Floating Immortal Order Chapter 1102:

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Liu Cheng has been practicing for a long time.

The cultivation base that had not moved for a long time suddenly loosened. He felt that as long as he gave him a few more weeks, he could break through that layer of window paper and advance to the middle stage of God Transformation.

The middle stage of God Transformation!

He thought he would never be able to advance on his own for the rest of his life.

As a matter of fact, he has always been more tortuous than others, no matter if he is advancing to form a pill, or in Nascent Soul, or transforming into a spirit.

If it wasn’t for the elders who hadn’t given up on him, and if it wasn’t for the large supply of supplies from the sect, Liu Cheng knew very well that with his own ability, he might have already passed his life on the elixir.


For the first time, Liu Cheng practiced smoothly without taking any pills.

He was reluctant to take this opportunity.

However, he also knew that since the Dragon Realm was out of his mind, Uncle Lin and Junior Sister Lin might not have time to wait for him.

“Senior brother, stay calm and don’t worry about the outside world!”

Feeling that the aura in Liu Cheng’s body was running irregularly, Lu Lingqi hurriedly took action, “There are us outside, you are now going to the middle stage of God Transformation.”

Although they were in a hurry, they all knew how difficult Liu Cheng’s cultivation was.

Interrupted at this time, I don’t know how many more wrong ways to go in the future.


Looking at the giant dragon playing with Little Eight Arms and Qing Zhuer, Lu Lingqi couldn’t help but be a little selfish, hoping that the giant dragon could play here for a while, so that the people of Baijin Mountain would be able to stay here. The future can be better and better.

This is also her home.

What’s more, there is also the air door. If there is a delay now, the air door can use the portal to help them get it back.


The giant dragon carrying Qing Zhuer and the little eight-armed dragon is going up the mountain and down to the sea to play.

The secret place of every demon king’s baby was taken by the little eight arms to play around with Shilong.

Yingniang’s golden mushroom hole, of course, did not escape.

The little eight arms and the giant dragon didn’t find it. When they squeezed in to play, Qing Zhuer noticed the change in the golden mushroom hole.

One golden mushroom after another, at a speed visible to the naked eye, round and plump.

I feel that the inferior products are becoming low grades, the inferior ones are becoming medium grades, the middle grades are becoming top grades, and the high grades… in front of her eyes, have become top grades.

Wow wow wow!

Qingzhuer has tried countless times to simulate the growth environment of golden mushrooms in his own space, but he has failed countless times.

In addition, there are various small worlds in the entire immortal world. According to Lu Wang’s ancestor, there are no golden mushrooms.

This is just their specialty of the Seven Realms of the Abyss.

No, it is a special product of No Phase Realm.

Qingzhuer felt that Lu Lingxi was about to make a fortune again.

I couldn’t help but jumped and picked a golden mushroom with the brightest color for the dragon, which looked like a golden umbrella to her.


Seeing the little man stretched out to the golden mushroom in front of him, the giant dragon’s voice softened a lot, its dragon whiskers stretched out, and pasted the green master, and then the golden mushroom was rolled up.

It likes this yellowish thing and this yellowish place.


It simply fell down and stepped on it.

The divine sense glanced over and almost jumped up in shock when he saw the Yifa in this scene.

Fortunately, the first mushroom that was stepped on was in good condition.

“What’s the matter?”

After seeing her discoloration, she seemed to sit down with emotion, and the wind door really wanted to use her divine sense to probe, “Did the dragon do something bad?”

“I don’t know!”

Yifa shook his head quickly, “I suddenly thought of something, the world mind is back, it is the world mind of our Tianyuan seven worlds, and it is also the world mind of the new universe, then…the two will be in the long years. Are you getting closer?”


The damper’s head closed, “I don’t think it takes a long time to get close.”

He released his portal, “Time and distance, maybe just inside and outside a door.”


Even Lu Lingxi and Deng Yin couldn’t help looking at his portal.

At the same time, after a meeting with Yiyong and others to determine the next step, it was rare to return to the big tree space to take a rest, but I didn’t think about the star map that should be hidden. This meeting took the initiative. Appears in the big tree space.

What’s going on here?

Virtually look up at the star map that looks like a starry sky and find out why it appears.

After a while, the old man’s eyes finally locked on a place that was much darker.

Virtual Cheng couldn’t help but took a few steps forward.

It used to be dim for many years, but in the past few hundred years, it has brightened a lot, and now…

Virtual Cheng stood on the spot, even his heartbeat was a little irregular.

He wanted to rush out immediately and ask Yiyong what’s going on now.

I really want to bring the apprentice in right away and ask if they have done anything else.


Virtue’s feet were in place, but they couldn’t move.

At the meeting today, Yiyong said that Ji Xiao and the others brought back Zhu Honglin and Lin Xili a month ago.

Count the time, they should return to the fairyland.

But have they really returned to the Immortal Realm?

Xu Cheng couldn’t help but doubt that Zhu Honglin came back alone.

And Lin Xi…

Thinking of the girl who is very similar to the apprentice Yinyue, and thinking of the Holy Venerable’s doubts about the heart of the newly born universe, Xu Cheng didn’t know what expression he should have.

Virtue’s eyes stared at the much dimmed star map for a long time.

This star map is not an ordinary star map, this is a star map created by the heart of the world.

Yes… is it the world heart of the seven realms of the Tianyuan, is it fighting against his chambers?

There are countless questions about the virtual ride, but in the end, it only turns into a long sigh.

His apprentice, Yinyue, is a man of gully and ambition, as is his friend Yuan Yao.

They also know each other. He has no idea if the grass snakes and gray lines, when the pulse is long, are calculating with each other, or whether they cooperate with each other when they are calculating.

And Lin Xi…

Is the little girl really just idle and bored, want to make money from the Holy Venerable and take a vacation to the new universe?

If it’s just a vacation, why does Zhu Honglin take the throttle with her?

Since they have it, with Zhu Honglin’s temperament, why can Ji Xiaoli bring them back?

There are countless problems with virtual multiplication.

This question is slowly merging into a line, merging into an answer he can’t imagine in his mind.

In the end, he didn’t say anything, didn’t do anything, just closed the door of light through which they could come in when he left.


Liu Cheng has been promoted.

And then I got a drop of the spring of youth from Master Yifa.

While it doesn’t really make people ageless, it does change bodily functions.

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