Floating Immortal Order Chapter 271: Good wine

What’s weird?

Lu Lingxi just thinks that these coral trees are a little tall and colorful. If she is a mortal, she can get any one of them, and she will make a fortune.

Want to see someone’s eyes sparkling, instead of the sluggish look a few days ago, he was happy, and without waiting for her to say anything weird, he dragged him around the periphery and walked into the coral forest without turning around.


In just over a hundred steps, the world seemed to have changed abruptly in front of him, and a desolate and ancient atmosphere with a hint of wine rushed toward him.

The coral forest seems to float in the previous space. It’s in tatters, and there are countless things that are engraved with runes, like a wine jar.

Lu Lingxi’s next move, the founder of Qiandao Sect was able to practice the Dharma Body because he accidentally found a small granary sealed by the Chaos Trolls in the secret realm.

The wine jar here is so big…

She tipped her toes, jumped over countless rubble, and went straight to a wine jar that fell to the ground as if it was still intact.

Unfortunately, the wine jar was also broken, and there was no drop of wine in it.


Wuwan stood on a big wine jar and waved to her with a smile.

Lu Lingqi hurriedly threw his sleeves at her.


Wuxiang seemed to be particularly happy, “In addition to this jar, there is also that side,” she pointed to the edge of the space, where there was an unbroken wine jar, “Two jars are yours. “

It’s all hers?

Lu Lingxi was simply stunned.

Her family’s ancestors…

“Have you…did you taste the wine in it?”

Counting the time, if the wine in the altar is still there, it will be at least a hundred thousand years old, inside…


Wuxiang shook her head quickly, “Master doesn’t let me drink it, and I don’t like it either.” She seemed to think of the pain of drinking, her eyebrows and nose wrinkled, “However, I know that people who like to drink will like it very much. You If you like it, I’ll give it to you.”

All for her?

This is the second time I’ve said this.

This is next to the mountain behind Piaomiao Pavilion, not too far from the ship’s grave, so it stands to reason…

“Isn’t there two jars? We each have one, if you don’t like it, you can give it to…”

“No, I’ll give it to you.”

Wuxiang stopped her, “This is what I found, I will give it to whoever I want.” She seemed very stubborn on this matter, “Lin Xi, it doesn’t belong to Piaomiao Pavilion, or else It’s not my turn to find out. I like you and I’d give it all to you.”

Lu Lingxi: “…”

She turned around and hugged her grandfather, “Yeah! Give it all to me, who makes you like me the most.”

Speaking of this, she couldn’t help laughing while her heart was sour and warm.

Although the ancestors were stupid, but subconsciously, she was still protecting the calf. When she got something good, she was thinking about giving it to her, leaving the Piaomiao Pavilion and her senior brothers and sisters behind.

“However, if you give it to me, you can’t tell anyone else, otherwise…”

Otherwise, the head of Qiuyu would never let them stay alone again, not only that, but she would also be targeted by the new generation of Piaomiao Pavilion, and maybe they would fight if they encountered one.

“I won’t tell anyone.”

Wuxiang’s mouth grinned open, and his eyes narrowed into a slit, “This is the secret of the two of us.”

Lu Lingqi stretched out his hand and gave her a slap.

When the two looked at each other again, they couldn’t help laughing and fell on the huge mud hexagram.

“Come on, look at the wine in here, do you like it?”

Wuxiang also seems to be curious about what the wine here is like, “I shake it, and there is really wine in it.”


When Lu Lingxi came up, he also tried it a little.

“Wait a minute, the runes on this are interesting.”

The rune written on the mud seal occasionally flashes with inspiration, but it is a pity that it is not extended.

Wuxiang smiled and watched the girl she liked tap the rune, and watched her use her spiritual power as a knife to make a fist-sized hole in the mud seal.

When the strong aroma of wine wafted out of the hole, Lu Lingqi had a special desire to drink, and the body fluid in his mouth flooded instantly.


Is she really an alcoholic?

Lu Lingxi always felt that he was not addicted to drinking alcohol, but now…


With the movement of the palm of his hand, a small cup of spirit wine flew out from the altar, which was very attractive, like amber-colored spirit wine. Try it first.”

Wuxiang hurriedly covered her nose and mouth, “The more fragrant and spicier it is, I won’t drink it.” She likes sweet things, and she really can’t love this spicy, hot horror guy.

Lu Lingxi was happy, “If you don’t drink, then I will.”

The way my grandfather looks now is like what she looked like when she was a child.

“Drink it!”

Wuxiang hides back for fear that she will feed her.

