Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 3061: Creating ancestors

“It really is like this!”

Li Yao heart is making a huge splash.

Although Lu Qingchen just said so, including Li Yao‘s own Expeditions and the scan results, but these words come out from the last words of Emperor, the weight is naturally different.

The inheritance of the black wall maker is not only a great opportunity, but also a deadly catastrophe. If it is not handled properly, all Human Race will face a real end.

The only thing that makes Li Yao a little relieved is that Emperor said that the “curvature of the arc of time” in the archaeological ruins will return to normal after he returned to “Twelve Thousand to Thousand Thousand Thousand Years” for the second time. The fierce beasts and war machines in the city of silver will all be lifted from the seal, wreaking havoc and destruction again.

According to time, it is now, at most one or two thousand years later.

Li Yao used to think that it was due to their limited abilities and negligently letting go of Lu Qingchen, and after Lu Qingchen merged with the Fuxi database, it became more and more mad, arbitrarily, fled into the ancient ruins desperately, and after a series of mistakes By accident, this silver city sealed in “Time Amber” will be activated.

This kind of chain reaction has brought great psychological pressure to Li Yao.

Now it seems that it is not that simple. The time seal left by the black wall maker is not something that Lu Qingchen and Ding Lingdang can do with some brutality.

The time solidification state is slowly being lifted. Ding Lingdang ’s attack on Lu Qingchen has at most slightly accelerated this “release” and “ablation”.

Even without the actions of yourself, Ding Lingdang, Lu Qingchen, etc., the ancient ruins will be awakened for a thousand or two thousand years, and at that time, Human Race Civilization was not at all vigilant to it, and may be wiped out in ignorance of ignorance, The ending will only be more not good.

Since it is hard to escape, it is only possible to take a step forward. At this moment, it may be the best chance to find the answer!

Specialist scholars of Pangu Civilization studied dozens of relics of ancient Civilization, including the decayed corpses of warriors and fragmented war machines, and found that some ancient Civilizations were good at refining machinery and produced countless hollow crystals thinner than cow hair. , And then guide True Qi into the crystal wire to drive a variety of mysterious and complicated machinery, and developed a splendid machinery Civilization; some ancient Civilization took the pure martial way. They used Spiritual Energy to temper the body’s secret skill, which is better than Pangu Civilization. Any race must be exquisite, and the individual who can really carbon-based life, cultivation, is larger and more tyrannical than the mountains; there are some ancient Civilization, which have long embarked on the road of separation between divine soul and the body, they wrapped divine soul with Spiritual Energy, ignoring Stellar radiation and the invasion of Star Ocean Storm freely roamed between sea of stars, and also developed a strange and diverse phantom Civilization. “

gravekeeper said, “In short, since every ancient Civilization can dominate the Pangu Universe, there are naturally extraordinary marvelous skills, and when facing the” test “of the black wall manufacturer, they also follow their own ideas and choose from Crack from different angles, mechanical, martial, musical, optical, divine soul … Unfortunately, every road proved to be a dead end. Hundreds of once brilliant Civilization all came to an end on the dead road.

Pangu Civilization found that no matter how sophisticated its research is in a certain field, there is always an ancient Civilization that is better than them, but all kinds of whimsical, incredible, Pangu Civilization unthinkable attempts, the result is nothing more than It proved another dead end.

“Even in Pangu Clan ’s most proud ‘large-scale ECG’ field, they have discovered an ancient race with a larger ‘third Brain‘ and extracorporeal circulation cooling system than you. You know, Pangu Clan In order to obtain the talent divine ability for ‘large-scale ECG induction’, I had to expand my Brain indefinitely, and even had to expand my body and cooling system, heat dissipation system, and even evolved a special hormone secretion organ to stimulate The generation of coolant, these cumbersome organs make the body of Pangu Clan more and more bulky, unable to adapt to the life of most high-gravity planet, and the internal heat dissipation efficiency of bloated Brain has never been improved, in the fierce operation of combat and ultra-high speed It is very likely to be paralyzed, burned or even exploded.

“This is an inborn illness of Pangu Clan that restricts their further development.

“But there is an ancient race that solved this problem in a unique way.

“This ancient race has the ability of large-scale electrocardiographic induction like Pangu Clan. In order to release and receive the huge brain wave information flow, they are also carbon-based intelligent life, and they have to grow a huge Brain.

“But they are free to control the shrinkage and expansion of Brain, allowing Brain to switch perfectly between the” normal state “and the” combat state “, and they also house a special Spirit Beast, which is a symbiotic relationship with them Can be seamlessly connected with their bodies.

