Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 2828: When I wake up

“Just a video.”

Chu Zhixiao asked, “Don’t you ever doubt that Ultimate Prosperity High Master has the possibility of fraud?”

Li Yao‘s heart moved, knowing that Puppet King‘s confusion just now planted the seeds of doubt in Chu Zhixiao heart.

Otherwise, she would never ask the question “Will Ultimate Prosperity High Master be faked?”

Of course, for Li Yao, Chu Zhixiao ’s suspicion is not a bad thing. The suspicion is right. Just look at who will lead after the suspicion, is it Li Yao or Puppet King.

“I have long known the virtues of those in the family, what else can I doubt?”

Yun Haixin smiled bitterly, “Even if there is no Ultimate Prosperity High Master video, I also know that my wife and children must have a very difficult life in the family and may even have life worries.”

“Then what?”

Chu Zhixiao continues to ask, “You know that your wife and children are in a life-or-death crisis, then how?”

“Then, Ultimate Prosperity High Master gave me two options to make a deal with me.”

Yun Haixin lost his eyes and fell into a painful past. “At that time, my children were about to reach adulthood. Under the mental calculations of the Chou family, they were very likely to be sent to a secret training camp with a very high mortality rate. Through the hardship of life and death, it will also become a family hidden in the dark, a life-long killer, an assassin who specializes in dirty work, and such incomprehensible characters.

“Alternatively, they will repeat my mistakes and be sent to the front, as a cannon fodder, to die meaninglessly.

“In case they really fall into such a fate, and they are separated from their mother for a long time, the end of my wife can be imagined-she was not a woman who was too strong, and was first hit by the loss of her husband, To help the two children solve the predicament, they are almost driven crazy.

“Without Ultimate Prosperity High Master telling me, I know very well that if I do n’t take action, I will be separated from my wife and my family will die.

“And the two choices Ultimate Prosperity High Master gave me are also very simple-first, he can perform” brainwashing “on me in accordance with conventional procedures, just like other Empire captives, to wash away my memory and self, let me in Spend the rest of my life in turmoil.

“And the power of Saint League will also give up the monitoring of my wife and children, let them die by themselves, and be bullied to death by the family’s enemies.

“If I yearn for the help of … the gods, then keep my head clear, join in Saint League, and complete the mission that Ultimate Prosperity High Master has explained.

“Under the premise of completing mission, I can do anything I want, no matter how cursing and complaining, it ’s okay to grab a Saint League person and swear, and the gods can … forgive me for my recklessness and ignorance.

“Then Ultimate Prosperity High Master will launch Saint League to lurking in Empire’s to help me rescue my wife and children and send them to Saint League!”

“I understand a little bit.”

Chu Zhixiao thought for a while and said, “This was something that happened 20 years ago, but you haven’t joined Yaksha Squad for less than ten years. In the previous ten years, what exactly did you do with mission?”

“A lot of mission, such as the identification of” Ambusher “.”

Yun Haixin said, “A lot of resources are invested. The carefully trained ‘Ambusher‘ must be tested by the original Empire people before they are sent to Empire, and the flaws and vulnerabilities that they unwittingly revealed are revised. The loopholes make them more “perfect”. I am both Mind-Mending Master and expert of Nascent Origin Level. Naturally, they are the most suitable for testing them. This work cannot be replaced by the brainwashed “Bee Bee” and “Worker Bee”. “

“Indeed, a sober Empire person can evaluate Saint League people from different angles and find defects that we cannot find. Your value is really high.

“But I still can’t understand, how could you be willing?

“Even if your wife and children are living a miserable life at Empire, aren’t you the most contemptuous of the” muddy “life of Saint League, how can you agree that Ultimate Prosperity High Master will bring them all to Saint League? “

“Of course it is conditional, that is Eternal Radiance Ship.”

Yun Haixin said, “Ultimate Prosperity High Master showed me the life on Eternal Radiance Ship. This kind of life is quiet, peaceful and happy although it is illusory.

Ultimate Prosperity High Master promised me that as long as I play well for Saint League, it does n’t matter if heart still deeply hates Saint League. Under the premise of completing mission, my wife and children can live on ‘Eternal Radiance Ship‘ forever.

“Of course, their memory area will be sealed, they will no longer remember the past, they will be born as a member of Radiant City, but their ego is still preserved, and still have the past emotions, hobbies and habits , They will get rid of the darkness and usher in the light, and will live happily and carefree in this little Cultivator World! “

Chu Zhixiao opened his mouth and did n’t know what to say.


Wait for her to say that Yun Haixin laughed at herself first, “I am a Immortal Cultivator, but I would rather die than let my wife and children continue to live Immortal Cultivator. I would rather betray my Great Dao and bear the” traitor ” The crime, working with the evil demon in my eyes, just to allow my wife and children to live in the illusory Cultivator World.

