First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 1466: Nephrite Jade Lamp

Manggu Magic Mountain.

In that temple.

Qingwan’s slender eyelashes trembled slightly, waking up from her deep sleep.

When I opened my eyes, I saw Su Yi sitting in a rattan chair on the side, flipping through an ancient animal skin scripture.

“Immortal… I just…”

Qingwan’s eyes were a little confused.

Su Yi said softly: “Before, I have helped you erase the imprint of the soul in your body, and used a secret technique to reshape the souls of you and Tianqi into one.”

“In the future, there will be no more prayers in this world, and your life will no longer be restrained by outsiders.”

Speaking of this, Su Yi thought about it and said, “The disadvantage of being one is that the memories that belonged to your past will disappear with the disappearance of the imprint of the soul.”

Qingwan and Tianqi were originally the same person, who used to be Xueliu’s closed disciples.

A long time ago, the old tailor and Xue Liu teamed up, trying to repeat the old tricks and let him repeat the mistakes of Shen Mu.

And Qingwan is that chess piece.

In addition, the existence of Tianqi also checks and balances Qingwan’s life and death.

The most difficult thing is that Qingwan will refine her soul imprint sooner or later as her Taoism improves, awakening her previous memories.

By then, Qingwan will most likely suffer from the influence of her previous memories and embark on the so-called “too-shang-forget-qing” way.

Once this happens, Qingwan is destined to turn against him!

Just like the relationship between Xuelu and Shen Mu back then.

When he was in the wild world, Su Yi saw through this conspiracy, but at that time, he was restricted by his cultivation and could not completely solve this trouble.

Nowadays, Su Yi has the experience of the sixth generation. In his eyes, the problems in Qingwan’s body are insignificant.

After listening to Su Yi’s words, Qing Wan couldn’t help being stunned.

The girl is dressed like a fire skirt, her skin is better than snow, she is beautiful and picturesque, and her eyes are deep and bright.

Besides Su Yi, she has always been very reserved and obedient.

As always.

Gradually, he seemed to finally understand the meaning of Su Yi’s words. An undisguised relief and joy appeared on the brows of Qingwan, and he said, “This…this is great…”

Su Yi smiled and said, “Where is it?”

Qingwan’s starry eyes were bright, and her voice soft and gentle, she said: “Wan’er only knows that the immortal master kept Wan’er by his side, taught Wan’er’s secret methods, and instructed Wan’er to practice, and the immortal master also saved Wan’er many times. life in fire and water…”

A flash of reminiscence appeared between the girl’s brows, as if recalling bits and pieces of the past.

Finally, she seemed to gather up her courage, raised her beautiful star eyes, stared at Su Yi, and said earnestly, “Wan’er doesn’t want to have the memories of the past, she just… just wants to follow the immortal master in this life, as long as the immortal master is around. The teacher doesn’t dislike Wan’er, Wan’er…is satisfied…”

Speaking of the end, the girl’s eyelashes trembled slightly, as if she was a little shy, her delicate face was dyed a tinge of red, and she lowered her head.


Hearing such a success, Su Yi couldn’t help laughing, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

Only Wan’er has always called herself that.

Recalling back then, when I first met Qingwan in Xinghuang Xiaoju in Guangling City, Dazhou, the latter was just a soul body, and I was once regarded as a double-cultivation cauldron to cultivate…

At that time, Qing Wan showed an amazingly beautiful appearance, but when facing herself, she often looked like she was trembling on thin ice.

Since then, Qingwan has been by my side.

Years have passed in a flash.

Seeing Qingwan, Su Yi is like seeing the experience of the past years, how can he not feel emotional?

He picked up the glass on the table and drank it.

Qing Wan got up, walked forward, with gentle and well-behaved eyes, picked up the jug and poured wine for Su Yi.

The light and shadow of the fire in the main hall reflected on Qingwan’s graceful and proud slender body, creating a beautiful light and shadow.

“Immortal Master, Wan’er respects you.”

Qing Wan raised the glass, Ying Ying bent her waist, and presented the glass in front of Su Yi, who was lying in the rattan chair.

From Su Yi’s point of view, the girl is close at hand, the pair of plump quilts in front of her outline a rounded arc, and the soft and beautiful facial features add a strange charm under the shadow of the lights.

The main hall is empty, only the lamps and candles flicker on the side of the desk.

Lonely men and widowers, so close at hand, what is rare is that the beautiful woman in front of you is a peerless beauty, but at this time, she stands there in a docile toasting posture, and she is extremely beautiful.

Just like a lively and fragrant picture scroll unfolding before my eyes, it is charming and attractive.

Su Yi took the glass and drank it.

As soon as Qingwan was about to back away, a big hand grabbed the soft catfish who bullied Shuang Saixue. The girl’s graceful body trembled, and she raised her eyes to meet Su Yi’s looking eyes.

In the depths of those deep eyes, there is a smile and a raging fire, which seems to engulf people’s body and soul.

As Su Yi gently pulled, a ball of soft fragrance and warm jade threw into his arms.

“The Immortal…”

Qing Wan’s voice was like a gnat, just as he was about to say something, his rosy and crystal lips were blocked.

It was:

Shallow wine in front of people, surrounded by nephrite jade lamps. Looking back and hugging is always in agreement, it hurts. Gently push Lang. Gradually heard the trembling, slightly startled red.

Try and go a little further, without any seams, this time the flavor is crazy, moving, arms folded, lips together, and tongues touching.


One pay is greedy, and when I wake up, it is three poles in the sun.

Su Yi is in a good mood.

