Floating Immortal Order Chapter 695: 6000 large

It’s dawn.

Yu Jing, the head of the Piaomiao Pavilion who was a guest of Qiandao Sect, silently put away the soul lamp of Uncle Wuxiang.

The danger is only on this night.

After this night, Uncle Shi has either left the place where the blood is forbidden, or…is going to stop there and get the chance she wants.

Yu Jing sighed softly.

When she took over the throne from her master, she also received a last word from her master.

One day, Piaomiao Pavilion can regain its stability in Wuxiang Realm, and Wuxiang Shishu is still there, so let her be free, whatever she wants, Piaomiao Pavilion will give all support without hurting the foundation of the sect!

She’ll do it, just this…

Yu Jing doesn’t know if what she is doing is right or wrong.

There is also a difference between a genius and a genius.

If she is barely considered a genius disciple of the sect, then she is standing on the ground, while Uncle Wuxiang is a real genius flying in the sky.

Uncle Master wants to use the avenue of time to return to the starting point that she will never forget in her life. In the eyes of many people, she is still crazy and impossible to achieve, but Yu Jing feels that she is in all likelihood. can succeed.

Because in addition to her own efforts, Lin Xi is helping her.

Lin Xi, who sympathizes with what happened to her ancestors, has always helped her uncle Wuxiang in her way.

But this helps…

Sometimes Yu Jing doesn’t know what Lin Xi thinks.

If Shishu really goes back to the past, will Lu Xin and Lu Cheng still have their original life trajectories?

If there is no original trajectory of life, then Lin Xi…

Yu Jing wants to sigh!


Twice the door rang, she quickly calmed her mind and waved off the restraint, but it was Nan Jiaren who came in person.

“Senior Sister Yu, are you safe?”


Yu Jing knew that when she was worried about her uncle, Qian Daozong must also be worried about Lin Xi, “How about Sister Lin?”

Although Nan Jiaren looks safe and sound, she should be concerned about it.

“All right!”

Junior sister’s soul has never been moved.

She has passed the danger of the blood forbidden land.

Nan Jiaren is very happy for her junior sister, “But when I look at senior sister Yu’s face, why is there a hidden worry?” She even frowned.

“…I was thinking, what would happen if my uncle really had to peek at the Avenue of Time?”


Nan Jiaren is a smart person, of course she could hear the temptation in Yu Jing’s voice, “Senior Wuxiang stayed because he couldn’t let go of the precarious misty pavilion.”

Her voice was indifferent, “You have to look back at the avenue of time and go back to the past. Could it be that the Piaomiao Pavilion at that time is already the current Piaomiao Pavilion?”


Yu Jing’s brows were tied into a knot.

Past, future, space, time, there are too many things involved.

There is a saying in Buddhism, a flower is a world, a tree is a floating life, a grass is a paradise, a leaf is a Tathagata, a side is a pure land, a smile is a dusty relationship, a thought is a quiet…

Each ‘one’ in between represents a different world, and each ‘one’ has an incarnation.

In other words, each of them naturally has millions of incarnations, just living in different spaces.

Uncle goes back to the past…

“Forget it.”

Yu Jing sighed deeply, “It may be a long time before my uncle can peek into the avenue of time. My brain is not very bright. If I get stuck in it, the biggest possibility is that I will be dizzy.”

She is no longer herself, she is the head of Piaomiao Pavilion, and there are many, many things.

“Junior Sister Lin is smarter than me. I don’t care about such difficult things.”

“Pfft!” Nan Jiaren was about to be amused by her, “Senior Sister Yu, you are not authentic.”

Where is the head of a sect, just like her senior brother, he is a dumper.

Senior brother, she can’t do anything about it, who made everyone a family, but Yu Jing dumped Senior Wuxiang who couldn’t handle Piaomiao Pavilion to Junior Sister Lin…

“Lin Xi is a disciple of Qiandao Sect. You’ve crossed the line like this.”

