Forty Millenniums of Cultivation Chapter 1036: Boneless bones!

After half an hour, also at this desk, kneel down on one knee of Wolf Clan Fiend Emperor Wei Tianqing and swear allegiance to Jin Tuyi, occupying the second place Fiend Emperor.

She has a pair of crescent-like eyes, her bifurcated tongue “sizzles”, her exquisite upper body and the scale-covered snaketail skysuit seamlessly merge together, and the sac on the tail keeps rustling .

This is the attitude of the silver ring sand snake family before launching the offensive.

Snake Clan Fiend Emperor Bai Lianxin is on the verge of breaking out!

In Insect Clan, Snake Clan is a relatively unique lineage. Although the saying goes “snakes, insects, mice and ants“, Snake Clan is quite different from the lineages of Ant, Mantis, and Jinjia.

Most of the Snake Clan is not under the rule of Nether Spring Country , but likes to build one snake after another in Blood Fiend Sector, making System.

The “White Lotus Fort” established by Bai Lianxin is the largest Snake Clan Fiend Cave. With this Fort, Bai Lianxin has become the leader of Snake Clan.

It ’s just …

“The evidence is here, what else do you want to say?”

Jin Tuyi tapped on the desk lightly and pushed an jade slip with Fiend Qi. “Your” White Lotus Fort “was supported by a large amount of secret funds during the construction process, and the source of this fund is Nether Spring Ancestor . “

“In the process of becoming a leader of Snake Clan, many competitors died unclearly, and there is a shadow of Nether Spring Ancestor in it.”

“I am afraid that Nether Spring Ancestor is installed in Myriad Fiends Allied Armies, one of the highest-level secret agent, White Lotus fortress!”

Bai Lianxin smiled sadly: “This is the end of the matter, but what else can you say about the words” Successful King “?

“It’s just that I don’t know anything about the” Spore Project “, I can’t think of it, Nether Spring Ancestor will be so mad at this level!”

“At the time, I thought he just wanted to unify the Blood Fiend Sector and make Insect Clan override the rest of the race!”

“He is Insect Clan Patriarch, we Snake Clan is also a member of Insect Clan. He wants us to do things, and brings a lot of benefits, how can we defy, how dare to defy?”

Bai Lianxin sighed. murderous aura gradually dissipated, and she understood that she was never an opponent of Jin Tuyi.

The weakness of Jin Tuyi is relative to top-tier expert like Blood Robed Old Ancestor and Nether Spring Ancestor.

No matter how weak he is, he is one of the “Blood Fiend Sector Big Four.” It is by no means Bai Lianxin, the second-line Fiend Emperor, can be opposed.

Not to mention the evidence. She is indeed the secret agent of Nether Spring Ancestor inserted in Myriad Fiends Allied Armies. Since the incident happened, it seems that Nether Spring Ancestor can’t be guaranteed by herself, and she is in vain to struggle.

Bai Lianxin closes her beautiful eyes, and all thoughts are gray: “Nothing to say, just die!”

A moment later, I heard “pā”, and the Jade Chip, which contained evidence of her crime, burst on the table.

Bai Lianxin stunned. When I looked up, I saw Jin Tuyi‘s extremely deep eyes. There is also a weird light rippling in his eyes.

In a flash, she understood everything.

After a moment of thinking, the name Snake Clan Fiend Emperor, like the Wolf Clan Fiend Emperor just now, has a noble head.

“The change of spores put Blood Fiend Sector on the verge of extinction. On this occasion, only Commander can turn the tide and save the entire Blood Fiend Sector!”

“We Snake Clan, swear allegiance to Lord Commander!”


This night. Jin Tuyi secretly summoned the about a dozen name Fiend Emperor. When dawn came, his Brain also seemed to be burned by the golden flame, and it was painful again.

However. It’s not time to rest, there is still the most crucial battle to fight!

At 8 o’clock in the morning, in Blood Fiend Ship‘s “Final Battle command center“, an expanded military conference including all Fiend Emperor was held.

The so-called “Final Battle” has been reduced to a joke. After losing 14 Fiend Emperor, it looks like a sparse seat. It is more like a speechless irony.

However, the surviving Fiend Emperor didn’t sneer at all. They were all caught off guard by the unexpected chaos.

This meeting was proposed by Claw Clan Fiend Emperor Yin Tianzun and Insect Clan Fiend Emperor Reverend Xu Feng.

After the death of Blood Robed Old Ancestor and Nether Spring Ancestor, after fleeing, they are also the actual controllers of Lion Slaughter Country and Nether Spring Country .

In theory, it is also the true owner of all Claw Clan and Insect Clan troops.

It’s just that most of their troops are mixed with warriors of all ethnic groups, sparsely lara, waiting for virus detection and identity review.

The two of them proposed to convene the Fiend Emperor expansion General Assembly discussion, the purpose is to sort out clearly, after the completion of quarantine, the army regrouped.

“After a busy night, many troops have completed the inspection and there is absolutely no spores lurking.”

