Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 2376: Father of two boys

Xu Zhicheng‘s eyes flashed a faint light, coldly said: “Our actions are of course more than killing Li Minghui, but for a deeper purpose, there is no need to tell outsiders to know.”

“But I already know.”

Li Yao said, “You want to launch‘ Super Brainwave Amplifier ’and force” Overlooking Sorrow Art “into the minds of countless people, turning them into Sorrowless Church apprentices who are ruthless and desireless, right?”

Xu Zhicheng stunned slightly, turning his eyes to Long Yangjun. Every wrinkle on his face was trembling slightly, but it was forcibly suppressing his anger. I wonder if it was the power of Long Yangjun’s or the shackles of doctrine.

“Yes, I told him.”

Long Yangjun spread his hands and said helplessly, “However, you must believe me in Protector Xu. This person’s danger and strength are not what you can imagine. Conspiracy and tricks like this, even if I don’t take the initiative to tell him, he will use All kinds of weird methods are used to uncover and stop, so it is better to tell him actively. “


Even “Overlooking Sorrow Heavenly Daughter” is so outspoken, Xu Zhicheng is naturally impossible to lie, but it continues to be indifferent like a machine, “As long as we can occupy the geothermal energy factory, we can excite the function of” Super Brainwave Amplifier “to the limit. Let everyone within thousands of miles realize the mystery of “Overlooking Sorrow Art” and relieve all their pain and fear!

“At that time, even if we all die of Huang Quan, even if Li Minghui is not killed, that is no longer important, because our Great Dao has spread, no one can stop the spread and rebirth of Sorrowless Church in underground!”

“You can’t do this!”

Li Yao raises his voice, “Even if you are willing to give up everything, but you can’t force others to wipe out their emotions and desires!”

“This is not coercion, but help, help them forget all their fears and pains, and gain enough power to be Immortal Cultivator combat!”

Xu Zhicheng also raises its voice, Ruohong Zhongdao said, “Look around us and see our lives. For thousands of years we have lived like pigs and dogs, walking dead, life is better than death, enduring forever Endless pain and torture, everyone regards us as weeds and ants, no one has cared about us, helped us, and combat for us! Now, we finally have the ability to fight for ourselves, don’t we want us Give up in vain, but don’t teach it to others? “

“Someone will fight for you, in another better way!”

Li Yao does n’t know how to persuade this man with bruises and bruises, he can only say, “Trust me, I ’m willing to fight for you, cultivator is willing to fight for you! But we still need to think long and need strength. Wait for a better time, let the inevitable sacrifices have greater value! “

cultivator … fight for us?”

Xu Zhicheng was slightly stunned, but soon recovered the steel face without any expression and emotional fluctuations, coldly said, “Impossible, no one has fought for us, never before, never in the future No matter cultivator or Immortal Cultivator, it is a raccoon dog. It is a guy who takes control of the powerful forces and does whatever he wants, bullying the weak, and destroying everything with his own desire!

“I remember, is today’s Immortal Cultivator not the same as the old cultivator? Apart from changing the name, what is the difference? Even the cultivator ruled Star Ocean Republic Era, the lives of our underground people also No better than now!

“In short, we do n’t need the help of cultivator for Sorrowless Church, we will fight for ourselves, we will fight for all the people in the depths of underground who are suffering like us, and we will completely change the world and eliminate all evil and Unfair source emotions and desires!

“Do n’t bother trying to convince me, it ’s useless, otherwise you just kill me directly, I can feel you are far stronger than me, killing me is like killing a bug, huh, huh, In the eyes of you expert, we underground Resident are originally a group of insignificant bugs, right?

“But I tell you, even if you kill me, there will be thousands of people like me who will come forward, and the final victory will definitely belong to us!”

Xu Zhicheng took a step forward, poked straight in front of Li Yao, even raised his head, exposing his “bubu” jumping large blood vessels in the neck.

Li Yao did not intend to make the situation so rampant at first, but wanted to be gentle and drizzle.

Unexpectedly, Xu Zhicheng was such a strong and stubborn man, and he suddenly pushed the topic to a dead end.

So far, Li Yao can’t do anything. Only the sharpest steel wire can be drawn from the messy Brain.

“I will not hurt you, Protector Xu, as I said just now, I will only kill those who forced you to be like this for all of you combat.”

Li Yao took a deep breath and instantly became very calm, “However, if you really want to spread” Overlooking Sorrow Art “to entire underground through ‘Super Brainwave Amplifier‘, you should at least confirm the effectiveness of” Overlooking Sorrow Art “, don’t you?

