First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 1828: Assault

The first to rush into that space-time portal were Jingcheng, Jing Hongyu and other giant whale spirit clan experts.

Following them were Yun Jiu, Xie Changque and other six Taiwu-level greats from the immortal giants.

As soon as their figures rushed into the portal of time and space, they disappeared out of thin air.

This made the powerhouses of all ethnic groups in the East China Sea, headed by god-child-level figures such as Qingxiao and Jin Zhuliu, eager to move.

There is no doubt that the portal of space is the entrance to the treasure house of the Dragon Palace!

And you must know that as early as the Great Desolation Period, the Dragon Palace in the East China Sea gathered all kinds of treasures and treasures in the world. Now, the entrance to the treasure house of the Dragon Palace has been opened, and the opportunity is at your fingertips. Who can not be jealous?

For a while, all eyes were on Qing Xiao, Jin Zhuliu and the others.

Qing Xiao seemed very calm, and instructed: “Qing Wu, Jin Zhuliu, Gong Yangyu, let the three squires around you take the others to the Dragon Palace treasure house first.”


Qing Wu and others agreed.

Immediately, the squires beside the three stood up.

A sleepy-eyed, wine-trunk-nosed, black-robed old man is Qing Wu’s squire, named Zuo Huai.

A tall and sturdy middle-aged woman with a mediocre face, carrying a huge ink-colored sword box, named Lin Gu, Jin Zhuliu’s squire.

A thin, lean, middle-aged man with a mustache, holding a short knife in each hand, is Gong Yangyu’s squire, named Huang Chongjia.

The three entourages are all of the Taihe class. After they stood up, they immediately took the powerhouses of the major forces of the East China Sea into action and rushed into the space-time portal in the distance.

Suddenly, there were only four god-child-level characters left in the field: Qing Xiao, Jin Zhuliu, Qing Wu, and Gong Yangyu.

“I just don’t know where Qin Jianshu is now.”

Qing Xiao frowned slightly.

Not long ago, Qin Jianshu was afraid of Su Yi’s strength and did not want to act together again, so he left alone.

“Daoist brother is worried that this guy will play a trick of mantis catching cicadas and orioles behind?”

Qing Wuxiao shook her head, “In my opinion, he is destined to have no such courage.”

Speaking of Qin Jianshu, their expressions more or less showed a trace of contempt.

It’s really shameful for the dignified son to retreat in fear of the battle!

“Friend, Su Yi and Xi Ning have already entered the Dragon Palace Treasure House first. When will we start?”

Jin Zhuliu asked.

Qing Xiao said with a smile: “Don’t worry, let them explore the way for us first, so that no matter what danger is in the Dragon Palace treasure house, it will not spread to us.”

“Then just wait.”

Jin Zhuliu nodded.

He takes a slender flying sword from his sleeve and absently trims his nails.

Qing Wumei looked at Gongyangyu, “Brother Gongyang, how is your injury?”

Gamma Yu said expressionlessly: “Would you like to try it?”

Qing Wu covered her mouth and chuckled: “You are not afraid of divine disasters, so naturally you have no scruples, but I can’t do it.”

At this time, Qing Xiao suddenly took out a large black animal bone bow with a rough shape, and his body was covered with dense and obscure Dao patterns, and the arc was flowing, which was breathtaking.

“Qing Wu, how about my treasure?”

Qing Xiao asked with a smile.

“Lei Xuan Demon Punishing Bow made from Zhu Yanzhi’s bone?”

Qing Wu was astonished, “I didn’t expect you to bring this Taixuan rank magic weapon with you.”

Qing Xiao said lightly, “When you pull your bow, you should be strong. When you capture the enemy, you first capture the king. Would you like to see how powerful this treasure is?”

“Okay.” Qing Wu’s beautiful eyes lit up.


Qing Xiao abruptly pulled the bowstring, accompanied by a thunderous roar that sounded like a sky-shattering sound, and bowed abruptly towards the void not far from the portal of time and space.

Boom! !

As Qing Xiao loosened the taut bowstring, a divine arrow transformed by thunder burst out.

The heaven and the earth are like canvas, a straight crack was pierced, and the domineering and terrifying killing energy shook the void in all directions.

Lei Xuan Demon Slayer Bow!

Taixuan-rank divine soldier, unexpectedly, can kill the Taixuan-rank almighty with one blow!

At the same time that Qing Xiao made his move, Qing Wu, who was still beautiful before, suddenly disappeared.

Jin Zhuliu, who was trimming his nails, stomped on the ground, jumped into the sky, and waved his sleeves.


The slender flying sword suddenly transformed into one hundred and eighty thousand epee shadows, shrouding the void in the distance.

In the depths of Gong Yangyu’s eyes, a murderous intention suddenly erupted, and in him, the cultivation base that has been suppressed by the Taiwu stratum is climbing all of a sudden!

That terrifying air machine firmly covers the distance, and the whole person is like an arrow ready to go.

In an instant, the four god-child-level characters who were still chatting before, but at the moment Qingxiao shot, they shot at the same time!

In addition, the secret techniques, treasures, and powers used… are all terrifying to the point of unimaginable! !

If they are encountered by others, they are destined to be killed on the spot before they can react.

However, just at the moment when this killing robbery suddenly unfolded, there was a tiny space ripple in the void near the portal of space.

The figures of Su Yi, Xi Ning and Fan Wei, who were previously thought to have escaped into the treasure house of the Dragon Palace, appeared out of thin air.

Clang! ! !

Xi Ning reacted the fastest, holding a short blue halberd in his hand to resist the arrow that burst into the air.

