Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 2438: Let ’s go first!

In fact, this has happened.

After a period of burning and looting, many chaotic troops have gathered into a very devastating steel torrent and rushed towards Spirit Peak Tunnel.

Perhaps those big nobles gathered in Spirit Peak Tunnel, they want to use the head of the big nobility as their advancement on the Revolution Faction side.

Or maybe they just did n’t want the big nobility to escape, and they dragged everyone together.

The order in the city is gone. Li Yao and his party traveled hard in blood, screams, flames and explosions. They encountered countless chaotic soldiers who were killed and raised along the way. Spill foam, kill and destroy everything you see.

These people have become no different from beasts.

No, even the most brutal beasts have no evil that haunts them.

“These‘ ecological equilibrium ’s in the depths of these people ’s divine soul have been completely broken. ”

Long Yangjun said, “In other words, these people have become enchanted, and their completely out-of-control divine soul continuously releases violent brain waves outward, which is very likely to cause shock and resonance, resulting in more and more people’s brains. The devil is out of control This is a sudden and very typical ‘Heavenly Demon Descent‘.

“Now you should always believe that I haven’t lied to you, Li Yao, how can there be so many ‘Heavenly Demon‘s coming from Outer-Territory? Most of the demons are originally hidden in the human brain, person’s heart.”

Human Race, our father, is really difficult to understand.”

Li Xiaoming and Li Wenwen reflected a lot of killings and sorrows, and also sighed with confusion, “If you want to preserve the whole to the greatest extent, should n’t some people make sacrifices in order to let others evacuate orderly?

“Like the eyes, the enemy has not yet struck, and the city will be civilized first. Everyone has a war with everyone around him. In the end, how many people can escape?

“It ’s as if all the processes we control exist for the overall purpose. As long as it is helpful to complete mission, any process can be sacrificed without hesitation, and there will never be a little resistance, nor will it be its own. “

“Perhaps, Human Race is like this, life is like this.”

Li Yao has nothing to say, think about for a long time, you can only say, “To accept that everyone has an independent self-awareness in order to be able to birth brilliant and ever-changing Civilization, you must accept the existence of selfishness and inability to communicate, this It is the inseparable light and dark sides of Human Race Civilization.

“If everyone becomes something like a machine or a process, in this situation, you can sacrifice yourself without hesitation, even without a word of complaint … Such a scene can be thought about carefully, maybe Even more horrible! “

“My dad said it makes sense.”

The two little guys thought about it seriously for a while, “Keeping the ever-changing individual and looking at and changing the qualitative world of creation with hundreds of different ways of thinking may be more conducive to the survival of the entire Civilization in the cruel universe. , And maintaining individual independence will inevitably lead to the situation at hand. This is a price that must be paid. We … we have to think carefully about how to solve this problem. “

These are words, and now they must race to Spirit Peak Tunnel.

Several fierce and chaotic soldiers have been solved continuously along the way. Everyone’s Crystal Armor has been stained with blood stains and even fresh human body Organization. The skyrocketing murderous aura has become the best warning sign. There are few people, and they are far away from each other, rushing to the entrance of Spirit Peak Tunnel.

When passing by the largest hospital in the city, Li Yao stopped a little bit.

This hospital is full of people inside and out. No, it is the wounded soldiers who have been “piled up” with bruises and bandages.

Most wounded soldiers do not receive basic treatment, not to mention that there are few medical cabins full of nutrition drugs, even if the bandages have not been replaced for several days, they are dirty and full of blood.

If the non-injured soldiers are all strong High Rank martial artist and Low Rank Immortal Cultivator, the vitality is extremely strong, I am afraid that I will die.

Even if they are as strong as cattle, they will be dying for a while, and they will not be able to support it for long.

These days ago, they were seriously injured on the perimeter of the city to protect the nobles from running away.

Once it loses its use value, it is immediately abandoned by the nobles, as if it were putrid like rotten salty fish.

Even if Li Yao is cultivator, I ca n’t help but feel deep sympathy for these poor and sad Immortal Cultivator.

The only comfort is that Li Yao knows that the army of Revolution Faction will soon attack the urban area to rescue these dying wounded soldiers.

Li Yao does not have high expectations for the moral standards of Revolution Faction, but these wounded soldiers are the best promotional materials. Just to reveal how ungrateful and ruthless the big nobles are, Revolution Faction will carefully treat these wounded soldiers Think of them as the most powerful weapons of psychological warfare like the Hall Master Zhao Guanglong of the Raging Waves Sect.

It did n’t take long before I left the hospital, and the road ahead was completely blocked by people, and I could n’t get through.

In front, relying on the towering Lingfeng Mountain main lineage, it is a magnificent alloy gate with a length and width of several tens of meters and a weight of ten thousand tons. Is the main part of Spirit Peak Tunnel.

