First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 2036: Waiting for a long time

Until three days later.

Su Yicai completely integrated Li Fuyou’s Taoism power.

I have to say that Li Fuyou’s accomplishments in kendo are extremely terrifying.

Before stepping into the realm of the gods, Li Fuyou’s kendo cultivation was already the number one person in the wild age of the fairyland.

Furthermore, he had indeed killed a lower **** with his own combat power!

In this battle, although he was seriously injured, he never used any external force. With only his swordsmanship, he cut the lower **** to the sword!

And after stepping into the realm of the gods, Li Fuyou’s kendo attainments are so powerful that they are not only invincible in the same realm, but can also threaten the gods of a higher realm!

Now, Li Fuyou’s lifelong experience, experience, and inheritance of kendo practice are all integrated into Su Yi.

And all of this has also changed Su Yi’s vision and experience.

“The realm of the gods is divided into four major continents, thirty-three realms, and tens of thousands of large and small planes!”

“West Tianling Mountain is the leader of Buddhism.”

“Sanqing Daomen is entrenched in Lingxiao Shenzhou, and they are those who hold bull ears for Daomen.”

“South Huoshenzhou is full of demons.”

“Dongsheng Shenzhou, all sects coexist!”

“The three realms of Shinto and Tianshou, only the Lord of God is called immortal.”

“The endless battlefield, the place where the ancient gods originated in the very beginning! Tianxiu Sword Tomb, the pure land of pilgrimage for swordsmen in the world!”

“Beyond the nine heavens and clouds, the gods and demons do not cross, and under the nine abyss, all spirits do not exist.”

…With all kinds of complicated memories and experiences, Su Yi’s cognition has undergone earth-shaking changes in just three days.

About the path of Shinto, about the world of the gods, about the secrets of the heavens, about the grievances and grievances of the past life… all become part of Su Yi’s life experience.

It felt as if he had lived another life, but in this life, his name was Li Fuyou!

All experiences and experiences are not illusions, but what he personally experienced and felt.

In addition, the experiences of Li Fuyou in his forays into Ji Yuan Chang River also surfaced in Su Yi’s mind one by one, which also gave him a completely different understanding of Ji Yuan Chang River.

In the next few days, Su Yi has been concentrating on sorting out these experiences and memories.

Everyone has experiences and memories, many of which are easily forgotten and overlooked over time.

Li Fuyou’s life experiences and memories are like a vast treasure house. Even if all of them are integrated into Su Yi, they need further sorting and integration before they can be used for their own use.

In this world, there are many people who understand all kinds of great truths, but don’t live well in this life.


Easier said than done.

What Su Yi is doing now is to use the knowledge and path of this world, combined with Li Fuyou’s experience and path, to draw inferences from one case, and to integrate it.

In this way, green is better than blue!

Only can you stand on the shoulders of giants and deduce your own path to becoming a **** that is proud of ancient and modern!

It takes a lot of effort and time.

However, Su Yi is not in a hurry.


Time flies, and another half month has passed.

It has been two months since Su Yi entered the Lost City.

“Pharaoh, within half a year, I will be able to completely master the curse seal!”

On this day, Ye Chunqiu was excited to find him.

In the past, he has been studying and comprehending the mystery of the cursed seal, and now he has mastered part of the power of this treasure.

Forbidden treasures such as the Cursed Divine Seal are no weaker than Chaos Secret Treasures such as the Sword of Axe Chichi, which is enough for the god-level characters to break their heads and fight for it.

It can be said that it is helpless, Su Yi has never become a god, so he cannot refine this treasure at all, and can only borrow part of the power of this treasure.

On the contrary, Ye Chunqiu, who has long been proven to be a ghost, can refine this treasure.

“And half a year?”

Su Yi thought for a while and said, “It won’t be long, but I’m already planning to leave.”

Ye Chunqiu was taken aback, “Where are you going?”

“To find the way of the ancient gods.”

Su Yi said casually, “It’s time for me to prepare myself for becoming a god.”

The Way of the Ancient Gods!

It is rumored to be the oldest trial road in the long river of the era. It runs through the rise and fall of each era and exists like eternity.

It is said that on the road of the ancient gods, there is the most ancient and primitive mystery of becoming a god.

However, the path of the ancient gods is difficult to find.

When Wang Ye entered the Era, he searched for many years and only found some clues related to the path of the ancient gods. While Li Fuyou found the location of the “Road to the Ancient Gods” when he was cruising the Era, but because of lack of time, the road to the Ancient Gods was in a state of being sealed, so that Li Fuyou was not able to go to this place. One seems to only exist

In the path of legend.

And this time, Su Yi intends to explore it in person.

“Do you want me to accompany you?”

The Void World comes from a distance.


Su Yi shook his head, “You better hurry up and recuperate.”

During the long years in the past, Xiao Ruyi and Xiao Ruyi became homeless.

It is a fortune in misfortune to be rescued.

“Then when will you come back to see us?”

Xiao Ruyi asked.

Su Yi said with a smile: “When I go to God’s Domain, I will definitely come back.”

