First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 2471: The Mystery of Heaven’s Punishment

Chapter 2471 The Mystery of Heaven’s Punishment

, the number one swordsman

Tingtao Hall.

The place where the Kirin Protoss discuss their affairs.

Qi Jingxiao and other big figures personally welcomed Su Yi and Xi Ning into the hall and took their seats.

Qi Jingxiao took the initiative to talk about this turmoil.

Originally according to his plan, after his daughter Qiwei and Shang Yun get married, according to the agreement, the Qilin God Clan can avoid being used as spearmen by the Taiyin God Clan and become enemies with Su Yi.

As long as Su Yi does not appear, there will be no twists and turns in this matter.

After finishing speaking, Qi Jingxiao sighed and said: “However, it is futile to talk about these now, and the Taiyin God Clan is destined not to let it go.”

A look of worry appeared between his brows.

The other great figures were also silent.

Today, Shang Yun was executed and Shang Wushe was captured alive. They seemed to be happy, but everyone knew that the Qilin God Clan would face a real catastrophe next!

However, no one blamed Su Yi, not even a single complaint.

All of this, on the contrary, made Xi Ning, who had been quietly listening, a little confused.

“I already know the difficulties and last resort of your clan.”

Su Yi took a sip of wine and said, “I’m not qualified to judge whether your decision is right or wrong. I just know that Miss Qiwei is my friend Su!”


Qiwei’s eyelashes trembled, this guy already regarded him as a friend…


It seems very ordinary, and you can call it by name when you meet by chance.

But Qiwei knows how hard it is to be accepted as a friend by Su Yi from the heart, and how important the weight is!

As Su Yi said, he glanced at everyone present, and said, “As a friend, I can’t stand by and watch Qiwei’s lifelong event be ruined by the Taiyin God Clan.”

What he said made some of the big shots here feel ashamed.

As Qi Wei’s father, Qi Jingxiao’s eyes were even more gloomy, and he sighed: “Wei’er is my heart, but if there is a way, I…how can I allow such a thing to happen.”

Qiwei’s delicate body trembled slightly, and said: “Father, this is what my daughter wants, and it has nothing to do with you!”

Qi Jingxiao waved his hand and said in a low voice: “You have been sensible since you were young, and I know that the reason why you agreed to this marriage was to share the worries of the clan and resolve my worries, but in the end, I was too incompetent to do so After agreeing to this matter, how can you say that it has nothing to do with me?”

The words were full of guilt and bitterness.

Everyone can’t help but sigh secretly.

“However, now that Fellow Daoist Su has come to our clan, none of this will happen now.”

Qi Jingxiao looked at Qi Wei, “This is a blessing in misfortune.”

Everyone nodded.

Just by looking at Shang Yun’s virtue, one can tell that once Qi Wei really marries the other party and becomes a Taoist couple, how many grievances she will suffer in the future!

Su Yi didn’t say anything about this.

As he said, he has no intention of accusing the Qilin Protoss of doing anything.

Different positions and different considerations lead to different decisions.

It is enough to compare your heart with your heart.

“Fellow Daoist Su’s current strength is actually capable of suppressing such terrifying characters as Shang Wushe with one move. No wonder he has to care about the threat from the Taiyin God Clan.”

Suddenly, someone sighed.

As soon as this remark came out, it also attracted the resonance of many people.

In the Battle of Lanhai Forbidden Zone, those who really stood out were the old guys who were rescued by Su Yi from the endless battle field.

As for the battle between Su Yi and Di E, no one really saw it, so that even though everyone in the God Realm already knows that Su Yi has proved immortality and became a true God Lord, how strong is Su Yi’s strength? To what extent, I am afraid that only Di E knows. m.

However, witnessing the scene of Su Yi capturing Shang Wushe alive today has opened the eyes of Qi Jingxiao and others.

It should be noted that Shang Wushe is an old guy who touched the threshold of the river of fate!

With such a comparison, one can imagine how defiant Su Yi’s combat power is!

To everyone’s surprise, Su Yi shook his head and said, “I’m just playing tricks on this battle.”

Speaking, he briefly explained the whole story.

It turns out that when dealing with Shang Wushe, Su Yi used the rules of Taishi!

