First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 2475: Xining’s dream

Chapter 2475 Xi Ning’s dream

, the number one swordsman

Kirin Ancient Ancestor did not give an answer in the end.

Su Yi has not yet awakened the memory of his past life. Before that, he does not intend to tell anyone this secret.

Although Qi Jingxiao, Qiwei and others were disappointed, there was nothing they could do.

It’s just that deep down in my heart, I’m more and more curious about Su Yi’s identity.

Who is he?

Why did even the ancestors keep his identity secret?

Under the sky, a treasure ship is speeding.

Su Yi was sitting in the wicker chair, talking with the first demon in the decayed scabbard.

When learning about the situation in the second life, the heart demon in the first life seemed very interesting, and said: “Wonderful, if you die, can I inherit everything from you like the evil sword master?” ?”

Su Yi: “…”

“Well, no, Lord Evil Sword is the demon in the second life, and I was regarded as the demon in your first life. Even if I want to be replaced, it should be your first life.”

The demon of the first life talked to himself.

Su Yi simply remained silent.

It can be seen that the appearance of Xie Jianzun made the first demon seem a little excited.

“It’s a pity that the heart demon is a heart demon after all, not a real living person. Without the original life, one cannot make progress in Taoism.”

The heart demon of the first life suddenly said, “This is the weakness of that evil sword master. Of course, it is also my weakness.”

He appeared very calm, open and honest, pointing out the biggest weakness of himself and Xie Jianzun.

“I want to suppress you in the battle of mind and replace you. This evil sword master must have a similar idea.”

The heart demon of the first world tutted out, “Unexpectedly, there is a competitor.”

The silent Su Yi suddenly said: “No, there is one more.”


“The third generation, Xiao Jian, when the age of dark myths comes, he will be able to break out from the road leading to the ancient gods of the past, and descend into this world.”

As Su Yi said, he couldn’t help but recall the scene when he met Xiao Jian.

The other party has spoken harshly more than once, saying that when he comes to this world in the future, he will make a real break with himself.


The heart demon of the first life understood, “This is even more interesting! He should have disappeared in the past, but because of problems with the order and rules of the long river of the era, he seized a glimmer of life and had the opportunity to come to this world. “

“Unlike other characters who came from the past to the present, they have never reincarnated, but you are Xiao Jian’s reincarnation.”

“This also means that between him and you, only one is destined to live, and they cannot coexist!”

“Hahaha, this also confirms the avenue I seek, balance!”

“Xiao Jian’s appearance was due to the collapse of the order and he was out of balance, allowing him to seize the loophole and survive.”

“But when the battle of Ding Dao is staged, the order of the ancient, modern and future will be reshaped, and all loopholes will be filled one by one. If Xiao Jian wants to survive, he must replace you!”

The eloquent words made Su Yi completely understand the root of the trouble between Xiao Jian and himself.

Immediately, he also smiled, and said to himself: “In the past, I defeated the previous life one by one, but now, I have to face three opponents, you, Xie Jianzun, and Xiao Jian. Such a situation… …It’s really interesting and interesting!”

There was no anxiety or panic in the words, but a sense of expectation leisurely.

“You think so too? That would be great!”

The heart demon in the first life said with great interest: “Why don’t you and I join forces first, kill the evil sword master, destroy Xiao Jian, and then decide the outcome between you and me?”

Su Yi directly refused, saying: “I think it’s best for me to deal with you one by one!”

This is not hubris.

But it involves the battle of mental state, Su Yi will never join forces with the first demon.

“Ambition is commendable!”

The heart demon of the first life smiled and said, “However, if you need help, I am here to help at any time.”

Su Yi rubbed his brows, he faintly felt that after learning about Master Xie Jian, the demon in the first life was obviously a little restless!

“Let’s talk about it later.”

Su Yi stopped chatting and put away the rotten scabbard.

At this moment, Xi Ning walked over from the cabin.

Her raven-blue hair was loosely pulled up, she was dressed in a plain and simple long dress, she was not decorated at all, and her delicate and delicate face was so beautiful and beautiful under the sky.

From any angle, Xi Ning’s appearance can be called “peerlessly stunning”.

The snow-white skin is crystal clear and soft, as if water can be squeezed out.

The beauty of a beauty lies not only in appearance, but also in bone appearance and temperament.

Xining’s temperament is ethereal and beautiful, which complements her appearance and strength of character, which is extremely brilliant.

When she saw her approaching, Su Yi felt a burst of joy in his heart, probably this is called “pleasing to the eye”.

“Come and sit down.”

Su Yi pointed to the side.

Xining sat down naturally, with a crisp voice: “What were you thinking just now?”

“A little thing.”

Su Yi said, “Did your clan live well in the territory of the Qilin God Clan these years?”

Xining nodded and said with a smile, “The Qilin God Clan takes good care of us, and everyone in the clan feels that our life is better than before.”