“Why did you cross the line?” Yu Jing looked innocent, “Junior Sister Nan said it wrong, do you think Lin Xi has something good, didn’t he give it to my uncle? I just want to keep them apart and I don’t have the ability!”


Is this for showing off?

Nan Jiaren held her breath, “Forget it, I can’t tell you. Let’s go and talk to the head of my family.”

See who of them is better.

If senior brother can’t tell Yu Jing, hmph, don’t ask her to listen to him in the future.


Lu Lingxi’s practice on the cliff began.

In order to test what’s going on here, she practiced for one week, three days, seven days, or even a whole day.

Unfortunately, the hourglass leaked to the ninth day, and she still didn’t notice any difference from the outside world.

Unable to find out why, she could only stare at her ancestor, “Ancestor, today is the ninth day, why don’t you accompany me to practice together!”

Otherwise it would be too much of a loss.

Cultivation is boring.

Since the Moon Gate can’t be researched, let’s help the stupid ancestor to lift it up!

Otherwise, the work of cultivation must still be done by the ancestor.

“…I said it, leave me alone.”

Wuxiang has been very haggard lately.

If it hadn’t been for Lu Lingxi to take care of her meals, she might have been even more haggard.

She saw the Moon Gate, but still couldn’t figure out its relationship to time.

Maybe I can see you after going out, but after going out, it may not be easy to come in again.

She didn’t make any marks on the way into the mist at the beginning.

I was able to come in this time, probably because of the light of Lingxi (the daughter of Heavenly Dao).

“It doesn’t matter if you don’t!”

Lu Lingqi played a water mirror and let her look at herself, “Who told you to be the ancestor of my family? Look at me, I’m taking care of it every day, and the blood in your eyes has come out.”


Wuxiang looked at himself in the water mirror, pale and lackluster, and couldn’t help sighing, “Did you know long ago that there would be no result if I came in?”

“There is a little such suspicion.”

That being said, nothing at all is impossible.

Ancestor is so smart.

Lu Lingxi pondered the words and said, “There are twelve gates in the Moon Palace, and there are only seven here, and there are also the psychedelic demon fox Xuewu senior and the blood demon who should be held in the Tuotian Temple.

If only these seven gates were enough to realize the Great Way of Time, I don’t think they would be here long ago. “

“…” Wuxiang was silent for a moment, “You’re right, I was too hasty.”

In fact, now, waiting one more year is not much different from waiting one hundred years.

Wuxiang felt bitter in her heart. The person she was looking for was long gone.

And in this world, there are already children who came back for them.

Wuwan tried to cheer up, “However, I’m outside, I’m afraid I can’t settle down to cultivate.” She also wanted to think about the Moon Gate and the way she understood, “I’ll let her out and accompany her. Is it good for you to cultivate together?”


However, Lu Lingxi didn’t dare to express his joy immediately, “Old Ancestor, you… is your situation beheading three corpses, or splitting the soul?”

“…I don’t know either.”

Wuxiang looked at the Moon Gate where she had placed infinite hope, “I didn’t cut three corpses.” When she separated from Lu Xin, her cultivation base was not high, and the strength of her soul was far from being able to cut three corpses. “That day, Lu Xin told me that we will come back, even if we can’t come back, our descendants will come back, and then you can see a lot…”

Thinking of her lover holding her young son and crying to her, Wuxiang’s tears fell silently.

She didn’t know how her life could be like this.

It was obvious that she was just marrying someone and having a child.

She can also contribute to the sect, and she can even turn Lu Xin to Piaomiao Pavilion.


Piaomiao Pavilion cannot accept it, nor dare to accept it.

The great kindness of the Lu family is still on Piao Miao Pavilion’s head, but she has made her brothers lose peace.

Lu Xin knew that when the white-haired master stood in front of her again, she couldn’t let it go, so before she made a choice, she made a choice for her first.

Why is she a big tree, so that no one will bully Lu Xin’s descendants?


She has never been a tree of spirits.