In the initial era of God’s Domain, there have been five glorious eras.

It is also the Zhouxu order of these five ages that constitutes the most complete law of heaven in the realm of the gods.

These five rules are called the five congenital elements.

Each one is the most original Zhouxu rule of God’s Domain.

The Taishi Rule is one of them!

And you must know that whether it is Zhou Ye Tianzun, Kappa, Qingniu, etc. who are dormant in the ruins of Taishi, or those who are not contemporary powerhouses scattered in time and space forbidden areas all over the world, the most fearful people at the moment It is to suffer the backlash of heaven!

That is the so-called punishment from heaven!

Shang Wushe and Shang Yun do not belong to the contemporary era, they come from the sea of ​​wind and thunder, a forbidden place in time and space, so naturally they are no exception.

The reason why the two of them were able to leave Fenglei and appear in the Qilin God Clan was nothing more than using a taboo secret treasure that concealed the secrets of heaven.

But in front of Su Yi, their method of concealing the secrets of the sky is completely a display.

Because the power of Taishi is originally a kind of regular power that constitutes the divine punishment of God’s Domain!

To a certain extent, facing Su Yi’s bombardment, there is no difference between Shang Wushe and facing the punishment of heaven. Naturally, under one blow, he was suppressed by Su Yi.

In Su Yi’s eyes, this kind of trickery is naturally nothing, not worth mentioning.

But in the eyes of Qi Jingxiao and others, such means can definitely be called cleverness!

Good fortune has different meanings.

Sometimes, it refers to the way of heaven!

The power Su Yi used is undoubtedly tantamount to doing justice and punishing for the sky!

Shang Wushe does not belong to the present age, and should not have appeared in the world. He used secret treasures to avoid the punishment of heaven, but he could not escape the punishment from Su Yi!

This is the reason why Shang Wushe’s move failed.

It has nothing to do with strength.

“If you say that, doesn’t it mean that any powerful person in this God’s Domain who does not belong to the present age, no matter how powerful, will be no different from encountering Heaven’s Punishment when meeting Fellow Daoist Su?”

Someone murmured in amazement.

“I’m not the only one who can do this.”

Su Yi shook his head slightly, “In the world of God’s Domain, there are five relics from the beginning, each of which hides a kind of original rule and order of God’s Domain. The power of Taishi that I have mastered comes from the ruins of Taishi, and it’s just one of them.”

“Perhaps, there may be someone who can control the other rules and orders in the ‘Five Heavens’.”

Everyone can’t help but reveal the color of thinking.

This is indeed a big secret. If it is spread out, it will drive anyone crazy.

After all, whoever can control one of the five congenital wives is equivalent to controlling the power of heaven’s punishment, who can’t be envious?

Immediately, Qi Jingxiao shook his head and said: “It will never be so easy. If the original rules of the Innate Five Grand Masters can be easily controlled, why is it that only Su Daoyou has been in charge of the Grand Priests in the long years from the earliest days of God’s Domain until now?” The power of beginning?”

These words reminded Su Yi of one thing——

When we were in the Taishi ruins, the mountain guards once mentioned that Taoist Lu Shi once went to the Taishi ruins to understand and control the secret of the rules of the Taishi whip.

Daoist Lu Shi is the most terrifying legendary character at the end of the first year of God’s Domain.

But back then, even Daoist Lu Shi failed to get his wish, and missed the Whip of Taishi!

Similarly, although Tianzun Zhouye, who was trapped in the Sundial City, is in charge of Taishi Divine Flame, he can only borrow it instead of really controlling it.

All this proves that the original power originating from Zhouxu’s Heavenly Dao like the Taishi Rule cannot be controlled by just anyone.

Otherwise, such mythical existences as Daoist Lu Shi and Tianzun Zhou Ye would have done it long ago.

“More than that.”

An old man said, “The five congenital grandparents are distributed in the five major divine continents of the God’s Domain, but the Middle-earth Divine Continent has fallen a long time ago and completely collapsed. It has become a restricted life zone that no one dares to go to. In the mist, even the Lord Nine Alchemists dare not take a single step.”

