Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 1687: The Dark Queen!

Li Yao is still expressionless, the face seems to be firmly locked by the catty gate, without revealing the slightest fluctuations in the heart, calmly said: “Even if there is Li Yao Group, it is not a feudal dynasty, no wife and no need My Dao Heart, where disciples can be leaders, is not so small.

“Slightly peripheral member can also steer this interest. Group, for example, now Prairie Flame Fleet chief of staff Bai Kaixin, with the support of Li Yao Group, has stabilized for a full hundred years. Guo Chunfeng, who is the director of the Federation Intelligence Bureau, and After those old giants have been swept away, it is very likely that they will become the Double Dragon Alliance chief of ‘Federation‘s first group’, my Senior Brother, Fiend Blade Peng Hai.

“Are these people’s strategies, thoughts, and calculations necessarily worse than Jin Xinyue? I think each of them is suitable to be the spokesperson of this huge Group. I have no reason to object.”

Long Yangjun smiled slightly, not panicking and saying: “Although I think that the Bai Kaixin, Guo Chunfeng and Fiend Blade Peng Hai are indeed slightly inferior to Jin Xinyue, but this is not the point, see who can be the ‘Li Yao Group at the helm’, The key is to get the support of the internal big brother.

“Actually, I see, your Modern Cultivation Civilization Sect competition, the party’s similarities and differences, and our Ancient Cultivation World Imperial Court struggle and even the martial war in the martial arts gang, there is no difference.

“In a martial arts gang, how can I get ahead? Dare to fight and dare, make great contributions to the community, and make a lot of sacrifices. This is of course one aspect.

“But contributions and sacrifices may not be transformed into strength. It is more likely that the community has sacrificed heavily. It was ten years and eight years after being caught in the prison. After coming out, there are people and people. Not only their own old forces have disappeared, And the new benefits that have been worked out through sacrifices have been divided up.

“Sacrifice and contribution are necessary, but more important is the appreciation and support of the big brother!

“That’s the situation that Jin Xinyue is facing. She was involved in the center of the scandal vortex. She wanted to drag the old giants into Abyss. If you completely smash it, you must” kill the enemy one thousand and damage yourself 800 “, Even if you do n’t go to jail, you will disappear for a while and you will be seriously injured.

“At this time, if the big guy of Li Yao Group supports Bai Kaixin, Guo Chunfeng or Fiend Blade Peng Hai … any one of the three people is very likely to pick up the Jin Xinyue’s ‘victory fruit’ and become Li Yao Group, even in the future Jin Xinyue When she came out of the mountain, everything was settled and nothing happened to her.

“So, Jin Xinyue must get the support of the big brother before doing the whole thing.

“The question is coming, who is the real boss within Li Yao Group? Of course you are the number one boss, but you have a secret whereabouts, she is not sure when you will come back, and she is not confident that she will be able to eat. You.

“Besides you, the second pick is Ding Lingdang!

“As your wife, Ding Lingdang already owns the legal rights and interests of many of your remaining shares, and is a major shareholder of Glorious Era Group, Double Dragon Alliance, even Skyfire Organization, etc.

“And within a hundred years, Ding Lingdang has discovered two Greater Thousand Worldss one after another, and made remarkable achievements, creating incredible legends. Prestige and fame even surpass you!

“Not to mention, the development of Patriotic Front for a hundred years and deep cultivation in the New World not only have a very high degree of support in the four New Territories, but also a force that cannot be underestimated in Parliament.

“So, Ding Lingdang is the biggest man in Li Yao Group. Whoever she fully supports, she will most likely become the helm of Li Yao Group!


Ding Lingdang doesn’t like Jin Xinyue, not at all, right?”

Li Yao did not speak, but a bitter smile from the corner of his mouth revealed the answer.

Long Yangjun’s smiled more and more, his eyes bent into two hooks: “Understanding, absolutely understand, how can a guy like a lady like her husband ’s young and beautiful, beautiful and flowery, and some female demon Fiend Qi apprentice What about it?

“In this case, things are more difficult for Jin Xinyue.

Ding Lingdang is extremely disgusted and wary of her, and clearly shows that she will not support her. Even though she has thousands of plans and thousands of tricks, she can make Li Yao Group rise completely. How can the energetic demon girl be willing to plan for a hundred years and get busy?

Jin Xinyue is a very clever woman, and she will not be completely put aside all considerations for face with the maid anyway, because she knows that you will come back one day sooner or later. She neither dares nor needs to be an enemy to you.

“Just kidding, what kind of person are you Old Demon Li? Our Ancient Saint, twelve expert, and all of them are terrified of the three-pointer. How could she be such a clever woman betray you?

“Since she ca n’t betray, and she has to find a way to fix Ding Lingdang, she played the most ingenious trick in the whole game! That ’s right, when repeatedly pondering her entire layout, it was this trick that” softly gang ” Surprise!

“Hey, Old Demon Li, do you think Jin Xinyue will ventilate your wife in advance when planning the whole game? Is it possible for the two to sing double springs?”

Li Yao said: “No.”

Long Yangjun nodded confidently: “I think so too, Ding Lingdang and you are completely two extreme existences, she is not the kind of person who can act and endure, not to mention such a careful layout, the fewer people who know The better, Jin Xinyue is completely unnecessary, and the whole thing is known by Ding Lingdang.

