First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 2230: Crying red eyes

【First Immortal of Kendo】【】

Su Yi was startled.

Those old guys who are very good at fighting in Qiwei’s mouth are definitely not comparable to ordinary god-level characters.

No doubt, yesterday, Qiwei was busy asking for foreign aid.

After a moment of silence, Su Yi said, “I personally think that Su Yi does not need help from the Kylin Chamber of Commerce at the moment.”

Qiwei secretly scorns, how long has it been, and she still doesn’t admit that she is Su Yi, this guy is really not an ordinary pretender!

On the lips, she said with a smile: “It’s better to prepare first, plan ahead, and be prepared.”

Speaking, she said energetically: “This time, I tried my best to hire a great master!”

“Who?” Su Yi was curious.

Qiwei blinked her smart eyes and said, “Secret.”

Su Yi laughed and said, “Since the Sanqing Taoist Court has decided to attack the ancient Xi clan in seven days, the first elder and I have also decided to set off for Kongming Mountain today!”

Kongming Mountain, the ancestral home of the ancient Xi clan.

“Aren’t you going to start early?”

Qiwei couldn’t help asking.

Su Yi sighed in his heart, knowing that he could no longer hide Qiwei, and if he kept covering it up, he would appear to be too hypocritical.

He immediately said: “Don’t worry, when the time comes, let’s see how big the Sanqing Dao Court is to deal with the ancient Xi clan. By the way, I can also see how many old guys can’t help but jump. Come out.”

Qiwei was obviously excited, her eyes sparkling, and said, “You… plan to play a big ticket?”

Su Yi shook his head and said, “I can’t talk about it, I just want to take this incident to see how high the waves can be caused by this storm.”

Qiwei said thoughtfully: “You seem to be very confident. Could it be that you already have the confidence to help the ancient Xi clan resolve the crisis?”

Su Yi smiled and said, “Secret.”

Qiwei: “…”

This guy is really good at selling! !

“Well, today I will accompany you to Kongming Mountain.”

Qiwei makes a decision.

On the same day, the news that the Sanqing Taoist Court would attack the ancient Xi clan in seven days, swept the world like a hurricane.

Immediately, it caused a big sensation in all parts of Lingxiao Shenzhou.

Everyone has a hunch that this long-brewed storm will explode completely in Kongming Mountain, where the ancient Xi clan is located!

“Will Su Yi appear?”

“Definitely! Otherwise, why would the Sanqing Dao Court put up such a big battle? This incident has already caused a stir all over the world!”

“Yes, it is said that as early as half a month ago, the area near Kongming Mountain was blocked by the Sanqing Taoist Court and a number of giant forces!”

“The Xi clan of the ancient clan are like beasts trapped in a cage, unable to fly with their wings attached. When this storm begins, they are destined to have no chance of winning and can only be slaughtered at will!”

“The life and death of the ancient Xi clan is determined by Su Yi’s hands. In my opinion, he will have to come!”

……In the world, all kinds of discussions rang out.

On the same day, I don’t know how many major forces launched operations in advance, sending strong people to Kongming Mountain!

Heavy rain fell on the roof tiles and flowed down the eaves.

The sky was overcast and cloudy, with lightning and thunder.

Occasionally, there is an electric light tearing the sky, illuminating the dark and gloomy world into a pale white.

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【First Immortal of Kendo】【】

Xi Ning stood alone in front of the Xuan window, looking at the heavy rain between heaven and earth, and there was a trace of sadness in his eyes that could not be shaken away.

She was dressed in plain and simple linen, and her black hair was tied at the back of her head with a red rope. Other than that, there was no modification or embellishment on her body.

But all of this can’t hide her beautiful and vulgar charm.

This heavy rain has lasted for seven days and seven nights, and it has not stopped until now.

Indistinctly, through the dull sound of thunder and the rushing rain, a fierce quarrel came intermittently.

Xi Ning knew that it was the quarrel among the great figures of the clan in the ancestral hall.

This has been happening for days.

Those big men are like ants on a hot pot, hesitant, anxious, hopeless, depressed, angry, fearful…

And so on.

Xi Ning pursed her lips and sighed inwardly.

“A Ning, can you think of a way to make that Su Yi appear quickly?”

Not far away, Xiyue Shenzun couldn’t help but said, “If this goes on like this, the clan will hand you over as the culprit of this disaster, and even your father will no longer be able to protect you.”

She looked anxious and worried.

In the past two weeks, Kongming Mountain has been completely blocked, and several giant forces headed by the Sanqing Dao Court have dispatched all the forces in their respective camps to besiege the ancient Xi clan.

All of this has also brought great pressure on the ancient Xi clan.

It’s like a sword hanging over the head, no one knows when it will be cut off, so whether it is the elders of the clan, or the women and children, they are all panic and helpless, sleep and sleep difficult.

And in the clan, Xi Ning is regarded as a disaster by many clan people! It is believed that she caused this danger of genocide!

Even Xi Ning’s father, the patriarch, was constantly pressured by those senior figures to hand over Xi Ning to the Sanqing Taoist Court! !

These days, Xi Ning has been confined in this hall, like a prisoner, unable to go anywhere.

The danger of the situation has reached the point where it cannot be added!

In these days, only the elder Xiyue Shenzun accompanies Xi Ning.

