Floating Immortal Order Chapter 75: Fate

?With experience, Lu Lingxi not only looks for potholes when he climbs high, but also throws a handful of stones from time to time when he walks, hoping that he can kill a cat and kill a mouse.

Unfortunately, the wish is good, but the fact is, the mouse is really not so easy to touch.

Until more than a hundred miles, she didn’t find any holes.

Could it be that she went in the wrong direction?

Lu Lingxi couldn’t help but wonder.

Just turning the direction now, I feel that the possibility of having a baby is also very low. After all, what she got in her hand was not an ordinary rank.

Maybe, let’s move on.


The rolling sound is not right after the stone is thrown.

Lu Lingxi, who was not very hopeful at first, hurriedly followed the sound.

Gu Lulu, the sound of stones rolling into the mine tunnel could be heard far away, and Lu Congxia, who was inside, jumped in her heart, but before she could make a sound, she was banned by the Xidi people behind her and threw it into the mine tunnel. .

To get the free labor inside, Tulicheng hid his breath at the fastest speed and hid in the place dug in front of the mine and waited. He didn’t care whether the person who came back was from Xidi or a monk, anyway, as long as When you get here, you have to listen to him.

Lu Lingxi jumped out of the mine, but she didn’t take many steps forward. The quiet mine gave her an inexplicable sense of unease and urgency for some reason.

Yes…is there anyone in there already?

If that’s the case, why is the other party silent?

Lu Lingxi’s brows furrowed, no matter what the reason, her cultivation base is weak and she can’t be mixed.

After thinking about it, she was about to turn around and leave when Tu Licheng suddenly jumped out and blocked the exit, “So it was you?” What?”

Without a storage bag, he has been restless for days.

Lu Lingxi didn’t expect to meet him here, and couldn’t help but turn pale.

Xidi’s two legs can eat people when he has nothing to do.

Now that they meet as enemies, how could they spare her?

“Return my stuff.”

Tu Licheng pointed at her with the sword she had snatched from somewhere, “Hurry up, or I want you to look good.”

“Is it…you?”

Lu Lingxi seemed to subconsciously protect her arms with her hands. She retreated step by step. When she was sure that it was Tu Licheng, she was frightened and could only use her brain to the few talismans hidden in her arms.

Just hate to start them, it takes time.

Tu Licheng is not afraid of her running now, there is no fork in this mine road: “Hahaha! Am I weird?” The stinky girl is now afraid like a cockroach?

“You can get out of that broken place, is it possible, do you think I’ll stay there?”

He held the sword and approached with a grinning smile, “Do you have a lot of courage to move towards Laozi? You say, dig out your guts, what can it be like?”

What is the guts?

She hadn’t heard grandpa say it.

Lu Lingqi hurriedly stepped back faster, “Shan… Where’s Sister Shanna?”

Sanna? elder sister?

Tu Licheng’s mouth twitched, “Stinky girl, don’t tell me about him, hand over your storage bag and my storage bag to me.”

Although he wanted to eat her flesh, drink her blood, and peel her skin right away, mining requires labor.

Before killing her, at least let her help get the job done.

“The storage bag…here.”

Lu Lingxi seemed to be about to cry, grabbed the three talismans that could be activated, and threw them away when he was paying attention.

Ding ding ding…


One ice pick talisman, two thunder talismans, she has paid for it.

Lu Lingxi is good, two thunder talismans, even if they can’t hurt him, if they electrocute him, the ice pick talisman will definitely hurt him.

The two sides are too close. Although Tu Shicheng knew that this little girl was tricky, she never expected that she could activate so many talismans at once.

Even if he subconsciously defended a little, the aura shield, as soon as he came into contact with these two kinds of amulet, would collapse.

“Ah ah ah…”

Even if he finally called out the Bone Shield, his body and nerves were numb due to lightning strikes, and the various commanders couldn’t keep up. Most of his body was mushy. Not only that, but he was also shot by an ice pick. A small hole that hurts everywhere.

When she fell softly to the ground, Tu Licheng glared at her eyes and shuddered, “You… where did you come from… Thunder Talisman?”

He paid a lot of money to exchange two ice picks with others, but the thunder is more powerful, and the Lei Linggen cultivator is even rarer in the Xidi grassland. If you want the thunder, it is not only the problem of the spirit stone, but also the problem. Doorway problem.

“From someone else.”

