Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 219: Unable to touch the ****

The actual test site is one kilometer long and one thousand meters wide. It is full of rocks, bushes, streams, swamps, and trenches. It is a typical jungle edge landform with a very complex environment. ≥

On both sides of the battlefield, hundreds of meters apart, two monster-level War Beasts stand still.

Both sides filled up crystal, Glyph Array reached its limit, emitting faint Spiritual Light.

Even the floating Spiritual Energy particles in the air are attracted, and figure becomes a faint halo on both sides.

The Wolf King was unscathed in the test just now. Against the backdrop of a pale green halo, the crystal clear jade carvings add a little solitude and pride.

Although Tarantula is not a big deal, the armor is corroded by acid after all, leaving a lot of scars, and it looks like aggressive is fierce.

All viewers were stunned by the powerful and unmatched breath emitted by the two War Beasts, as if watching two real Fiend Beast fights, narrowing their necks one by one, and keeping their eyes intent, and even the argument was suppressed to a minimum.

“The two War Beasts seem to be full of aura. You said, who is the winner?”

“I’m still optimistic about Tarantula, big size, fierce firepower, strong defense, and carry more crystal. With one hit, I can blow the Wolf King!”

“You can hit it too!”

“The speed of the wolf king is fast and the response is sensitive. Although the long-range firepower is a little weaker than Tarantula, the close-kill killing ability is not bad, and structure is mature, and it is very balanced in all aspects. Unlike Tarantula, top-heavy, little horse pulling a large carriage, is simply The lame giant! “

“I dare to assert that unless Tarantula is lucky, he will kill the wolf king from a long shot at the beginning, otherwise, once he is close, the wolf king can definitely use ultra-high speed degree and agility. Consume it!”

Everyone sticks his word and refuses to give up.

While noisy, I suddenly heard another candidate in his thirties sneer:

“You only considered external factors, but you never thought about it. Tactics are the most important thing!”

Illusion Wolf birth has been in countless battles for more than three decades. It has already summarized hundreds of thousands of classic tactics. All storage are among Crystal Computer, which is equivalent to thousands of powerful” unique tricks! “

“The Student Li Yao modification‘s Tarantula, structure, and combat modes have undergone great changes, and most of their” tricks “cannot be used.”

“Even if he can temporarily design some new tactics based on the characteristics of Tarantula’s structure, the complexity and effectiveness cannot be compared with the original classic tactics.”

“So, this fight. The Wolf King will win, and the Tarantula will lose!”

“Fortunately, Tarantula doesn’t have to win. As long as it lasts for five minutes, the two sides have a draw and they are all happy!”

The words of this senior candidate made everyone suddenly realize and nodded again and again.

Just now. A deafening explosion sounded in the actual test site.

The two War Beasts approached each other quickly while pouring firepower wildly.

Scattered rocks. The marsh is transpiration, and the Spiritual Energy in the air is distorted, like a mist that escapes.

combat went hot from the first second!

A series of dazzling dodges of the wolf king flashed away dozens of Crystal Railgun.

Tarantula does not flicker, and there is a thick Spiritual Energy Protective Shield in front of it. He slammed all the attacks and kept on.

The two sides are getting closer, and the firepower is more fierce. Occasionally, the dense cannon fire will collide in the air and dazzle ball of light. Immediately turned into colorful Spiritual Energy tide, and turned into a hot shock wave, tearing the air, ripples ripples, spreading hundreds of meters away, making the battlefield dreamlike.

The figures of the two War Beasts have also become clear, sometimes hazy, and elusive like ghosts.

After a few seconds, the distance between the two War Beasts is less than fifty meters.

At this distance, long-range firepower is no longer important, and melee capabilities will become the key to victory.

Tarantula will suffer.”

A lot of old-fashioned candidates have thought about it, and some people sighed in their hearts, “The transformation of Student Li Yao is first-rate technology, but there seems to be some mistakes in tactical choice!”

“The advantage of Tarantula’s lies in the firepower. Of course, it is desperate to keep a distance. Everyone goes in a circle and fights!”

“Now being approached by the wolf king, once the close combat is started, he will definitely be worn away by the wolf king with his speed and agility!”

Speak time and time soon-

The speed of the Wolf King suddenly increased, turning into a cyan streamer, flashing 7-8 and Crystal Railgun dangerously, and making two vertical jumps, it actually came behind Tarantula!

Tarantula turned desperately, and the turret behind it also turned 360 degrees, firing backwards.

But the eight-foot design is not conducive to rotating in place, and the turret also attacks blind spot at such a short distance.

The wolf king has been hiding in blind spot, narrowing his neck, and several Crystal Railgun brushed over his head.

“It’s over!”

A lot of candidates are exclaimed.

Deep Sea Elite University cheered for joy.

Whether War Beast or Crystal Tank, the most fragile part is always behind the buttocks.

Jiang Shaoyang’s The wolf king very keenly grasped the fatal weakness of Tarantula‘s turning failure, and launched a lore from the back!


The wolf king leaps forward, lackey/claws and fangs oscillates at a high speed, and the destructive power is increased to the limit.


Tarantula’s Under the abdomen, a ball of pale yellow liquid is suddenly ejected, and white plumes of gas are emitted in the air.

