Floating Immortal Order Chapter 177: Bronze Mask

After reading Uncle Zhixiu’s jokes, do you want to see her jokes?

Lu Lingxi was so angry that she lost her temper. She was about to smash the stinky stone at the counterfeit seller, when she suddenly heard Qing Zhuer’s eager voice, “Don’t throw it, don’t throw it, bring it in and give it to me. Take a look.”


Lu Lingxi took a heart and shook his hand in front of the storage bag, and sent the stinky stone in.

“Really angry?”

Suiqing couldn’t help laughing at the pout of his apprentice: “You’ve bought such a good life experience, and you’ve bought a lot more than your uncle Zhixiu, she spent more than 6,000, and you are only 500. “

Lu Lingxi: “…”

She felt that if she knew Shixiu, she would have shaken her fist with Master when she heard this.

“It’s up to you to be deceived as a teacher, that’s why I want you to learn to be good!” Suiqing taught his apprentices, “Picking up leaks is one of a kind. In fact, if you fall into the inferior position, it is equivalent to exposing your greed in front of others, and you should suffer no matter how others cheat you.”

Master’s tone was so serious, Lu Lingxi bowed his head honestly, “Master, I was wrong, stinky stone… I will keep it well.”

That’s about it.

Xiqing was relieved and patted his apprentice on the shoulder, “It’s fine if you figure it out, but everyone has a chance. But if you want to pick up a good leak, you must first know more than others, and the knowledgeable More, more eyesight.”

Speaking of this, he showed a fascinated smile, “Did you see that round thing on his booth that looked like a black iron ball? Master tells you, it’s a treasure. The real name is Tiejiawan, which is formed after the death of the iron beetle in the iron mine for thousands of years.

It’s a waste of time to use it.

It is a good material for poisoning that the black cameozi can’t ask for. One day when you encounter a black cameozi, you can give him this iron armor pill to guarantee a lot of benefits. “

Lu Lingxi was stunned, Master did this…

“I’ll go right now.”

As she turned to leave, she noticed an invisible barrier breaking open in front of her.

Sure enough, Master is an old fox!

Lu Lingxi smiled and squeezed back to the stall again, “Fellow Daoist, you just sold my stuff, do you still have it?” She saw the iron armor pill.

“…Haha! It’s a good thing, right?”

The monk who set up the stall was stunned for a moment. When he was laughing, he glanced at the direction where Qing was standing behind the boat, “Unfortunately, I don’t have it anymore.”

I knew that there were two clubs here, and the one in front would not be sold for ten spirit stones.


Lu Lingqi felt Qing Zhuer’s disappointment and felt regretful, “Forget it, I was greedy, you…” To prevent another accident, she first dropped ten spirit stones, “Is it a random choice? ?”


Which of the things on the stand has he not studied?

“Then I want to…”

Lu Lingxi pointed his finger over, and finally pointed at Tiejia Wan, “That’s it, it looks better to me.”

“Haha! Fellow Daoist take it.”

Business people like stupid customers.

Tiejia Pills fell firmly into Lu Lingxi’s hands.

A good material for making poison.

Turn through the toilet and retract the storage bag.

Datongcang is now inhabited by people from the Corpse Sect. Even if they put the corpse in a coffin, the stench of the corpse can’t be covered up, so everyone doesn’t want to go back.

Soon, there will be loose cultivators with bright minds who will put in front of them the spiritual tools, talismans, materials, etc. that they do not need, or sell spiritual stones, or change elixir.

Inspired by this, everyone took out things that they couldn’t use for the time being. The deck soon became a trading market, and everyone took what they needed.

Lu Lingxi collected a few talismans before returning to the master.

“Master, can’t we complain to the deacon on board?”

“…” When Sui Qing hit the barrier, he glanced at Datong Cang cryptically, “It’s normal for cultivators to go out and walk, and it’s normal to eat and sleep in the open.

“It’s not about suffering or not at all, right?”

Lu Lingxi didn’t know why Master was so afraid of the corpse sects, but if he didn’t show the cultivator, it would be impossible for the Taoist real person to go to the devil’s door!

“I paid for the spirit stone of Datongcang.”

“Hehe! You paid a lot.”

Suiqing was amused by her, “Just hold on for a while, and after half a day, there should still be Fangshi, and the building boat will always stop. If the people from the corpse sect don’t leave, we will add some spiritual stones to live on the second floor. Go to the wing.”

“Master, then give me a reason!”

Lu Lingxi’s eyes were bright, and she was very curious, “Isn’t the refining corpse in the coffin particularly powerful?” She couldn’t think of any other reason.

“… um! There’s an old monster.”

