Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 1681: Renovate the old!

In just three weeks, the event continued to ferment, and almost every giant in the core world was placed on the volcano.

And in a corner of Spiritual Nexus, a brand-new point of view was quietly released, and soon flooded into disaster.

Jin Xinyue is certainly wrong, but she is also very pitiful. Think about it. A hundred years ago, as the Fiend Clan virgin, she was carrying all the fate and future of her compatriots. Only Fiend King or Core Formation Stage cultivation base face Those giants who have been in control of Old Federation for hundreds of years and call the wind and summon the rain are omnipotent. In addition to lowering her proud head and obediently obedient, is there a second choice? “

“Yes, she has done so many things with humiliation, burdens, and hard work, but the benefits from it are less than 10%. Most of the benefits have been taken away by those giants!”

Jin Xinyue is innocent. A hundred years ago, she was originally a very kind girl, a pure and innocent girl. Otherwise, how could the legendary Three Sectors Supreme and Vulture Li Yao take her as a student? She is Li Yao’s Disciple, Li Yao is our great hero, so she must be a good person! “

“It’s a pity that Li Yao went too early and lost the protection of Li Yao’s. How can a delicate girl like Jin Xinyue guard the future of his compatriots alone to resist the violent storms of the outside world?”

“Those **** giants lost their masters when Jin Xinyue was the most vulnerable. They took advantage of it and threatened her with the future of Fiend Clan, forcing her to sink deeper and deeper and do so many bad things!”

Jin Xinyue is involuntarily, so pitiful!”

“I am from Fiend Clan, I am a true Federation citizen, but I will always be proud of my blood! Until today, I only know that in order for us Fiend Clan to obtain equal civil rights, Jin Xinyue is secretly Carrying so many heavy things, and those giants who should belong to the old Era can be despicable and shameless to this extent! “

“I am also Fiend Clan. Now that Federation has a population of more than 100 billion people, Fiend Clan has nearly 30 billion. We absolutely support Jin Xinyue. We will never let any giants ride around our necks and treat us as eagle dogs and lackey/claws and fangs! “

“We will only be loyal to Federation and only fight for Federation. We will never be used again by these giants, nor can we tolerate our leader Jin Xinyue, and be regarded as puppets by these giants!”

“I am not Fiend Clan, but I am from Crystal Sector, which is the” New Four Realms “in the core world. I absolutely support the opinions of fellow Fiend Clan compatriots. Star Glory Federation belongs to all the people of the seven Greater World, and it is definitely not from these old Era Left behind, it has long been unsuited to the wealthy ancestors and ancient families of the development of Era! “

New Federation, there should be a new Sect, a new Sect that truly represents the interests of all people of seven worlds!”

In just a few days, such remarks are like stormy waves and super storms, sweeping every corner of the entire Universal Spiritual Nexus.

The investigation is getting deeper and deeper. The rich ancestors and cultivation families who have inherited have several ’s 100-year history have entered the sights of the independent prosecution team. New scandals are exposed almost every day, making all the public dumbfounded and irritated. At the same time, it also proves the correctness of the above remarks.

The market reacted strongly to this “Dark Moon Plan incident”.

The tycoons of the core world are extremely related to the Sects, and their performance in the financial market has been drastically avalanche-like collapse.

Not to mention a lot of Sect seniors and parents of the cultivation family, have been involved in it, and have been or are about to be investigated.

The source said that this time the big scandal of pulling out radishes and bringing out mud will inevitably have a “big shuffle” effect on Federation at both economic and political levels.

Those ancient giants such as dinosaurs that have existed since the establishment of Old Federation hundreds of years ago and a thousand years ago and have continued and expanded all the way to today are very likely to be split and reorganized.

When the split and reorganization are completed, their influence on New Federation is destined to plummet.

In a sense, this is a coincidence but a natural “change of the dynasty.”

The old giants and interests Group are destined to withdraw from the historical stage with the name “Old Federation“; the new giants and interests Group, like the rising sun, continue to shine and defend every land of New Federation!

At this point, although the voting has not officially started, this election has been settled ahead of schedule.

Ding Lingdang, Patriotic Front and New World are the biggest beneficiaries of the whole thing.

The old Sects in the core world engulfed in scandals have long been overwhelmed by themselves, throwing their helmets off and disarming their armor. They just want to get rid of them decently. They are simply unable to withstand the forces behind Ding Lingdang and the angry people who have come to Ding Lingdang. contend.

Federation ’s 12 most authoritative news media made predictions about the election results. The odds of Ding Lingdang being elected have increased to more than 80%, and the odds of Jin Xinyue being elected are less than 7%.

Such an almost ridiculous prediction result, but did not receive too many objections.

Even the most diehard supporters of Jin Xinyue, those “hardcore Fiend Clan” have to admit in the face of irrefutable evidence. At this moment, Ding Lingdang is more suitable than Jin Xinyue to become Federation Speaker, leading them to defend the light.

Under a certain kind of subtle state of mind, or subtle manipulation of public opinion on the Internet, the public seems to have entered the “Ding Lingdang Speaker” Era in advance.