“It is conceivable that one of the five congenital orders distributed in the Divine Continent of Central Earth is very likely to be controlled by no one.”

Up to now, even Qiwei and Xi Ning have deeply realized how inconceivable it is that Su Yi can master the rules of Taishi.

“This kind of power is only useful to those strong people who do not belong to the contemporary era.”

Su Yi said, “Besides, when the age of dark mythology comes, the innate rules of the five elders are destined to no longer be able to threaten those who do not belong to the contemporary powerhouse.”

Everyone nodded.

No one can deny this.

Because when the age of dark mythology comes, it means that the Zhou Xu rules of God’s Domain will completely collapse! !

Xin Ning said softly: “However, if you use it against the Taiyin God Clan right now, it will do no harm.”

Su Yi smiled and said, “That’s true.”

Why did he dare to threaten to go to Fengleihai for a walk?

The confidence lies in the Taishi rules you have mastered!

After chatting for a while, Su Yi changed the subject and started talking about business.

“To untie the bell, you have to tie the bell. I still don’t understand why your Qilin God Clan will be manipulated by the Taiyin God Clan to such an extent because of an ancestor’s precept and the oath of heaven.”

“Can you take this opportunity to talk to me about this matter?”

This is indeed the biggest doubt in Su Yi’s heart.

Su Yi has long confirmed that neither the fifth generation Li Fuyou nor the fourth generation Yi Daoxuan has any special friendship with the Qilin God Clan.

So far, he only knows Qiwei.

However, the attitude of the Qilin God Race towards him is extremely respectful!

Especially when faced with the proposal of marriage from the Taiyin God Clan, she would rather compromise and sacrifice Qiwei’s marriage, just to avoid becoming an enemy of herself!

This is simply too abnormal.

Let’s just say that today, I clearly sabotaged the affairs of the Qilin God Clan and threatened the other party with a catastrophic disaster, but not only did I not complain about myself at all, but I treated myself as a guest of honor!

All of this made Su Yi guess some answers.

And now, he decided to take this opportunity to thoroughly confirm his guess!

Hearing Su Yi’s words, Qi Jingxiao and other important figures looked at each other with some hesitation.

At this moment, a dry and hoarse old voice sounded outside Tingtao Hall:

“They don’t know the inside story, let the old man talk about it.”


The second update is at the same time as yesterday.

After the endless coma, Shi Yu suddenly got up from the bed. If you want to read the latest chapters, please download the Star Reading app, and read the latest chapters for free without ads. The website no longer has the latest chapter content, but the latest chapter content of the Star Reading Novel app.

He took a big gulp of fresh air, his chest trembling.

Confused, puzzled, all kinds of emotions came to my mind.

Where is this?

Afterwards, Shi Yu looked around subconsciously, and then became even more at a loss.

A single dorm?

Even if he was successfully rescued, he should be in the ward now.

As well as my own body…how could there be no injuries at all.

With doubts, Shi Yu’s eyes quickly swept across the room and finally his eyes stayed on a mirror beside the bed.

The mirror reflects his current appearance, he is about seventeen or eighteen years old, and he looks very handsome.

But the problem is, it’s not him! Download the Star Reading app and read the latest chapters for free without ads

My previous self was a handsome young man in his twenties who had been working for a while.

And now, this appearance is only the age of a high school student…

This change left Shi Yu in a daze for a long time.

Don’t tell him that the operation was a success…

The body and appearance have changed. This is not a question of whether to operate or not, but a fairy technique.

He turned into a completely different person!

Could it be… that he crossed over?

In addition to the mirror placed by the bedside which was obviously not well positioned, Shi Yu also found three books next to it.

Shi Yu picked it up and took a look, the title made him silent for an instant.

“Necessary Beast Breeding Manual for Novice Breeders”

“Postnatal care of pet animals”

“Guidelines for Evaluation of Alien Beast Ear Girls”

Shi Yu:? ? ?

The names of the first two books are quite normal, what’s the matter with you in the last one?


Shi Yu’s eyes were serious, and he stretched out his hand, but soon his arm stiffened.

Just when he was about to open the third book to see what it was, his brain suddenly felt a stabbing pain, and a large number of memories flooded in like a flood.


Pet animal breeding base.

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