Fukoufang City belongs to the Qiandao Sect’s sphere of influence. What the **** the guy from the Corpse Sect was doing hiding in the coffin, Suiqing didn’t make it clear, and it’s not easy to take action casually. Let’s just pretend we don’t know!”

In half a month, I will reach the sphere of influence of Lejimen, “I have sent a letter to Fukou to ask them to check.”

If you have any questions, you naturally have to ask them, but if they are just as idle as him, it will be boring to stab them out if they try to accompany them.

Lu Lingxi didn’t expect it to happen, “Master, is that in the coffin a corpse or a human?”

She only saw that the corpse records belonged to the Shanhaizong in the information, but she did not see any real people at the Nascent Soul level.

“The corpse!”

If it’s human, he can’t tell, he’s going to talk to others.

Suiqing frowned slightly, “The corpse sect was able to keep the name of the sect under the power of the Shanhai sect, naturally there is some background, their people normally live in the area of ​​Zhaoling, and they don’t easily go out for walks.

I met, and they didn’t take the initiative to pick things up. Remember, don’t pick things up. “


“If you go out to practice in the future, please remember to follow your curiosity. People in the world of immortals who die every year because of their curiosity are ignorant of ordinary people.”

Sui Qing went on to teach, “As a monk, who doesn’t have a secret? This secret may be everyone’s bottom line. If you touch others’ bottom line, you are obviously forcing them to deal with you.”

Lu Lingxi: “…”

She nodded silently.

Her secrets are also untouchable.

“Don’t meditate today.” Sui Qing glanced at her, “You haven’t had a good rest for three years, right? Hold up the tent and go in and sleep for a while!”

Here to hold the tent?

Lu Lingxi glanced around and found that someone had already done it, “Master, what about you?”

“I’m not tired!” Suiqing glanced at Datongcang again, “Sleep well!”

Lu Lingxi is not polite to Master. She has been busy in the Fire House for three years. While refining tools, she does not dare to delay her practice. She really needs a good rest. “If there is something, you can call me.”

A cultivator who walks outside all year round will basically be equipped with a spirit tent. Although this item is a low-grade spirit tool, it can be large or small. The small one can only sleep one person, and the large one can accommodate twenty or thirty people.

In the past, after everyone set up their tents, they would set up a small formation to cover up on the periphery, but today they don’t have to.

With Master here, Lu Lingxi felt more at ease. She placed a low-grade spirit stone in the center of the tent that was propped up, and she immediately slept on the quilt.

The sky outside finally slowly darkened, and the coffin in the middle of the Datong warehouse finally clicked.

The spiritual consciousness of the five people in the corpse sect quickly blocked the two ends of the Datong warehouse, as if they were afraid that the situation here would be seen by others.

The lid of the coffin was opened with a bang, and the person wearing the copper mask suddenly opened a pair of eyes that were mostly white, patted with the right hand, and floated out like that.


The Corpse Sect Jingwei hurried forward, “It’s not convenient here for the time being, it still belongs to the Qiandao Sect.”

“I know.”

A gruff voice came from the mask, “I also know that there is a real Yuanying here.”


The view and latitude changed.

“Don’t worry, since he didn’t take action, he’s not meddling.”

The neck of the bronze mask moved, and the kaka knuckles sounded, “He gives face, and I will give face naturally.”

He walked out slowly, his steps were stiff from the beginning to normal, but only about ten steps. “Find someone to sleep in. During this time, I will be outside.”


Five Jingweis, all discolored.

But what the ancestors decided, no one dared to stop them, “He Dong, go to sleep!”

He Dong’s face was ashen, and he slept in the coffin honestly. With a bang, the coffin lid was tightly closed.

Closing his eyes and resting, Sui Qing suddenly opened a pair of star eyes when the copper mask stepped out of the big pass warehouse.

The copper mask’s eyes with not many eyeballs just happened to look over.

Suiqing raised his hand slightly and arched his hand. After a few steps, he came to him and sat down very naturally, “I just came out for a walk. I haven’t come out for a walk for many years. You don’t have to be nervous.” When he said this, a hazy barrier had already blocked the sound from outside.

“Haha! I haven’t come out for a long time, too.” Suiqing was surprised, but his face did not show, “In the next thousand Taoist sect, Suiqing, I don’t know friends…”

“I didn’t inquire about fellow Daoists, but what the fellow Daoists said doesn’t count.”

After a few words, the original rough voice of the copper mask was better, “You can say my name, my name…, you say, I mean the name when I was a person, or the name of the corpse king. ?”


Suiqing inexplicably felt that the corpse king was very taboo about his name. “Meeting is fate. If you want to talk about it, you can talk about it. If you don’t want to talk about it, it can only be that our fate is not enough.”

