Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 1101: Death trap!

Ye Changkong adjusted combat Crystal Computer to stealth sniper mode, and embedded a data chip in each of their eyes. The eyes immediately burst into color, and a translucent 3D city emerged, which was the area surrounded by Li Yao on all sides.

In addition to the 3D structure map that goes deep into the dozens of floors underground, there is also the most detailed 3D map corresponding to the ground. Every walkway and every window in every high-rise building are clearly visible, allowing He took the time to study the most secure sniping plan.

Although the coordinates of Li Yao’s have been lost, all the coordinates of Secret Sword Envoy are scattered on the 3D map in the form of dark blue dots.

From their siege, hunt and squeeze, it is not difficult to analyze the approximate position of Li Yao’s. He is like a whale surrounded by countless tiger sharks, there is no way to escape!

Ye Changkong knocked on the temple slowly and ordered Hunting Ship to fly towards the general direction where Li Yao was most likely to rush out, but divine soul turned into a ray of spirit thread and dived into the mysterious and complicated 3D map Among.


He built a wonderful underground labyrinth in the depths of neural field, substituting himself into the role of “Li Yao“, speculating on the most likely escape route on his own.

As Heaven Origin ’s first sniper expert, Ye Changkong is also an Top-Grade assassin. In a sense, he and Li Yao are the same kind of person.

Tibetan hiding, infiltration enemy camp, shadow sniping, moving away from ten ambushes that are impossible to escape, far away … These are both Li Yao’s‘s masterpieces and Ye Changkong‘s centuries of fierce battles, commonplace Daily work.

The sniper in the army is usually a pair of two, a shooter and an observer.

However, after cultivation base reaches Nascent Origin realm. Ye Changkong no longer needs an observer, nor can find a suitable partner for him, even if the elite sniper becomes an observer for him. Nothing can help, but a drag.

Full 30-40 years. He has always been a lone wolf, the same as Li Yao.

After receiving the Li Yao’s mission, Ye Changkong collected all the information about Li Yao’s in the market and studied it for a week, especially the classic success classics of Li Yao.

He even asked Lu Zui to hypnotize him with divine ability of “Mind-Mending Master“, making him mistakenly think that he is “Vulture Li Yao“, cultivation, exercises and daily life in the hypnotic state.

In this way. He has a deep understanding of Li Yao’s‘s mentality, habits and thinking patterns.

For this fellow Chinese who is more than a hundred years younger than himself, Ye Changkong is full of marvels, and even produces a “sympathetic” feeling in the midst, even thinking about it more than once. If it is Li Yao’s, it may be qualified to order He changed his habits for decades and brought an “observer”.

It’s a pity that what he has to do is to ruin this young, over 100-year-old, never-masked “confidant”.

“Children, you still owe shortcomings after all. You will be stupid enough to believe in a woman who hasn’t seen you in a decade and is full of jealousy and anger!”

“If you are lucky enough to live to my age, you will know. Rather believe a Fiend Beast injecting an excessive amount of berserker drugs, and do n’t believe a woman in rage, because the latter’s behavior is even more unpredictable!”

“It’s a pity that you can’t live today!”

“Your mode of action has been fully understood by me. You want to escape from … right?”

The labyrinth in the depths of “Dead Light” Ye Changkong neural field is continuously enlarged, and finally it is fixed in an abandoned area full of rust color in the southwest of Heavenly Capital City.

This is a factory area that is about to overthrow the reconstruction.

A large number of abandoned Magical Artifact factories. Various rusty pipes and black smelting furnaces are piled up like a steel grave.

There is no entrance to the underground city. Therefore, it is not the defensive focus of ground power, and there is no second Nascent Origin within five kilometers.

The terrain here is intricate. No one knows where the intertwined pipes will lead, and as the pace of high-speed urban development accelerates, the neighboring areas have been built into head, a busy business district.

Once sneaking into the business district, there is a great possibility of escape.

“The vast majority of Nascent Origin are guarded at all entrances and exits, but their number is too small after all, it is impossible to grasp every weak link of the entire Heavenly Capital City.”

“You will never choose to escape from the main entrance and exit. In these abandoned Magical Artifact factories, have several unclear pipes directly lead to underground, such as smelting metal coolant discharge pipes, sewage discharge pipes and toxic gas discharge pipes.”

“Just choose a pipe and drill a hole, you can crawl into the abandoned Magical Artifact factory without knowing it.”

“You do n’t even need to drill pipes, you are Demolition Specialist, as long as you calculate the precise orientation and angle, a small directional Crystal Bomb is enough to blow up a road to the ground, at your speed, for a few seconds, Enough to go to a crowded commercial area! “

“Come on, do n’t let me down, show your full strength, see if my bullet is faster, or your body style and sword are faster! I ’m going to remember this whole life for this lesson!”