The two collided, and the void collapsed and collapsed.

Although Xi Ning blocked the arrow without a hitch, the violent destructive power still shook her figure and took a few steps back.

At the same time, the shadow of 180,000 heavy swords cast by Jin Zhuliu shrouded him.

Fan Qi’s eyes burst into radiance, and his tongue burst into spring thunder, “Open!”

A golden shield appeared in his palm, which suddenly turned into a hundred feet in size, blocking the front.

Bang! boom! boom!

Intensive bombardment resounds.

The golden shield is torn apart like paper.

Fan Qi coughed up blood on his lips, looking horrified.

Seeing that he was about to suffer, Su Yi suddenly flicked his sleeves when he couldn’t let go.


The sword shadows all over the sky collapsed.

But at this moment, Qing Wu’s figure suddenly appeared out of thin air, the jade hand was raised in the sky, and the fiery red divine chain hung down from the sky.

Too soon!

At the moment when Su Yi flicked his sleeves, this blow had already fallen from the sky.

In addition, the fiery red divine chain is full of strange and terrifying confinement power, which is clearly not comparable to ordinary treasures.

“The Nine-Bend Tianhe Lock!” Xi Ning’s eyes narrowed, and she was about to step forward to rescue her when a terrifying murderous intent locked her whole body.

Before she could react, Gong Yang Yu, who had been poised to attack, had already arrived.

He is crazy, and his cultivation is rising steadily. He is not afraid of the threat of “God’s Calamity” at all, and he has used his true strength of the Taixuan rank!

This also brings Xi Ning a serious threat.

In the distance, a smile appeared on Qing Xiao’s lips.

This killing was planned by him!

Before everyone thought that Su Yi and others had escaped into the Dragon Palace treasure house, but only Qing Xiao knew that Su Yi and others did not do so.

Instead of hiding!

It is true that the means by which Su Yi and the others were concealed were flawless, and almost no one could detect them.

But it can’t be hidden from Qing Xiao.

Not long ago, they had fought against Su Yi, and they knew very well that Su Yi’s invisible movements, even if it was a divine treasure, could not be imprisoned and locked.

But in Qing Xiao’s hands, there is a mysterious treasure called “No Leaky Pearl”, which is the ancestral treasure of his clan, and can gain insight into all the hidden things between reality and reality.

Therefore, Qing Xiao pretended to be ignorant before. On the surface, he was chatting with other people, but in fact, he secretly told others through voice transmission to prepare for the attack.

Sure enough, when this killing game was staged, it really caught the opponent by surprise!

Let’s make a surprise attack, Gongyangyu and Jin Zhuliu will contain Xi Ning and Fan Wei respectively, and Qingwu will use his trump card to suppress Su Yi!

A series of arrangements, all in one go!

When Xi Ning wanted to rescue Su Yi, but was threatened by Gong Yang Yu, Qing Xiao couldn’t help but want to laugh.

He is very sure that if Xi Ning continues to suppress her own cultivation, she will neither be able to rescue Su Yi, nor will she be able to fight Gong Yang Yu, who came by violent killing!

And the situation is so serious that it is so close to the point that she is not allowed to think about it any more!

Otherwise, not only will she be in danger, but Su Yi and Fan Wei will also be in danger.

Under such circumstances, Xi Ning will inevitably reveal his true strength.

But in this way, Xi Ning will definitely be targeted by the Karma Karma forces covered in the ruins of the Dragon Palace, and suffer a blow!

For Qing Xiao, this is enough.

As Xi Ning’s nemesis, he is eager to destroy Xi Ning’s road to becoming a **** at this time!

As a result, Xi Ning will never have the capital to compete with him in the future! !

All this, seemingly slow, actually happened in an instant.

As expected by Qing Xiao, Xi Ning chose to release the seal on his body without hesitation at this moment, and displayed his strength of the Tai Xuan class!

Boom! !

Xi Ning’s graceful figure rushed out of the earth-shattering divine might, crushing the nearby void with a bang.

Ignore the Ram Feather that came from the violent killing.

Her slender and crystal clear jade hand held the short blue halberd and slashed across the sky, and the fiery red divine chain that fell from the sky and enveloped Su Yi was blasted out.

Qing Wu’s whole body was shocked and shot out.

Su Yi suffered a fatal blow and collapsed.

But at this time, Gong Yang Yu, who had come in a violent attack, had already punched Xi Ning with a heavy force.


This incomparably overbearing punch failed to break through the body-protecting Dao light reflected around Xi Ning’s body!

Gong Yangyu’s face changed suddenly, and he withdrew without hesitation.

Xi Ning snorted coldly, and the short blue halberd in his hand slashed out like lightning.


Even if Gong Yangyu dodged in time, he was still swept away by this blow, and a shocking wound appeared on his body, and blood spurted out.

Almost at the same time, Jin Zhuliu also retreated, not entangled at all, and returned to Qing Xiao.

The same goes for Qing Wu and Gong Yang Yu.

A sudden murder happened in an instant and ended in the blink of an eye.

It’s dangerous and thrilling.

A little carelessness can mean the difference between life and death!

At this moment, Qing Wu, Jin Zhuliu, and Gong Yangyu seemed to have returned without success, but a sneer appeared on their faces.

Looking at Xi Ning’s expression, one can’t help but take a schadenfreude.

This assault has achieved their goal, successfully forcing Xi Ning to reveal his true cultivation base, and there is no need for them to do anything next, Xi Ning will definitely be suppressed by the rules of heaven and earth!

After that, it’s time for them to close the net!

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