Floating Immortal Order Chapter 767: 6000 large

Is the scorpion Shao Yu dead?

Shang Xian and Nan Jiaren understood instantly.

Junior sister has 30 million immortal stones in her hand, and those 30 million immortal stones are just as sweet as any portal portal of senior Fengmen, and she doesn’t know how many people they have attracted.

The people of Zomon must have intervened in it. They clearly couldn’t kill the junior sister, and they couldn’t get into her body, so they were either smashing spiritual stones to buy their lives in the underworld, or they were tempted by something that some people desperately wanted.

Even those people can be a force, a family…

Shang Xian and Nan Jiaren looked at each other solemnly.

“Sister, how do you want us to help you?”

During Liu Jiu’er’s 60 years in Chaos Xinghai, she had no elders, no brothers and sisters to support her, forcing her to stand up by herself. At this time, she also understood Lu Lingqi’s situation, “I want you three There are too many people with tens of millions of immortal stones, and you want me to count them alone, which is definitely not acceptable.”

30 million immortal stones.

When there is no big temptation, many people can always be his Taoist monks, be good people, and even be his upright gentlemen in the face of small temptations.

But when life and death, the desire for power and these things that matter to fate appear, no one can predict how the heart… chooses.

It was with this in mind that Liu Jiu’er didn’t even suggest that she bring 30 million immortal stones back to the sect with Master Suiqing.

That’s a huge amount.

Everyone is working **** the ancient battlefield in the Chaos Xinghai. If you add them all together, there may not be 30 million.

This is not to say that everyone has not earned so much, but at this stage, at least here in the Ancient Battlefield, the main thing everyone trades for will never be immortal stones.

I heard that there are countless medicinal pills that can break through the bottleneck of Nascent Soul and Spirit Transformation. Even if they are outrageously expensive, everyone will definitely change them.

Therefore, no one will have many immortal stones in their hands.

If Uncle Suiqing really wanted to bring it back, the sect would definitely be uneasy.

“Am I that stupid?”

Lu Lingxi delivered the poured tea, cup by cup, to them, “Don’t be frightened, after killing a million lives, in this ancient battlefield, if I don’t get seriously injured, probably no one will be killed. The cultivator shot at me.”

Why did Ancestor Lu Wang invite so many people’s hatred, yet still live happily?

Because he has a hard fist.

In the same way, her fist here is also the hardest.

Even if there is a guy like Shao Yu who is not afraid of death, it is not so easy to get chestnuts from the fire with the benefits of the Zomon people.

“If I tell people outside, don’t think about it.”

Lu Lingxi threw herself up next to Junior Sister Shenbang, smiled and said: “Jiu’er, help me do the math, have I been lucky enough to make a fortune recently?”


Liu Jiu’er’s heart trembled, “Senior sister, are you saying that the Zomon people may be targeting you for the third round of siege?”

I don’t know how long the beloved senior sister is. When I heard that there was a fight, my eyes lit up.

But that was a siege, could it be a fight?

“Senior brothers and sisters have let me figure it out.” Liu Jiu’er frowned, “I got the ‘Zhu’ hexagram three times. There are thousands of possibilities for this hexagram. It’s like the wind and clouds in the sky. It is very good, but if it is not good, it can also be very bad. Whether it is good or bad depends entirely on the choice between life and death.”

This not only involves the choice of the senior sister, but also the choice of the senior members of the Zomon people, and the choice of many monks on the ancient battlefield.

“When soldiers come, they will block it, and the water will flood the earth. In the future, you will give me less calculation.”

The so-called ‘彖’ hexagram at the beginning made her dizzy.

Lu Lingxi really convinced her junior sister, “I beg you, don’t keep thinking about how I can defend.”

If she was always thinking about defense, she would have died of worry.

“You should think about whether the Zomon can catch me when I make a move.”

What… what does that mean?

Not only Liu Jiu’er looked at her eagerly, but Shang Xian and Nan Jiaren also looked at her.

Lu Lingxi took a sip of the spirit tea, “It took me thirty-five years to catch a high-level figure from the Zomon people in the ancient battlefield.”

Speaking of this, she couldn’t help laughing, “The third siege they targeted me, I can tell you 100%, it will no longer be the kind of battle to the death with millions of troops.”