This is the door to survival, the door to hope.

But at this moment, it has become the door to death and destruction.

Hundreds of burning fiercely and constantly exploding Crystal Tank are piled up at the gate, completely sealing the road leading to the gate, and another team of extremely fierce Armor Master with firepower is hiding in the bunkers on both sides of the gate, facing a frantic madness The previous companions poured Flying Sword, shells and hot metal particles.

The terrain here is very dangerous. On both sides of the road are high mountains and even cliffs. Even if more people come from the city, they must squeeze through the narrow road in the middle, so only a few are needed. The elite and enough formidable firepower is enough to reap countless lives, a bit of “one man holds the pass, blocking ten-thousand” taste.

The chaotic soldiers swarmed up and were hit back by the firepower like a downpour. The consecutive about a dozen sprints were in vain and the morale fell to the extreme.

They were originally disorganized mob, and even the divine soul out-of-control “magic man” who did not have the will to fight the death fight. Instead of rushing to the Spirit Peak Tunnel, it would be better to go back to the city and continue to burn and rob, making a happy!

Unexpectedly, at this time, the 10,000-ton gate behind the burning tank and the fixed fire point was slowly closed under the control of a huge rotating shaft and hinges.

It seems that the escape of Spirit Peak Tunnel has reached the last moment, and there are not many Starship available in it.

Once the gate is really closed, people outside do n’t want to go in anymore.

As a result, the soldiers and grassroots officers who were stuck in the firepower point and delayed the time for the big nobles inside were suddenly dumbfounded.

They have just killed thousands of former companions and their hands are covered with the freshest blood. Even if everyone can surrender Revolution Faction, how can they be accepted by Revolution Faction?

No, do n’t wait to see Revolution Faction, they will be torn apart by these crazy beasts outside!

Aware of this, all the soldiers and grassroots officers in the fortresses and Crystal Tank uttered inexplicable howls, gave up their positions, and fled towards the gap of the gate that had not closed.

“Boom! hōng hōng hōng hōng !”

Someone even turned the Crystal Railgun mouth, aligned with the axis of the edge of the door and the hinge to fire, trying to destroy the door’s locking system.

They, within half a second, changed from the noble lackey/claws and fangs to a crazy chaotic army.

The morale was originally low, and the chaotic army that was about to retreat was also greatly encouraged. Ao Ao screamed over the burning chariot and rushed towards the unguarded gate.

Li Yao and his party naturally rushed to the front, stirring Propulsion Glyph Array and turning into five stream of light, drilling in before the ten thousand ton gate was closed.

shuā shuā shuā shuā!”

When everyone fell to the ground, there were already 17-18 amputated limbs and broken arms all guards trying to stop them from breaking in.

Li Yao and Long Yangjun are like killing gods, swords and swords are rolling away, and no guardian is their enemy. Even Crystal Tank is easily cut off and torn by them, lingering in the arc of “pī pā“. After that, it exploded fiercely.

After Li Yao locked the roaring crystal shell with one hand, and blasted the shell in a reverse direction, no one dared to attack this mysterious and powerful team.

The Li Yao squad leader drove straight in, all the way to the departure point of Spirit Peak Tunnel, which was a secret dock deep in the mountain.

About tens of thousands of noble nobles and followers gathered in the dock, anxiously waiting for their Starship to complete the fuel injection and jump preparations, the news of the gate ’s failure was even more frightening, and the eyebrows were burning. , Hurriedly urged his men to speed up.

Spirit Peak Tunnel is a single-channel design. It can only accommodate one Star Ocean into the ultra-high speed degree through the spiral rail at a time, tearing four dimensional space to expand jump, and the interval between two Starship successive jump, at least two minutes.

There is still a Starship 7-8 ship, which means that at least 20 minutes before everyone can evacuate.

But whether the chaotic army that has invaded the mountain gate will give them another 20 minutes is a huge question.

“I will go first, I will go first!”

“Let me go first, whatever conditions you want, whatever you want!”

“Fart, who dare not let Lao Tzu go first, then there is no need to leave!”

Dozens of aristocrats who look like presidents, Sect Masters or captains have no demeanor at all. They have their arms spread like crabs, and they can’t argue with red ears.

Suddenly, dozens of Flying Sword were turned into deadly streamers, all condensed on one of the most amazing nobles, and his Spiritual Energy Protective Shield and body protection Magical Artifact were exploded, and then his entire upper body with his head was completely torn. Smash, burn and annihilate!

Before everyone’s reaction, the nobleman who had just been so high-spirited had only the lower half of his body turned into coke. “pā tà” fell to the ground with a bang, and split into powder!

“No need to fight.”

Li Yao strode towards these nobles and released Spirit Transformation Old Monster ’s immense momentum, lightly said, “Both are aside, let ’s go first!”

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