Floating Immortal Order Chapter 811:

[Net]Tian Yinxuan’s bulletin board showed a horrific image, the banned person burst into tears, and his arms, legs and body stumps were lined up behind him.

This is this?

Advanced Zomon?

Needless to say, everyone who sees it clicks in and takes a look.

I don’t know, I’m startled.

There are more than a hundred corpses in the Yuntianhai Pavilion, some of them from the tribe, and some from the Zomon.

In an instant, news was flying all over the sky.

When the Holy Venerable followed the lively crowd and went to Tianyin Pavilion, he heard everyone talking excitedly about the guy who was crying and being tortured. It took a lot of effort to keep his face warm.

“…Ao Xun did a great job!”

At this time, the Tiantiantang Yiyongzhengxiao branch reported all the details, and praised Xiaolong for throwing ashes into other people’s eyes, “Old Zhao, tell the branch that Xiaolong Ao Xun’s reward is doubled.”

The Yuntianhai Pavilion handled the Zomon people’s raid fairly well. All the participants, depending on the amount of credit, will be expressed by the Immortal Alliance.

“That’s exactly what I mean!”

Zhao Nian is in charge of the affairs of each branch. Hearing this, he said with a smile, “That handful of ashes is really wonderful!”

He can already imagine how angry the Zomon people are now.

“But on the Zomon side, I’m afraid Ao Xun will not be spared. I mean, how about replacing her reward with a life-saving immortal talisman?”


Yiyong once again admired the tearful guy, “Ao Xun’s reward will be given in a low-key manner.”

It’s too high-profile. When the Zomon people make a move, they will definitely calculate the life-saving talisman on her body. “The Zomon people are in the Yuntianhai Pavilion. .”

He looked up at Zhao Nian, “Notify all branches, pay attention, now…it’s the time when the storm is about to come.”


Lu Lingqi didn’t know what the wind and rain were like outside. Empress Yuan’s cultivation base was pitifully low in the Immortal Realm, so she simply broke the jar and smashed it to compensate herself for a good night’s sleep.

“Dong Dong! Dong Dong Dong…”

Master came back and wanted to see Ao Xun, Zhang Sui could only come and knock on the door, “Why did you come to open the door now? Are you sleeping? Is the dragon sleeping too? Ao Xun, did you sleep on your back?”


Lu Lingqi was too lazy to take care of this curious baby, released the water, quickly took care of his hair, and performed two cleaning techniques on himself, “Do you want to see the sunrise?”

“No, my master is back and wants to see you.”

“Master Zhu?”

Lu Lingxi already knew how the main hall was gone. When he closed the door, he walked towards the beautiful Tianxia Hall under the red glow of the morning glow.

“Ao Xun has met Master, Master, what are you looking for from me?”


Zhu Honglin’s eyes flashed, “Is it okay to live here? Did Zhang Sui bully you?”

“Master, am I that kind of person?”

Zhang Sui consciously poured tea for Master and a certain laughing dragon, “Also, Ao Xun is not a person who can suffer.”

She’s crazy, to bully her?

“I’m really going to bully her, how can I use your name, she’s already running in front of you and complaining.”

“…Hey, uncle, what kind of tea are you drinking in the morning!”

Lu Lingxi took out a food box, “It was given to me by a senior immortal chef, you can also try it.”

The machine includes a press, the food box becomes a small table, four side dishes, three kinds of spiritual porridge in different colors, plus small and exquisite steamed buns, steaming dumplings and cakes.


“Master, this five-faced porridge is also called five-element porridge. It tastes good. You can try it.”

Lu Lingxi gave Zhu Honglin the most beautiful color.

Then I shared the remaining two bowls of purple rice porridge and red rice porridge with Zhang Sui.

Of course, red rice porridge nourishes blood and qi, and she carefully gave Zhang Sui, who was not injured yet.

“Yeah! It tastes good!”

Will the demon clan eat such delicate vegetarian food?

Zhu Honglin just beat her bone age with her eyes, and she didn’t even reach 300.

If a normal dragon is only 300 years old, when it transforms into a human body, it looks like a child.

Zhu Honglin confirmed her original guess even more, “Ao Xun, is it convenient for me to tell me about your father and mother?”

My parents?

Looking at Zhang Sui with curiosity, Lu Lingxi didn’t even smell the delicious purple rice porridge, “Master, if I say it’s inconvenient, will you be upset?”


Everyone said this. Of course, Zhu Honglin wouldn’t say she was unhappy, “Of course not.” She smiled very affectionately, “You call Ao Tong your aunt. Actually, I know your parents.”


