Floating Immortal Order Chapter 532: 1 start, 1 stop

Lu Lingxi still doesn’t know what the famous Inner Demon Tribulation is.

This time, I told Qing Zhu’er to let her do it by herself first, unless she really sees a hard time before eating.

Because of the presence of Qing Zhuer, Lu Lingxi was looking forward to the calamity that everyone in the world of immortals was afraid of, but what does it mean to change the picture suddenly like this?

When the demons come, do they all suddenly change like this?

If this is the case, after the cultivator of Ying Jie is prepared in his heart, how can he be fooled by it?

As soon as Lu Lingxi thought about it, he saw the originally hazy earth appeared under the gray sky, and he seemed to be stepping on it.


There was a crisp sound under his feet, and when he bowed his head, a piece of white bone that was half-covered in dust was trampled and broken.

Lu Lingqi let out a sigh of relief. It looked like a dead battlefield for a long time.

It’s just her inner demon…, no family, no ancestors, no sect, no Baiji Mountain, how could it be a place that doesn’t belong to her at all?

As soon as Lu Lingxi thought about this in his heart, he saw not far away, a small half-dead flower that looked like a sunflower. When a gust of wind came, the dust was blown off and revealed.

With a little force under her feet, she flew forward.

The flowers are indeed half-remained, and there are not only petals but a few claws scattered on the ground.

The spiritual power on Lu Lingxi’s hand flicked, and a corpse deep in the ground appeared in front of him.

The dead man is still raising his hand, and the half-dead sunflower seems to be rooted in the soil by his hand.

Lu Lingxi’s heart suddenly panicked for some reason!

Master said that the reason why the inner demon tribulation is terrifying lies in its ever-changing nature.

Although most of the time, it unfolds around the place where the fear of the cultivator should be, but there are also many times, like a dream in a dream, it is a calamity, and what you see may also be your previous life, It may also happen in the future…

Lu Lingqi squatted down slowly and carefully picked up a petal that fell on the ground. As she guessed, it was not a real flower, but a magic weapon like a double image.

In this world, it is not that there are no magic weapons like double shadows, but what other people do, it doesn’t matter to her, the only thing that has to do with her… is the flower branch of the ancestor Lu Wang, the killing god.

And, what it now reveals is a sunflower.

There is a Kui Kui in the Lu family, and Kui Kui is now with her grandfather.

Lu Lingqi’s heart jumped uncontrollably. Her hand carefully touched the branch of the sunflower. The petals flew. And branches without flowers…


Is it the ancestor of Lu Wang?

Where is this place?

Lu Lingxi was about to look around when the flower branch in his hand suddenly became fragrant, and a faint shadow appeared with vicissitudes and loneliness.

Ancestor Lu Wang? !

Lu Lingxi had seen him countless times in the Wugong painting realm of ambush, how he was…

“…I’ve been waiting for you for a long time!”

Looking at the girl in front of him, Lu Wang was stunned for a moment, but soon he showed a loving smile, “You are my descendant of House of Flying Daggers, aren’t you?”


Lu Lingxi didn’t understand how he would die. For 60 years in the chaos of Xinghai, An Hua looked like those Zomon people were afraid of her, and from the confessions of the arrested people, the ancestors clearly lived very well. right.

“I feel a trace of blood on you!”

Lu Wang sighed slightly, “You don’t want to tell us the blood relationship between us right away. Are you dissatisfied with the Lu family and your own blood relationship?”

Lu Lingxi: “…”

For a moment, she really didn’t know how to answer!

Can she and the Lu family be safe?

“There is no hatred in your eyes,” Lu Wang was relieved, “It seems that you also know a lot about the Lu family!”

“…Yes! I was not born in the Lu family, never grew up in the Lu family. Although I have a relationship with the Lu family, I think…I want to be safe and not disturb each other.”

“Do not disturb each other?”

Lu Wang smiled bitterly, “It’s a way! But, have you ever wondered why my father and grandfather sacrificed their bodies and souls for three generations to help the Lu family return to normality, but I have to re-introduce the smooth spirit to the Lu family?”


Lu Lingxi was really strange.

However, it all happened many years ago. It involves Old Ancestor Ning, Old Ancestor Wuxiang, and Old Ancestor Xin and Old Ancestor Cheng who died long ago and left behind countless regrets.

She can’t change the choices of the ancestors. Everyone has their own last resort, and there are difficulties they can’t tell.

Lu Lingxi never took the initiative to investigate, nor did he intend to do so, because it was too uncomfortable!

