First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 221: Retribution

Remember 【New】for a second,! As the general of the Red Scales Army stationed at the foot of Xishan, Yuan Luoyu saw Zhou Zhili and his group walking down the mountain for the first time.

“His Royal Highness won?”

Yuan Luoyu was shocked.

Zhou Zhili also saw Yuan Luoyu, and ordered: “You take the Red Scale Army to the top of the mountain to clean up those corpses, put away all the seized items, and send them to Shushiju.”

Clean up dead bodies! ?

Yuan Luoyu speculated on a possibility, and couldn’t help trembling in his heart.

At this time, when Zhou Zhili and his party were seen walking down the mountain, the chatter in the field disappeared.

Everyone stopped talking and looked at each other.

“Your Highness, dare to ask who will win this tea party?”

Someone dared to ask.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhili paused, and his eyes swept across the faces of the big men from the six counties in Gunzhou.

Then, in this quiet atmosphere, the big Saturday prince smiled slightly, pointed at Mu Zhongting beside him, and said:

“Let me introduce, from today, Mr. Mu Zhongting Mu will be the new governor of Gunzhou City.”

One stone creates a thousand waves.

There was a sensation in the field, and everyone was in an uproar.

Who can still not know, in this high-profile tea party, His Royal Highness became the final winner?

Such a result was completely beyond the expectations of most people present, so much so that they were all in disbelief.

But Zhou Zhili didn’t explain anything. After saying this, he hurried away with Mu Zhongting and the others.

“I knew that with Mr. Su’s participation, it would be difficult for His Royal Highness to lose!”

Yuan Luoxi said happily.

Yuan Wutong was startled for a while. He noticed that after Zhou Zhili and his group left, Xiang Tianqiu and the others did not appear for a long time.

“Could it be that those guys were all killed by Mr. Su?”

Thinking of this, Yuan Wutong’s head is a little stunned. If this is the case, this is equivalent to smashing a big basket!

“Father, why didn’t Mr. Su show up?”

Yuan Luoxi was a little puzzled.

Yuan Wutong took a deep breath and said in a low voice, “Wait, your second brother has already taken someone to the top of the mountain, I believe the truth will be revealed later.”

“The truth is revealed?”

Yuan Luoxi was startled. Could it be that there is another secret on the top of the mountain?

“Why didn’t they show up to the adults?”

At this time, many people in the field also noticed the abnormality. Xiang Tianqiu and Yu Baiting, the top bosses in Gunzhou City, did not come down from the mountain!

“This…they must have suffered already?”

Someone swallowed hard.

“Have you forgotten that just now, Qin Changshan, a figure in the fifth-level realm of the world-famous grandmaster, once took action. It is obvious that Qin Changshan also lost. Otherwise, how could His Royal Highness be victorious and go away?”

Someone’s eyes flickered, “Also, the blue-scaled eagle that appeared on the top of the mountain just now is suspected to be the mount of Ning Siju, the palace lord of Tianyuan Academy. Does this mean that this mysterious palace lord , is also involved in this dispute?”

“You don’t have to speculate, just wait for the people of the Red Scale Army to come down from the top of the mountain, and then you can understand the situation.”

People were talking about it. Although they learned about the result of the tea party, they became more and more puzzled.

“Miss, do you think it was Ning Sijia who took action and defeated Qin Changshan, a lay master of Longhu?”

Uncle Ying was also a little incomprehensible, his brows furrowed.


Hua Yan denied without hesitation, “When Qin Changshan made his move before, it caused all kinds of wonders in the world, the sword energy was in the sky, and the sea of ​​clouds was boiling, but after all this ended, the blue-scaled eagle came too late. This means that The one who defeated Qin Changshan was destined to not be Ning Sihua.”

“Who would that be?”

Uncle Ying couldn’t help but ask.

“Su Yi!”

Hua Yan hesitated for a moment before saying, “I observed just now that when His Royal Highness came down from the top of the mountain, Su Yi and his maid were missing, and just now, everyone saw that the blue-scaled eagle. Having left with two figures, it must be Su Yi and his maid.”

After a pause, she continued: “And this also means that no one around the Sixth Highness suffered casualties. Among them, only the combat power possessed by Su Yi can defeat Qin Changshan. Wait for the existence of the five-layered master.”

Speaking of this, her beautiful eyes flashed with a hint of confusion, “It’s just that if he really defeated Qin Changshan, it would be too incredible…”

Uncle Ying was also silent for a while, he already understood the meaning of Hua Yan’s words.

If it was him, he couldn’t believe that a young man in the Qi Gathering Realm would be able to defeat the Grandmaster Fifth Realm.

Unfortunately, this young man is the most likely to do this.

Who wouldn’t be worried about this?

In the midst of this discussion and doubt, Yuan Luoyu walked down from the top of the mountain with a group of people soon.

“Luo Yu, how is the situation?”

At this time, Yuan Wutong couldn’t hold back, and immediately asked.

“To your lord they… all died…”

Yuan Luoyu spit out three words from his lips, and there was still shock in his brows.

All dead?