Yin Tianzun is a silver-haired lion with thick hair. He has just obtained the actual control of Lion Slaughter Country. He is full of enthusiasm, full of energy, and wants to make a career. “For these troops, can they be built according to the original system? , To regroup? After all, we are still facing the threat of Nether Spring Ancestor, and we must deal with the powerful ‘Nether Mansion Army‘ at any time! “


The Reverend Xu Feng interface says that the army is their life. Their army was broken up overnight, and they are not under their control. This feeling is really not good. “Nether Spring Ancestor used to be our Insect Clan‘s Patriarch, and it should be our Insect Clan. Solved! I will immediately gather my troops and prepare to destroy ‘Nether Mansion Army‘! “


The voice of Yin Tianzun slowly became severe. “After a tense night, the soldiers were sleepy and hungry. Why did n’t the logistics supplies arrive at this time? Are n’t the wheels and transport troops next to them? Food and crystal Why? Why was n’t it distributed to the soldiers? “


Reverend Xu Feng sang the double spring with him, “This operation” Red Tide “was defeated and the follow-up treatment was so chaotic. Someone must be responsible for this!”

“Whoever is responsible, regardless of it, was picked up with great fandom last night Nether Spring Remnant party! Grab Nether Spring Of course, I am not against the disabled party, but catching the wind and catching the shadows, catching people indiscriminately High-Level The officers all took away the censorship, which caused the troops to be in chaos and they could not be assembled! if Nether Mansion Army What should I do if it suddenly appears? “

Yin Tianzun and Reverend Xu Feng are one by one, and they are all shot at the heart of Jin Tuyi. It seems that the offensive and defensive Alliance has already formed. It is necessary to take the opportunity to shake the position of Jin TuyiMyriad Fiends Allied Armies Commander“!

Jin Tuyi listened silently and nodded gently from time to time, and seemed to agree with the pertinent opinions of the two Fiend Emperors.

He then coughed lightly.

“Everyone, I have a different opinion on this matter.”

Wolf Clan Fiend Emperor Wei Tianqing jumped out: “Fiend God Virus is a new virus unprecedented in Blood Fiend Sector, we have not yet grasped the most thorough detection method, and we do n’t know if there will be certain virus variants, you can avoid the Level Six detection.”

“So, before the whole thing is settled, it is better to be more cautious. It is better not to assemble easily.”

Yin Tianzun suddenly changed color. When I patted the table, four deep claw marks were left on the table: “What do you mean, if Nether Spring Ancestor is not eradicated in one day, will our troops not gather in one day?”

“Naturally not.”

Wei Tianqing smiled, “I just think that the destruction of Eye of Blood Demon caused us to lose a lot of expert, especially the High-Level officers suffered heavy casualties; the subsequent arrest of the Nether Spring remnant party also involved a large number of officers, although not yet I know if they are guilty, but to be cautious, it is definitely not suitable for them to lead troops in the short term. “

“As a result, the lack of a large number of commanders has caused serious interference to the entire command System. Even if the scattered troops are re-started Organization, how much combat power can be exerted?”

“And the Nether Mansion Army has not been eliminated, and the” Spore Project “has not failed completely. It is the most critical juncture, when it is most necessary to unite and twist into a rope!”

“Now that the formation of the various forces has been completely disrupted, it is better to overthrow and disrupt the past structure. According to the existing commanders, a mixed party with absolutely no Nether Spring remnants and absolutely no spores ‘, Absolutely loyal Myriad Fiends Allied Armies! “

“This is of course only an expedient measure. After erasing Nether Spring Ancestor, it will naturally return the commanding power of each unit to each country.”


Yin Tianzun and Reverend Xu Feng were furious, Yin Tianzun Huo Ran got up, patted the table heavily, and left four deep claw marks on the table, grinning at Wei Tianqing, “This is your idea, or whose idea is it? Do you want us to give up military power completely? “

Wei Tianqing raised his head and raised his chest, tit-for-tat against Yin Tianzun: “The big picture matters, Yin‘ dai ’Patriarch!”

Yin Tianzun smiled angrily: “It’s a fool’s dream, I want to see who agrees!”

“I agree.”

Snake Clan Fiend Emperor Bai Lianxin tilted the tail of the snake and shook it slightly, expression grave said, “Blood Fiend Sector is at stake, we can no longer put our own personal interests above racial interests! We have lost so many Chinese High-Level commanders, and the rest of the troops are destined It ca n’t be reorganized as before, so I agree to reorganize the elite Myriad Fiends Allied Armies, our Snake Clan troops will be the first to accept the reorganization! “

“Our troops of Bear Clan also agreed to accept the reorganization.”

A black tower-like Bear Clan Fiend Emperor slowly raised his paw.

“Our Leopard Clan forces also agreed to accept the reorganization.”

“Our‘ Blood Shadow Mantis ’unit is also willing to accept the reorganization.”

A name Fiend Emperor, slowly raised his hands, dozens of meaningful eyes, turned to Yin Tianzun and Reverend Xu Feng.

Yin Tianzun and Reverend Xu Feng were stunned, their faces pale instantly, and they took two steps backwards involuntarily, looked at the arms and blades lifted in midair, and then looked at the expressionless faces of Jin Tuyi, they instantly understood What those eyes mean.

It was looking at “Fish in the bottom of the kettle, dead bones in the mound”! (To be continued.)

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