First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 2394: The heart has a devil’s debt

Late at night.

Huangsha City has been completely destroyed in the battle. At a glance, there are shocking battle traces everywhere.

Even the wind and sand that swept through it all year round disappeared, and the atmosphere became extraordinarily quiet.

“Brother Daoxuan, how is your injury?”

Yan Chizhen and Wuyu walked over, looking at Su Yi worriedly.

“No problem.”

Su Yi looked down at the sunken wound on his chest, his expression remained unchanged.

“This… what happened?”

Bao Ye, who has been in a sluggish state, looks at everything in front of him in surprise as if he has recovered.

“What happened?”

Su Yi pointed to his wound, “Here, this is your masterpiece.”

Bao Ye was startled.

His expression changed for a while, and it took him a while to gradually understand, and he couldn’t help laughing bitterly: “It’s not my fault, you can’t blame me.”

Su Yi smiled and patted Bao Ye’s shoulder, “As long as you’re fine, I’m not so narrow-minded.”

Everyone looked at each other and couldn’t help laughing.

In a trance, these old friends who once crossed the boundless sea side by side with Yi Daoxuan all recalled the past turbulent years.

Su Yi was also filled with emotions.

Although we have gone through many dangers and ups and downs today, our old friends are still there, which is enough to comfort us all our lives!

Su Yi said: “Five Desires, you lead the way, let’s go and see your disciples.”

The Five Desires looked complicated, and shook their heads, “Old Demon Yi, what the Lantern Buddha said is right. Back then, I was too cowardly to avenge you. I only wanted to protect the lives of those disciples. As for…”

Su Yi interrupted: “Don’t say such things in the future.”

Yan Chizhen also nodded and said: “Indeed, if Brother Daoxuan has a grudge, how could he come to see you this time?”

Wu Yu smiled wryly for a while, but his heart was warm and filled with emotion.

In the past years, he drew the ground into a prison, trapped himself in a desperate situation, and was manipulated and attacked by the enemy at will, but he could only retreat and compromise again and again.

Now when I look back suddenly, I realize how outrageous and absurd my mistakes have been all these years.

The authorities are obsessed.

Being manipulated for a long time is like falling into a quagmire, the more you struggle, the deeper you sink.

Only when you are pulled out of the quagmire can you clearly realize that you have already gone astray when you took the first step into the quagmire.

If you have an obstacle in your heart, you will suffer from it.

If you have a devil’s debt in your heart, you will bear the pain.

If you are afraid, you will suffer!

“Let’s go.”

Su Yi stepped forward and grabbed Wu Yu’s shoulders.

Xitian Lingshan.

Under the Bodhi tree, the Burning Buddha frowned suddenly, and a smear of blood dripped from the corner of his lips.

Soon, the blood disappeared quietly.

It’s just that his pale face proved that he suffered a dark loss this time!

“The Eight Absolutions of Wu Dao disappeared as early as the first Wutai era of God’s Domain, how could this Su Yi master it?”

The Lantern Buddha frowned and remained silent.

He calculated and calculated, but he never expected that in Su Yi’s hands, he already had a way to deal with the “Mother and Child Love Gu”!

“Did you suffer?”

The figure of the ancient flower fairy emerged quietly, with a faint taste of gloating on the brows.

“Now, you won’t blame me for failing to return from the Zhushan secret world last time, will you?”

The ancient flower fairy came not far from the Lantern Buddha, looked at the other party’s pale face, “You also said that the mother-child relationship Gu is just a path that cannot be used on the table, although it can be used to great effect, but Once someone breaks it, it’s useless, but it will make yourself suffer a lot!”

The Lantern Buddha didn’t take it seriously, and said: “I have roughly guessed that Su Yi must have found the Wumen inheritance that has long been lost in the world from the ruins of Taishi. This is indeed beyond my expectation.”

“Heh, what’s the use of thinking about it now?”

Gu Huaxian sneered, “The treasure leaf is not dead, the five desires are not dead, and you stumbled again in Su Yi! If the world knows, where will you put the face of the Lantern Buddha?”

Lengdeng Buddha said calmly: “This time, I never thought that I could kill Su Yi. I just wanted to use Su Yi’s hand to test Di E.”

“Di E appeared?” Gu Huaxian asked.


Dengdeng Buddha said, “But… the terrifying Spirit of Order appeared behind him.”

Gu Huaxian was taken aback, “That… from the existence on the long river of fate?”

Lamp-burning Buddha nodded, “Even she suffered a loss, and she returned home without a feather, and there was nothing I could do to Su Yi.”

Gu Huaxian’s heart was shocked, and his face changed suddenly, “Su Yi is already so powerful?”

“It’s the rotten scabbard.”

Lengdeng Buddha said, “This treasure is definitely not an ordinary prohibited item. Its power can ignore rules and order. Even the power of the spirit of order from the long river of fate can’t stop this sword. It is terrifying!” Boundless.”

Gu Huaxian frowned, “In the battle of Mingkong Mountain, the old hunchback was engulfed by that rotten scabbard because of his carelessness… By the way, can you ask the old hunchback the secret of this thing?”

Before, Gu Huaxian had handed over the remnant soul of the old hunchback to the Burning Lamp Buddha.

The Burning Lamp Buddha nodded slightly, and said: “Ask some mysteries, inside this rotten sword scabbard, there is an endless dark ruins, swallowed in it, like a feather, in a floating powerless situation , It’s incredible.”

