Floating Immortal Order Chapter 350: Queen Bee

The valley basin was in front of him, and he saw and smelled the fragrance of flowers, but Lu Lingxi couldn’t take a step forward.

Three steps before her, there is a transparent mask that is extremely dangerous for her, flashing with various runes. She feels that as long as she dares to touch it, those runes will all be killed, and the consequences must be unimaginable.

Even Qing Zhu’er paused. She also felt that this thing must never be touched.

“The only way to enter and exit the valley is probably the hive.”

Qingzhuer looked at Lu Lingxi’s small body, and seriously doubted that the giant bee’s long needle would be able to pass her through, “What should I do now?”

“It’s up to you!”


The young master was stunned.

Like a dragon treasure, she stuck her head out and faced her face to face, “You…you mean, I’m going in alone and looking for it alone?”

This method seems to be good too!

She can find everything she is looking for without knowing it, without worrying about Lin Xi’s safety, “Well then!”

Qingzhuer, who had figured it out, looked at someone in another way, “Who made you the daughter of God?” She smiled and said, “I must be the goddess sent to you by God. .”

Even the dragon from the beginning came out to **** this guy. She, who signed the contract of great virtue with Lin Xi early in the morning, could not be a magic vine.

“It’s beautiful.”

Lu Lingxi took her back, stuffed it under the veil, and went in the direction of Taniguchi, “I mean, you wrapped vines all over me, and then, when it was dark, we would go to Move it inside.”


“It’s not as good as me alone.” Qing Zhuer firmly opposed, “You will be a big burden to me.”

“Are you human?” Lu Lingxi choked her, “Where is the place where the trolls of Chaos stayed, I came here with great pains and hardships, you don’t let me go, as long as I think about it in the future, I will You will think about it like Uncle Yi, you can think about it.”

Qingzhuer: “…”

Her little leaves are wilting.

Uncle Master Yi is ruthless, that’s not annoying.

It’s even more annoying when you talk about it.

Furthermore, Uncle Yifa can’t follow Lin Xi every day, but she can’t, she is with Lin Xi every day.

“If you accidentally get stung by a giant bee, don’t blame me.”

“Definitely blame you.”

Lu Lingxi went directly to the Taniguchi at the top of the mountain, “Didn’t God send me to protect my divine vine?”


Anyway, she can’t tell her.

Qing Zhu’er opened her mouth and took a bite at her earlobe.


The earlobes are so itchy, Lu Lingxi would have rubbed her ears if he wasn’t afraid of rubbing her, “Didn’t you seal the vines yourself? How can you blame me again?”


Qingzhuer doesn’t want to talk to her anymore.

“We need to have faith in ourselves!”

Lu Lingxi wore a complete set of ice silk vestments and walked along the top of the mountain very leisurely to the passage, “The Chaos trolls are guarding these beasts. How old are they, how old am I? Be careful, you can cooperate with me. It should be no problem when the night passes.”

I hope so!

Qingzhuer suspected that she mainly wanted to find the golden rice seeds that the Chaos trolls might have left, “Lin Xi, the golden rice of the Chaos trolls and other spiritual seeds they planted require a lot of chaos. Qi, without the Qi of Chaos, even if we get the seeds of spiritual seeds or golden rice, it seems that we can’t grow them.”

Through the ages, how many people have admired the golden rice grown by the Chaos trolls, but in fact, even if the spiritual seed is found, it cannot be called golden rice.

“Even if you are lucky enough to plant a crop, it will definitely be stunted. It is impossible to keep the seeds later. Otherwise, there is no way that the world of immortals will not have such a good thing as golden rice.”

“I know.”

Lu Lingxi had read it from the ancient books, “Lord, you worry too much, be careful with the elders, you are not fresh.”

Qingzhuer: “…”

Her teeth are itchy again, and I really want to give her a bite.

“The flowers here are so big?” Lu Lingxi went to the passage occupied by the giant bees, while looking at the bright red flowers near the top of the mountain, “There is no chaos in other places, there must be here.”

Where’s the secret place of the Chaos Trolls?

“The honey you stole yesterday was more than just nectar.”

The nectar tastes different.

“And, no matter what kind of flower, as long as it is not poisonous, it seems that it can be made into a scented tea.”

Cultivators in the world of immortality like to drink some tea.

Lu Lingxi wasn’t very interested in tea, but he couldn’t help everyone like it.

“How about if I get a batch of dried petals back and make a scented tea?”