Wuxiang burst into tears, “Lingxi, you said, your wife and grandfather Lu Ji, why are you so cruel? Lu Xin was raised by him, and he clearly knew that the vein of Changling could only be passed on in one vein, why would he be so cruel? Can’t you open your mouth?”

Not only did not speak, but also sent the evidence to the Jokhang Temple for sealing.

I can’t forgive without thinking, and I will never pass this test, “What the **** is he pinching his fingers every day?”


Lu Lingxi couldn’t say anything.

Ancestor after ancestor, in their own right way, at the cost of their lives to fight against the malice they feel.

What can she say?

She could only stretch out her hand silently, wiping away the tears that could not be wiped away for the ancestor.

“Lingxi, do you really know what?”

Lu Lingxi’s hand paused.

“Will you please tell me?”

Wuxiang said in a hoarse voice, “I have returned to my sect with my master. I want to try my best to forget that memory, but, all the time, their father and son are in front of my eyes.

I was in a cage, my heart was in hell, and I couldn’t think about it, which triggered the treasure I accidentally got back then, and then I became two mes.

Lin Xi, do you know how hard it has been for me to live for so many years? “

When someone else is in a cage, she can still try to find a way to save herself. What about her?

Where can she escape?

“Yes! I’m stupid, and I can cultivate too, but, do you think I’m stupid, can I really sit still in the boring practice day by day?”

Wu want to cry, “That’s because, subconsciously, I want to hurry up and hurry up, so that I can find him and bring him back before Lu Xin dies of old age.”

However, the concentric knot between husband and wife broke within a few years.

“He died, I thought again, I still have a child, he is young, he has no father or mother…”

Lu Lingqi hugged the sobbing ancestor.

She knew that Old Ancestor Cheng didn’t give her time either.

He was only thirty-eight when he died.

“You tell me why, why does our family suffer from all this?”


Lu Lingqi looked at the shadowy moon gates in the mist, wondering what to say?

Even her life was earned separately.

Lu Ji… Maybe it’s something, but maybe it’s because Patriarch Ning gave Patriarch Lu Wang other words when he found him.

For so many years, Ancestor Ning has been hiding from Ancestor Wuxiang.

That’s because she regrets seeing such a thoughtless ancestor, right?

It seems that everyone has their own difficulties. They are all in the game and can’t help themselves.

“Lingxi! Can you really say nothing?”

“…I don’t know what to say.”

Faced with the collapsed ancestor, Lu Lingxi could only try his best to appease, “Ancestor, the smooth vein of the spirit is not as good as the world thinks.” If she had a choice, she would not.

“Do you know why I practice so desperately? Because if I don’t work hard, no matter how much resources I have, I will still be defeated and unable to make progress in my life.

I have spirit stones, immortal stones, and elixir, but no matter how hard my grandfather works, he can only build a foundation. Although my father and my mother have not given up, but they want to go further, they have to put in ten times more effort than others, and it depends on the mood of God, whether they can give them that chance. “

In the thorns of life, if the heart does not move, the person does not move rashly, and if it does not move, it will not hurt; if the heart is moved, the person moves rashly, hurting the body and bones…

“You think God is unfair to you, but you say, why do people cry? Xin Laozu’s mother, why did she have a difficult birth? If I told you, she deliberately abandoned her body to cultivate a ghost , do you believe it?”


Seeing the pain and madness in Lu Lingxi’s eyes, Wuxiang lost his voice on the spot.

She believes!

“Ning… Senior Ning became a ghost cultivator?”

Wan’s hands trembled a little.

She remembered that Shanhaizong had a period of time, especially targeting Lingxi, and then the famous martial master died in the Shanhaizong hall. It is rumored that he died at the hands of ghost repairers.

Piaomiao Pavilion also had a murder case, which was the death of a Yuanying elder from Shanhaizong at the hands of ghost repairers.

These are all unresolved cases.

Who did she hear?

It seems to be said while listening to people gossip in a teahouse.

The man said that their deaths may all be related to Lingxi.

“She… where is she?”

“I found her, do you want to fight with her?”