How cheap are you going to be?

Lu Lingxi felt that her life as a dragon was too difficult.

“My parents don’t allow me to come out to play.” She glanced outside the hall and whispered, “Master, I sneaked out. My father once said that if I dared to run out, I would not his daughter.”

“…he scare you.”

Zhu Honglin sighed in her heart and glanced at her pinkish-purple horn, “Talk about it in the future, I will definitely let you go back.”

Looking at the appearance of the younger brother, I want to keep her in the sect, and I’m afraid I won’t go back in the future, “By the way, what kind of dragon are you…?”

What dragon?

Lu Lingqi was stunned.

She doesn’t know!

She hasn’t used a dragon’s real body yet.

“I… I don’t know, my father and my mother said that after our demon race turned into human beings, we practiced faster.”

Anyway, after Uncle Ying and the others turned into human beings, they were not very willing to return to their true appearances.

“As long as you have a high level of cultivation, you can go out and play. I… I have been locked up for cultivation since I was a child.”

Lu Lingxi can only put herself in a pitiful place and say, “Uncle, what kind of dragon am I? Is it important?” She cautiously said, “I… my dragon blood may not be very pure, otherwise, My father and my mother won’t let me go out.”

“…Huh? This bun is good!”

Zhang Sui hurriedly took a bun from her, “Bloodline doesn’t mean everything. We humans don’t have anything to say about bloodline, but you see, our cultivation is very fast.”


Zhu Honglin also put some side dishes into her bowl.

She suspected the dragon who adopted her because she was afraid that she would find out the difference between her and the real dragon family, so she kept it like that, “When you get to the human family, you should stop thinking about the dragon family, there is nothing you don’t understand about the practice… …”

“Aunt Tong has already told me.”

Yes, and Ao Tong.

The smile in Zhu Honglin’s eyes deepened, “Then don’t worry, you are here, just play with Zhang Sui.” She regretted asking her questions, “Tell her what you want to eat, and let her help you. Get it.”

“Well, I like Sister Zhang, so I rely on her.”

“Pfft! It makes me want to stay away from you.”

Zhang Sui stroked her chest exaggeratedly, “Master, she snatched two Tianxia fruit from me yesterday, and she still wants it, look…”

“Then take three more.”

“Master, you are the best.”

Lu Lingxi is the best at flattering her, and gave her a steamed dumpling, “I ate Tianxiaguo last night, and I slept until dawn, and I woke up when Sister Zhang Sui called me, since I left. Home, I haven’t slept so comfortably in a long time.”

She looked at Zhu Honglin pitifully, “Master, I… can I take other fruits and exchange them for Tianxia fruits?”

It is good for the cultivation of monks below the gods.

Last night, I showed Qing Zhu’er, she couldn’t simulate Chao Caixia and evening sunset, so this fruit can only be asked here.

Lu Lingxi hopes to bring back a little more, “You don’t know how uncomfortable it is to not be able to sleep. Besides, it may also be very beneficial to my practice.”


Zhu Honglin couldn’t sleep well when she heard that she left home, and felt a little uncomfortable. She has decided to give her five more, “What is your fruit, I’ll take a look at it.”

“The appraiser at Tianyang Auction said it was a beauty fruit.”

Lu Lingqi took out a jade box containing a beauty fruit, “When I sneaked out of the house, I was afraid that my parents would find me, so I hid everywhere. It grows like the fruit of beauty.

The appraiser said that the fruit is worth a lot of money. “


Zhu Honglin couldn’t even care about the delicious breakfast. She took the jade box and saw the beauty fruit with flawless white jade inside. She took a deep breath and said, “It’s really a good thing. How many did you pick?”

She quickly closed the jade box and looked at Lu Lingxi.

“Four.” Lu Lingxi stretched out four fingers, “I ate one, gave one to Aunt Tong, Tianyang auction put one, and the rest is in your hands, uncle .”

“…So good fruit, why do you only pick four?”

Although I don’t know what a beauty fruit is, Zhang Sui knew from Master’s appearance that it must be a good fruit, and when she heard the words, she panicked for her.

“Remember the way?”

“Can’t remember.”

Lu Lingqi was annoyed at the right time, “It’s all foggy there, I walked around, and it took me a long time to get out. Later, I told Aunt Tong, Aunt Tong took me back to look for it, but I couldn’t find it, she Say, I may have strayed into some secret place by chance.”