The golden rice can certainly help her practice the dragon art, but the same is true for the meat of the beast, and the same is true for the tea and fruit here.

“You can’t find such a sea of ​​flowers outside.”

How can the beehive outside form a building complex of giant bees like this?

“We’re going to have a good time. If those bees really have a lot of honey, we’ll get more.”

Lu Lingxi actually wanted to steal some honey.

Not just honey, but royal jelly.

The royal jelly here tastes like…

I really can’t think about it, the saliva in my mouth is more than just thinking about it.

Lu Lingxi took out the Qiankun gourd with spirit dew and poured it into his mouth, “Aunt Long and Long Bao will definitely like it.” Even if Aunt Long doesn’t like it, Long Bao will definitely like it.

Apart from them, Aunt Ying and Uncle Ying in Baijin Mountain must also like it.

“And if we miss this flight, if we want to go to the sky again in the future, I’m afraid it will be harder than going to the sky.”

“…No wonder Senior Sister Nan said that your name is Lin Youli.”

Qingzhuer has the urge to have a big fight with her here, “Don’t bother, as long as we can get in, we will do whatever you want.”

Even if you are hunted down by giant bees, with her protecting him and changing the sky, it shouldn’t be too difficult to hide.

“Do I need to talk to you?”

Lu Lingqi laughed, “Lord, you’ve become stupid! I mean, you use Jitu beads to make the space a little bigger. When we enter Baoshan, we always have to move a few plants in.”

Is that so?

Qingzhuer sticks his head out of the veil and looks at the beautiful valley basin.

In the end, she was moved, “Then when you arrive at the hive, don’t go down yet, I’ll go into the space to have a look.”

She got Song Zaiye’s breath soil, but for some reason, she could clearly feel its powerful vitality, but it couldn’t dissolve in space.

Qing Zhu’er soon returned to her space full of spirit grass when Lu Lingqi took off her gloves.

Here, it’s not the first half of the land. Since she was with Lin Xi, she has been begging and begging, and Lin Xi has generously given it. In fact, she has used 15 of the 33 Ji soil beads.

The space is now close to fifteen acres.

Qing Zhuer took out three Jitu beads sealed in the jade box.

With her, a jitu bead can protect almost one mu of land, and three mu should be enough to plant those big flowers in the forest.

She thought for a while, and then took out the breath soil from the jade box.

This time, three Jitu beads are used together in space, if they can drive the Qitu…

Lu Lingxi walked forward from the top of the mountain, while taking time to watch the spatial changes of Qing Zhuer.

Sure enough, this time, the space vibrated several times in a row, and a lot of territory expanded from the edge, but the rest of the earth, which was highly valued by the Lord, remained unchanged.

She has long suspected that this resting soil is not a complete resting soil. “Go back in the future and let Master help us to see what is going on in this resting soil.”


Baby in hand, can not be used is the most pitiful.

Qing Zhuer threw the dusty soil back to the side of the jade frame.

Since it can’t be used, it’s not necessary to pack it in a jade box, it’s a waste.

With a thud, the breath soil smashed into the top layer, and a storage ring without a pattern fell from the top with a ‘swish’ and rolled several times.

“Oops, Lin Xi, we forgot about this?”

Qing Zhu’er was overjoyed, “Xidi Yuan’s storage ring.”

Huh? Really forgot.

Lu Lingxi was overjoyed and hurriedly photographed it.

She’s short on storage now, and she can’t get too much storage.

When she was in the cold desert garden, the master gave her Yuan Yan’s storage ring, saying that it was in the middle stage of the formation of elixir, and it could be polished away.

But that’s an estimate based on her weak sense.

Yuan Yan has been dead for many years, and the imprint of divine consciousness dissipates every year.

Lu Lingqi’s consciousness condensed into a bundle and slammed into the door of space in the storage ring with a ‘bang’.

A faint wave of spiritual light flashed on the storage ring, and Yuan Yan’s divine sense imprint was still protecting the storage ring.

However, she felt there was a door.

The imprint of the old owner of the storage ring can no longer be replenished. If she hits it once, it will consume some points, and it will be ten times a hundred times more.

The consciousness condensed into a bundle again, stabbed the front of the bundle into thorns, and slammed into it again.

Boom! Boo Boo…

Arriving at the top of the passage, Lu Lingqi simply stopped and kept grinding the storage ring of this monk Xidi Yuanying.

