Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 2837: Fuxi Fleet

Ultimate Salvation Ship!”

The four member look at each other in dismays of Yaksha Squad, no one thought that they had a special origin, experienced strangeness, were deeply feared and warned, and they might be infected by Puppet King. They were even qualified to go to … a sacred and core place!

According to the legend, each of the five Ultimate Prosperity High Masters has a grand and meteorological Starry Sky War Fort as their vehicle and temple.

The “Ultimate Salvation Ship” is the liaison center of the five major Starry Sky War Forts, and is the main operation and storage center that maintains the “Fuxi System” of the entire Saint League in the form of “Colony Civilization“.

The vast majority of the data of “Fuxi System” is storage on “Ultimate Salvation Ship“. The information of each “Bee Bee” and “Worker Bee” of the entire Colony Civilization is communicated through Spiritual Nexus spread over hundreds of Greater Thousand Worlds, and then through “Ultimate Salvation Ship” analyzes, integrates, calculates, and retransmits to new nerve endings.

Ultimate Salvation Ship is the “Brain” of the entire Saint League and Fuxi System.

Therefore, some people call “Ultimate Salvation Ship” as “Fuxi“, and call the five major Starry Sky War Fort and large-scale Saint League main fleet condensed with “Ultimate Salvation Ship” as the core “Fuxi Fleet“!

And now, these of them … humble sinners, are they even eligible to enter Fuxi Fleet‘s brain?

Where will they wait for their destiny?

The four member of Yaksha Squad are silent, and Divine Capital is swaying.

Perhaps to see their anxiety, the “photon” continued: “You have been hunting down Puppet King for a long time, divine soul has been tired, especially in the combat of Radiant City, it is very likely to be Puppet King to secret skill Infiltrated and reinvented your Brain, you must get the best treatment.

“Wait for” Ultimate Salvation Ship “, the five Ultimate Prosperity High Masters will work together to get rid of all the viruses in your brain, and those … evil, filthy, unpleasant things.

“When the time comes, you will be able to evolve to a whole new level in a state of sacred, bright, and peaceful, and enjoy the glory that should belong to you forever.

“Please, four.”

He bowed shallowly towards Chu Zhixiao and others, making a gesture of going out.

The main entrance of the inpatient building is opened, and you can vaguely see the jungle with strong guards outside. Numerous Divine Protection Army, Cleaner, Purifier and “Photon” are full of vigilance, staring at the medical cabin between them.

Perhaps, also staring at their every move, including every hair on them.

Chu Zhixiao and Yun Haixin exchanged a look that was too complicated to describe with pen and ink.

In addition to executing orders, they also seem to have no second choice, and no second way to go.

“Let ’s go, everyone.”

Chu Zhixiao took a step, and the ghost made a difference and patted on the head of Spider TankLi Yao’s, “And you, Red Pig.”

between Li Yao’s divine soul, the heaven shaking is making a splash.

The name “photon” just revealed just a few words of heaven.

First of all, the Fuxi Fleet, including the top five Saint League Starry Sky War Fort and Supreme FlagshipUltimate Salvation Ship“, has been secretly mobilized to the periphery of Paramount Heaven Sector?

The vast sky, Star Ocean, the diameter of a Greater Thousand Worlds is calculated in billions or even tens of billions of kilometers. On such a large scale, the traces of Human Race-whether Federation, Empire or Saint League, are like The dust is falling, the needle in the haystack is extremely difficult to search and lock.

Not to mention the fact that the Imperial Capital is empty, most of the Empire elite have been transferred to the rear to deal with remnants of Four Great Emperor Selecting Marquis Families, only Xiaoming, Wenwen, etc. Information Lifeform controls the highly automated defense System, plus some of the old and weak Imperial Guards , Barely maintaining the Imperial Capital line of defense.

So, the main force of Saint League really sneaked into the outer periphery of Paramount Heaven Sector, for example, a barren Star Field that is tens of billions of kilometers away from the polar sky. Using Star Ocean Storm or stray radiation to cover up your existence, it is indeed very possible. Hidden across the sea, quietly assembled and rectified.

Of course, the distance of tens of billions of kilometers, relying on crystal fuel and working fluid power system for conventional navigation, is still an insurmountable sky.

Even if the entire Fuxi Fleet can maintain a conventional cruising speed of one tenth of the speed of light-this is only theoretically possible. In reality, this is simply the fleet ’s “full army assault, deadly charge”, which is impossible. If it is kept for too long, it will take one and a half years or even 3-5 to reach the resource-rich area of ​​Paramount Heaven Sector.

This is still the case where the Empire people have been stupid enough to find that this fleet does not exist and do not harass them.

And once the Empire people harassed and intercepted, and waited for the existence of Fuxi Fleet, then they completely lost the advantage of “sudden attack” and became a long journey to find their own way.

So, when the distance between the two sides is extended to more than one light years , the length of the distance within three dimensional space loses its meaning. Anyway, no matter how far the distance is, the problem must be solved through four dimensional space jump.