What is that?

Liu Jiu’er was even more worried.

“Don’t worry, I have also spent thirty-five years to prepare.”

She has been in the ancient battlefield for thirty-six years.

In the past thirty-six years, sharp swordsmanship, a Dao technique that even minor qi cultivators can use, has been sharpened to a new level by her.

“I can’t tell you about this preparation for the time being, but the big fish I caught needs your help.”

“You said.”

Shang Xian finally spoke, his calm voice slightly calmed Liu Jiu’er’s anxiety.

“The ancient battlefield is divided into four major battlefields because of the four gathering places. The Zomon people have four wind watchers in the south, south, and northwest here. Apart from the wind watchers, they also have a very mysterious chief.”

Unfortunately, Lu Lingxi never found out who was in charge.

But as with Chen Hao, the chief kept himself stable and did not jump out. Obviously, he was either afraid of death or very difficult.

“I accidentally got a small thing, and that little thing just happened to be able to contact Shi Kuan, the watcher of the wind in the northern battlefield.”

Lu Lingxi picked Jian Jian to talk about her contact with the other party under the pseudonym Gu Ling, “…Master and senior Fengmen are leaving, and recently, he has become more eager, and he has nothing to say. Alluring.

What I mean is, you cooperate with me to play a scene where I was poisoned by Gu Ling, or I can’t do it. “



No wonder Liu Jiu’er was asked to figure out if she had the luck to make a fortune recently.

Shang Xian and Nan Jiaren looked at their sister-in-law.

Liu Jiu’er looked at this daughter of Heavenly Dao, who she thought was a fake, very seriously.

Tian Dao likes to get in the way, but he also likes the icing on the cake.

It’s my luck…

Lu Lingxi smiled and let her take a look.

“Only from the appearance, senior sister, you are a person who never worries about money all your life.”

Although she is cold and poisonous, when Senior Sister laughs, she is as bright as a rose, with a dignified temperament, a pair of sword brows revealing murderous aura, very beautiful, three-part heroic spirit, and three-part pride.

A pair of bright eyes seems to be inherently deceptive, and it is easy to let people down, but they do not lack the attitude of looking at the world.


Liu Jiu’er sighed lightly, “The three ‘Zhu’ hexagrams all have the image of Qian, and the dry is the sky, which is the trend of six or nine.

In the ninth line of the first day, the dragon hides in the water. Or live in a deep pool, advancing and retreating at any time; Ninety-five lines, flying dragons in the sky. “

The next one is Shang Jiu Yao, the dragon has already flown too high and has regrets.

None of them can avoid this kind of thing.

Liu Jiu’er didn’t plan to talk about it, and this is not the time to talk about it.

“Using the nine lines is a symbol of good fortune. As the saying goes, a gentleman should strive for self-improvement, and the luck of a senior sister-just above this.”

When she was stared at by the Zomon people in the Chaos Xinghai and watched by the surrounding forces, the only way was to take a step back and hide her strengths and bide her time.

Change this sister…

Liu Jiu’er suddenly understood why there was such a big gap between her and her.

“Senior sister, your fortune this time only depends on how much you want to do.”

Pop! clap clap!

Lu Lingxi applauded her three times, “Jiu’er, I think if Uncle Zhixiu sees you now, he will definitely like you a little more.” :https://www.@x81zw@@


The corner of Liu Jiu’er’s mouth twitched, not wanting to care about anyone.

Senior brothers and sisters don’t have a good thing, and even praise people have to root for her.

It’s hateful, I can’t beat it, I can’t say it.

Master’s ability to do it with just a fist, regardless of the 3721, is something she was born unable to do.

“Senior brothers and sisters, you all heard it!”

Lu Lingqi happily released three small gourds and three small jade bottles in a row, “The contents here are what I use to nourish my soul and nourish my soul. I’m happy today, it’s cheaper for the three of you.”

Without the arbitrary portal of the Throttle, the Zomon could have transferred to them the hatred they could not vent.

Lu Lingxi had long thought of this.

“When in danger, don’t be reluctant to use it, I still have it.”

Lu Lingxi took out a jade slip and said, “This is my initial plan to make this big fortune. If I get this money, not only can I get away, but I can also hide from the public and join your team. I’ll accompany you all through the ancient battlefield.”


