Five Frozen Centuries Chapter 2: God, it’s started

   The time of all mankind has been suspended, but Wei Huo doesn’t know how long this suspension will last. It may only be a few days or a few months, but it may also be years, decades, and maybe not until he is old and dead. restore.

   If this is the case, what should I do?

   There are supermarkets and restaurants in the service area, and there are many foods, but these foods have a shelf life, and they can only last for a year or a half at most. Wei Huo must hunt and grow himself and be self-sufficient.

   Wei Huo took out his mobile phone and found that there is still the Internet. This is really thanks to the highly developed technology of human beings. Even if the time of all mankind is stopped, the machine can still operate automatically. At least for a period of time, Wei There is electricity, water, and internet, but what if these machines break down?

  Wei Huo must be self-sufficient. The first thing he thinks about now is to go home first. Although there is more than two hundred kilometers away from home, everyone’s time has been stopped. Then he can drive someone else’s car back. But the cruel facts hit him again.

   First of all, Wei Huo was unable to open the doors of vehicles with people inside, and those vehicles that were driving on high speeds were also completely motionless. God would definitely not make such a low-level mistake. If only people’s time is stopped without stopping the vehicle. , Isn’t that a serial car accident at the moment of stopping time?

   In vehicles, rooms, including men’s and women’s toilets, and service area offices, as long as there are people inside, the closed door cannot be opened. This should be God’s protection for human beings after time has stopped, or wait for time to recover. Suddenly, people found themselves surrounded by weird man-eating plants and weird animals, and there was no time to escape.

   But this dispelled Wei Huo’s idea of ​​going home. Even if he went back, he couldn’t open the door of his house. Now he could only find some open shops and get some supplies. At the same time, he used his mobile phone to go online to learn some information. And information, such as how to grow, how to repair, etc.

   Wei Huo thought of turning on the phone in a hurry, and then downloading some materials. He was not sure when the network would be cut off, or even the power would be cut off, so it’s safest to download it first and record it in a book. After all, he didn’t have any knowledge about planting.

   Planting is not as simple as digging a pit, burying seeds, and watering some water. What’s more, the earth’s environment has become more complicated and harsh now, the mutation of animals and plants has accelerated, and pest control and weeding are required, and the weather must be paid attention to. ..too difficult!

   Wei Huo suddenly found it too difficult. It was too difficult for him to survive. Even if all mankind is united, many people will die in the process of gamification of the earth. He wants to survive alone. It’s too difficult to go down!

  ?? Wei Huo collapsed a bit, but he regained his spirits after three hours of decadence, because he thought carefully, although the time of all mankind has stopped, it does not mean that the whole world is Is he alone?

   This does not mean that he can do whatever he wants (provided he is alive). No need to go to school, no work, no money (provided that you are alive). For luxury cars in the world, you can drive whichever you want. For luxury houses in the world, you can live in any one you want (provided you are alive).

  ?? Wei Huo: “…”

  ?? What’s the matter with this dual personality inner monologue? Don’t always emphasize that “alive”!

  ?? Yes, the premise is to be alive. Wei Huo doesn’t know how long this timeout will be suspended. Fortunately, the time is short. He can live on these packaged foods. What if the time is long? At least you have to live to old age.

  ?? Wei Huo’s heart suddenly gave birth to a kind of fear. You are the only one left in the world, there is no communication partner, and you have to face various crises. Isn’t this fear enough? But a glimmer of hope was born in him suddenly, as long as time recovers. All mankind will come back, just wait forever, yes, just wait forever.

  ?? Just as Wei Huo regained his confidence, the voice of God arrived as expected.

  ?? “Plant growth rate and animal reproduction speed increase 10 times.”

  ?? “The properties panel of plants and animals appears.”

  ?? “Human immunity is strengthened, digestion is enhanced.”

  ?? “Implant mission system.”

  ?? Hearing this series of sounds, Wei Huo was a little startled, and then a voice rang in his ears.

  ”Discovery mission: safety and food.”

  ”Players are asked to make a wooden bow and ten wooden arrows, and a hunting knife will be awarded after the task is completed.”

  ”Task reminder: If the player does not know how to make bows and arrows, please ask someone who can make bows and arrows.”

   Wei Huo: “…”

   I ask you a big-headed ghost! Where can I find someone who can make bows and arrows?

   originally thought it was a turning point, but Wei Huo had no choice but to find out: pit!

   But after another thought, Wei Huo suddenly realized that he didn’t seem to need to ask anyone. He has a mobile phone and can search online!

   As expected, as soon as Wei Huo turned on his phone, he found a lot of bow and arrow making methods, including videos and graphic explanations, but online shopping is impossible. It’s impossible in this life. You can only learn from the video. I imitated the production method by myself.

   There is plenty of time, at least within a Huo can pass through the packaged food in the supermarket in the service area, so he can slowly learn how to make bows and arrows. Soon, Wei Huo found a video of a European boy using primitive tools to make bows and arrows on the Internet. In the video, the European boy did not use any modern tools. His knife was a polished river stone, and his axe was a piece of wood. It is made of tied river stone, which has a good enlightenment for Wei Huo.

  Learning to look like the European brother in the video, Wei Huo picked up a fire axe and went up the mountain.

  I don’t need a fire axe. It’s silly to make a stone axe. As for this fire axe, Wei Huo actually found it in a private car. Besides, he also found a lighter and a tent. , Sleeping bags, kerosene lamps and other camping props, it seems that the owner is a person who is particularly interested in outdoor camping

   But at this moment, these things are cheap Wei Huo, the time of all mankind has been stopped, everyone is protected by the golden light, only Wei Huo has to survive hard, and borrow other people’s things. Not too much, right?

   Although Wei Huo went up the mountain, he didn’t get much on the first day, because he still couldn’t distinguish what kind of wood is suitable for making bows and arrows, but it didn’t matter, there was still a lot of time. On the second day, Wei Huo continued to go up the mountain, but he was surprised. It was discovered that the weeds on the second day grew much higher than the first day.

   Plant growth rate has increased!

   Wei Huo doesn’t know if this is good news or bad news. The good news is that if he does planting, the crops will mature quickly, but it also means that big cities will soon be covered by countless vegetation invasions. If he doesn’t Quickly adapt to life in the jungle, then he will be eliminated!

   But fortunately, on the fifth day, Wei Huo finally completed this task and made a bow and arrow, and Wei Huo also added a small and exquisite Damascus hunting knife in his equipment bar.

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