Lu Ling glanced at his dantian.

The aura there is escaping in large quantities.

An ice pick just happened to be stuck there.

“Ahem! Impossible.”

How can Tulicheng believe it?

He tried hard to stand up, and wanted to raise his spiritual power, but…

When he lowered his head, he was stunned when he saw the ice pick in his dantian, “You…, I… I killed you.”

“You can’t kill me.”

Lu Lingxi took a step back to prevent him from violently fighting again, “Murderers, people will always kill them! Tulicheng, everyone on your feet should die.”

“Cough! Cough cough…”

Tu Licheng wanted to refute, but his throat was sweet, and when he coughed, he was out of control, and a lot of blood flowed out of his mouth.

He had wondered how he would die.

But I didn’t expect it to capsize twice in the small sewer.

He clearly guarded her a little.

“You…you’re not at the third level of Qi refining?”

After finally taking a breath, he finally thought of something and stared at her hatefully.


Getting the expected answer, the muscles on Tu Licheng’s face continued to tremble, “Wolf God will not let go of those who lie to his people, you…you say, what is your name?”

“Wolf God?”

Lu Lingxi took another step back, “I’m really afraid of what you said, so I’m not going to tell you what my name is.”


Tu Licheng did not expect to receive such an answer, “You will not die well, you will die well, and you will die well.”

“This sentence, or give it to yourself!”

Lu Lingxi determined that he really had no chance of fighting, and with a movement of the spiritual power in his hand, he sucked his storage bag, long sword and bone shield into his hand.

“However, for the sake of these things, I’m not as vicious as you, so I’ll give you a treat!”

A fireball technique was instantly bounced off by her, turning the person who wanted to scream out to ashes on the spot.

It’s over.

After Lu Lingxi wiped away a sweat, he let out a long breath.

This fate is really life-threatening.

I wanted to touch my parents so much, but I didn’t, but I bumped into him twice.

Looking out at the opening of the cave, she was terrified.

Tu Licheng is not cautious enough to kill, but if she encounters Shanna…

Lu Lingxi didn’t care what good things were in it. When she went back with the cloud sweeping technique, she took out the sky changing array again.

It was great that there was no one around. She quickly placed the sky changing array at the entrance of the mine.

In this way, there will never be another third person mistakenly entered?

After passing through Tulicheng, Lu Lingxi felt that for the sake of his life and his grandfather who was waiting outside, he could not be too careful.

Lu Congxia, who was lying inside and couldn’t move, waited for someone outside to come in, but he didn’t come in the first time, and he still didn’t come in the second time. I was really afraid that the person would just run away.

She tried hard to make a move, to make some noise, so that people would notice her, but she struggled for a long time, and she was restrained by spiritual power, and she couldn’t even move a finger.

After a while, just when she was so anxious that her eyes were about to cry, Lu Lingxi, who had come down again, finally found her in her consciousness and stood in front of her.

She didn’t expect that there was still someone in here, a monk from the Taixiao Palace.

After all, she and the people of Taixiao Palace are really destined.

“How can I help you?”


Lu Congxia wanted to open her mouth, but she couldn’t.

“Spiritual lock pulse?”

Lu Lingxi used the wooden spiritual energy to penetrate the opponent’s body. When he put it down for a long time, he sighed and said, “I’m not good enough. Although I can force it to release it, it will probably hurt your muscles.”

Is that so?

Lu Congxia couldn’t shake his head, he could only shake it with his eyeballs.

“So, you don’t agree to forcibly untie it? If so, move your eyes up and down.”

Lu Congxia really moved his eyes up and down.

“That person is already dead,” Lu Lingxi was delighted, and they could still communicate, “at most twelve o’clock, the spiritual power he blessed will disperse without supply, and you will be able to resume action at that time.”

She was very relieved after seeing the storage bag hanging on her waist and determined that it was not hers that was taken from Tu Licheng’s hand, “Or else, you stay here first. I… I’ll dig that golden stone.”

Lu Congxia’s eyes moved up and down again.

Lu Lingxi smiled, “Then it’s settled, I won’t take what you dug, but you can’t ask me for what I dug.”

It’s natural!

Lu Congxia moved his eyes and nodded.

“I know your Senior Sister Lingwu from Taixiao Palace. She is very nice.”

When Lu Lingxi moved towards the brightest golden ore next to her, he said to her, “Before the teleportation came in, I was with fellow Daoist Zhu Peilan of your sect.”