“This kind of Spirit Beast blood is a natural coolant. Whenever they need to enter the combat state, Brain will expand rapidly, and Spirit Beast will also fuse behind them to help them cool Brain, even if it is a fierce battle Down, the Spirit Beast will be killed, but for the owner’s Brain, it will not be hurt at all.

“This kind of whimsy makes the Pangu Clan stunned and unimaginable.

“It’s a pity that at this time, the evolution of Pangu Clan is nearing completion, and they have no natural enemies in Pangu Universe. It is impossible to carry out such intense evolution.

“What’s more, the ancient Civilization with such advanced large-scale ECG divine ability failed to pass the test of the black wall manufacturer in the end, and it still fell into Civilization. The end of nothing, even if Pangu Clan can be greatly improved In addition to repeating the same mistakes, what is the use of my own electrocardiographic ability?

“At this time, researchers at Pangu Civilization discovered two things.

“First, it is true that the ancient Civilization is superior to Pangu Civilization in almost every field. Only in the field of genetic research, more precisely, in the field of gene replication and fusion, is it slightly worse than Pangu Civilization.

Nüwa Clan in Pangu Civilization is a natural fusion and replication of Specialist, and their bodies are simply mobile genetic research laboratories.

“Second, they accidentally found some traces left by some black wall makers in‘ Connecting Heaven Tower ’, perhaps the body Organization like hair and blood.

“A crazy idea flashed in the minds of Specialist scholars of Pangu Civilization.

“Since the entire hundred wreckages of ancient Civilization have proved that even the strongest Civilization can not pass the test, can it be explained that only the black wall manufacturer can pass this test?

“Using Pangu Civilization‘s advanced gene fusion and replication technology to create a 100%, pure, real black wall maker, and then he will test on behalf of Pangu Civilization whether it can completely reveal the ancient ruins. Mystery?

“This is a crazy idea, and the probability of success is also quite low. It is simply desperate gambling.

“But Pangu Civilization has no choice.

“Before the discovery of the ancient ruins, Pangu Civilization‘s Expedition Army has crossed the almost infinite black wall, and has seen the vastness, vastness, desolation and despair of Multiverse, as well as the aggressive, brutality of Hong Chao Regiment, and hidden behind Hong Chao Regiment How terrifying ‘Hong Chao‘ is.

“Communication is two-way.

“Since Pangu Civilization can break through the black wall and rush out, then Hong Chao and its lackey/claws and fangs can naturally break through the black wall and break in to destroy Pangu Civilization.

Pangu Civilization does capture most of the Hong Chao Regiment, but it ca n’t guarantee that there will be no one or two missing fish, it will summon a more powerful fleet, and a force far above the Star Ocean fleet.

“In order to survive, they must first grasp the greater power and find out more truths before the enemy ’s next wave of offensives arrives.

“The enemy ’s enemy is a friend. The black wall maker does not look particularly friendly. They treat all the carbon-based intelligent life of birth in Pangu Universe with ruthlessness, but from the information they left, they are also the same. It was driven here by Hong Chao, and it was impossible to hide all day long. Since Hong Chao is a common enemy, then if Pangu Civilization can reproduce a new black wall manufacturer, the two parties may be able to communicate, and Pangu Civilization may be able to directly use the black wall manufacturer ’s Power, there is no need to go to the mysterious and unfathomable ‘test’.

“With this original intention in mind, the project of” Copy Black Wall Maker “was launched and supported by the most abundant resources and the most elite research team of Pangu Civilization.

“It’s a pity that with the Pangu Civilization gene technology, if you want to copy the black wall maker whose Civilization is 100 times more advanced than yourself, it’s like ants want to breed elephants. It’s more difficult than going to the sky.

“The progress of the project was very unsuccessful. Indeed, it did n’t take long for them to copy out a batch of ‘Human Race‘ that looks like black wall makers, but these people are just inconspicuous, but without the wisdom of black wall makers. And power, like hairless monkey.

“Or, it is easy to create Human Race, but it is far from what technology of Pangu Civilization can do to release 100% of the power of the seal deep in the Human Race gene chain.

“Even with Nüwa Clan‘s genetic talent divine ability, if you want to sort out the intricate and unfathomable gene chain of Human Race, it is still impossible to complete mission. How does any small cell in Human Race work? For Pangu Civilization, it is all a “black box state”. Based on the most powerful Super Crystal Computer at that time, equipped with “Fuxi System“, Cyclonus reached the limit speed. To fully analyze the gene chain of Human Race, at least … 10 billion years! “

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