And the concern about Jin Xinyue’s is no longer whether she can become the speaker, but whether she will voluntarily quit the election, and whether she will remove the protection of halo from the “Minister of Development” and be officially filed or even put in prison.

After all, Federation speaks of the law, and Tianda ’s hard work cannot shake the majesty of the law.

If there is really a “director” who manipulates the entire “big avalanche” behind her back, so far, she has calculated almost every detail.

Except for one thing.

No matter how hard she is, it is impossible to count that “Red Lotus Squad” is not really “Red Lotus Squad“, but that twelve come from Ancient Saint Sector, have a Nascent Origin Stage peak and even Spirit Transformation cultivation base, and are unpredictable and complicated chaos in Ancient Saint Sector Fight for hundreds of years old monsters!

If Red Lotus Squad is only Red Lotus Squad, it is a group of people who have hibernated for hundreds of years and ignorant ignorance of Golden Core expert or at most Nascent Origin Initial Rank, it is absolutely impossible to see the truth of the girl who calls herself “Setting Moon sister”

But when this “Setting Moon sister” entered the sight of Ancient Saint twelve expert in a self-catching way, but for half a day, these sharp-eyed, clever and scheming old monsters all saw it one after another

She is lying.


The Transport Ship drawing the Star Ocean Republic battle emblem is slowly moving towards the jump transfer station “Hundred Flowers Star Field” of the Federation seven Greater World. They will supply jump to the capital of Federation directly after making a little supply here.

In a dense room on the ship, “Red Lotus Squad“, or twelve old monsters, including Li Yao, is analyzing the changes of Federation in the last half month.

They did n’t make as much fuss as some people on Spiritual Nexus. They thought that such a big scandal would happen, Federation would be finished, and so on.

Is n’t it just high-level dumping and power struggles? Not only have they seen a lot, and even many people have personally participated in it. They are happy to be expert, such as Long Yangjun, Han Baling, Phoenix Emperor.

The key issue is not in the Federation’s high-level struggle, but in whether the struggle is chaotic, out of control, or intentional, and controllable; whether it is revolutionary, condensed person’s heart, can enhance the power of Federation’s combat, or tear Ethnic groups, expanding contradictions, weakening the power of Federation’s combat?

If it is intentional and controllable, who is behind the scenes?

This person is the real master of Federation in the future. If they really want to negotiate with Federation and talk about the conditions for joining Federation’s, they should talk to this person.

“That little girl is lying, even if all the information stored in her Jade Chip is true, she is lying.”

The master of Nether Cloud Gui Qin, if it were not for Li Yao and Hei Yelan, they would most likely overthrow Great Qian and unify the “Classical Militarism molecule” NN12 of Ancient Saint Sector Han Baling lightly said. “She has received a very professional and clever divine soul cultivation and has control over her neural field Very high, can easily deceive the general lie detector Magical Artifact and Specialist interrogation, but naturally deceived the eyes of all the friends.

“She is lying, what ‘Setting Moon‘ was killed, she fled to us in vain, these are fake, the whole thing is not” inadvertently “leaked out, it is uncontrollable, but in advance Just plan well, link one by one, the purpose is to put the giants of the core world in a dead place!

“This conclusion is undoubtedly, there is no need to talk too much, the focus of our attention is, who is behind to manipulate everything?”

Long Yangjun‘s fundus is frequently colored and smiles: “What’s so great about Fellow Daoist Han?”

Han Baling inspired a 3D light curtain through Mini Crystal Processor: “It’s very simple, who can get the most benefit from the whole thing, who is the person who leads everything behind the scenes.

“No, I ’m not referring to Ding Lingdang. With Ding Lingdang and Patriotic Front alone, it is impossible to break into the eyelids of Jin Xinyue and get so many key materials.

“Please see, this is a list of the top 100 Sect of Star Glory Federation, divided into left and right parts, the left side is marked with red, is affected by this scandal, deeply plunged into the mud, severely weakened Sect; right It is the Sect that hardly affects, or at most involves some small things, which does not hurt the spleen and stomach.

“A closer analysis, did you find anything?

“Everyone sees that the Sect on the left is affected and severely weakened, almost all of them are inherited hundreds of years ago, and are deeply rooted and wealthy traditional giants.

“These on the right, Glorious Era Group, Double Dragon Alliance, Mountain and Sea Faction, Great Horn Armor Division, Iron Original development, Blood Fiend biological nerve, Blood Fiend Drug Manufacture … These Sect and Group, which are rarely affected, are almost all ’emerging forces’ that have only risen in the last hundred years!

“These emerging forces are the biggest beneficiaries of this incident. It is entirely conceivable that in the near future, they will completely override the traditional tycoons and build their own new Era!

“And do these emerging forces have something in common?

“Of course, All fellow daoists must have seen it at a glance, regardless of Glorious Era Group, Double Dragon Alliance, Great Horn Star Ocean Logistic , Iron Original Star Exploit General Guild , Blood Fiend Life Form Nerve Research Board, Blood Fiend Drug Manufacture … they all have inextricable relationships, and these relationships are ultimately implemented in one person!

“Oh, if I were to give these emerging forces a unified name and treat them as a whole benefit Group, it ’s very simple, four words

Li Yao Group!” (~ ^ ~)

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