Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 2503: Black Lion

If Li Wuji really believes in Li Yao’s‘s “integrity”, it is purely spent too long in the septic tank, and smoked his brain.

But for him who lost his fleet and became general without an army, there is no second choice.

And the result of his secret observation at Blue Sky Market this time, the construction of Boss Bai is indeed not a bloated and large conventional fleet, but a small but precise fast-response fleet-in this way, a large number of Starship will be eliminated, Certainly have to form another second-line fleet, under the command of someone!

If so, why can’t this “someone” be him, Marquis Yongchun Li Wuji?

Gentlemen revenge, not too late for ten years, no matter whether it is finally necessary to revenge Boss Bai‘s insulting revenge, at least now, there is no need to turn the face, but to spare no effort to cooperate, first get the fleet, and slowly restore strength.

With this idea in mind, Li Wuji paid homage to Li Yao and Boss Bai, devoted all his efforts to discuss the next stage of the battle plan, and gave a deep courtesy to the two, and then left in small steps.

“I did n’t expect that there is such a thing … Spirit Transformation?”

Looking at the figure of Li Wuji going away, Li Yao said with emotion, “How do I feel that the magnificent Star Ocean center, but there are not many real heroes, Nascent Origin and Spirit Transformation here are far inferior to our Star Ocean at the same level cultivator Ah?

“Very normal, the growth environment of the two sides is completely different from the cultivation mode, even if the realm is the same, it cannot be generalized.”

Boss Bai lightly said, “cultivator of our Star Ocean border is all in the worst environment, relying on the meager resources, and exploring alone, struggling out hard, although our chances of becoming Nascent Origin, Spirit Transformation are very small, and impact the new realm The risk factor is much larger than the center of Star Ocean. However, once we hit success, our harvest is also very large. No matter the body, divine soul or will, we have been tempered by pinnacle!

“What about cultivator in Star Ocean Central? Huh, they often have the most superior family environment, the most complete cultivation facilities, and the astronomical cultivation resources. What they want, as long as they reach out, they are not like us, For a little bit of resources, we must fight for your life!

“I heard that Empire of True Humanity even has a lot of large type Magical Artifact, which can deal with the ‘Heavenly Tribulation‘ caused by the impact of Supreme realm. Think about it. Even Heavenly Tribulation is no longer a threat of High Rank cultivator. These High Rank cultivator are purely accumulated by resources and environment They are all flowers in the greenhouse, and they have not experienced the real strong winds and waves. How can they compare with us?

“It looks like, two rich men in the mall, one born and famous, studied in the best schools since childhood, inherited a lot of family business as soon as they graduated; the other was born in poverty, started from scratch, without connections, one One copper plate has earned hundreds of millions of net worth.

“If their assets are the same, Li Yao, do you think these two rich people, whose character is more perseverant, who is more ambitious and unwilling to fill the wolf nature, who is more likely to win in the commercial battle? “

Li Yao stunned slightly, suddenly realized, nodded repeatedly: “It makes sense, the same is true in Long Yangjun’s Ancient Saint Sector-the fortress was born in a bitter cold place, wild nature untamed barbarian soldiers, a little training is elite, their brutality and bravery often override Above Central Plains King’s Masters, let alone the end of the dynasty, the decayed ‘King’s Masters‘. Now, the cultivator of our Star Glory Federation origin is the HGG wild nature untamed barbarian soldier! “

“Yes, that’s right!”

Boss Bai laughed, “So, I often tell my brothers that cultivation and combat, realm are of course very important, but by no means the most important; under realm, everyone is Nascent Origin or Spirit Transformation, It ’s no exaggeration for the warriors of the Star Ocean border to hit the flowers in these greenhouses in the center of Star Ocean, one enemy two or even one enemy three! “

Li Yao recalled combat after he came to Empire, and found that this was indeed the case.

“The key is not realm, but Dao Heart.”

Boss Bai stretched the palm of make a move, inserted into the artificial sky dome, trying to hold a blue sky in his palm, said, “I am fighting to rush out of Pangu Universe, galloping hundreds of millions of stars; you are fighting for all Human Race of Pangu Universe, at least Fighting for Star Glory Federation, this is the reason for our combat and the source of our strength!

“But what about people like Li Wuji? He did n’t even fight for his family, not for his loved ones, not for his wife and children, but just for himself, for the orphans.

“We have hundreds of millions of stars and hundreds of millions of compatriots in our fists, but in his fists, he is only deadly clenched to himself, even if the two sides have the same strength, the victory is already determined before the fist. “

Li Yao was silent for a moment and sighed: “Boss Bai is right, it’s really weird. When I came to the center of Star Ocean, the place was bigger, but the people I met met with a smaller structure. But rarely encountered real Great Dao Dispute! “

“Not surprising, this is also caused by the environment.”