Xiao Ruyi was relieved and said with a smile: “That’s good, I’m really worried that you will never come back, and we won’t be left without us.”

Su Yi was dumbfounded.

How could he possibly do something like this without saying goodbye?

Ye Chunqiu said, “Would you like to let the four ghosts and gods, Lu Kong, Baoshu, Beimo, and Lingbi, accompany you to act with you?”

Today’s homeless city has already undergone tremendous changes.

The four guardian ghosts and gods who surrendered to Su Yi, as well as one hundred and forty other homeless people, under the arrangement of Ye Chunqiu and the others, built various palaces and cultivation places in the lost hometown.

Even Wu Lingchong, Li Shuang, and Li Yongan are very satisfied with this place, and have long regarded the lost city as a place to live.

In the perilous and unpredictable era, the lost city is definitely safer than those post stations!

“No need.”

Su Yi rejected Ye Chunqiu’s proposal.

Really to the outside world, these four guardian ghosts and gods cannot use the curse power of the ancient gods. With their strength, they are comparable to the lower gods at the level of creation.

In Su Yi’s view, not only can they not protect themselves, but I am afraid they need their own protection…

“You guy, even so, likes to be alone with one person and one sword.”

Ye Chunqiu shook his head helplessly.

Everyone else laughed.

They all know this.

On the same day, Su Yi left.

He doesn’t worry about the safety of these old friends. There is a lost city, and the gods will die if they come.


The sword just a short distance into a streamer, like a brisk boat, swept out of the muddy waters.

Su Yi stood on it, his robe fluttered, and his figure quickly disappeared.

But just after leaving the muddy waters, an accident happened.

In the long river of the era ahead, there are many figures waiting!

Densely packed, there are thousands of them.

Compared to a mighty army!

When I saw Su Yi’s figure appear, there was a commotion in the field.

“It’s Su Yi!”

“That’s right, it’s the guy who came out of the lost city!”

“Hahaha, if anyone catches him this time, he will get two bounties from the nine gods, including an era fragment!”

…Noisy voices sounded one after another.

The eyes that looked at Su Yi in all directions were filled with uncontrollable excitement and greed, as if they were staring at a fat prey.

Su Yi couldn’t help but wonder.

It’s been such a long time, is it possible that his identity and origin have not been spread in the long river of the era?

Immediately, Su Yi vaguely guessed that it was most likely that the nine gods in the Kingdom of Eternal Sun deliberately concealed things related to him!

If this is not the case, I am afraid that there is no way to use a bounty and wanted method to summon those powerhouses distributed in the long river to deal with him.

After all, if you let them know that you had killed the gods as early as the Taihe stage, and slaughtered the will of the gods on the battlefield of the era, how dare you come to die like this?

“Su Yi, we have been waiting for you here for a long time.”

A voice full of majesty rang out.

The crowd separated to both sides, and saw an old man with a purple robe and white beard, stepping on a golden road map, rushing towards this side.

All around him, there were wisps of Shinto laws that were as bright as fire, and a terrifying divine might also permeated the audience.

Many can’t help but look in awe.

Luo Yunchao!

The Supreme Elder of Tianjing Pavilion has been a terrifying existence long ago and has been practicing in the Land of Eternal Day.

It is said that he has a very close relationship with the “Panhu Tianshen” behind the Tianjing Pavilion. In the long river of the era, he can definitely be called a powerful A hoarse voice Sounds:

“The net has been set up here, and you have been unable to fly. Now, as long as you promise to return to the Land of Eternal Day with us, I will not embarrass you.”

Accompanied by the voice, another **** stood up.

This is a mighty monk with glaring eyes resembling King Kong, with pale golden skin and a golden lotus enchantment reflected behind him.

With his appearance, it was bright, and Brahma’s light soared into the sky, causing a sensation in the field again.

Monk Yuhe!

A Supreme Elder of “Wankong Temple”, one of the nine major forces.

In terms of prestige, it is even higher than Luo Yunchao in Tianjing Pavilion!

After he came out, he flicked his fingers.


A golden Brahma light rose into the sky.

Suddenly, in all directions, golden barriers swept out one after another, blocking the nearby waters in one fell swoop.

“This is the Milo Heavenly Ban, one of the divine bans of my Wankong Temple. With your strength alone, I’m afraid it will be difficult to break through and leave.”

The **** monk Yuhe looked calm, and his voice spread to all directions.

For a time, the audience was sensational.

Many glances at Su Yi were filled with pity and regret.

They all think that this time is doomed, and this is also doomed. The reward for Su Yi will have nothing to do with the many people who are present.

Who doesn’t feel sorry for this?

From beginning to end, Su Yi remained silent, turning a blind eye to the so-called siege and threats.

And his eyes, looking into the distance, frowned slightly.

At the moment he arrived at this water area, he was keenly aware that there was a more dangerous aura hidden in it, and there was more than one!

Unfortunately, after the **** monk Yuhe sacrificed the “Mira Heavenly Forbidden” divine formation, it covered the world and isolated it from the outside world. So that it was impossible for Su Yi to further sense the hidden danger.

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