“So, we can even infer that, at this moment, Ding Lingdang still does not know the truth, but really treats Jin Xinyue as one … a woman who is cruel, stolen, indifferent, heartbroken, completely breaking through the bottom line, is the Lu Zui. 2. Federation sinner ‘, right? “

Li Yao nodded: “I think so too.”

Long Yangjun smiled: “If I were Jin Xinyue, I would even think of a way to take the initiative to see Ding Lingdang, deliberately pretend to be arrogant, unforgivable, and indifferent to the friendship of master and disciple, to tease each other and completely inspire Ding Lingdang’s anger!

“Oh, with the Ding Lingdang’s personality, even if you do n’t tease, after knowing what Jin Xinyue does on the surface, it is terrifying enough, not to mention intentionally inspired?

“The result is what we see now. Ding Lingdang really regards Jin Xinyue as a wickedly bad woman, and tries his best to investigate her, deal with her, and crucify her completely!

“Then, in the near future, when the old giants are swept away and Li Yao Group completely dominates Federation, Jin Xinyue will definitely use some very clever way to let Ding Lingdang know the truth.

“The little demon girl will let the master know that she has been enduring humiliation, bearing silently, bearing countless infamy, misunderstandings and grievances, dedication and sacrifice, not for herself and Fiend Clan, but for the master and the master, for the Li Yao Group Can rise!

“That is to say, Ding Lingdang, who is a servant girl, really injustified the little demon girl, and the little demon girl was forced to swallow the bitter fruit by the situation and could not justify it. She tried to hold back the tears of grievance and continued to Master, devoted to the teacher, and devoted to Li Yao Group, sacrificed, even if the power, reputation, and status that he valued most were all collapsed, he was not hesitating!

“Uhhhhhhhhh, once Ding Lingdang knows this” truth “, what will it feel like and how shocked it is!”

Long Yangjun shook his head and could n’t help but applaud, “Great, really powerful, Jin Xinyue, the demon girl, even person’s heart in this field, firmly grasping every change in the inner heart of the lady! Of course, your wife ’s heart is a little bit It ’s a little bigger, but it ’s exquisite to be able to count to this level! ”

Li Yao pouted: “Jin Xinyue is not as powerful as you. Just relying on the surface of the wind and thunder, and more than one hundred speeches of the two people, I guessed so many things.”

Long Yangjun smiled slightly: “No matter how powerful I am, you are not as powerful as Old Demon Li. Because of your expression at this moment, you will realize that Jin Xinyue’s means tomorrow? Why, there are only two of us here, so you’re surprised, Dumbfounded, ‘are you too lazy to pretend?’

Li Yao said: “Ding Lingdang and Jin Xinyue are my closest people. Many tricks and acting skills of Jin Xinyue’s are still taught by my hands. I can see through her tricks. What’s strange? Well, she did such a big deal. , The thing about playing with the maid, when I go back, it will naturally punish her! “

“Punishment, of course, you have to be severely punished for three fines, right?”

Long Yangjun said with a grin, “Jin Xinyue is all playing conspiracy. No conspiracy or shady thing is at least inside your Li Yao Group, and in front of you Old Demon Li, she is completely straightforward and can definitely stand firm.

“tut tut, I appreciate more and more Jin Xinyue, she knew Mistress of his nose and vigilance is extremely difficult to resolve this in private but non-contradiction between the two women, but Human Race of Fiend Clan ingrained preparedness, There is even a taste of Li Yao Group internal checks and balances.

“Under normal circumstances, the ‘big brother’, the maid, will never support herself. No matter how well behaved and filial, she will only raise the vigilance of the maid.

“Since this is the case, it is better to go the other way and deliberately set up a bureau to make the mistress deeply misunderstand yourself, injustice yourself, and even hit yourself hard, until the wood has become a boat, you are really hit by the teacher and the mother. The whole body was full of blood and blood, and then the truth was suddenly revealed. It turned out that I was a good person, wholeheartedly loyal to the master and the mother-in-law, and silently sacrificed for everyone in Li Yao Group!

“Your wife is a straightforward person with a clear character grievances. This kind of person’s emotions are often extremely intense. Both love and hate are extremely extreme. They can’t stand the kindness owed to others, and they will not tolerate that they have wronged the good people.

“So, when the truth is discovered, Ding Lingdang, who is” heartbroken and regretful, “will certainly do everything in his power to compensate Jin Xinyue, a” loyal young student “, even under some kind of quirky guilt, from an extreme To the other extreme, from extreme disgust and vigilance to Jin Xinyue, to extreme trust and support for her!

“Oh, this is what Jin Xinyue wants.

Ding Lingdang is the second gangster of Li Yao Group, and Jin Xinyue who owns most of Fiend Clan as his backing is the third gangster of Li Yao Group. When the two gangsters join forces and the swords are combined, who can Contend with Jin Xinyue? In the next 100 years, her position as ‘Li Yao Group at the helm’ will be stable and unshakable.

“This is the Jin Xinyue’s overall plan. She abandoned a Federation Speaker position that was just useless and useless, and a core old world giant who was not really a source of her real power, but she got the entire Li Yao Group, The whole Star Glory Federation!

“From beginning to end, she didn’t even want to be the ‘Star Glory Federation Supreme Speaker’ of the general ordinary. Her deepest ideal is like planning a ‘Red Tide Plan‘ in the past, which has still deeply influenced the entire Federation’s father Jin Tuyi In that way, it will be able to control the changes of Star Glory Federation in the next hundred years, and truly lead New Federation to rise between Star Ocean … The Dark Queen! “(~ ^ ~)

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