No desire to stay still.

That’s Lu Xin’s mother, she… how is she going to work so hard?

“I want to know, why?”

“I don’t think Patriarch Ning knows either.”

Lu Lingxi shook his head, “Her family ancestors have a relationship with Lu Wang’s ancestors. She was ordered by him to go to Wuxiangjie to give birth to a child in the Lu family.”

“Lu Wang?”

Wuwan wiped away her tears, “Why did he do this? Also, why is your spiritual vein… why is there a bottleneck that can’t be broken?”

At this point, she finally couldn’t help but be concerned.

“In this world, there is always gain and loss…”

This is a long story.

Lu Lingxi began with the sacrifice of the three generations of the Lu family.

She cleans up the mess left by the ancestors.

She gets tired too, she gets stressed too.

There are too many involved, from the Lu family to Wuxiangjie, and then to the seven realms of Tianyuan…

She seems to be in the middle of the game, and she seems to be forced by an ancestor by chance.

She also has a lot of whys, and she doesn’t know who to ask?

Ancestor thinks she has collapsed, but Lu Lingxi actually wants to collapse too.

But I don’t know if it’s because I’m in good health, or if I get too much love, she can’t collapse, she can only hold on hard, try her best to help everything, she thinks it’s right, she should things to do.

After a long while, Wuxiang finished listening to Lu Lingxi’s story.

No, this is not a story.

Wuxiang sat there in silence, not knowing what to say.

Lu Xin said, it is better to forget each other in the rivers and lakes!

She can’t do it, but she can find a goal for herself to move forward, Lingxi…

“I didn’t know you…it was so hard.”

People are in the rivers and lakes, and they can’t help themselves, and the battle between the hearts, life and death are forgotten~

“…It’s not difficult now, I’ll be fine with that.”

Lu Lingxi subconsciously didn’t want the ancestor to worry about her.

Of course, I really feel refreshed when I hide in my heart and never dare to say it to others, “Old Ancestor, I’ll treat you to dinner!”

Let’s have a meal of golden rice, three more dishes, and one soup, and the days are prosperous again.


I don’t know what to say to her.

Of course, she can be resurrected with full blood so quickly, and I think she is very happy, “I just couldn’t eat it for a long time, but let her come out, she will definitely be able to eat.”

Wuxiang touched Lu Lingqi’s very rosy cheek, “I won’t share our conversation with her today, you…”

“I listen to you.”

She also hopes that the ancestor can live a simple and happy life.

Seeing the simple and happy ancestor, her mood will also be better. “Ancestor, let’s practice together. When one day no one can beat us, we can do whatever we want.”

That’s a dream!

Wuwan wanted to pour cold water upon seeing her smiling face that had brightened up again, “Okay, you work hard, and I will work hard for mine.”

Her future, in the future.

Her future is in the past.

The paths they are going to take are two completely opposite directions.


The southern gathering place of the Ancient Battlefield.

The damper paces back and forth across the room.

Every time he walked to the gate of the big moon, he couldn’t help but stop.

Since confessing to the Lord, this door has never been ignored, but now…

The damper can feel it, and his moongate senses the other moongates.

But where is he now?

He can’t get out of the ancient battlefield.

The only thing he can leave now is this ancient battlefield.

I had known that, after waiting for so many years, the relics of the Moon Palace, who had been searching for so many years, would be moving at this time, and he would never come to this ancient battlefield.


The damper sighed one after another.

He was careless.

After the Heaven and Earth of the Phaseless Realm is consummated, so many secret places and immortal mansions emerge, and it may be a matter of time before the other eleven gates of the Moon Palace appear.

He should stay in Shanhaizong, and be the young ancestor who is exhausted.


The door rang again.

The damper reluctantly put away its baby, “What to do?”

I knew it was Suiqing, this guy, he couldn’t avoid him wherever he went.

“How long have you been here?”

Sui Qing and him are welcome, “Do you know how many things have happened outside?”

Nowadays, cultivators under fifty don’t feel safe anymore.