“It looks like you’re a smart kid too!”

Lu Wang’s eyes seemed to be looking at her, but at the same time, he seemed to be looking at her elders through her, “Zhuang Shengxiao dreamed of butterflies! Whether we are Zhuang Sheng or butterflies, I’m afraid no one can tell!” /

The old man can only tell you, Lan Yinxu fruit, there must be a reason. This world is caused by cause and effect.

The difference between eagles and ants is that the former can see the vastness of the distance, while the ants can only see the square inches under their feet…

This life is like a game of chess, some people are chess pieces, some people are chess players.

A truly powerful person, without blood on his hands, just inadvertently adds to the flames, he can let whoever he wants to live, and whoever he wants to die, let him die.

From what I have observed, many people who defended the Tao from countless years ago in the Seven Realms of the Heavenly Abyss were plotted against others, and finally fell into reincarnation and lost themselves in reincarnation.

So, the old man replayed a game of chess! “


Lu Faxi’s complexion changed slightly.

She, and her family are all his chess pieces?

“I’m sorry, that’s what the old man did when he was young.”

Lu Wang sighed, “However, seeing you now, this old man has no regrets. One thought, all thoughts perish, one leaf and one bodhi, one flower and one world, there are actually countless possibilities for our single thought. , for example…”

He looked at Lu Lingxi with a smile, “The old man you see is a poor dead man, but I believe that in your world, the old man is still alive.”


Lu Lingxi’s heart jumped suddenly.

“The old man is too obsessed with the sacrifice of his father’s ancestors’ body and soul, and the heart of subduing demons is no different from demons. Eliminating demons is an inexhaustible demon of troubles, and the existence of you and your family , it is the demon of the old man, and it is also the way of the old man!”


Lu Lingxi couldn’t understand this sentence.

Lu Wang obviously didn’t want to explain to her in detail, “We can meet here not only because of the cause and effect between the old man and you, but also because you have a thing of time on you.”


When Lu Lingxi was thinking about what time is, when the storage ring moved, Lu Wang grabbed the hourglass that Chaan Xinghai had to replace by Qing Zhuer.

“Yes, that’s it!”

Lu Wang’s face was slightly delighted, “This old man used to be its owner, but seeing it like this, it’s obvious that I have used it a long time ago.”

Speaking of this, he couldn’t help but sigh, “The old man died here, it must have a lot to do with it, but seeing it in your hands, the old man has no hatred in his heart, but only joy. , obviously, with its purpose, the old man has achieved it.”


Looking at the hourglass that he handed back, Lu Lingqi felt a little scared for some reason!

“Don’t be afraid!”

Lu Wang smiled, “The magic weapon is innocent, just look at the person who uses it and where it is used!

There are actually countless great powers in the fairy world. You want to get it, but in the end it falls into your hands. This is your fate.

Don’t want to use it, it can stay the way it is now.

When you want to use it…”

Lu Wang looked at the girl who was deeply involved with him, “Your cultivation is too low, and it is far from being used. The old man passed the jade immortal cultivation when he died here.”

He looked around and sighed in a low voice, “If you want to use it, you must either surpass my cultivation level, or…find the sand of time!”


Lu Lingxi felt that she would never use it in her life.

Go home and seal it up.

“Each owner of this thing can only use it once!”

Lu Wang Xuxu’s body swayed and suddenly became lighter.

He knew that his time was running out, he raised his hand to grab the hourglass as if to grab it, and threw it back to Lu Lingqi’s storage ring, “Ambush from all sides is invincible at the same level, although this old man killed millions, he never regretted it. , because what this old man kills is the one who deserves to be killed.

You remember, evil is because there is no heart involved and no fear, so it can be done at will.

Good, because the heart is involved, there must be a responsibility, so – have a kind heart and be grateful!

But once you have concerns, you have an Achilles heel! “

He can feel that he died here because of his obsession, his inner demon, his Achilles heel!

He knows what his Achilles heel is!

Lu Wang’s figure seems to be able to dissolve at any time, “Evil gives you freedom! Kindness gives you responsibility! As the saying goes, Mei is one year older in the world, and Xinglai is spring again in the world. Many times, it only depends on your choice. What, if you make the wrong choice, congratulations, you are like me, you have a chance to change, don’t throw away the magic weapon of time, and don’t show it to others.”

“…I remember!”

When a gust of wind came, Lu Wang’s figure, as well as the flowers and branches all turned into a little bit of aura, floating in the invisible…

For some unknown reason, Lu Lingxi suddenly felt very uncomfortable. He looked down at the bones of his ancestors who were not completely covered by the soil, knelt down, and buried the soil with his own hands!