“Since you are the Great Protector of Sorrowless Church, you should have already transferred” Overlooking Sorrow Artcultivation to pinnacle? Please tell me, have you really found the” eternal peace “, and have you really forgotten all the pain?”

“Of course.”

Xu Zhicheng did not hesitate to cut the railroad, “Under the Enlighten of Overlooking Sorrow Heavenly Daughter, I have forgotten all the pain and completely returned to eternal peace. There is no more darkness and evil things that can erode my divine soul.”

“What about those spotless toys and frames in the next room?”

Li Yao stares deeply into Xu Zhicheng ’s eyes, as if to see through the divine soul from the eyes of this forcibly calm man, “The room outside is so dirty, there are dust everywhere, people like you who are busy with school all day, of course not Too much time and energy to clean, but why is it so clean, it seems like you have to wipe it many times a day.

“If I guessed right, it was the bedroom of your two sons. Those things are your son ’s relics, right?

“Tell me, why do you want to do this, wipe these” meaningless “,” useless “things?”

The pupils of Xu Zhicheng contract suddenly.

For a second, some kind of sadness and anger that could not be described by pen and ink rushed out of the needle tip at the deepest point of his pupil like a flood.

But in the next second, the flood was frozen by him with amazing willpower.

“You, how dare you peep into my room!”

He clenched his fists tightly, and asked in a hoarse voice.

“Yes, I did peep your room very rudely.”

Li Yao carefully observes every expression of Xu Zhicheng, “So, you are very annoyed now, very angry, and want to beat me badly, right?”

“… No.”

The wrinkles on Xu Zhicheng ’s face twitched and he shook his head reluctantly, “I, I have forgotten the smell of anger. If I want combat, I will only fight for the real Great Dao, and I will never fight for such trivial things. Outraged. “

“This is not a trivial matter. If I meet a villain who is despicable and shameless, without my permission to spy on the bedroom of my closest person, I will definitely beat him up!”

Li Yao said, “Look into my eyes and answer my question, why do you wipe your son’s relics three or five times a day? If you really give up the seven emotions and six desires, then these things are simply scrap iron and rotten paper, should be thrown away Go to the garbage dump, don’t you?

“Still say, even if you transfer” Overlooking Sorrow Artcultivation to pinnacle, even if you can discard almost all emotions, you still can’t give up your love for your son?

“Still, even if you recite” Overlooking Sorrow Art “over and over again, you can’t stop your thoughts about your son. You can only wipe these things endlessly, remembering the best and happiest times in the past, even if life is dark. With pain, but the family has a very happy time, right?

“Tell me, does” Overlooking Sorrow Art “really work, does it really make you forget all the pain? I do n’t think so, I think you have always pretended to be deceiving yourself and paralyzing yourself!

“Love and pain were originally two sides of the same coin. How deep love is, how deep the pain is. Since you ca n’t always obliterate the love for your son, you ca n’t eliminate the pain of losing the child, even I ca n’t get rid of it, and it ’s useless to read “Overlooking Sorrow Art” again! “

Xu Zhicheng‘s breathing is clearly rapid.

The original eyess without any waves were shattered by chaotic rocks, and a chaotic ripple appeared. This ripple is like a 10,000 sharp blade, and it is necessary to tear Li Yao.

His blood vessels and muscles swelled uncontrollably. The original yellow-brown skin gradually burst into small blood spots, and even the whole body joints made the sound of “kā kā“, as if two strange forces were fiercely conflicting in the body. .

“Stop talking.”

The steel mask on his face was cracked, squeezing out a terrible face, and screaming like a lone wolf in the wilderness, “I tell you not to talk!”

“Okay, I won’t say it, I will help you.”

Li Yao is going to go to the back room, “My son ’s relic is your last obsession , let me help you burn obsession , you will have nothing to worry about and hinder, you can really cultivation to” Overlooking Sorrow ArtSupreme realm now! “

“Dare you!”

Before the reaction of Brain, Xu Zhicheng had already pounced like a beast, grabbed the collar of Li Yao’s with his left hand, and lifted his right fist like a hammer, with an unspeakable expression of ugliness and ugliness. Fury Flame spewed out of the seven tricks and pores, even if the opposite is not Li Yao, but the incarnation of the gods and gods of the heavens, they must be smashed by his punch!

However, at the moment when the fist was raised high, he reacted, and the face that had just been grievous, together with the broken mask, collapsed.

Sorrowless Church Great Protector, a model worker of Black Iron Group, father Xu Zhicheng of two boys, fell two steps, eyes red, blood shed with clouded tears, look at Li Yao, then Long Yangjun, and at a loss. In his son’s room, he made a vaguely howling.

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