“Yeah, you and I are very clear, the world of cultivator is fake, it is impossible to exist, even if it exists, it will not last long.

“But I do n’t expect long-term, I only need one hundred or two hundred years, as long as Ultimate Prosperity High Master ’s“ humanity experiment ”can continue for one or two hundred years, so that my wife and children can be comfortable in Radiant City I have fulfilled my life in a uniform and happiness, and I am satisfied, and my responsibilities as a husband and father have been fulfilled. “

Chu Zhixiao‘s breathing is heavy and disordered.

Obviously, Slaughtering Heavenly Daughter has never felt such a strong feeling of Human Race. This flood of beast-like ripples has caused her to be deeply shocked and confused.

“You …”

She thought for a long time, “Have you seen your wife and children for so many years?”

“I have n’t seen it myself, but I often see videos of them living in Radiant City.”

Yun Haixin said, “You have n’t always wanted to know, what a force like me who is so clear-headed Empire, what is the power to support me in a **** like Saint League for so long, no matter how much I hate here, how disgusting My work is still loyal and meticulous?

“They are the only reason, the shimmer in hell, the most powerful force that supports me alive!”

Chu Zhixiao took a deep, deep breath.

“Your wife and children are not‘ Eternal Radiance Ship ’born and have n’t been discovered in 20 years?”

she asked.

“No, there is a very complete set of processes here that allows outsiders to seamlessly integrate into it.”

Yun Haixin said, “Not only my wife and children, but also many Empire family members, all here.”


Chu Zhixiao stunned, “Why?”

“Do n’t understand yet, the reasons are varied, for example, to make a real” Ambusher “.”

Yun Haixin smiled sadly and strangely, “Do you think that ‘Ambusher‘ is the guy who was deeply brainwashed, then you think of Ultimate Prosperity High Master too simply, the so-called brainwashing and ‘using computational ability to simulate emotions’ Things, even if technology is outstanding, disguised and secret, will be discovered.

“It is impossible to sneak into the highest level of Empire and spy on the core secrets by relying on such artificially made‘ Ambusher ’.

“Let me tell you what the real” Ambusher “looks like. They are by no means Saint League people, nor are they Empire people who were brainwashed after being captured by Saint League, nor underground who are Empire lowest level fanatical believers The original person, but a person like me, a person like me who believes in others, Heavenly Punishment and Earthly Extermination, the weak are prey to the strong, the reason of nature!

“The more senior Immortal Cultivator we are, the more we can see the darkness and evil behind Immortal Cultivation Great Dao, and the less we want our descendants to live in the kingdom of Immortal Cultivator.

“So, the Saint League people used various means to bring our loved ones to‘ Eternal Radiance Ship ’, let them live a fantastic life, and use this method to force us to cooperate.

“Their goals are carefully selected, they are all people who have such deep affection for their loved ones and are willing to give up everything for their loved ones, so almost no one will refuse.

“In this way, we are clear-headed, maintain ourselves, and have rich or even too rich feelings, but still ‘willingly’ become lackey/claws and fangs of Saint League, either stay inside Saint League like me, or lurking inside Empire, It continuously transmits various information to Saint League, helping Saint League to understand every detail of Empire core.

“Stupid Empire authorities, use ‘Spirit Diagram Test‘ to identify Saint League spies. Yes, the latest generation of Spirit Diagram Test can recognize almost all brainwashed Saint League people, but absolutely cannot catch people like me, because we have not been Brainwashing, still maintaining a strong self and emotion!

“Understood, the” Ambusher “you usually see is just a small character who is not influential. It is a low-level intelligence officer. Even those seemingly well-modulated Ambusher are just pretense and can be sacrificed at will. Chips were intentionally discovered by Empire authorities.

“The value of these‘ Ambusher ’is to make the Empire authorities mistakenly think that they have mastered the method of catching the Saint League spy, but they do n’t know that the real spy has not been brainwashed!”

Do n’t talk about Chu Zhixiao, even if Li Yao listens to it, all are secretly startled, and divine soul is covered with cold sweat.

“Emotions of Human Race …”

Chu Zhixiao murmured, “It’s strange, it’s terrible.”

“Yeah, Human Race is such a strange and terrible thing, you can give everything to an illusory dream, burn yourself.”

Yun Haixin‘s face was extremely sad, looking at his shaking hands, listening to the furious roar outside and muttering, “It’s a pity, now, the dream is broken.”


The last one in 2017, from 15 to 17 years, “Forty Millenniums of Cultivation” is about to enter its fourth year. Lao Niu is accompanied by all the book friends. It is really the greatest luck. Happy New Year’s Day, 2018 will come true, good luck, and of course we will also usher in the ultimate secret about the earth, so stay tuned!

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