Hearing the words of God Venerable Xiyue, Xi Ning was silent for a moment and said calmly:

“Fellow Daoist Su has no friendship with our ancient Xi clan, and even if I could get in touch with fellow Daoist Su, I would never let him stand up!”


Xiyue Shenzun was annoyed, “What time is it, you are still so confused, who doesn’t know, it is precisely because you have an unusual relationship with that Su Yi that you provoked this fight for our ancient Xi clan. A catastrophe?”

Xi Ning’s pretty face suddenly turned pale and said, “You also think it’s my fault?”

Xiyue Shenzun suddenly realized that he had lost his words and couldn’t help but sighed and said, “This is neither your fault nor our clan’s fault, everything is caused by that Su Yi!”

“In my opinion, if he really cares about you, he must stand up and bear all this alone, instead of making our clan a scapegoat!”

Xi Ning shook his head and said, “You are wrong. All of these faults are on the head of the Sanqing Dao Court.”

She withdrew her gaze from looking at the distant rain screen, turned around, looked at Xiyue God Venerable, and said warmly, “You don’t need to worry about me, I have already prepared myself to sacrifice myself.”

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【First Immortal of Kendo】【】

After a pause, she said lightly: “I will use my life to help the clan resolve this innocent disaster.”

Xiyue Shenzun trembled in his heart, and said angrily, “Then what’s so good about Su Yi, why would you rather die than let him stand up?”

Xi Ning was very calm. From the beginning to the end, the beautiful and beautiful little face was calm, and there was no emotional fluctuation.

She seemed to have taken everything lightly, and said softly: “Don’t worry about this anymore, it’s not good for your health if you’re angry.”

Xiyue Shenzun looked cloudy for a while, and said sadly: “A Ning, haven’t you seen it, even if you die, the Sanqing Dao Court will still destroy our clan!”

“Right now, only when Su Yi stands up can we resolve this crisis!”

“There is no other way!!”

In the end, Xiyue Shenzun almost roared out, which shows how angry she is in her heart.

Xi Ning’s expression became sad for a while.


The closed door of the main hall was kicked open.

A tall old man in black robe walked in, his eyes were cold, and he said, “Elder Taishang has an order, let me take the sinner Xi Ning away!”

Xiyue Shenzun suddenly changed color and said, “Why? Did the patriarch agree? Also, what is a clan sinner, and when did you convict Aning?”

The black-robed old man gave Xiyue Divine Venerable a cold look and said, “The patriarch has been dismissed, and it is the decision of everyone in the clan to convict Xi Ning!”

After speaking, he looked at Xi Ning and said, “Let’s go.”

Xi Ning’s pretty face was pale, she didn’t say a word, she just nodded slightly.


Xiyue Shenzun said angrily, “I know, you want to hand over Aning in exchange for the forgiveness of the Sanqing Dao Court, but you do this…”


As soon as the black-robed old man waved his sleeves, Xiyue God Venerable was blasted out and fell to the corner of the wall.

“It’s about the lives of everyone in the clan, can you afford it?”

The black-robed old man’s face was gloomy, “I’m not afraid to tell you that the Sanqing Taoist Court has ordered that they will operate on our family in seven days!!”

After that, he grabbed Xi Ning’s shoulder and said, “Don’t blame the clan for being ruthless. This catastrophe was originally caused by you, and you are free to bear such consequences, what do you think?”

Xi Ning nodded and said: “I should be like this, I am ready to die, I will not resent or blame the clan in my heart, I just ask the clan to think about my father, and don’t make him too embarrassed for the old man. .”

The black-robed old man was startled, and his expression became complicated.

He let out a long sigh and said, “If Su Yi will appear, maybe you don’t have to go to death.”

After all, the black-robed old man grabbed Xi Ning’s shoulder with one hand and led her out of the hall.

Xiyue Shenzun sat slumped there, her face full of grief and She knew that she could no longer stop this from happening…

The rain is getting heavier and heavier.

Ancestral Temple.

The big figures of the Xi clan gathered together.

Even those old antiques who have been in seclusion for many years are present.

When Xi Ning was taken to the ancestral hall, he saw his father Xijing Mountain at a glance!

Xi Jingshan sat in the corner, with a gaunt face and a desolate appearance, as if he had aged countless years, and the corners of his brows and eyes were full of sadness.

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【First Immortal of Kendo】【】


All eyes in the ancestral hall turned to Xi Ning.

Xi Ning only looked at his father, with inexplicable sadness and regret in his heart, and his eyes turned red.

She walked over quickly, knelt on the ground, and said in a trembling voice: “Father, my daughter is not filial, it has dragged down the whole family, and it has also dragged you down.”

Two lines of clear tears fell from the pale and beautiful face, and the tears fell to pieces like a heart.

Xi Jingshan’s mood is tumultuous.

He took a deep breath, lifted Xi Ning up, and said with a smile, “A-Ning, what’s wrong with this catastrophe is the Sanqing Dao Court, what’s wrong is that our clan is too weak, and it has nothing to do with you. !”

“In my father’s heart, An Ning will never do anything wrong to the clan, and he will never be a sinner of the clan!”

The words were spoken word by word, and the sound resounded through the hall of the ancestral hall.

The faces of all the great people in the room turned gloomy.

Xi Ning stared blankly at her father, her emotions still out of control after all.

Tears are pouring down. Crying with red eyes.

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