As long as it can be ground, the storage ring can hold the meat of fierce beasts, the Qiankun jade box, etc., can hold the petals, and the Qiankun bottle and the like can hold honey and royal jelly.

There must be a lot of spirit grass and materials in the secret place of the Five Elements. If you can find a few more empty ghosts, alas, you will make a lot of money.

Lu Lingxi worked **** the storage ring, and Qing Zhuer stretched out his head to check the end of the rune mask on the passage.

It took a long time for her to see clearly.

Boom! Boo Boo…

Lu Lingxi put the storage ring against her forehead and kept grinding it with her divine sense. When Qing Zhuer could see where she could get in, she was distracted.

The rune mask was not only connected above the passage, but also moved more than three feet down the passage.

A little more than four feet, there is a huge hive, and the giant bees coming and going have not touched the rune mask with experience.

“It’s still a while before it gets dark, so just do it here!”

With the ice silk vestments, the invisible flames can’t hurt them, and the giant bees dare not come to them because of the invisible flames.

So, at this time, they are absolutely absolutely safe.

Boom! Boo Boo…

While competing with the storage ring, Lu Lingxi also took a jasmine fruit and ate it ‘clicking’.

Since Qing Zhuer has ripened the jasmine tree, she has never been short of jasmine fruit to eat. Even if the power of her soul is not comparable to that of a cultivator of Yuan Ying, she will definitely be comparable to that of the later stage.

The soul and consciousness are interdependent, and the strength of her consciousness is far beyond what Master imagined back then.



On the other side of the Wudi River, Long Bao was very disappointed that he didn’t see the boat coming back.

In the territory surrounded by his mother’s body, he called wrongly across the river.

“She can’t hear.”

Aunt Long stretched out her head and posted her baby egg, “You didn’t sleep well yesterday, are you still tired today? Good, go to bed early, tomorrow we’ll go farther.”


Can’t sleep.

Long Bao felt really uncomfortable without his sister by his side.

Before, when she was with him, he felt so comfortable as long as he was next to her.


Long Bao called out to his mother very aggrieved.

“Lin Xi will always leave us, you have to get used to it!”

Aunt Long sighed, “We belong here, she…is not like us.”

In this world, I have never heard of a human race like her before.

Maybe there was, but they soon found their way back.

Those who can’t find it should be dead.

“Long Bao, you don’t have a Hui land, don’t have your father…”


“Your father is different from me, and you are a little different from you.” Aunt Long looked at her baby’s blue dragon scales, and sighed in her heart, “He doesn’t even know that it is yours. exists.”

I know later, maybe I won’t be able to resist the clan.

Unless the dragon treasures are stronger than some of the dragon cubs they value most.

“If you want to see your father, you have to grow up well, darling, sleep! You won’t grow up without sleep.”


Long Bao leaned his body against his mother’s belly and closed his tired eyes helplessly.

It’s finally getting dark.

Aunt Long looked at the sky from blue to dark blue, and a certain nostalgia flashed in her eyes.

The guy with the blue dragon scales was her opponent. They often hit from the sea to the sky, and then from the sky to the sea.

She was banished from the clan, did he know?

If he hadn’t been released, he certainly wouldn’t know now that he’s a father.

Aunt Long stretched out her dragon tail and gently covered Long Bao.

Originally, she should have three babies.

Other people’s babies are watched by the family, if they were…

She also put her head on Long Bao’s place, smelled the breath on his body, and calmed down the tumultuous emotions after a long while.


Qingzhuer took advantage of the darkness and swam down again.

She wanted to find the safest way for Lu Lingxi and watched how the patrol bee went.

After a while, she swam up again when she saw the patrol bee ‘buzz’ flying past.

“Let’s go!”

I hurriedly moved to restrain the breath~IndoMTL.com~ Carefully follow the path pointed out by Qing Zhuer, and Lu Lingxi, who slowly descended, slipped like a fish between the beehive and the rune mask.

In the hive, the queen bee, who was resting with her eyes closed, suddenly raised her head.

It’s ears are very sensitive and it’s too close to the reticle, so it’s got a bit of stuff under the reticle in case the kids bump into it.

Now the thing is ringing.


It’s eyes flashed doubts, and it tapped twice on the place where it lay.

The hive that had calmed down suddenly made a sound of ‘hum’, and a group of giant bees flew out neatly and uniformly. They approached the rune mask carefully and found that the thing the queen was putting down was indeed destroyed, and they couldn’t help but get angry.


The giant bees patrolling in the distance are also alerted.


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