First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 286: Pagoda doubts

Remember [] for a second

The golden dragon shadow of about 10 feet long is alive, just like a living thing.

But Su Yi knew that this was manifested by the power of a drop of true dragon blood, not a real creature.

“You continue.”

Su Yi waved his hand to the rear, indicating to Ning Sihua that they can continue fighting.

Ning Siyao, Mu Xi, and Lan Suo looked at each other, and the originally shocked mood suddenly dissipated a lot.

For Su Yi, defeating a character like Jinghe, who has just been promoted to a land fairy, is probably not a concern at all, right?


The old monk with white eyebrows and his party plan to evacuate.

Before, they had already suffered more than half of their casualties. Coupled with the death of Jinghe, they were hit hard. How could they dare to stay?

At this moment, Lan Suo raised her right hand.


A silver ribbon swept up into the air, grew longer with the wind, and turned into a silver torrent in an instant, completely blocking the gate on the first floor of the pagoda.

She clapped her jade hand proudly, and said crisply: “This is the ‘Heavenly Rope’. Once it is cast, it will make the enemy unable to escape.”

Mu Xi couldn’t help but have some hot eyes and praised: “Good baby!”

Ning Sijia secretly sighed, is this showing off? No, it’s just people’s daily life…

When the old monk with white eyebrows and others saw this, they couldn’t help showing despair.


The war broke out again.

It’s just that it’s hard for Su Yi to pay attention to this kind of battle.

He stepped up and approached the golden dragon shadow.


The golden dragon shadow flashed, as fast as lightning, and was about to escape, but halfway through, it was blocked by a sword and had to dodge to the other side.

But no matter which direction it rushes in, that sword edge is like a long eye, always one step ahead to block it.

As Su Yi moved forward, he also forced the golden dragon shadow to retreat toward the corner.

“Don’t be afraid, as long as you are obedient, I will not hurt you.”

Su Yi opened his mouth, and what came out of his lips was a sound with unusually complex and obscure syllables, with a unique majesty in his deep voice.

This is the secret script of the true spirit!

An ancient language created by the true spirits of heaven and earth.

In addition, when Su Yi spoke, he brought an aura of divine sense, so that when his voice sounded, it was like an ancient creature whispering.

The long golden dragon shadow froze, as if stunned.

Su Yi couldn’t help but secretly marveled at this scene. It was only a drop of real dragon blood essence, but it seemed to contain unimaginable spirituality, almost like life, which was really incredible.

If it is a real living dragon, what kind of power should it have?

Thinking about it, Su Yi flipped his palms and took out a palm-sized Buddha statue. The Buddha statue’s hands were folded over the abdomen, with lotus prints, and from the shoulders to the back, a real dragon was coiled around.

It is the mysterious Buddha statue made from the bones of the true spirit.

“I’ll give you a chance and come here obediently.”

Su Yi pointed to the Buddha statue in his hand and said to the golden dragon shadow, still using the obscure and complicated secret script of true spirit.

The golden dragon shadow hesitated and lingered.

Su Yi stood there, calm and relaxed.

In the end, the golden dragon shadow turned into a ray of golden light and swept into the Buddha statue in Su Yi’s hands.


Visible to the naked eye, this Buddha statue glows with a magnificent bright red halo.

Especially the dragon shape coiled around the back of the Buddha statue seems to be alive. In the fine dragon scales, surging vitality and spirituality emerge.

“As expected, this Buddha statue is forged from the bones of a real dragon, so this drop of real dragon blood can be so naturally integrated into it.”

A smile appeared on Su Yi’s lips.

To him, although this Buddha statue was made from the bone of a real dragon, its spirituality has long since been wiped out, and it is of little value. At best, it can be used as a shield.

On the contrary, this drop of real dragon blood is of great value, and it is no different from obtaining a great fortune. It can be regarded as a world-class elixir.

Even if a spiritual monk sees it, he will salivate!

Unfortunately, after all, it’s just a drop, if there’s more… those powerful people who set foot in the emperor’s realm are afraid that they won’t be able to sit still.

Putting away the Buddha statue with a drop of true dragon blood essence, Su Yi turned and looked into the distance.

The battle is drawing to a close, and Lan Suo has played a key role and has taken great credit.