The girl who was restrained by Tulicheng is also higher than her.

Anyway, Lu Lingqi didn’t see it through.

In order to prevent her kindness from being reported as malicious by others, she quickly carried Ling Wu and Zhu Peilan out.

Of course Lu Congxia is not a fool. He understands what she means, and a smile flashes in his eyes.

What was the fight outside, she didn’t see it, and even from a distance, she could only hear the screams of the Sidi man.

But to be able to kill the Xi Di people, no matter what means are used, it shows their strength.

Although her cultivation is higher, so what?

Before they came, she was the fish on the felt board of the Xidi people.

Lu Congxia knew very well that when he fell into the hands of a man-eating two-legged cultivator, his labor was only temporary.

Lu Lingxi held the flying sword he had snatched from Tulicheng’s hand, blessed him with aura of sharp gold, and tapped the stone wall to dig golden ore.

She doesn’t know how valuable this thing is, but looking at the traces of mining along the way, she is always right to dig more.

The stone on the stone wall was harder than she imagined. Even if it was blessed with the spirit of sharp gold, because the long sword was not easy to use, she was busy for a while before digging out a piece.

It’s so heavy!

The little thing, which was barely half an egg, fell, and Lu Lingxi, who didn’t understand anything, picked it up with his bare hands. He was brought down on the spot, his head hit the stone wall, and there was a thud.

The immobile Lu Congxia saw her stunned there, and couldn’t help revealing more smiles in his eyes.

It turns out that he is really a new disciple of the third level of Qi refining!

None of the Golden Spirits recognize it.

“My God, what is this?”

After Lu Lingqi murmured, knowing that he was being watched by others, he simply turned to Lu Congxia, “Is it a very powerful baby?”

Lu Congxia’s eyes flickered with a smile, and his eyeballs moved up and down.

Lu Lingxi’s eyes suddenly lit up, “I like baby the most.”


This is so straightforward.

While Lu Congxia couldn’t help laughing, his heart moved.

Everyone in the world of immortals likes treasures, but few people say it. They only use practical actions to fight and **** them.

There are six pieces of gold essence she dug up earlier on the ground, but this young fellow of the Thousand Dao Sect has pure eyes, but he doesn’t look coveted at all.

Whether it’s because she didn’t understand when she first entered the world of immortality, the girl at this time still maintains a pure heart and is worth paying for.

Lu Lingxi didn’t know what other people were thinking, so he knocked on the baby, and the little green ivy hidden under her sleeve, when she swayed vigorously, took advantage of the trend to let herself get away from her and swim inside.

Although gold essence is good, it can’t be eaten, but…

The owner who follows temporarily seems to be a money fan.

The leaves of the little ivy moved and swam up the stone wall.

The previous meal was good, but it just wasn’t experienced enough, and ended up almost burying her and it all there.

This time, I think that people may dig into this place, in case it is found that it is all gone…

It swam towards the most beautiful and largest pieces. When passing by, one after another gold essence disappeared in place, only revealing the pitted stone walls, as if to prove that they once existed.


Time passed, and when Lu Congxia found out that he could move, he was really surprised.

She straightened up from the crooked place, and the knuckles of her body thudded violently.


Finally alive.

Lu Lingxi turned back and said, “Is your sister okay?”

“Okay.” Lu Congxia handed over with a smile, “Lu Congxia of Taixiao Palace, thank you junior sister for your help.”

The last name is Lu?

Lu Lingxi’s eyes blinked, “Senior Sister Lu is polite, Lin Xi is just a little bit luckier.”

“It turned out to be Junior Sister Lin!” Lu Congxia grinned at her, “No matter what luck, without you, I’ve helped him dig mines, and his life is certain~IndoMTL.com~ I dug her down before. Jin Jing took three big ones in a row and shoved them in, “I don’t have any other treasures, only this gold essence, it’s quite a good thing. “

Speaking of this, she suddenly smiled, “This thing is very heavy, you have to carry the spiritual power, or it will smash you to the ground.”

“Then… Lin Xi is ashamed.”

Lu Lingxi didn’t want to pick it up, but her surname was Lu, so she couldn’t be too polite.

“That’s right!”

Lu Congxia looked at the way they came, “Have you set up the formation outside? There may be other people. If you don’t have it, I’ll set it up.”

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