Liu Jiu’er looked at Senior Brother Shang first and then Senior Sister Nan, waiting for them to finish reading and taking over.

Shang Xian’s consciousness turned and turned in the jade slip, and the raised brows slowly loosened, and then he threw the jade slip to Nan Jiaren.

Nan Jiaren’s brows repeated the same action as his, but instead of throwing the jade slip to the obsessed junior sister, she put it away maliciously.

“The plan looks okay.”

Nan Jiaren didn’t seem to see someone’s hand that couldn’t be stretched out, so she took a sip of the spirit tea, “However, my senior brother and I have to do the math again, wait for the master and the others to come, and then ask them to check and fill in the gaps. “

“Okay! I’ll listen to you.”

Lu Lingxi felt a little pitiful for the junior sister who had been used by them, and gave her a small gourd and a small jade bottle filled with golden wine and Bixin juice. , look at this, you’ll love it.”


How about coaxing children?

Liu Jiu’er wanted to turn against them, but the jade bottle was opened by her senior sister. The smell she remembered made her widen her eyes in surprise, and hurriedly took it.

“How is it? Do you like it?” Lu Lingxi asked with a smile.

“…like it!”

What about jasmine fruit?

My God.

All were beaten into juice.

This bottle…

Liu Jiu’er shook it lightly, feeling that the jade bottle was also a bit of heaven and earth. How much does it have to hold?

“Don’t shake it.” Of course Lu Lingxi knew what she wanted to try, “I added the jade bottle to the Qiankun Array, but because it was added later, a bottle only has a capacity of about one kilogram. “

A pound is already a lot!

What about Bixin Juice?

How many pills does this take?

“Senior sister, if you have something to do in the future, just find me.”

What do you want her to do, what does she do.

Liu Jiu’er felt that she could sell herself to this heavenly daughter.

Li Kaijia’s so-called real son, in front of her senior sister, seems to have a little chance.

“Pfft! I’ll wait for your words.” New 81 Chinese website updates the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

Lu Lingxi was amused by her junior sister, “One more question,” she ignored the two brothers and sisters who were discussing with voice transmission, and moved closer to Liu Jiu’er, and also whispered voice transmission: “Senior Sister Nan Have you accepted any apprentices?”

She had been praying for so many days, if God didn’t give her face, it would be over.

“…Master Yi asked?”

Liu Jiu’er’s heart skipped a beat, and she quickly wentssip and questioned.

Only when she returned to the sect, she paid ten gifts in a row in the Golden Wind Valley.

Although Ao Xiang and Xiao Bei’s share had been given before, but when the two little guys stood there, she relented and took out two more.

She is distressed and regretful while digging.

“Senior Sister Lin, why did you accept so many apprentices all of a sudden?”

All of them are also talented.

It’s still a mishap.

Just don’t let them live.

Moreover, after Liu Jiu’er studied the practice of Ye Mao’er and the others in the Golden Wind Valley, after doing the calculations, she felt that she, who made a lot of immortal stones in the Chaos Xinghai, would be under a lot of pressure.

So, one of her is enough. I really can’t afford more.

“Do the uncle and my master know?”

Comparing the ten in Jinfenggu with one of hers, Liu Jiu’er was suddenly afraid of seeing her master again.

“You really hurt us.”

No wonder Senior Sister Nan was so eager to accept apprentices during that time.

Unfortunately, so far, there is only one.

Fortunately, everyone is about the same size. Otherwise, Liu Jiu’er felt that she really couldn’t live.


“Can you talk?”

Lu Lingxi patted her on the head, “Isn’t it just a greeting? You’re already a rich man, why don’t you bear it?”

“Where do I have it?”

Fortunately, I have earned a lot of immortal stones from the skull locust by relying on fortune-telling, otherwise, Liu Jiu’er felt that she would be as pitiful as the second senior brother, “I mean, ten of you, one of us , when I go back to my master, they want to keep a small account for us.”

Really, you can’t boast, you beat someone if you praise it.

“Hey, no, you’re afraid that Senior Sister Nan will not receive an apprentice, right?”

“Hmph, just looking at you, I knew that Senior Sister Nan received it.”