Qing Wan has been placed in the sky-making furnace to sleep soundly.

Last night, the girl couldn’t bear the whiplash like a storm. After several fierce battles, she was finally defeated and died.

Su Yi called Wu Meng, Bai Tuo and others over.

He plans to set off and return to the depths of the starry sky.

Before that, however, there are a few things to understand.

“In the long years of the past, why didn’t you go to the ‘Road of Heaven’s Forbidden’ to fight for it?”

Su Yi asked.

He sat at the desk and glanced at Wu Meng and others.

Wu Meng sighed: “Your Highness doesn’t know, the road to the forbidden world has long been unworkable. It is said that a catastrophe broke out in the immortal world, which also affected the road to the forbidden. The road is destined to be dead and not alive.”

Bai Tuo said solemnly: “In the past years, the old mule and Meng Zhen joined hands to break the road to the forbidden, but … they all died on the way, and in the end, only news was sent back, warning us that we must not Go on an adventure again, that place is a real dead place!”

There was also a trace of sadness on the brows of the other old monsters.

Old Mule and Meng Zhen, like them back then, had both served with Zun Shang.

“The catastrophe in the fairy world actually affected the era of demons…”

Su Yi frowned.

The Era of Demons is very special. From ancient times to the present, any strong person who has set foot on the fairyland must go through the “Road of Heavenly Forbidden” in order to enter the fairyland.

And the so-called “Forbidden Road” is a forbidden boundary passage.

In that passage, there are unpredictable killings.

In the years since ancient times, even in the era of demons, only a small group of people have crossed the road of heaven.

At the beginning, when the sixth Wang Ye left the Era of Demons, he left behind all kinds of secrets and treasures, instructing Wumeng and others on how to get through the forbidden road.

But now, Su Yi knew that the catastrophe in the fairy world had already affected the “Road to Heaven” in the Era of Demons!

Suddenly, Su Yi remembered a lot of things.

Not long ago, he had learned from the divine messenger Mizhen, who served for the Burning Lamp Buddha in the past, that in the past long years, in order to stifle reincarnation, the gods have been making arrangements and actions!

Like the catastrophe in the fairy world, the end of the law catastrophe in the human world, and even the road to the sky that was destroyed in the wild world…

Behind the scenes, there are shadows of the gods!

It is true that, subject to the rules and order, the gods cannot intervene in the affairs of the world, and cannot come in person, and it is difficult to find Su Yi, who is in turn to respond to the robber.

However, they can interrupt the road ahead of time and prevent Su Yi from becoming stronger!

This is also the core reason why every time Su Yi reincarnates, the cultivation realm will become weaker and weaker.

In addition, the gods can also send envoys to travel the world to find Su Yi’s whereabouts.

Like the divine envoy “Qin Chongxu” who destroyed the Xuanhuang Star Realm’s way to the sky, like the “Mi Zhen” who worked for the Burning Lamp Buddha in the past, and the tailor who worked for the “Dark Silent God Venerable”, in the past years , are carrying out the will of the gods!

And the “Forbidden Road” from the Era of Demons to the Immortal Realm has also been affected, so that even old monsters such as Wumeng and Bai Tuo dare not go there.

How could Su Yi not understand that all this was most likely aimed at him?

“In the beginning, Xue Xiaozi led a group of immortals to come to the Era of Demons to find Wang Ye’s whereabouts.”

“And when Wang Ye was reincarnated as Shen Mu, he appeared in this demon era…”

“It seems that the influence of the Heavenly Forbidden Road must also be related to the layout of the gods.”

Su Yi rubbed his eyebrows.

It sounds complicated, but it’s actually simple.

The gods could not find themselves,

But they can use the power under their control to destroy the way they reincarnated again and again, preventing themselves from becoming stronger!

Soon, Su Yi learned from Wu Meng and others that since the drastic changes in the Heavenly Forbidden Road, there are fewer and fewer strong people in the world who can set foot in the Immortal Dao.

And old monsters like Wumeng and Bai Tuo are subject to the influence of the Zhoutian rules, not only the cultivation base cannot be broken through, but also with the passage of time, the cultivation resources that can be absorbed and refined have become less and less. If this goes on, there is a danger of falling in one’s own realm!

This is one of the reasons why they have been hiding from the world for so long.

“Your Highness, can you…can you point me to a clear path?”

Black Toad couldn’t help it.

Other old monsters also looked at Su Yi, their expressions full of hope and anticipation.

Su Yi thought for a while, then said, “After I return to the Immortal Realm, I will find a suitable opportunity to take you there.”

Everyone was overjoyed and grateful.

Between different era civilizations, the cultivation system and Zhoutian rules are completely different, which means that even if Su Yi stays in the era of demons, it will be difficult to prove the Tao in the era of demons.

Unless, he gave up his Taoism and rebuilt it here. Meng and other old monsters, even if they followed Su Yi into the depths of the starry sky, they would never have the chance to lift the sky to the sky.

While Su Yi was talking with Wu Meng and others——

Outside the Manggu Demon Mountain, a blue-robed man with long hair scattered and a majestic figure appeared silently in the void.

“If I don’t see you this time, I will kill you.”

The blue-robed man spoke slowly.

A golden lamp is held between his white right palm.

In the golden lamp, a figure is suppressed.

A ray of light shrouded in a mysterious fairy light shook, causing the figure to let out a shrill and painful scream.


ps: Jiageng will be delivered~ At the end of the month, ask my friends for tickets ^_^

In addition, I will write about the settings of Era Civilization in the future. The plot in front of me is just a small copy, and there is no need to spend pen and ink on the settings.

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