Wolf King’s Crystal Eye instantly shrank into two pinholes, dodging again and again. After all, he was in the air with nowhere to borrow. Although he avoided the large-scale attack, he was still sprayed with a small amount of liquid and suddenly issued a harsh “chī chī” “The sound of yellow smoke rose up, and outer shell instantly corroded and was full of sores.

The noble and proud wolf king just now turned into a mottled jackal.

“This is-”

Everyone was shocked, staring at Li Yao with a stunned look.

Jiang Shaoyang is like a lightning strike.

The wolf king rolled on the spot and escaped about a dozen meters in a panic.

Although vital point was not damaged, the majesty completely swept the ground, and he was lingering around indefinitely, and never dared to get close to Tarantula’s butt.

Student Li Yao, then, what is that!”

A candidate from Star Cloud Elite University asked boldly.


Li Yao naturally answered, “Since this War Beast is modification in the form of Tarantula. Isn’t it normal to have a little venom?”

This answer crashed everyone, and everyone couldn’t figure it out:

“But where do you get the venom, or such a highly corrosive acid?”

In the repair shop. All weapons are matched with Illusion Wolf. They don’t remember that there is such a highly corrosive acid solution!

“I synthesized it myself.”

Li Yao explained, “Do you remember that there are two types of materials, i.e., pyrophyllite and porous lanthanum in the warehouse, and refinement furnance‘s coolant contains Qianxing liquid and flying frost liquid?”

“The properties of these four raw materials are very stable, neither poisonous nor corrosive.”

“But as long as both the porphyry and porous lanthanum are ground into powder and mixed in a certain ratio. Put into the mixed solution of Qianxing liquid and flying cream liquid, and then heat it to 175 degrees to 216 degrees, and encounter air , It will show very strong corrosiveness. “

“This is the recipe that I accidentally saw on an ancient remnant. In fact, it is not very useful because the cost-effectiveness is not high. These materials are quite expensive. Now we can artificially synthesize cheaper ones. Acid. “

“What. Why do you do this?”

“Isn’t this easy? The Tarantula I remodeled is slow. It’s heavy, especially the steering is not flexible. The enemy’s first choice must be to fight behind the butt!”

“Of course I’m going to be behind and set up a trap.”

“Behind Tarantula, the abdomen remodeled with a cooling pool is filled with acid. Unfortunately, the Jiang Shaoyang’s Wolf King is too fast, and it was flashed by it. After another half a second, all the acid was split into the brain Come out and solve combat all at once. Oh! “

Li Yao is a bit sorry.

The crowd trembled.

Jiang Shaoyang eavesdropped with his ears beside him. It was cold sweating, and he was secretly lucky.

The situation on the court has changed.

After eating a dark loss, the Wolf King was dormant in the grass, no longer firing, and flew dozens of Crystal Railguns with ease. While consuming the opponent crystal, he was observing the opponent’s trajectory.

Suddenly, it slammed, and Crystal Railgun on both sides of the body popped away.

Unexpectedly gave up long-range firepower and was ready for Give your life!

Without the drag of Crystal Railgun, the speed of the wolf king has been increased by another step, like a green whirlwind, running quickly around the Tarantula.

Tarantula is a little overwhelmed. The Crystal Railgun tower rotates like a fan, firing guns in succession, but it can only crush one green afterimage.

Even if the acid is constantly spitting out, even if the wolf king has been prepared for it, it will have little effect.

Eight slender feet have become a kind of drag, quite a sense of busyness, and bump into each other from time to time.

“This is a tactical flaw.”

Several candidates whispered to each other, “The Tarantula’s tactical setting is too simple, and no way to deal with this circle tactic has been considered. It can only be taken by the opponent by the nose.”

“But this is not a Li Yao’s problem. After all, time is too hasty. How can he set up all the tactics? Non-war crimes, non-war crimes!”

“Look, the Wolf King launched a second wave of attacks!”

The green man flashed, while the wolf king turned around while Tarantula was dizzy, he leaped high and flung back behind Tarantula!

Behind Tarantula, it is both Crystal Railgun‘s attack blind spot and acid attack blind spot, and it is the absolute blind spot that can not be reached by the eight walking feet!

After removing the Crystal Railgun, the wolf king can follow the wound, like a bamboo shoot, and go straight to the core!

“Jump up! Jump up!”

“Stop it! Stop it!”

The palms of countless candidates shed sweat.

The first attempt of the Wolf King failed, and Tarantula stepped on swing down in a timely manner, blocking its attack line.

However, the wolf king is not in a hurry, and continues to execute the circle tactics. While spinning around the Tarantula, he slowly draws it towards the stream.

The stream is covered with pebbles, wet and slippery.

Tarantula is fall into trap.

After three consecutive failures, Tarantula was finally attracted to the side of the stream. The footsteps slipped on the pebbles, a cricket, exposing a huge gap.

Wolf King made a swift move and stood steadily behind Tarantula. He bowed his head and flashed, just passing the Crystal Railgun ultra-close range attack. Then the sharp claws swing down, Releasing Madness, and a whole Crystal Railgun tower, from Tarantula’s. Torn off the body! (To be continued, please search Piaotian Literature, the novel is better and faster!

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