Floating Immortal Order Chapter 975: Di Tiantai

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Immortal Fall Forbidden Land, the scattered ghosts all remembered the little girl who kept offering them incense and offerings.

Ghost life has never been more complete than it is now.

I killed a big enemy of the year, and I was full of food and drink, and I was still full of food and drink for seven, seven, forty-nine days…

Guisheng really has no regrets.

Every one of them laughed when they were pulled back to the place of death by the shattering way that imprisoned them.

Even Tianji, the frog swallowing the sky, has also taken off the ruthlessness of the past, and the frog has a smile on his face, and he wants to say goodbye to the green master.

Lin Xi and Qing Zhuer, one is the master and the other is the servant, but he is a little afraid of her.

Although I don’t know why I’m afraid of her, it’s always right for people to apologize and give a smile.

“Are you going too?”

Qing Zhu’er blinked her big eyes, “Aren’t you the Heavenly Dao here? Can you go to the Immortal Fallen Forbidden Land on the Jade Immortal Battlefield? You can also see that it is very dangerous to go out of the spiritual path, or… …, will you give us a ride?”


Tian Ji looked at Lin Xi, who was also looking over, and reluctantly stuck out his tongue to point to the mess in this place.

“You mean, I cleaned up this place…”

After Tianji nodded, he shook his head again, pointing his tongue to the burned incense ashes.

“Uh~, are you afraid that I will run out of offerings there?”

Lu Lingxi then guessed, and after finding that he didn’t shake his head any more, he couldn’t help laughing, “Don’t worry, when we get there, the Xianmeng and Yinglie Garden will definitely send sacrifices from all walks of life.”

They are in a hurry than she is.

At least on the surface.

It’s just spiritual food, you can buy it with a little immortal stone, and you don’t need to come over to offer incense and worship. Whoever wants to be stingy in this kind of thing is stupid.

Can a monk who can become an immortal be so stupid?

“If you don’t worry about it, it’s just right. Today is the time for me to go out and let Liuheguan feel the sun and the moon. When that time comes, my uncle Jin will definitely come to accompany me. I’ll ask him to send a letter and go out. .”


Tianji knew that in order to stay here longer, Lin Xi used the Liuheguan. In the past three months, every six days, he would go out at Zishi to meet Jin Zhongyuan, first to bathe in the moonlight, then in the morning The rising sun.

It would be nice to have him help out to get food.

Otherwise, who can afford to keep so many ghosts of them?

Although he was no longer his former self, Tian Ji vaguely knew that the sacrifices Lin Xi offered to them were very precious and valuable.

With so many sacrifices, it’s completely impossible for her to pay for it alone.

Tian Ji’s big head nodded, and the whole frog turned into a cloud of clear smoke, straight into the ink cloud.

However, both Lu Lingxi and Qing Zhuer were very happy.

Tianji, who got food, changed the most. At the beginning, he was not clearing smoke, it was Moyun himself.

It seems to have regained a lot of sanity now, which is great!

“Don’t stand still, hurry up and clean this place.”

Lu Lingxi was the first to return to his senses.

The area they’re going to sweep is huge.

If I don’t do it sooner, I don’t know how hard it will be.

“…” Qing Zhu’er gave her a look and wanted to say, “I’m not going to do it, but it’s all about Lingxi alone, and she couldn’t bear it,” she couldn’t bear it, “cleaning behind your **** every day, I’m about to become a hero’s garden. the broom.”

Actually, the Martyrs’ Garden has been really dirty recently, and Broom felt like his waist was about to break.

“Why is this bluestone slab turning gray? It doesn’t make sense!”

It’s clear that the cleaning is very clean, and no one is coming, but when you turn your head, they can be dirty.

What’s wrong?

“Lao Yu,” it swept his stomach full of fire, “can’t you see what’s going on?”

“Pff~” Lao Yu was amused by it, “I know, but your attitude is not good!”


The broom swept the ground a few more times, letting out some air, and then softly said, “Old Yu,” it whispered softly, “Help me see, what’s going on? The old man is so dirty. , I’m almost exhausted.”


Old Yu laughed happily, “It’s still a little bit worse.”

Broom: “…”

What if you want to blow a broom into his old face?

It endured and scratched on the ground a few more times before saying, “Old Yu, help me to see what’s going on with the ashes on the ground? I’m so dirty, my waist is about to break. It’s really going to strike, and you’re the only one doing this job.”


Old Yu glanced at his pole, and then at his broom head, doubting that he would really strike him and give him two points.