Lu Lingxi breathed a sigh of relief, “Tell me, did you accept a little magic stick? Did Senior Sister Nan accept an aristocratic child who is similar to her and likes to pretend to be a fairy?” /

“…I won’t tell you.”

Liu Jiu’er gave her a sideways look, “I can only tell you that your very powerful and violent old Shi Changyu was beaten many times by Senior Sister Nan’s apprentice, and she still begged others. hit.”


Lu Lingxi looked at the magic stick and suspected that she was lying to her.

“Don’t believe it?”

Liu Jiu’er finally pulled back a round, with a rare smile, “I know, you don’t believe it, unfortunately, the truth is the truth, and Chang Yu is shrewd on the surface. Ye Maoer pits.

Xiaobei knew that she cheated on her, but she didn’t remind her at all. “


Lu Lingxi gave her another shot, “As an uncle, why are you so happy about misfortune?”

Isn’t it a matter of course that big pits are small?

“Senior Sister Nan’s apprentice, do you have any special skills?”

This time, Lu Lingxi gave up the sound transmission. When he said this, he also glanced at Nan Jiaren, “Chang Yu has an indomitable temper. After a long time, she will definitely be able to turn defeat into victory.”


Is that meant for her?

Nan Jiaren only glanced at her junior sister, and then went on to deduce the feasibility of the jade slip plan with Shang Xian as Zomon and her junior sister.

She doesn’t care whether Chang Yu can turn defeat into victory.

Between brothers and sisters, only when they get along can they have feelings.

Competition in the arena is of course also a way to get along, and the apprentice did not use the glazed nightmare eyes.

Those who are a little better informed in the southern gathering area know that there is someone from the Wuxiangjie.

When everyone was watching secretly, they couldn’t help comparing them with Suiqing, Qiuyu and others.

The reason why Sui Qing and Qiu Yu and the others have never encountered danger is not only because of their good combat power, but also because of the throttle.

Any of Throttle’s portals can be redirected immediately if they can’t beat them.

But now the damper is going.

If the Zuomeng people had a counterattack on the ancient battlefield, in all likelihood, they would first come to Lin Xi and the monks of Wuxiangjie.

If these people’s combat power is not good…

Secretly, not many people are worried.

Qian Liangyi looked at the few people mentioned by his apprentice Ye Zhanqiu from a distance, and felt a little relieved.

The apprentice said that compared to the older generation, the real power of Wuxiangjie is the younger generation like him and Lin Xi.

He doesn’t quite agree with this.

The younger generation is taught by the older generation.

In Lin Xi, there are shadows of Suiqing, Yifa, Zhixiu, Yan Li and Shen Fu, who had won the Dao and Demon Competition, and of course there are shadows of their teachers.

It’s just that the time when the heavens and the earth in the seven realms of Tianyuan are consummated coincides with the growth time of the younger generation.

Qian Liangyi sighed softly, sincerely hoping that this group of people who represent the future of Wuxiangjie can come and go safely.

Even if it’s not a full reward.

The word “Peace” is what the Seven Realms of Tianyuan need most.

In the northern battlefield, Shi Kuan was hidden in the dark by Guanfeng, silently listening to the increasingly weak shouts of the distant clansmen.

He knew which cultivator team was involved this time.

Because of this, Shi Kuan secretly ordered the surrounding clansmen within a hundred miles to retreat quickly.

It’s time for these people to get out.

It’s hateful, relying on the random portal of the air door, these **** immediately returned to the southern gathering place without thinking, and they still hurry up to kill people on his side…


Hearing that there was no more clansmen, and no more weapons, Shi Kuan let out a sigh of relief.

There is a knife on the end of the word forbearance, and their time to endure is coming.

After communicating with An Hua and Chengkang several times, he felt that their primary goal should be to kill the new monks from Wuxiangjie, and show them to Lin Xi, Suiqing, Fengmen, and their revenge. , it will also make them sad.

Unfortunately, Cheng Kang supported it, but An Hua did not.

Maybe it’s not that An Hua doesn’t support it, but the people above don’t support it.

The people above were afraid that Lin Xi would be hit so hard that they would simply break the jar and fall, relying on the number of points to not get to the gathering place. They were also afraid that some people in the immortal world would change from dark to clear because of their blow. , or simply lead her to the fairyland.

