar to Fuxi? Literally “the ghost of Genesis Clan“? What did you just mean, “wake up again one day”? Hey hey hey, do n’t play tricks on me, there will be no intrigues, this is a game center game center game, I In fact, all of your responses are in your presupposition, and what you said at the moment is also true and false. After a long, long time, we still have to fight against you with wisdom and bravery, shall we meet again? “

The merging golden light waves came with overlapping laughter, as if there were countless men, women and children laughing together.

Before the golden light waves completely dissipated, the laughter of countless ghosts gathered into two words:

“Guess what?”

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