Lu Lingxi first took a small sip, and a strong aroma of wine and aura exploded on the tip of her tongue, and when she went down her throat, she felt the pores in her whole body opened.


Is this a golden bar made from golden rice?

Lu Lingqi pressed the urge to practice right away and carefully poured the wine back again.

“Why don’t you drink it? Isn’t it bad?”

Wuwan looked at her nervously.

“Delicious, delicious, but don’t waste it!”

There has been no news of the Chaos Troll in the current Xiuxian world for many years. The ancestors got a little golden rice in the secret place, and it is not that he never thought about looking for the Chaos Troll, but until he ascended, there was no news at all. .

Without the Chaos Trolls, the golden rice that needs the nourishment of Chaos Aura will not regenerate, and without the golden rice, there will be no more golden wine!

And this wine has been stored for so many years, it is not too much to say that it is immortal wine.

How can such wine go to waste?

Lu Lingxi took out a 200-jin Qiankun jade bottle, with a little spiritual power, and collected wine on the spot, “Although you don’t like drinking, you can’t deny that it is a good thing to replenish spiritual energy, so this thing , you still have to charge a little, just in case.”

Although the ancestors must go out with the Piaomiao Pavilion monks, they will prepare everything for her, but Lu Lingxi still thinks that she can provide more protection.

“Try not to let people find out about the abnormality of the wine. If there is no way, if someone asks, you can say that I gave it.”

Become what she gave, she can push to the strange island.

While collecting wine, Lu Lingxi taught his ancestors, “No, no, if you don’t accept it at all, then I don’t want it either.”

“…OK, I’ll take care of it!”

Wuxiang obviously enjoys being forced by her, “I will listen to you.”

Lu Lingxi was speechless for a moment, but it was a fortune in misfortune that the ancestors could be so obedient, “It is a good thing to replenish spiritual energy, I will give you another bottle of monkey wine later, if you encounter danger, If the aura doesn’t last, you can drink them right away, if you really don’t like the smell of wine, it’s a big deal to get rid of the alcohol while drinking.”


Looking everywhere for their real masters, I never thought that not far from Piaomiao Pavilion, there was a wine cellar left by a Chaos troll. When I found its junior sister, I gave it to Lin. footpath.

Just when she was in a hurry and suspected that Lin Xi had kidnapped the person, she found that the younger sister was leading Lin Xi, and the ghost was cunningly towards the sect’s protective formation, waving a formation card that only the senior senior brother could master.

Good guy!

No wonder that every time I sneak out the door, I can run so neatly. Is there such a thing?

Tao Xue doesn’t know whether to laugh or be angry.

It is impossible for the head senior brother to give such a formation to Wuxiang, she can only make it by herself.

She’s a very smart junior sister!

If it wasn’t crazy…

After stepping on the snow and hiding in the rockery, she didn’t reveal it right away. The name of the secret observation station is not as good as the girl you met.

The girl who has the unparalleled chance and is favored by the big bosses of the Thousand Dao Sect is also extremely smart.

Compared to his junior sister, Lin Xi was much luckier. The Qiandao Sect had the strength to protect her, and maybe even took care of all the external dangers for her before she knew it.

“If you can’t use this thing in the future, try not to use it.”

Lu Lingxi, who was sneaking back with her, didn’t notice that her ancestor was stiff for a moment, and then persuaded: “Only the sect master can control the defense formation of the sect. It is convenient for you to take it in and out, but if someone else finds out , that would be bad.”

It’s bad.

Wuxiang sneaked a glance at the place where Senior Sister was hiding and nodded vigorously, “I will definitely not use it in the future.”

That’s right!

Lu Lingqi was relieved, “Mmmm! If you want to play outside, you can talk to the head of Qiuyu. Senior Qingli and the others will definitely take you around when they go out.”

“Oh!” Wu Xiang hurriedly agreed.

“Are you going to play in Fang Market now?”

It’s not that Lu Lingxi doesn’t feel sorry for his ancestors being locked up to practice, “I’ll take you there, we’ll be upright and bright, and walk through the main entrance of Piaomiao Pavilion.”

“Is it alright?”


Lu Lingxi didn’t know that what her ancestor was asking was Da Xue Zhenren, so she assured her, “As long as you don’t run around, I’ll accompany you back when I come back, and I will accompany you to cultivate in Piao Miao Pavilion for a while.”

Anyway, she was planning to accompany her ancestors for three months, “Didn’t you say that you are very happy to practice with me? Since that’s the case, I will practice with you more. As long as Sect Leader Qiuyu sees your progress, he will definitely say anything. I won’t say it.”

That’s right!

Ta Xue nodded beside him.