Neither of these are what the above people want to see.

You Qi Chengkang borrowed his name, after the human race developed a small dark line…

Shi Kuan didn’t straighten up until the space fluctuations in the distance disappeared, and walked towards the battlefield where no clan members were alive.

The corpses of the fallen clansmen after another are very complete. With a hundred years of experience, when Suiqing made their shots, it seemed that there was no waste.

He stood there and was silent for a long time before he felt the **** jade board and sent a letter to Cheng Kang.

At this time, Cheng Kang was also sending a letter to Lu Lingxi.

“How did you think about Daoist friend Gu? As far as I know, it’s only two years since Daoist friend left the ancient battlefield, right? How many points have you earned? Do you have 150,000?”

He specially found someone to observe Gu Ling and knew that her waist card had been changed to a gold medal twelve years ago.

The combat power is pretty good.

On the ancient battlefield, the goal of many monks is to bring out a gold medal to show their combat power and merit.

“If 150,000 points are exchanged for Immortal Stones, it is only 450,000, but how can you exchange them all for Immortal Stones?”

Chengkang invited the clan to check on Gu Ling in the fairy world and knew that she was a loose cultivator. When she entered the ancient battlefield, it was already in the early stage of the transformation of the gods, and there was no money to buy the two yuan pills that the cultivators needed.

The Queen of Two Yuan Elixir, if she wants to become an immortal, she still needs to ask the elixir.

Although these two medicinal herbs are a little cheaper in Immortal Realm, they are not much worse.

Cheng Kang estimates that her points are tight and may not be enough.

“Lin Xi has 30 million immortal stones in his hands.”

Chengkang made the 30 million yuan a bit bigger, “As long as fellow Daoists are willing to help, I will ask the clan to distribute another 30 million immortal stones. With so much money, fellow Daoists don’t have to worry about us harassing them. No matter which city you are in, you can rent the best yard and live your life as an immortal with ease.”

Lu Lingxi saw it, but did not reply.

She was waiting for the door to bring Gu Ling over.

Even if those Zomon people have been secretly observing the Immortal Search Team, she is not afraid.

The ancient battlefield is full of variables, and the wind gate often finds a different team of monks to rescue the emergency.

Lu Lingxi was not worried that Gu Ling would not agree.

It’s just a play.

Afterwards, she gave her half of the fairy stone in a low-key manner.

She was able to retire unnoticed.

Now, the only thing Lu Lingxi has to consider is how many immortal stones he needs to find the other party.

What, if you want to buy her for 30 million yuan, it will be bad for the rest of your life. Buying her can’t break through the transformation of the gods~IndoMTL.com~ can’t rush to the immortal world to find them trouble, it is completely impossible.

Guangruo’s life, they are willing to pay 80 million, she should at least 80 million here!

By the way, let them make an oath that they will never do anything to Gu Ling for the rest of their lives, and give them more life-saving things other than immortal stones.

Anyway, let the lion open his mouth.

The more lions speak, the more credible they are.

While Lu Lingxi was stomping on the snow and giving him jerky, the brothers and sisters walked hundreds of miles outside the Sanchongmen, can they find the Zomonites?

If you can’t find it, and you don’t even have points back, that’s hilarious.

At this time, she didn’t know at all, the wind door was paying attention to this side, and when she saw them, she had already led them to cut several Zomon teams.

Of course, Xia Zheng and Won Yan were also thrown to them by the way.

In fact, I want him to say that they can completely return to the gathering place, change what they need to change, and take a good rest for two days. With the fullest mental attitude, they can return to the Seven Realms of the Heavenly Abyss and the Realm of No Phase.

It’s hateful, that **** Zhixiu, in order to earn immortal stones, his eyes are all red. If he kills one, he will say, “Three immortal stones, three immortal stones…”. Don’t talk about him, even Suiqing and Chongping didn’t dare to say that they would go back sooner.

Where can I still mention the damper?

I’m really going to be in a hurry, she’ll be able to punch you incessantly, even if you beat her to death.

If he can’t offend that aunt, he can only rest in Lin Xi, and when he doesn’t earn points, he will take care of everyone.

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