It’s not that she doesn’t want to take more, it’s that rareness is precious.

Besides, taking too much is not safe for her.

“There are two more on it, but I don’t think they are familiar, they are still green, otherwise they must have been picked.”

“…It’s good to have this opportunity.”

Zhu Hong grabbed the jade box and pondered for a while, “This fruit is not comparable to Tianxia Guo.”

At least for her, there is no comparison.

As an immortal, maintaining your appearance is the easiest to look at. However, every year you have to pay a little attention to maintaining your appearance, which is annoying and affects your practice.

In her current situation, any improvement is very rare.

Beauty fruit can keep her appearance unchanged, but it also keeps her body function unchanged.

Take advantage of this…

“I also suggest you take back the fruit from the auction. It may also have very good benefits for your Uncle Wu’s body.”


“Oh! I’ll get it back in a minute.”

Lu Lingxi nodded without hesitation.

God Cry looks really scary.

It would be better to help that Uncle Wu.

Actually, if he hadn’t retreated at every turn, Lu Lingxi would have wanted to get him some golden mushrooms.

“Zhang Sui, look back, you go with her.”

Zhu Honglin settled on this matter, and then said again, “Tianxiaguo can produce 108 pieces a year, so let’s say, except for the 20 pieces that were handed over to the sect, the rest will belong to you. In addition, I will give them to you. You are one hundred thousand immortal stones.”

Tianxia fruit is beneficial to the cultivation of the human race, and it is definitely beneficial to the demon race, but in terms of quantity, it must be doubled and doubled.

“No fairy stones.”

Lu Lingxi shook his head quickly, “Master, I’m not stupid. There must be more than that beauty fruit tree in this world, but Tianxia fruit tree is definitely the only one.”

Gives more than she imagined.

Although I haven’t really tasted it yet, Qing Zhu’er said that the spiritual power contained in the fruit is very pure and very positive, and it is a real heaven and earth fruit.

“Master, you have given me this much, enough is enough.”

Not greedy.

The smile on Zhu Honglin’s face deepened, “How can this be done? The beauty fruit is not what you think, only in appearance, it is very beneficial to our current practice.

That’s it! There are still more than a dozen Tianxia fruit left in the warehouse, Zhang Sui, you will take them to Ao Xun later. “

After instructing her apprentice, she turned her head to Lu Lingxi and said, “None of us have eaten so much Tianxiaguo, turn back, eat too much, if you feel that your practice or sleep is useless, You can also take it out and sell it.”

“Yeah! I’m listening to my uncle.”

Lu Lingqi hurriedly put a burrito for her, “Master, you can try this, it’s good too.”

“…It’s not easy to cook these meals.”

The big thing is done, I wish Honglin enjoy the food, “Ao Xun, where did you meet?”

“I met Aunt Tong on the way.” I don’t know, anyway, don’t look for it, “However, he didn’t tell me his name, he was still wearing a mask at the time, so I don’t know what he looks like. look.”

“…you’re lucky.”

Zhang Sui didn’t even know what to say about her, “Fortunately, Chef Xian’s combat power is not high, otherwise, you are the only one… Maybe you don’t know if you are sold.”

The meat of the eighth-order dragon race… it should be something that those fairy chefs really want to try.

“I’m not that easy to sell.”

Lu Lingqi whispered to himself, “Look, Qiu Huairong and Wu Rang didn’t take advantage of me. When I was alone, I was more alert.”



The more she argues like this, the less they can really believe it.

“Okay, just be tough!”

Zhang Sui suspects that she was lured by other people’s food and sent something better.


She touched a jade slip and came out, “This is a collection of spirit grasses and immortal grasses organized by our human race. Take a good look at it, don’t sell it if you don’t know the value~IndoMTL.com~ Oh yes, except Beauty fruit, what else did you sell?”

“…” Lu Lingxi looked at Zhu Honglin and looked at him again, her voice was even lower, “My brother’s tears…”


Zhu Honglin almost spit out her last mouthful of porridge.

“What, my father said, the tears of our dragon race can be sold for money in the human race. I… I ran away from home and always had to get some money.”

“Your brother… why are you crying?”

Zhang Sui suspected that she had beaten her brother to tears when she ran away from home.

“I, I, I told him, I can’t take him to play in the future, I can’t tell him stories, I want to go to the world by myself…”

“Your voice is so phony!” Zhang Sui ruthlessly exposed, “Ao Xun, you recognize it, did you beat your brother?”

She wanted to try pounding her on her body and making two teardrops.

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