For a long time, the tomb was in her silence, and it grew bigger and bigger. The ten fingers felt so painful. This world has not disappeared.


In the immortal world, Lu Wang was suddenly moved while meditating. He quickly probed his consciousness into the storage ring, but found that the most important treasure turned into aura before his eyes and disappeared.


Lu Wang hurriedly checked his body. Sure enough, the Jade Immortal cultivation base, which had stabilized long ago, was slowly weakening, but after a while, he fell back to the Heavenly Wonderland.

He frowned and sat on the spot for a while before jumping up to look for the latest news about the Seven Realms of the Abyss from his friends.

Jade slips slid across his hand, and when all his consciousness was swept away, he let out a low laugh, “Haha! Hehehe…”

Laughing and laughing, Lu Wang poured himself a glass of wine and swept the sacrifice to the ground, “Congratulations! Thank you!”


In order to prevent herself from being unable to control herself again, Qing Zhu’er counts the time and seals her five senses.

I heard that during the calamity of the heart, many cultivators can live their entire lives, or even several lifetimes, in the calamity within a few dozen breaths.

At this moment, she has counted to fifty breaths.

There is still no lingering voice outside.

I don’t know what happened to her inner demon.

Qing Zhuer was a little confused, and she counted to sixty again, but there was still no movement outside.

Master Suiqing said that if it exceeds 100 breaths, those who should be robbed will be in danger!

Lin Xi… shouldn’t be addicted to his inner demons, right?

Grandpa, parents are very good, ancestor Ning and ancestor Wuxiang are also very good now, Yu Youyou is on the bank of Leihe, master and uncle are also here, and at Baijin Mountain, master and uncle Yifa are also here. Having said that, Aunt Ying made a deal with Uncle Chongping and exchanged a lot of spirit-eating worms. After so many years, everything has been normal there.

First, Lin Xi has no regrets, and secondly, there are no people and things that can’t be dealt with, it’s not that bad!

Counting to eighty, Qing Zhuer finally couldn’t take it anymore. She quickly withdrew the five senses that had been sealed by herself. Just when she was about to make all the moves, she heard Lu Lingxi’s scream!

“What’s the matter?”

Qing Zhuer regrets (fortunately) the tempting thing that flashed by, and at the same time looks at Lu Lingxi anxiously, not knowing what her pain is.

Of course, I’m more curious, what exactly is her inner demon.

“Huh? No…nothing!”

Lu Lingqi touched his fingers to make sure they were all right. He was about to ponder what he had just experienced when his memory suddenly seemed to be distorted.

The sea of ​​consciousness was stirred, and almost instantly, she wanted to shiver in pain!

“Lin Xi, what’s wrong with you, Lin Xi?”

“It hurts!”

Lu Lingxi held his head, and everything in his memory was blurred. He was only impressed by the hourglass and a corpse buried in the soil.

“Does it hurt?”

Yu Youyou also counted the time and rushed over.

Qing Zhuer shrunk quickly and turned into a yarn on her robe.

“It’s okay, just take it easy! When I was over the calamity of my heart, I also felt pain in my body and heart!”

Her inner demon was her former master Jiu Rang, who not only arrested her, but also her parents and sister together, and even did not spare her sister’s children.


“However, that’s all fake. It’s just our most feared, most feared hallucination.”

Is it?

The pain in the sea of ​​Lu Lingxi’s knowledge is like the tide receding~IndoMTL.com~ It doesn’t seem to be very painful, but the ten fingers… It feels like the pain is really worn out!

“Okay, I’m fine.”

Lu Lingxi felt that he had promised the corpse something about the hourglass, and subconsciously, he chose not to say anything, “Where’s my master?”

Senior sister Caiwei’s spiritual sense came over, but Master and Uncle Yifa disappeared.

“Uncle Yifa has some insight!” Caiwei came over through voice transmission, “Follow Uncle Qing to the gate of the secret place, and Lin Xi, also come to Uncle Master to stabilize his realm!”

Lin Xi’s Falun Gong practitioners are different. It just so happens that Uncle Master should be Gao Jue, and he can lead more spiritual energy. It is definitely better for the two to help each other.

“Okay, I’ll be over in a minute.”

There is a strange thing in the Leihe River, Lu Lingxi thought about it, and reminded: “You sister, there are dangerous things in the Leihe River. When I stabilize my realm, I will trouble you and Senior Sister Caiwei to pay more attention. Our safety.”

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