When the gathering places exchanged news with each other, they found that in the past two months, nine cultivators had all died, and 27 cultivators had lost more than half.

The people of Zomon are obviously more enlightened than before.

Moreover, they seem to be connected together, echoing each other. When they encounter a large group of monks, they retreat, and when they encounter a small group of monks, they eat them all.

When encountering a team of monks with no reinforcements around, they immediately surrounded them.

“What happened outside, is it related to me?”

The wind gate is very annoying, “The ancient battlefield is originally the high-level training of the Xianjie and the Zomon people. The battlefield where we all kill each other, we can’t always be our murderers, and others can’t kill us, right?”

People must also benefit from here, otherwise, they would have stopped playing for a long time.

“You’re right!”

Suiqing knows that this person’s temper is to follow, “But the wind door, since we have entered the battlefield of killing, should we do our part well?”

What is the duty?

The job is to kill the Zomon.

Change the elixir, immortal stone and immortal treasure in the fairy world to gather strength for the future.

In Suiqing’s eyes, Throttle Gate saw the deeply hidden anger and fighting intent, and his heart jumped, “I know, I’ll go out with you tomorrow.”

I can’t go out.

If you don’t go out, this guy will fight him.

Furthermore, it’s useless for him to stay here every day to regret it, if he can’t go back, he can’t go back, “However, here, the distance between everyone can be contacted, some are too far, even if I want to save, I can’t save it. right?”

“So, we need the support of the gathering place.”

What does it mean?

The damper looks towards Suiqing.

“There are fewer monks we can reach.”

Suiqing doesn’t even know what those guys in Immortal Realm are doing. It’s no accident that Zomon people suddenly become so wise.

In the past, people in the chaos of Xinghai could sneak in, but in today’s ancient battlefield, people may also be able to enter by losing their cultivation.

“Therefore, we must get the support of the gathering place, people can echo each other, and we are the same, as long as we can join hands, one party is in trouble, all parties support, this ancient battlefield is where we accumulate military exploits and amass wealth. The best place.”

“Can they agree?”

“What do they mean by consent?”

Suiqing despised him, “They are more worried than us about the recent changes of the Zomon people~IndoMTL.com~ You haven’t heard of it, have you reported it to Xianjie many times?”

I haven’t heard of it yet. He’s here every day thinking about the lost Moon Gates and who might have them.

“Then… Xianjie has not replied to us?”

“Humph! Even if there is a reply, I’m afraid we’ll have to figure out our own way.”

Suiqing has long given up hope for Immortal Realm, “Windgate, I will ask you if you can do it now? If you do, we will help the gathering place to solve problems, and they will also give you the benefits.”

When the elixir and fairy treasures are exchanged with points, at least a 10% discount should be given to them.

If Immortal Realm lets them figure out a way, they always have to give some incentives, so, the benefits… He also has to talk to Immortal Realm in person.

“Do it!”

When the wind door knows what Sui Qing is going to focus on, it will not turn back after hitting the south wall. Even if he dies, he can also bite off a piece of other people’s flesh.

Follow him, you can definitely eat some meat!

He rolled up his sleeves, “From today onwards, I will do whatever you say I will.”


When the World-Honored One was happy that the layout of the ancient battlefield had achieved initial results, he didn’t think about it, and in a blink of an eye, he received news of a new wind watcher.

He held this jade slip, kicked the jade table in front of him angrily, and strode to Xiaogu.

“Holy Venerable! News from the ancient battlefield.”


Seeing his appearance, the Holy Venerable knew that it was not good news. After taking the jade slip, he was stunned before his divine sense penetrated.

“The thing that seems to be an arbitrary portal, in all likelihood, is the treasure of the Moon Palace back then.”


Holy Venerable’s brows furrowed tightly, “Do you think the Moon Palace will make a comeback?”

For so many years, there has been no news from the Moon Palace. It stands to reason that it should not be!


Genius for a second to remember the address of this site: . Mobile version reading URL:

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