Ye Changkong sent his instant planning plan to the combat Crystal Computer of all member of the hunting team.

Three seconds later, the entire group of people put on Crystal Armor, jumped from Hunting Ship, and skimmed towards the abandoned Magical Artifact factory area not far away.

Just like about a dozen and Withered Leaf Butterfly, the light falls between the steel jungle.

According to the information from Guo Chunfeng, the pursuit of underground is getting more and more tense, and Li Yao is about to escape to the underground space right here.

The second Nascent Origin nearest to them squatted at an underground city exit seven kilometers away.

Ye Changkong pondered for a while, there was no need to tell the other party about his judgment, so as not to have extra branches.

He has locked the Li Yao’s outbreak location, and there are about a dozen buddies who practice day and night, mastering the method of combined strike, as long as they can delay Li Yao0.1 seconds, it is enough!

shuā!” ​​

Still in the air, twelve small beads popped up behind the Ye Changkong ’s Crystal Armor, and the “pā pā pā crack” popped up, turning into twelve crystal flying finches. status.

Twelve invisible spirits flew to all sides of the abandoned Magical Artifact factory, monitoring every corner firmly.

The hunting team landed silently. For this hunt, everyone ’s Crystal Armor has added invisible Magical Artifact units. They are like a group of chameleons with fangs. They quickly merge into the steel jungle and converge again. The heat dissipation and Spiritual Energy fluctuations, even the breathing and heartbeat are compressed to the limit, dormant between the black **** and the rubble.

The deadly trap has been laid, no matter which piece of underground the Li Yao pops from the abandoned Magical Artifact factory, they can instantly bite him for at least 0.1 seconds!

Ye Changkong is on the southeast corner of the abandoned Magical Artifact factory, with a giant type chimney several hundred meters high at the top.

Here is a high ground. There are no obstacles for a few kilometers. It is a wonderful sniper point. The wall of the giant type chimney is very thick, and a ring-shaped platform is above it. It is very comfortable for kneeling and lying positions.

shuā! shuā! shuā!

Ye Changkong quickly analyzed the 29 coordinates of Li Yao most likely to burst out of the ground through the data and information from jump on the retina wafer. Within five seconds, according to these coordinates, the shooting was set parameter.

He also switched Crystal Armor to stealth mode, and wore a First Level camouflage cloth outside Crystal Armor to prevent Spiritual Energy from escaping. The “Heaven Expell” sniper rifle that also entered the stealth state protruded slightly from the gap of the camouflage cloth.

One crystal essences bullet, hot and hot inside “Heaven Expell“, but his Brain became more and more calm, more and more lingering, entering the mysterious and unspeakable realm!

In an instant, the surrounding buildings and the earth seem to melt into his eyes and become transparent. He can invisibly “see” not far from the underground, countless Secret Sword Envoy chasing and roaring, or It was felt that a stream of light was fleeing toward his preset nineteenth coordinates!

This is the divine ability created by “Death Light” Ye Changkong, and the technique of “Heavenly Vision and Earthly Hearing” is used to pinnacle. Through the ripples and feedback of telepathic thoughts to perceive the goal, all barriers and obstacles will be invisible in his eyes!

“You disappointed me too much!”

The Ye Changkong sighed quietly. Every meridian and muscle around the body was adjusted to the most perfect shape by the lightning instinct. The “Heaven Expell” sniper rifle pointed to the 19th sniping point instantly, even Before the opponent burst out of the ground, he gently pulled the trigger!

No sound, no light, or even the slightest ripples of Spiritual Energy, a crystal essences bullet that passed his prince blood sacrificial refining 998 days, tearing the sky and stab underground!

Just after this almost non-existent crystal essences bullet broke through the boundaries of space and time, and “transient” divine ability spanned hundreds of meters, three things happened at the same time.

First, the ground suddenly burst without warning, and a black streamer whizzed out of underground, which was hit by a crystal essences bullet, and it was torn apart.

If it is not “second”, then this is definitely a textbook-level super classic sniper killing case.

Secondly, the pupil of Ye Changkong contracted fiercely, and every cell around the body made a screaming scream, especially the heart and urinary vesicles. Suddenly realized that the black streamer he hit was not a person, just some kind of Magical Artifact that would escape the faint Spiritual Energy fluctuations and converge into a humanoid!

If it is not the “third”, he will now be fierce, fierce, and fiercely fight a cold war!

Thirdly, just under him, deep in the black chimney, blade glow, like his bullet, neither visible nor inaudible, flashed up at a tide-like speed.

The so-called “tide-like speed” is when people find that the tide is flooding their knees, realize that the tide is coming, and turn to want to escape, it is too late! (To be continued.)

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