First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 2252: Spirit of Order

The head is full of anger, bloody, and it is very penetrating.

This is the head of Xi Qingsong.

According to Xi Jingshan’s statement, Xi Qingsong has been conferred the head, and many other elders of the clan have also been punished accordingly. If Su Yi is not satisfied, he can bring it up.

Su Yi smiled and shook his head.

Xi Jingshan is the patriarch of the Xi clan and also the father of Xi Ning. As a matter of respect, Su Yi will not say anything.

In the final analysis, this is the matter of the ancient Xi clan.

He is an outsider and should not interfere too much.

On the same day, under Qiwei’s arrangement, the Xi clan of the ancient clan packed up and emptied all the treasures in Mingkong Mountain, and left with a group of elders from the Kylin Protoss headed by Li Sanjiu.

They will borrow the ancient teleportation formation of the Kylin Chamber of Commerce and go directly to Dongsheng Shenzhou to settle down.

Xining also left with the clan.

She had a conversation with Su Yi last night, and she will accompany her clan for a while to gain a firm foothold in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

Su Yi intends to continue dormant as “Xiao Jian”.

The battle of Mingkong Mountain revealed his whereabouts, but so far, no one knows that he has already become a deputy hall master of Qingwu Divine Court Night Tour Hall.

This identity can help him avoid countless troubles, concentrate on his own path, and improve his strength as soon as possible.


“Now, can you let me go?”

Lin Jinghong cares about A Cai in his heart, and he has long wanted to set off for the Sea of ​​Demons in the Middle-earth Divine Continent.

Su Yi said with great interest, “What kind of creation are you looking for?”

Lin Jinghong blinked his beautiful purple eyes, and said mysteriously: “When the age of dark mythology comes, you will know.”

Su Yi was startled and said, “It’s related to the secret under Jiuyuan?”

There are two places in the world of Gods that are the most mysterious and taboo.

One is above nine days.

One is under the Nine Abyss.

And under Jiuyuan, it is located in the territory of Middle-earth Divine Continent!

“You don’t have to try. Now that I tell you this, you are destined to never have the chance to find out.”

Lin Jinghong smiled and put a jade hand on Su Yi’s shoulder, “After all, you are just a weak and weak god.”

Su Yi: “…”

He let out a laugh and took Lin Jinghong’s hand off his shoulders, “It’s no big or small, if you are based on seniority, you have to call me uncle, and even your master Bodhi also calls me a Taoist friend.”

Lin Jinghong raised his eyebrows: “Take advantage of me? Tell you, I won’t recognize you as an elder!”

Su Yi smiled: “I can treat you as a junior.”

Lin Jinghong: “…”

She angrily punched Su Yi on the shoulder, causing the latter figure to stagger.

Immediately, Lin Jinghong laughed, as if he breathed a sigh of relief, and said, “Okay, it’s time for me to go.”

She turned around and was about to leave, suddenly remembered something and said, “Do you know that guy who looks like a little girl?”

Su Yi’s mind immediately came to the appearance of the little girl who appeared yesterday.

After thinking about it, he said, “I don’t know each other, but I have a hunch that there may be an eternal relationship between me and her.”

He couldn’t finish it. When he saw the little girl, he had a strong murderous and violent mood in his instinct.

“If I’m not mistaken, the little girl is not alive.”

Lin Jinghong said, “It’s a spiritual body transformed by a taboo-like Dao order!”

“Spirit of order?” Su Yi’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Lin Jinghong nodded: “In the long river of fate, there are many similar forbidden creatures. They are the incarnation of the order of the Dao. Although they are not living people, they have sanity and spirituality, which is extremely strange and terrifying.”

“I feel that since the little girl hates you, it must mean that the power of the Dao you master is very likely to be the enemy of the order power she represents, and the water and fire are incompatible!”

Su Yi frowned.

A spirit of order on the river of fate?

Incompatible with the way you control?

“It seems that it is related to the power of reincarnation.”

Su Yi was thoughtful.

Lin Jinghong looked at Su Yi sympathetically and said, “So, you have to be careful. Being targeted by the Spirit of Order is far more dangerous than that of Die.”

After a pause, she said, “However, you don’t need to worry about anything. Before the advent of the Age of Dark Mythology, any character who has set foot on the river of destiny cannot really make a move.”

“Whoever takes action will be wiped out by the Zhou Xu rule of this era!”

“So did the little girl who was the Spirit of Order.”

“Yesterday, she seemed to appear in the field, but it was nothing more than a projection, and there was no threat at all.”

“The reason why Die dare not use all his strength is because of this, he has already stepped into the long river of fate with one foot. As long as he uses all his strength, he will usher in a catastrophe of fate. !”

Speaking of Di’e, Lin Jinghong couldn’t help feeling unwilling, and sighed: “In the final analysis, I, like you, are still too weak in Daoxing, otherwise, just forcing him to use all his strength yesterday would make him die. “

Su Yi said casually, “When the Dao is fighting for the front, you can’t pin your hopes on external forces. I’m really looking forward to killing this person with the power of my Dao in the future!”