Su Yi also smiled.

When Xi Ning smiles, a slight dimple will appear on her clear and fair face, adding a playful and lively charm.

After thinking about it for a while, Xi Ning’s expression became solemn, and he said seriously: “Friend Daoist, I have something to tell you.”

Su Yi put away his smile and waved his hand.

An invisible force enveloped the area between him and Xi Ning.

Then, he said: “Have you encountered a difficult problem?”

Xining shook his head, “It’s not a trouble, but in the past few years, as my practice has improved, I often have a strange and mysterious dream.”


Su Yi was startled.

“Yes, an identical dream, which keeps reappearing.”

Xining’s eyes were a little dazed, and a trace of uncontrollable shock and uneasiness quietly emerged between the brows.

Su Yi frowned, and had some vague guesses.

As early as in the fairy world, Xi Ning had talked about some of her secrets. In her source of life and natural power, there is a mysterious and invisible brand power!

In the last battle of the Era Battlefield, in order to save herself, Xi Ning stood in front of her without hesitation and helped herself block the fatal blow.

It was also at that time that there was a shocking change in Xi Ning’s body. The mysterious sealing power in her body seemed to be awakened and became extremely terrifying, repelling Di E’s willpower in one fell swoop!

This incident made Su Yi aware that Xi Ning’s life experience is very special!

“In that dream, there is a gray world, the earth is dry, not a blade of grass grows, the sky collapses, shrouded in a thick haze, and you can’t see anything at a glance.”

Xining spoke softly, like a whisper, “And I have been walking in that dark world, I don’t know where I’m going, so I just walked forward uncontrollably…”

“Along the way, I felt loneliness, sadness, hesitation, and helplessness, like being abandoned by the world, exiled by the years, and completely reduced to a leaf of duckweed that can’t find its direction.”

“Yes, it feels like duckweed, small and powerless, I don’t know where to go, my heart is empty, like looking for something that has been forgotten…”

Xining’s beautiful face changed, and the brows were filled with confusion, “Later, I heard some strange conversations.”

“Those conversations flickered and appeared indistinctly. Although I could hear them clearly, when I woke up from the dream, I forgot everything. No matter how hard I tried to recall, I couldn’t remember anything.”

She sighed faintly, “But in that dream, I could hear clearly, and every time I entered that dream, I would always remind myself to remember these things, but…”

“It will not work after all.”

Su Yi sat on one side and listened quietly.

For worldly people, dreaming is a common occurrence.

But for practitioners, dreaming is abnormal!

Because this means that there is a high possibility that something is wrong with my state of mind and spirit!

Xining was silent for a moment, and then continued: “And half a year ago, I saw a person in that dream that recurred countless times!”

Su Yi resisted the thought of asking and listened silently.

He knew that Xi Ning would say it himself.

“In that dream, I kept trekking between the dry and barren gray world, and when I heard that familiar conversation again, I originally thought that this time it would be the same as before. When I woke up from the dream, I would Forget about these conversations.”

“But this time, I not only remembered some words, but also saw a person!”

Speaking, Xi Ning showed a serious look on his eyebrows, and said:

“A woman’s voice said that she should not wait alone any longer, and go to actively look for it.”

“Another childlike voice said to go with that woman.”

“It was rejected by that woman.”

“She said that samsara is uncertain, the world is impermanent, and things involving the cycle of life and death are too dangerous, so she let the child stay there and wait and she is going to find a man called ‘Lin Dao Zun’ people help, send her to reincarnation.”

Hearing this, Su Yi could no longer calm down, and the figure lying in the rattan chair suddenly sat up straight.

Lin Daozun! ?

The mysterious woman who appeared in Xi Ning’s dream was looking for Lin Jinghong’s father?

After all, Lin Jinghong’s father was in charge of the complete power of reincarnation!

Seeing that Xi Ning stopped talking, Su Yi couldn’t help asking: “Is there any more?”

Xining shook his head, “Yes, but I only remember these few words.”

Su Yi couldn’t help feeling a little disappointed.

However, he has already dared to be sure that the dream that Xi Ning often has must be related to the mysterious brand in her life source!

It is not even ruled out that the mysterious woman in the dream is actually… Xi Ning!

“In the dream, who was that person you saw?”

Su Yi asked again.

“That’s a little guy who turned into a water drop.”

Xining looked confused, “In the dream, I could only vaguely see that the water drop turned into a thin figure of a child with a sword slung across its back, but it was too blurry to see at all. Not real.”

“The strangest thing is that the child transformed by the water drop seems to have seen me, tried its best to approach me, and called for something loudly.”

“But I couldn’t hear his voice at all, and when he approached me, he was shrouded in a thick mist and couldn’t see him anymore.”

At the end, Xi Ning frowned, and said seriously: “But I think he… seems to know me!”.


ps: The second update is around 2:00 noon. Previous chapter table of contents bookmark next chapter

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