“Cough! Didn’t Yu Lie escape from the Immortal Fall Forbidden Land?”

He resumed his smile, “He also brought old friends together, which was convenient for Lin Xi’s memorial service. I heard that the various incense cases and sacrifices were filled by her for more than ten miles, connecting four Nineteen days, today…it should be the forty-ninth day.”



The broom suddenly felt strong.

Let’s just say, although he is tired recently, he doesn’t seem to be hungry anymore.

It also ate sacrifices in the Immortal Fall Forbidden Land, right?

“She was only disturbed by the Taoists in the Tianxian battlefield, right?”

The broom sweeps the floor vigorously, “Is it possible to go to the Jade Fairy Battlefield earlier?”

“Well…, I don’t know it anymore.”

“Can’t you ask Yi Yong?”

“I heard he closed down.”

Thinking of someone in retreat, Lao Yu smiled again, “It should be retreated after introspection.”

I hope to go further, to himself, to these old guys, and to the fairy world.

“Talking about Zhongyin and most of the current affairs of the world…”

“Then ask her!”

“It must have been convenient for me to ask her, but…”

Old Yu looked at the broom, “If Lin Xi ran over there and continued to pay his respects, I’m afraid our place will be dirty all the time.”

“I’m a broom and I like to sweep.”

Before he finished speaking, its broom head was thrown into the air.


Cultivation has no time. In the blink of an eye, eighty-three years have passed since Yu Lie died.

Counting the time, it may be time for the cultivators of the Seven Realms of Tianyuan to ascend together.

She looks at the three twin-core soul lamps that are lit and can’t make up her mind.

Returning to the Hui clan can indeed give the clan a hope, but in case it is a pit…

No report…

She looked in a panic.


When the ban was touched, An Hua hurriedly made a handprint to cover up the dual-core soul lamp, and then waved his hand to open the door.

“The four-stone beast that took over the Immortal Hall moved again.”

Qu Tongren didn’t come in, but the voice came in, “An Hua, it should be time.”

They can’t go to the Immortal Hall and Changsheng Street.

However, as An Hua said, all parties felt that Changsheng Street was their main focus, so the ascended monks from the Seven Realms of Tianyuan would definitely avoid Changsheng Street.

“Would you like to come with me?”


An Hua shook his head.

In the past few years, they have secretly made a lot of arrangements in the periphery, but it is difficult to guarantee that the world will not find it.

“No, I’ll be at home, waiting for Uncle Qu’s good news.”

The people Suiqing never showed up. The next one…, besides Aguna, there should be Liu Jiuer.

The way of heaven in the Seven Realms of Tianyuan is complete, and the monks who are still there have gained the most.

The two…

An Hua felt that he should avoid it for a while and then take a look.

“Uncle Qu, you have to pay attention to safety.”

I’d rather get nothing than show my tracks.

“Don’t worry!”

Qu Tong cherished his life very much, how could he do something stupid?

An Hua watched him leave before receiving a sound transmission jade slip on the teleportation box.

“Lin Xi has moved from Luofeng Bay to the coffin again.” Cheng Kang’s voice was full of helplessness, “I checked Luofeng Bay with Chen Dao, and there should be no increase in extraterrestrial demons.”

In this world, there are so many powerful cultivators who are not afraid of extraterrestrial demons, but can use extraterritorial demons to strengthen their souls.

However, such people are rare after all.

And Lin Xi…

“An Hua, what method do you think Lin Xi used to kill those extraterrestrial demons?”

He didn’t believe that she was there to make friends with extraterrestrial demons.

“What on earth did she do with so many extraterrestrial demons?”

That thing, if you eat too much, it will blow your mind.

“I always feel that she will not be useless.”

Smelly girl’s current route is basically fixed.

Every three years, enter the Heavenly Immortal Battlefield and the Jade Immortal Battlefield’s Immortal Fallen forbidden area.

Then either ran off Fengwan or ran to Coffin Col.

These three places are not accessible to ordinary people.

“If she had some secret method, she could keep transforming the soul power of extraterrestrial demons into her own, she would not be afraid of us long ago.”

To be so defiant, in terms of soul power, she is probably comparable to the peak of Jade Immortal.

“An Hua, your brain has always been better than mine. Help me think about what she did to the missing extraterrestrial demons.”

What are you doing?

An Hua’s brows were twisted into a pimple.

How did she know?

Let Cheng Kang secretly put a ray of spiritual consciousness into the coffin to investigate, but found out that she was playing with the Taixu curse naively in the coffin, and often listened to the Taixu curse in the broken formation. .

