First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 2349: Brutal

Su Yi didn’t care much about it.

Just one Liu Xianghen is already dangerous, let alone other people.


The divine flame soars into the sky like a dragon or a dragon.

Su Yi was injured, so he didn’t intend to challenge him head-on, so he dodged.

But because of this, Liu Xianghen, who was being chased from behind, suddenly approached a lot.

If it goes on like this, within a short while, he will be overtaken by Liu Xianghen, and there will be no chance of escaping.

“I don’t want you to beg me, but to save your life right now, you need my help!”

In the rotten scabbard, the voice of the first demon resounded, “With me here, today’s catastrophe can be broken with a snap of a finger!”

Su Yi frowned and ignored it.

He knew the intentions of the first demon.

Because of this, he has been using the power of reincarnation to seal the scabbard during that period of time, and has never used it again.

Not to mention, at this moment, he has not yet reached the point of desperation, so how could he give the first demon a chance to attack.

Boom! !

Thunder and lightning raged, and the thirty-thousand-foot sky was incinerated.

Liu Xianghen struck again, almost burning Su Yi’s body, and there were many scorched black cracks on his body.

The horror of the Nine Refining God Lord is also vividly reflected at this moment.

After all, it is an existence that has set foot on the top of God’s Domain.

And you must know that Liu Xianghen had already become one of Li Fuyou’s enemies long ago, is it unusual?

“Su Yi, are you this miserable without a helper?”

Liu Xianghen’s tone was indifferent, with a hint of sarcasm.

As soon as the voice sounded, he suddenly appeared in front of Su Yi and grabbed Su Yi’s neck.

Clang! !

The sword roared loudly.

The so-so sword blooms with monstrous sword power, and develops a mysterious and unpredictable breath of reincarnation.

This sword is far more powerful than before!

But he was still defeated by Liu Xianghen when he raised his hand.

Under the suppression of the domineering palm force, the sword flew out of his hand, and Su Yi’s whole body was blown away, bleeding from his lips.

The injury is too serious, and the broken body is about to fall apart.

However, Su Yi didn’t care.

In the past, he suffered far more serious injuries than now, and more than once!

“You are not Liu Xianghen!”

At this moment, Su Yi frowned.

Liu Xianghen in the distance was stunned, and laughed loudly: “Then let me ask you, who am I if I am not Liu Xianghen?”


When he stepped out, the void in all directions suddenly sunken and collapsed, and countless spatial torrents emerged, like a cage, completely blocking all Su Yi’s escape routes.

“Quick, if you don’t let me make a move, you’re really doomed!”

In the scabbard, the demon of the first life urged, “And if I make a move, I will not only help kill him, but also tell you the secret of why he survived!!”

Su Yi ignored it.

The more dangerous the situation is, the less he will do it.

“Actually, these are not important anymore. The important thing is that as long as I kill you, your power of reincarnation, epoch fire, and even your whole body will belong to me!”

When the indifferent and plain voice sounded, Liu Xianghen’s figure had already moved over.

With a smile on his lips, as if he was holding the winning ticket, he raised his hand suddenly, and grabbed Su Yi’s neck again.

Su Yi’s eyes were flat and he didn’t dodge.

At this moment, a black umbrella suddenly stood in front of Su Yi.

Under the black umbrella, a child wearing a fat red robe appeared.

The child’s hand has firmly grasped the right hand that Liu Xianghen grabbed.

Liu Xianghen’s eyes narrowed.

The child’s innocent and delicate face showed a hint of embarrassment, and said word by word:

“You old bastard! Are you bullying my lord?”


The kappa exerted all his strength.

Liu Xianghen’s right hand was twisted off like a twist.

Suddenly, monstrous divine flames burst out from his body, and his figure retreated violently.

The kappa followed like a shadow, holding a black umbrella in one hand, and firmly grasping Liu Xianghen’s broken wrist with the other.

Following the Kappa, he swung his arms violently.

Liu Xianghen’s whole body was lifted up, and the next moment, like a hammer picked up by a Kappa, he slammed into the ground fiercely.

Bang! ! !

The ground cracked and hit him, and an unfathomable gully appeared.

Liu Xianghen was ashamed, with a muffled groan in his lips, his expression frightened and angry.

“Fuck you, tell me, who are you! Otherwise, I promise to beat you out of **** today!!”

Before Liu Xianghen got up, the kappa jumped up and yanked him violently.


Liu Xianghen’s right arm was torn off.

Too brutal!

The kappa at this moment is like a furious ancient giant crocodile, wanting to tear Liu Xianghen into pieces.

But Su Yi keenly noticed that no matter whether Liu Xianghen’s wrist was broken or his right arm was torn off, the wound never bleed, but a mysterious gray rain of light flew out.

“Sure enough, Liu Xianghen is dead, he is not alive at this moment!”

Su Yi’s thoughts turned, and he felt more and more strange.

Because, the Liu Xianghen in front of him is exactly the same as the real Liu Xianghen in terms of Taoism, aura, appearance, as well as the secret method and power used!