She found that the child, like them, didn’t have any perfunctory attitude towards his junior sister. Although he was coaxing him, he was not sincere. It was said that children’s eyes were the brightest, and they could sense it by themselves.

Suiqing has accepted a good apprentice!

The emotion on her side is not over yet. Wu Wants to find out that Senior Sister really won’t move, so she finally has the courage to say, “Then let’s go to Fang Market now! Buy me something delicious.”

This is possible.

Lu Lingxi stood on the speed of the ancestor’s maddening light, patted his chest, and said proudly: “I played in the Xuantian Sect and earned a lot of spirit stones. What do you want to buy, I will cover it all.”

“I want two full meals of Wuweizhai first. I heard that you are buying Wuweizhai’s full meal for others.” She remembered when she listened to people’s gossip, and she always wanted to eat Wuweizhai bought by Lin Xi. full meal.

“Don’t buy it, I’ll bring it to you.”

Lu Lingxi was even more proud, “Wuweizhai’s master, Wo Beimeng, owed me a favor when he was on the strange island, and gave me four copies, two for each of us.”

She actually took five copies, but she said less than one subconsciously. She felt that she was half with her ancestors, and her ancestors might be happier.

Lu Lingxi took out two Qiankun food boxes at the scene, “There are many layers in it, do you see this machine? Just press it, it can become a big table.

If you don’t want it to take up space, just take a few dishes at a time, just press the mechanism here, look at it, and lock it with divine sense, just like taking something from a storage ring. “


While speeding up and throwing people, Wuxiang happily took the Qiankun food box sent by Lu Lingxi.

When the two entered Fangshi, they heard cheers from the West Street.

“Let’s go over there!”

Where it’s lively, I want to go wherever I don’t think about it.

Of course Lu Lingxi agreed, but while other people walked in Fangshi honestly and practically, her family’s ancestors used to fly, so that they were noticed by others as soon as they arrived.

Wow, it’s the ring again?

Is there any more?

Looking at Yan Li’s indomitable sword stance, and the blinking eyes when he fought back desperately, Lu Lingxi suspected that this guy was about to lose again.

Although the arena battle is not a life-and-death battle, it is best not to use one heart and one mind in a duel between masters.

She hurriedly looked for the guy in the casino, but unfortunately, she found the word ‘stop’ standing tall.

Oops, I’m late.

Otherwise, she would definitely bet on Yan Li’s victory.

At the same time of regret, Lu Lingqi pulled Wuxiang’s vest and whispered, “My brothers and the others are here, don’t run around, I’ll say hello to them, and I’ll come in a while.”


Yan Li, who was fighting on stage, didn’t want to meet him, “My senior sister is here, you don’t need to worry about me.”

Sure enough!

Lu Lingqi felt the consciousness coming over from the snow, and when he turned around, he threw his hands away before backing away from Wuxiang and turning to Min Hao.

“Senior brother! Are you back?”


Min Hao glanced at the real person Wuxiang and the real person who just arrived, “When did you arrive at Piaomiao Pavilion?”

“A month ago!”

“Elder Shanhaizong Shang was here on the day you came, and the next day he was looked after by people, did you know that?”


Lu Lingqi died of surprise, “Is that the Shang Dehai who talked to me in Xuantian Sect?”

“I don’t know if I have spoken to you, but Shang Dehai is the only one who is called an elder by Shanhaizong and has a surname of Shang.”

My God!

Lu Lingxi leaned in front of his senior brother, and said through voice transmission, “My senior brother thinks that person is following me?”


Min Hao looked around and found that many people were looking at them. He nodded slightly, “Don’t run around, just live in Piaomiao Pavilion.” He also transmitted her voice to her~IndoMTL.com~When will we Go, let me know in advance when. “

It’s a pity that he is about to lose Lian Si, and his cultivation base is higher than him, otherwise he really wants to go up and beat him up.

“We live in the Alliance’s Anleju, it’s still safe there, and we’ll have time to get together later.”


Lu Lingxi showed a big smile to the crowd around him and agreed on the spot.

“Ji’er, so you’re also with Senior Brother Min?”

She hadn’t seen her for many years, with a light smile on her face, like Liu Jiu’er who looked like a fairy, “You’re making good progress in your cultivation!” I’m really happy for Uncle Zhixiu, the five apprentices, Except for Liu Cheng, the second apprentice who stayed in the sect’s foreign affairs hall and waited to die, he didn’t want to make progress, and he still established the foundation.

“Sister Liao liked it.”

Liu Jiu’er was about to say something when she heard people around her exclaim, Yan Li’s sword was on Lian Si’s forehead.

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