Even if the Saint League main fleet is really quietly assembled outside the Paramount Heaven Sector, it still needs to perform another Star Ocean jump to appear above the Imperial Capital, which is only a psychological deterrent.

However, for Li Yao, this intelligence still means two things.

First, the strategic battle of the Saint League people is really on the verge, even if it is not so exaggerated in three days, they will definitely strike Imperial Capital in a week or a maximum of one month.

Second, if they are going from the jump outside Paramount Heaven Sector, then it is considered to be in the category of “medium and short range jump“. The jump accuracy is relatively high, and it takes only a little time to get rid of the chaos caused by the spatial ripples after jump status.

For Empire and Federation, this is not good news.

Fortunately, now, Li Yao also has a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to directly plug into the heart of Saint League and the “master brain”, Ultimate Salvation Ship.

It is even possible to find five Ultimate Prosperity High Masters there, and come directly to “one pot of risotto”!

It’s just that the entire “Operation Catching Ghosts” including the **** mission currently scheduled for Yaksha Squad is full of strange flavor and intrigue. Li Yao doesn’t know what kind of secret is hidden on Ultimate Salvation Ship.

Will that be a trap?

If it is a trap, who set it for whom?

In a short moment, Li Yao’s computational ability soared to the limit, so much so that Mainframe Crystal Processor of Spider Tank almost made a “wēng wēng” abnormal sound.

Zuo Siyou thinks, he feels that he has not exposed, even if there are really traps, it should not be prepared for himself.

The key point is that his stay in Saint League was a temporary intention, even unexpected, and no one expected the change.

Half a month ago, he could not even think of himself, he would become … such a weird life form, and was trapped in Spiritual Nexus of Saint League.

If there is really a large scale, structure precision, interlocking trap, would n’t it come up with 3-5 within a day? 3-5 days ago, he didn’t even know what he was going to do. How could the enemy predict his actions?

So, this trap must not be designed for him.

So, dive into Ultimate Salvation Ship to find out, and even engage in a little damage at a critical moment, isn’t it his specialty?

“Very well, now Five Great Ultimate Prosperity High Masters‘s attention should be focused on Puppet King, they can’t even dream of it. The” lethal virus “sent to the main brain of” Fuxi System “is not one, but two, except Puppet King and me. Vulture Li Yao ‘ah!

“This is the rear of the Saint League. Staying here is extremely difficult to contact with your hometown, but if you go to the front line, close to Paramount Heaven Sector, you may have the opportunity to contact Xiaoming, Wenwen and Fist King!

“Even if Saint League really launches a surprise attack on the heart of Empire’s so quickly, I can cooperate with Xiaoming and Wenwen inside and out, and in the Brain of Saint League, I will spread a little bit of love!

Puppet KingLu Qingchen is really so finished? I always find it too simple, too easy, and hidden behind Lu Qingchen, the mysterious existence that turned him into ‘Puppet King‘ has not yet appeared, this mysterious existence will Won’t you also want to do something with ‘Ultimate Salvation Ship‘?

the mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind; sandpiper and clam war together, the fisherman catches both-but now who is the praying mantis, who is the carduelis, who is the sandpiper, and who is the fisherman? I believe, there will be an answer soon.

“Then come, let me see what the so-called‘ Saint League ’s master brain ’looks like!”

Li Yao thought in silence, followed Yaksha Squad from a secret Teleportation Array, and returned to the dock in the peripheral area of ​​Eternal Radiance Ship.

A crystal clear, streamlined small type shuttle is waiting for them here.

There are still few soldiers around. The few Divine Protection Army and “Photon” are fully armed with mirror Crystal Armor, without revealing the slightest gap, and they are like enemies, alert to the appearance of deadly infection sources.

Even the auxiliary Battle Puppet is the simplest low-level model of structure, as if fearing that Puppet King will suddenly wake up and invade and control these puppets.

You can see through the fist-sized observation hole above the medical cabin that Puppet King is still asleep.

He seemed to be sealed in a whole piece of jadeite, and he slept very smoothly, quietly and peacefully.

The Crystal Computer light curtain on the side shows his brain waves at any time, like a sleeping baby.

Of course, this Crystal Computer installed in the medical cabin is completely isolated from the wireless network. Even from the refining of structure, the possibility of networking is eliminated.

But they did not deprive Li Yao of their ability to access the Internet.

It is impossible to deprive.

This is enough.

The shuttle is like an embroidered needle made of crystal, which slides out silently. Eternal Radiance Ship , Heading towards the edge of “Jingzhongjie”, Starship The bright light around him is getting more and more shining, as if to make a small hole in the darkest place.

The light blue gel fills the entire cabin, fixing everyone in their seats, including the medical cabin sealed with Puppet King.

However, when the “three-dimensional” and “four-dimensional” transitions, the qualitative barrier will be broken, and that is the best opportunity for communication and erosion.

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