“Struggle! Resist! Aren’t you arrogant? Come on, keep going!! Fuck you #%…”

The kappa was full of murderous aura, as if falling into a frenzy, he beat Liu Xianghen violently with absolute strength.

As if honey had been wiped on that small mouth, a string of non-repetitive swear words burst out.

Su Yi couldn’t help rubbing his eyebrows.

It has only been more than a year since Kappa left the ruins of Taishi, but it is obvious that he has developed a bandit spirit and a full stomach of dirty words in the market.

This doesn’t look like a terrifying existence that survived from the Taishi era, it’s almost like a gangster on the street.

Hey! Chi la!

Soon, Liu Xianghen’s arms and legs were torn off and dismembered.

In the end, even the head was twisted off by the Kappa, kicked into the air, and exploded directly.

And as the kappa stepped out, like an ancient idol smashing mountains and rivers, Liu Xianghen’s body collapsed and withered.

The brutal killing method vividly explained what the ultimate impact of violence is.

But a strange scene happened.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Xianghen’s figure appeared again in the void not far away.


As if never hurt! !

This unimaginable scene made Kappa stunned for a moment.

This guy is immortal! ?

“I didn’t expect that you could invite such a weird little thing.”

Liu Xianghen’s face was livid, and his eyes flickered.

Undoubtedly, he was also shocked by Kappa’s fighting power.

Soon, he suddenly laughed, “However, it doesn’t matter anymore, Su Yi, I have already followed you and saw through some of your hole cards, next time…”

Boom! !

The kappa came suddenly, punching Liu Xianghen’s body to pieces.


The next moment, Liu Xianghen’s figure recovered again, with an angry look on his face.

“I can really recover, I will try again!”

The kappa trampled on his body, and when he raised his hand, a monstrous force of obliteration surged out.

Liu Xianghen turned around and fled, but it was too late.


His body was obliterated inch by inch.

That is the original power of Reverse Flow River, which is enough to completely wipe out the immortal Taoist body and soul of the Nine Refining God Lord.

Strangely, the Kappa failed.

In the blink of an eye, Liu Xianghen’s figure appeared again, but this time he appeared under the sky far away.

In addition, his figure also became blurred, as if he would be blown away by a gust of wind at any moment.

This scene made both Su Yi and Kappa realize that Liu Xianghen is not immortal, but every time he is blown up, his strength will be weakened a lot! !

“Damn it, I was almost bluffed by you old bastard, I’m going to die!!”

The kappa shouted loudly and attacked again.

“Wait for me!!”

Liu Xianghen turned around and left.

The kappa was about to chase after him, but Su Yi had already reminded: “Be careful of backlash!”

The kappa froze all over, and then his figure disappeared in a whizzing manner, and appeared next to Su Yi the next moment.


On the sky, in the midst of nothingness, the power of Zhou Tian’s rules suddenly emerged.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, Su Yi raised his hand to display the power of reincarnation, covering him and the kappa.

Suddenly, the power of Zhou Tian’s rules seemed to lose its target, and gradually became silent again, disappearing.

The Kappa felt relieved, and patted his small chest, “Fortunately, Mr. Su reminded me in time, and protected me at the critical moment!”

Su Yi looked at the direction of Liu Xianghen’s escape, frowned and said nothing.

This murder happened too abruptly and strangely.

And Liu Xianghen himself is full of weirdness and abnormalities.

However, after this battle, Su Yi also realized that he was wrong.

This fake “Liu Xianghen” has no helpers. From this point, it can be judged that there is something wrong with Liu Xianghen’s identity.

Because a long time ago, Liu Xianghen didn’t dare to fight against Li Fuyou alone!

Liu Xianghen would only participate when old fellows like God Master Yunhe, Fisherman, and Lantern Buddha were dispatched together.

“My lord, who is that guy? It’s too evil. It’s exactly the same as Liu Xianghen who died in my hands. There is no difference between his actions and breath.”

Kappa couldn’t help asking.

Su Yi shook his head, “I don’t know.”

Speaking, he glanced at Kappa and said, “When I left the Taishi Ruins not long ago, you followed me all the way?”

Kappa lowered his head, like a bewildered child, and said: “In the past year, I have traveled many places, met many people, and learned many things, but my heart is always unsteady and empty.”

“Later I figured it out, it was because I had no backbone, no backer to shield me from the wind and rain.”

Kappa raised his delicate and lovely face, and said seriously, “Your Excellency is my backbone and my backer! Only by your side can I…”


Su Yi interrupted Shut up and wait. “

The Kappa scratched his head, gave a foolish smile, and came to not far away, holding a black umbrella in one hand, sitting upright on the ground, with a well-behaved, obedient, and cute appearance.

Compared with the way he was when he brutally and brutally tortured Liu Xiangchen just now, they are completely two extremes.

This is the kappa, who can cry out his nose and tears in front of Su Yi at any time and pretend to be pitiful, and can also be brutal and lawless when killing enemies.

However, he only pretended to be well-behaved and pitiful in front of Su Yi.

Su Yi sighed secretly, no longer thinking about it, and sat cross-legged. While taking out the magic medicine to heal his wounds, he communicated with the first demon in the decayed scabbard.

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