“In addition, it seems that this weapon spirit is still dormant in this decayed scabbard.”



Dengdeng Buddha said, “It seems that such prohibited objects are extremely inconceivable. If you have a weapon spirit… it will be even more dangerous.”

Qi Ling possesses wisdom!

That rotten scabbard can defeat the power of order controlled by the little girl, so one can imagine how dangerous the weapon spirit of this thing must be.

Gu Huaxian also realized this, and sighed: “So, there is no one in this world who can do anything to him, Yi Daoxuan?”

Lengdeng Buddha shook his head and said: “No, with Su Yi’s strength, he still can’t completely control the rotten scabbard. If not, he will definitely not be injured in this battle, and neither will his old friends.” Will be killed so embarrassingly.”

Speaking of this, the Burning Lamp Buddha said with deep eyes, “Foreign objects are only external objects after all, and Su Yi cannot be made invincible in the world! If he had such ability, he would have already entered the Western Heaven Spirit Mountain, and we Let’s end the past grievances.”

Gu Huaxian nodded and said, “Then what should we do next?”

Dengdeng Buddha fell silent for a moment.

In the battle of the Zhushan secret world, Gu Huaxian suffered a big loss and returned home in defeat.

Now, the Battle of Huangsha City also caused him a dark loss, and he failed to get what he wanted.

The most important thing is that this battle gave Diengdeng Buddha a sense of danger!

This sliver of danger does not come from Su Yi.

It’s Die!

Originally, he sent a letter to Di E, trying to ask Di E to come out of the mountain, and take Su Yi down in one fell swoop.

Unexpectedly, Die did not appear, but asked the mysterious little girl to make a move.

This made Lantern Buddha have to wonder if Die would have any thoughts about him.

“Next, do two things.”

Dengdeng Buddha Taoism, “First, after I reshape the Taoist body for Yu Xun, I will send him to Die to practice.”

Gu Huaxian frowned suddenly, “Why is that so?”

“Before the coming of the dark myth, I can’t let Dieruo have any doubts about my position.”

Lengdeng Buddha said indifferently, “Now he probably understands that Yu Xun is the flesh and blood of you and me. If he takes Yu Xun as a proton and sends him to Di E, he will be completely relieved and realize that I am Still doing things for him faithfully.”

Gu Huaxian sneered and said: “You are really cruel to take your own son as a hostage.”

Lengdeng Buddha said: “Why do you care about this son’s life?”

Gu Huaxian was silent for a while.

“The second thing is that in another twenty years or so, the age of dark mythology will surely come. Before that, even if something big happens, don’t bother with it.”

Dengdeng Buddha said, “Especially things related to Su Yi, don’t get mixed up, no matter how hard he can be, there are only more than 20 years left.”

Gu Huaxian was puzzled and said: “Didn’t you say that you want to give Su Yi a chance to go to the endless battlefield, are you planning to give up?”

Dengdeng Buddha said: “It’s not about giving up, but I won’t get involved, just stay out of it and watch this good show unfold.”

Gu Huaxian said: “About when?”

“That depends on when Su Yi leaves for the Endless Battlefield.”

Lamp Buddha slowly closed his eyes and fell into meditation.

Three days later.

A treasure ship galloped across the sky, and after nearly half a month, it left Dongsheng Shenzhou, entered South Vulcan Continent, and then plundered towards the boundless sea.

On the treasure ship.

The Five Desire Demon Venerable is drinking with the Baoye Demon Ancestor.

Yan Chi is really planning and thinking about reshaping the Dao body.

Su Yi was lying on the wicker chair, squinting his eyes in thought.

When they left Dongsheng Shenzhou this time, they also picked up those disciples of the Demon Lord of Five Desires.

There were no twists and turns.

Just like what Su Yi said when he confronted Lantern Buddha back then, if you threaten the Demon Lord of Five Desires with a hostage, I will threaten you with the lives of the West Heaven Spirit Mountain.

Lengdeng Buddha is naturally unwilling to accept this kind of double-lose injury that hurts the enemy by one thousand and self-damages eight hundred.

Therefore, Su Yi and the others successfully picked up those disciples who had been guarded and grounded by hostile forces.

The wicked have their own grind.

And to deal with the wicked is worse than the wicked.

Su Yi has never been afraid of threats, this is the biggest difference between him and the Demon Lord of Five Desires.

“You don’t recognize her?”

Su Yi seemed to be meditating, but he was actually talking with the first demon hiding in the decayed scabbard.

When she learned that the heart demon in the first life did not know the little girl from the long river of fate, Su Yi couldn’t help being startled.

“She’s just a spirit of order on the long river of fate. A similar role has been difficult for me to get into my eyes a long time ago. What qualifications does she have for me to know?”

The first heart demon answered very casually inadvertently revealing a domineering spirit from the bottom of his heart.

“Only a character like you who has not yet touched the threshold of the river of fate will take her so seriously.”

The heart demon of the first world also satirized Su Yi by the way.

Su Yi won’t care about it.

“It seems that the little girl either knew me in my second life, or she knew Xiao Jian…”

Su Yi pondered secretly.

“Why didn’t you propose to cooperate with me this time?”

The heart demon of the first life said coldly, “If you had spoken at that time, it would have been effortless to deal with that little girl.”

As he spoke, he regretted, “It’s a pity, because of your guard and distrust of me, the Spirit of Order named Kappa by your side missed a chance to transform!”

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