Just as Lin Jinghong was about to say something, he suddenly caught a glimpse of Qiwei who had been waiting in the distance. He couldn’t help but move in his heart and said, “What’s your relationship with that little girl from the Kylin Protoss?”

Su Yi was startled, then realized that Lin Jinghong was talking about Qiwei, and said, “What’s wrong?”


Lin Jinghong said with a smile, “If I were a man, I would definitely take her down! Not only because of her beautiful appearance, but the key point is… she is quite a little **** of wealth!”

Su Yi laughed dumbly.

“Don’t take it seriously, the origin of the Kylin Protoss is far more special than you think.”

Lin Jinghong said, “The heritage of this clan is far from being comparable to the ancient clan in the general sense. I can only tell you that the real ancestral land of this clan is not in the realm of the gods.”

“Okay, it’s time for me to go.”

With that, she turned away.

One step and it disappears.

Su Yi took out the jug and took a sip, thinking about the Spirit of Order.

The so-called Spirit of Order is nothing more than the incarnation of the Dao. Although it is rare, it can be found in the world of God.

However, a spirit of order from the river of fate like the little girl is too rare.

At least in the memories of Yi Daoxuan and Li Fuyou, they had never heard of anything similar!

“In Die’s camp, there are not only Daoist Lu Shi, but also the Spirit of Order…”

“It seems that the power they have in this faction is far from simple as I thought…”

Su Yi secretly said.

“Just now, you and that girl Lin chatted about me?”

At this time, Qiwei came over.

Su Yi said casually: “Well, she said that you are not only pretty and beautiful, but also a little **** of wealth. If she were a man, she would definitely abduct you.”

Qiwei was stunned for a while, and suddenly she was a little embarrassed, and hummed in a low voice: “I’m not that kind of a kidnapping person!”

Soon, she asked, “How did you answer?”

Su Yi laughed.

“You said it.”

“I just smiled.”


Qiwei glared at Su Yi, then laughed, and teased: “Daoyou Xiao, will you return to Qingwu Divine Court to be the deputy head of your Night Tour Hall?”


Su Yi said, “After the battle yesterday, the eyes of the world were all focused on this Lingxiao Divine Continent, and it was the best time for me to return to the Southern Fire Divine Continent. In this way, I don’t have to worry about any troubles coming to my door. .”

Qiwei pulled away her smile and said, “But you killed the third elder of Qingwu Divine Court Kuzhen and Yuan Shan’s ancestor. If you go back, you are not afraid of revealing your identity?”

Su Yi said: “With the elder Wei Zhong helping to cover, why should I worry about it?”

Only then did Qiwei understand why Su Yi let Wei Zhong go, it turned out to be an arrangement!

“Unfortunately, I have to go back to my clan this time. Otherwise, I would like to go to Qingwu Divine Court with you.”

Qi Wei sighed.

A war that happened yesterday is destined to affect the situation all over the world.

And she has already found Su Yi, so she must go back to the clan and talk to her father and ancestors about this in person.

Su Yi was stunned, and immediately reminded: “Don’t reveal my identity in Qingwu Divine Court.”

Qi Wei nodded.

On the same day, Su Yi and Qiwei went to Shenyuan Ancient City and parted ways on the site of the Kylin Chamber of Commerce.

Qi Wei returns to her clan.

And Su Yi and the Great Elder Wei Zhong returned to the Southern Vulcan Continent.


The news about the Battle of Mingkong Mountain had spread like a storm yesterday, causing a great uproar in the world of God’s Domain.

For a time, I don’t know how many uproars.

During this battle, the faction led by Die suffered heavy casualties and returned with a slap in the face!

Old Huozi, an antique mythological figure, has died!

In addition, three other gods from other sects died on the spot!

Even Die himself was beaten violently, and he fled in embarrassment! !

This kind of ending is simply shocking and shocking how many great powers.

“In the past 130,000 years, there has been no nine-level god-level existence that has perished, but now, in the battle of Mingkong Mountain alone, three such existences have perished!!”

“Who would dare to believe that such a mythical antique, such as the old huozi, is also dead?”

…This battle, long before it was staged, has already attracted worldwide attention. Who wouldn’t be shocked when they learned of such a result?

Who can sit still?

And Su Yi’s trump card in this battle has caused countless heated discussions.

The old immortal, the star rain priest, the ancestor of swallowing the sky, the corpse in blood, Zang Wushu, Wan Zitian…

One after another mythical characters who have long disappeared in the long river of time have appeared one after another, and the shock can be imagined.

And the appearance of the mysterious female gunman has become the focus of the world’s most attention.

One shot at a time, beating Die violently, this kind of terrifying combat power makes some old antiques in the world gasp and feel unbelievable.

This battle also made people realize how terrifying Su Yi’s methods are as the reincarnations of Yi Daoxuan and Li Fuyou!

It is true that he only has the cultivation realm of Creation.

But his trump cards, extensive connections, and powerful trump card are enough to make any top giants terrified! !

After this battle, everyone knows that anyone in the world who wants to deal with Su Yi will have to weigh the consequences.

And this is exactly what Su Yi wants to achieve – taking the battle at Mingkong Mountain as an opportunity to kill chickens and warn monkeys, and shock the world!

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