Because of the tweet, Cheng Kang said that he had experienced all the spells of the Taixu Cursor.

An Hua felt that Lin Xi was doing nothing when she was idle. She brought her wood elf pet to experience the spells of Taixu Cursor. Interesting.

Then here comes the question. Entering the Immortal Fallen Forbidden Land is to pay homage to her seniors who are heroes. In addition to playing in the coffin, it is practice without interruption.

Both of these are done by normal people.

Lofeng Bay…

Extraterritorial demons…

An Hua turned around in the room and suddenly stopped.

She quickly took out a photo jade, and with a light touch of her spiritual power, a blurry picture appeared.

Lin Xi seemed to be laughing and talking to the little thing sitting on his shoulder.

Small things…

An Hua squinted his eyes and could only see that this little thing was wearing a red coat, his face was blurred, and there seemed to be a little bit of green on his head.

What kind of wood spirit is this?

Is it because she likes to play that Lin Xi often goes in and out of the coffin?

She seems to value this wood elf pet very much, otherwise, she wouldn’t be able to keep it secret until the little thing transforms.


If she can keep one pet, can she keep two or even three?

What in this world is a monster that can advance to the ranks by eating souls?

An Hua thinks she may be the truth.

Her heart beat ‘dong, dong, dong’, and she turned out a pile of jade slips with both hands, and finally took a black jade slip.

Soul Eater Rat, Jiuyou Cat, Soul Requiring Beast, Taichu Nether Dragon…

An Hua’s eyes finally settled on the Minglong in the beginning.

It seems that this thing likes to feed on extraterrestrial demons.

When there are no extraterrestrial demons, ghosts and ghosts are loved by others.

Thinking of this, a light flashed in her eyes.

If Lin Xi really had a dragon in the early days, are the old guys in the Immortal Fallen forbidden area all right now?

Can Lin Xi really restrain the Taichu Minglong with such a powerful spirit?


She refined the blood of Thunder Dragon and Taichu Minglong herself?

As the head of the Four Divine Beasts, the Dragon Clan has always had a strong fortune.

Even if she didn’t borrow it, it was rumored that she borrowed…

An Hua shook her head again.

When Ao Xun was there, she had a good relationship with Ao Tong.

Then, we have to take a guess at Taichu Minglong.

The evidence has long been there, that is, the extraterrestrial demons missing in Luofeng Bay.



The cultivators who were preparing to ascend from the Seven Realms of the Heavenly Abyss all triggered the Heavenly Tribulation at the same time in the third quarter of September 9th.

On the side of Wuxiangjie, Yifen is the leader.

Aguna held her Biluo Immortal Spring water and drank it in small sips.

“Aguna, you look so good today.”

Liu Jiu’er squeezed to her side, as if envious: “Come, come, let me get some light.”


Aguna really wanted to give her a look, and wanted to stay away from her, but her arm was already wrapped around her shoulder, “My face is really very good?”

She’s actually quite nervous.

Ascension, it’s time to face Fairy Yinyue’s master.

That’s a saint!

“Of course!”

Liu Jiu’er actually knew that she was afraid.

However, at times like this, fear means danger.

“Have you forgotten who I am?” Liu Jiu’er gave her confidence, “I’m a fortune teller~IndoMTL.com~ Sister Nan said that if you are a magician, you must do what a magician should do. (fool people).

Although she scoffed at Senior Sister’s words, Ah Gu Na’s state was going back and forth between the perfect and the worst. Obviously there was something wrong with her state of mind.

“Well then…”

Aguna knows how powerful these foxes are, “You can give me a hexagram now, if it’s good…”

“You owe me a favor, and you agree to let me hug your thighs without harming your interests.”

Aguna blinked, “…Deal!” Her originally uneasy heart gradually calmed down.

Three tortoise shells flickered on Liu Jiu’er’s palm. She folded her hands together, prayed to the sky first, then to the ground. She prayed silently for a while before throwing it down.

“The earth, the sky, the earth and the earth go up and down.”

Liu Jiu’er looked at Liu Jiu’er carefully and found that in a short period of time, her originally very bad mood had all disappeared.

Flying brows, bright eyes, that smiling smile, and the sun from afar, stirred together, “Congratulations, good luck for the three parties, good luck for the three parties, hope for wealth and auspiciousness. You are very proud of your business trips. , it doesn’t matter what is right or wrong.”

Unfortunately, when she once turned into wood, Chengkang’s spiritual consciousness also turned into wood, and he had no ability to inform the body at all.

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