With her endless treasures, she forcibly smashed her opponent into a rout. Ning Siji and Mu Xi took the opportunity to make up for it and cooperated tacitly with each other, swept away all the seventeen Innate Martial Sects from Shanglin Temple.

If it were a real sword fight, I’m afraid it wouldn’t be so easy to win.

After all, the other party is a cultivator who came out of Shanglin Temple, far from being comparable to the innate martial arts in the secular world.

Lan Suo was very excited and had no idea.

Ning Siji and Mu Xi were very emotional. They never thought that with Lan Su, it would be so easy to kill the Xiantian Wuzong of Shanglin Temple…

“Young Master Su, I didn’t expect you to be so powerful. Even the land gods are no match for you.”

Lan Suo stepped forward, Luo Luo spoke generously, with a hint of sincere admiration on her delicate face carved with a knife and axe.

Su Yi said with disapproval: “After all, it’s just a character who temporarily breaks the realm, with an unstable foundation of Yuan Dao, and can’t really control the new power brought by the breaking of the realm for a while, the strength that can be exerted is also far away. It’s not as good as a real pioneer

^0^Remember【】for a second

Compared to a monk in the valley, defeating him is not a feat. “

The path of Yuandao is divided into three realms: Bigu, Yuanfu, and Juxing.

Those who have just entered the path of Yuan Dao are monks in the realm of inedias.

The previous Jinghe stepped into the realm of bigu.

“But you’re a second-level master, you can achieve this step… it’s already very… very, very powerful!”

Lan Suo spoke earnestly. When describing Su Yi’s strength, she couldn’t find the right words for a while, so she could only use a few words “very” together.

Ning Siji and Mu Xi couldn’t help laughing when they heard the words.

Su Yi was also dumbfounded.

This Lan Su looks beautiful, noble, and generous. Who would have thought that there is also a hint of naive charm in her temperament…

“There are nine floors in this pagoda. This place is only the first floor. Let’s go, let’s go to the second floor.”

Su Yi said, and walked towards the southeast corner of the main hall.

There is a stone staircase there, going up layer by layer.

Ning Sihua and the others followed.

This pagoda is not simple. The previous battle was amazing, but on the first floor of this hall, no matter whether it was the walls, stone pillars, or ground, there was no damage.

It can be seen that the material used to build this tower is very extraordinary in itself.

In addition, before, Su Yi also surrendered a drop of real dragon blood that manifested as a golden dragon shadow of Zhang Xu.

This makes everyone look forward to whether there is good fortune hidden elsewhere in this pagoda.

The stone steps have a total of 18 floors. When you reach the second floor, you will see that there is only a 30-foot-high Buddhist shrine in the empty hall, which is made of black stone.

Only, the shrine is empty and nothing.

Seeing this shrine, Mu Xi recognized it at a glance and said, “I got the jade pendant from this shrine back then!”

Su Yi stepped forward to investigate, but did not find anything special, and immediately took the group to the higher part of the pagoda.

To their disappointment, as they went up, each hall was either empty with nothing, or there were some useless utensils on display.

Until the ninth floor was reached, nothing was found.

“This place is so mysterious, why is there no treasure left?”

Ning Si was puzzled.

They walked all the way, first entering the depths of the Baocha Demon Mountain, and then breaking into the ruined Buddhist temple. After passing through the many forbidden formations, they arrived at the top of this mountain shaped like a giant dragon and entered the nine-story Buddha that is hundreds of feet high. inside the tower.

But apart from fighting with a group of masters from Shanglin and grabbing a drop of real dragon blood, I didn’t find anything of value.

This is naturally puzzling.

“The Prajna Zen Court, the Forbidden Land of Evil Dragon… Don’t forget, the writing on the two stone tablets, in my opinion, this place is not a treasure at all, and the real mystery is not hidden in the height of this pagoda. It’s hidden under the pagoda.”

Speaking, Su Yi seemed to remember something and hurriedly walked towards the first floor of the pagoda.

After arriving here, he turned his eyes to the withered and broken murals on the four walls and observed them carefully.

Seeing this, Ning Sihua and the others looked at each other and immediately realized that the mystery of the nine-story pagoda might be hidden in these murals that they had completely ignored before!


ps: The fifth update is delivered~

The goldfish fell asleep first and was so tired…

My dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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