The Corpse Sect has only one Nascent Soul Elder, and that person is quite old.

The silver corpse of his envoy is said to have not advanced to the stage for a long time. Although he is occasionally wise, he needs to be appeased from time to time, otherwise, he will become manic and restless.


Sui Qing really doesn’t know when the corpse sect appeared again.

He quietly tried to find familiar impressions on his exposed eyes and forehead, but unfortunately, he found nothing.

“You don’t have to look at me, fellow Taoist, I’m not your acquaintance.”

As soon as the palm of the bronze mask moved, a chessboard was revealed, “How about we talk about a game? How many points do you win, I’ll answer a few questions to you, and similarly, how many points you win, you also answer a few questions to me. .”


Sui Qing silently took over the white jade chess piece, “Fellow Daoist seems to be very confident in his chess skills!”

“When I have nothing to do, I just like to ponder.” The copper mask put the sunspot first, “Please!”

“I don’t know what you want to inquire about?” Sui Qing smiled and snorted, “Maybe the question you want to ask is not very important to me, I can say it casually.”

“…I’m the one who took the photo.”

The bronze mask has the courage to admit mistakes, and then put the sunspot on the chessboard, “Dare to ask friends…”

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly looked into the distance, and the chess piece in his hand was thrown out with a bang.

“Where to go?”

A Buddha’s lion’s roar came from a distance, and soon a bald monk chased after him, “Return what you took, or else, Lord Buddha, I…”

“Buddha your grandma.”

The chess pieces in the hands of the bronze mask are thrown out.

“So brave!”

The bald-headed monk was furious, he pulled out his tin stick, and knocked down all those chess pieces. The whole person fell to the deck like an eagle, “I think you are courting death.”


Sui Qing raised his hand and flicked his hand, and the white jade pieces in the chess box seemed to block the two of them like a wall, “Qing Hai, are you sure you want to fight here?”

He is no longer hiding his cultivation, “This is my Thousand Paths Sect.”

Nuanying monks fight, it is not normal for the mountains to fall.

There are countless mortal cities below, Suiqing dare not do it himself, how can a Buddhist monk do it?


Qing Hai had a meal and called a Buddha name on the spot, “It turns out that it is Daoist Suiqing, and Daoist friend is right here. This evil beast stole a very important thing from my Jokhang Temple. Since he appeared in the site of Qiandao Sect , and ask fellow Daoists to help me.”

“You are the evil beast.” Bronze Mask snorted coldly, “You are a fatherless thing, in front of your ancestors, aren’t you a bad beast?”


Qing Hai was furious, the tin rod suddenly sank, and the whole boat shook, “Don’t think I can’t do anything about you here.”

“You have a way, how long have you been chasing me, two years!”

The copper mask sucked the chessboard on the deck and put it away. “But this king is still standing here.”


Suiqing’s brows furrowed.

People chased and fled for two years, and Qiandao Sect didn’t get any news. I’m afraid this is not easy!

“Amitabha!” Because Suiqing couldn’t take action right away, Ching Hai’s face was gloomy and gloomy, “If it wasn’t for Lao Na being concerned about mortals, what do you think?

No matter how bad the Jokhang Temple is, it will not be a problem to destroy a corpse sect.

If you can’t coerce this corpse king, let someone who can handle it.

“Pretend to be dead, right? My brother Qingyuan and others have already gone to Zhaoling.”

No matter how powerful the corpse king is, since he was born in the corpse sect, he has a master.

As soon as Ching Hai’s tin cane was lifted gently ~IndoMTL.com~ Datong Warehouse was rushed by a strong air current.

Jing Wei’s figure flashed and he stood beside the copper mask, “”

I really don’t know what kind of grievances the Jokhang Temple has with this corpse king. “Amitabha!” Because Suiqing couldn’t take action immediately, Qing Hai’s expression was gloomy and gloomy, “If it wasn’t for the old man who cared about mortals, what do you think it would be? Jing Wei , don’t you corpse sect want to live?”

No matter how bad the Jokhang Temple is, it will not be a problem to destroy a corpse sect.

If you can’t coerce this corpse king, let someone who can handle it.

“Pretend to be dead, right? My brother Qingyuan and others have already gone to Zhaoling.”

No matter how powerful the corpse king is, since he was born in the corpse sect, he has a master.

As soon as Qing Hai’s tin rod was lifted lightly, a strong air current rushed through the Datong warehouse.

Jing Wei’s figure flashed and he stood beside the copper mask, “”

I really don’t know what kind of grievance the Jokhang Temple has with this corpse king

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