Boss Bai said, “When we were in Star Ocean, although the place was small and the resources were barren, we had one of the most precious things-hope!

“We know that Star Ocean Central is far better and richer than Star Ocean, we know that the road ahead is still long, so no matter how ugly and painful the reality is, but we are full of hope, this hope is burning Holding us, forcing us to rush forward, climb up, crazy cultivation, and hurricane rush forward regardless of everything!

“However, the people in the center of Star Ocean have occupied the most elite and richest place in the world. They have completed all the known universes in Expeditions. They have almost defeated all the enemies and there is no way ahead. , They ca n’t find anything to conquer and Expeditions, and they ca n’t see any new hope.

“So, what is the use of maintaining a strong curiosity, a hungry desire for survival, and a stubborn will?

“Even if Empire continues for another 10,000 years, it will only remain in its current state for 10,000 years. When Saint League is annihilated, there is really nothing for them to conquer. Apart from their internal struggle, What else can they do, what else is worth their life to sacrifice?

“So, the emergence of Spirit Transformation Old Monster like Li Wuji is not only his own tragedy, but also not only the tragedy of Immortal Cultivator, but the tragedy of all Human Race-if we do n’t want to break through Pangu Universe, find new hope for Human Race Civilization Even if one day Star Glory Federation replaces Empire and Saint League to rule this small universe, it will transform, corrupt, degenerate, lose vitality and enterprising spirit, will become unrecognizable, insignificant, and hold its own One acre and three fields will not be kept.

“The Federation cultivator at that time, no matter how high the realm is, will become what it is today Li Wuji’s.”

When I thought of the scene depicted by Boss Bai, Li Yao shivered deeply.

“You are right, Boss Bai, if the dragon is kept in a small pond forever, sooner or later one day will extinguish arrogance, soak the bones, wear off the lackey/claws and fangs and dragon scales, and turn into a huge earthworm . “

Li Yao said, “If Human Race Civilization is really a giant dragon, we must find for it-the direction to the sea!”

The two looked at each other and smiled, Dao Heart became more determined.

Outside the cultivation, Li Jialing is waiting. The face that is as full as possible is full of uncontrollable excitement.

“Are you ready to go?”

Li Yao asked him with a smile.

“In the past one and a half months of special training, I have not been lazy for a second, and I am completely ready!”

Li Jialing cut through the railway.

“Very good, this time to fight for the mission of Ten Thousand Sectors Merchant Alliance Deacon Jin Yuyan is very critical, and it is full of variables and dangers. The best elites must be qualified to go with me.”

Li Yao said, “Originally, Boss Bai, Long Yangjun and Fist King all wanted to team up with me very much, but after I thought about it, I still ruthlessly rejected them. Why? Very simple,” Tiger brother “, I believe you, Jialing , You won’t let me down. “

“Yes, boy, you better not let us down.”

Boss Bai glared at the side, coldly said, “Li Yao is so easy to say, I can’t bear to give you this precious opportunity, if you mess up, hum …”

“Relax Brother Yao, Boss Bai rest assured!”

Li Jialing blushed, “I will never mess up, I have to go back to Imperial Capital to save … Your Majesty the Empress!”

Boss Bai looked at Li Yao and looked suspiciously: “Li Yao, I will ask you one last time, are you really going to take this kid with you?”

“He does it.”

Li Yao firmly said, “I believe Jialing, he definitely does!”

“Okay, then.”

Boss Bai said sorrowfully, “Then I won’t fight with you junior, well, use this to pick yourself up.”

He threw two cans of drugs to Li Jialing.

Li Jialing copied it and saw it, dumbfounded: “What is this?”

“Hair removal cream and hair dye.”

Boss Bai said, “Do n’t you go to Blue Sky Market with such a striking look? Is it estimated that the first second you enter Hong Kong will be recognized.”

The appearance of Li Jialing is indeed a bit glaring.

It stands to reason that he has long been cultivation to the level of formidable, and there are so many expert assistants of Li Yao, Boss Bai, Fist King, to help him restore his original appearance, should not be a problem.

I do n’t know what unique method Li Linghai actually used. I changed the appearance of Li Jialing from the cell. No matter how Li Yao and others tried it, it did not come back. At most, I moved a few steps to the appearance of “normal Human Race“.

Li Jialing seems to be accustomed to the “Golden Lion” styling, looking at the hair removal cream and black hair dye in his hand, hesitated for a while.

However, when he looked up again and saw that Li Yao was crystal clear, full of trust and expectation, he finally made up his mind.

Clenched his teeth fiercely, nodded and said, “I understand, let’s clean up!”

Golden Lion rushed out without looking back.

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