Everyone present was stunned at first, and then all of them felt their scalps numb, gasping for breath, and they came to a complete understanding.

For a while, there was an eerie silence in the arena.

No matter how shocked, everyone has a common understanding——

Gonzhou City is going to be in chaos!


That day, news about the tea party at the top of the mountain spread like a hurricane.

Soon, the entire Gunzhou city was in a great sensation!

The Yu family.

In a beautifully decorated pavilion.

Yu Shuangning was a little impatient.

Last night, her father Yu Baiting laughed and told her that tomorrow, the guy named Su Yi will disappear from the world.

This made Yu Shuangning look forward to it.

She wouldn’t forget how abominable Su Yi’s face was, not to mention her self-esteem, she was extremely arrogant.

“Father has been gone for nearly two hours, should he come back?”

Yu Shuangning just thought of this.


The door to the pavilion was kicked open from the outside.

A tall young man rushed in with a group of squires.

“Yu Xiao! What are you doing?”

Yu Shuangning was startled, but when she saw who was coming, she immediately became furious and scolded sharply.

Yu Xiao, the son of the second elder of the clan, has always been obedient in front of her, and when he sees her, he is like a mouse seeing a cat.

But now, Yu Xiao actually kicked someone in!

Yu Xiao looked at Yu Shuangning with unbridled eyes, and then smiled and said: “Cousin, I’m here to tell you that the patriarch is dead, from today onwards, my father is the patriarch, and I… naturally It’s the young patriarch!”

“What? What nonsense! How could my father die?”

Yu Shuangning’s face changed greatly, and she was about to rush out of the pavilion.


A hot slap in the face slapped her face, causing her to stagger and squat on the ground.

How could this pampered girl ever suffer such humiliation?

I’m going crazy!


Just as Yu Shuangning was about to say something, Yu Xiao shouted coldly, “I imprison her!”


Those retinue swarmed up.

At this moment, Yu Shuangning felt a sense of collapse. What happened? Could it be that… my father is really gone?

They didn’t give her a chance to think about it at all. Those squires captured her and took her away in a humiliating way.

On this day, with the news of Yu Baiting’s death, the Yu family was plunged into great turmoil.

In order to seize the position of the patriarch for the first time, fierce and **** conflicts broke out among the great figures of the Yu family.

The people belonging to Yu Baiting’s line have all become lambs to be slaughtered.

His daughter Yu Shuangning also became a prisoner in this civil unrest.

A group of dragons without a leader will inevitably lead to chaos.

The bigger the clan, the more serious the power struggle.

Similar scenes to the Yu family were also staged in the Zhao family, Bai family, and Xue family.

Tianyuan Academy.

Thinking over the cliff.

The ferocious wind howls, as sharp as a blade.

Xiang Ming sits in one of the caves with disheveled hair and is described as withered, with irritability, anger and hatred in his eyes.

“Su Yi, wait for me to go out, I will ask my father to take action as soon as possible. If you don’t stab you, it’s not enough to vent your hatred!”

He gritted his teeth.

As the son of the Governor and a man of the Tianyuan Academy, he has never suffered such a big loss!

“Senior Brother Xiang, it’s not good!”

Suddenly, a panicked voice came from outside the cave.

This is a fat boy. When he rushed out of the cave, he was sweating profusely and panic was written all over his face.

“Calm down!”

Xiang Ming glared at the fat boy with dissatisfaction, “How many times have I told you that every time there is a calm atmosphere in major events, no matter how bad the news is, can it be worse than my current situation?”

The fat boy wiped his sweat and gasped, “No, Senior Brother Xiang, something really happened this time, I can’t believe it’s true, but now my classmates in the academy are spreading the word…”

“What’s the matter?”

Xiang Ming frowned.

The fat boy stammered: “Senior brother, I told you not to be sad or angry, this may not be true…”

Seeing him babbling on, Xiang Ming felt extremely irritable and couldn’t help but sternly said, “What are you trying to say!?”

The fat boy was startled, and in a panic, he blurted out: “Your father is dead!”

Xiang Ming was stunned and said angrily: “You… how dare you scold me?”

The fat boy was crying and said again and again: “Senior brother, I won’t lie to you, your father is really dead, they said that your house was stolen, and your father’s concubines are taking advantage of the chaos. Run away, even the singers you raised have been occupied…”

Xiang Ming almost exploded in anger, stood up and roared: “Which **** is spreading rumors, I must kill his whole family!!”

The fat boy panicked: “Senior Brother Xiang, the whole Tianyuan Academy knows about this matter, and those big people are talking about it. It is said that at the tea party at the top of the Western Mountain, your father was cut off… …”

“Those big people are talking about…”

Xiang Ming’s head was struck by lightning, he was dumbfounded, his hands and feet trembled uncontrollably.

How can this happen?

With the strength and authority of his father, he is almost like a hegemon in this Gonzhou territory. How could he suffer like this?

“Impossible, it’s absolutely impossible-!!”

Half a sound, from the gloomy cave, Xiang Ming roared like a wild beast, spreading between heaven and earth, full of the smell of collapse and out of control.

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