First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 1204: Cheat with the last name Su!

The middle-aged man’s name is Xue Changjing.

As Su Yi deduced, he is from the Galaxy Sect and serves as the master of the Hall of Stars.

The reason why he guessed Su Yi’s identity at a glance was related to Su Yi’s age and cultivation.

Su Yi is too young, only about twenty years old.

And his cultivation realm is at the level of Profound Harmony Realm!

Such a young emperor, lying in the depths of the starry sky, is a peerless monster that is rarely seen in thousands of years, and it is enough to shock the past.

When Xue Changjing came to the Great Wilderness, he had already heard that the reincarnation of the spectator was only about twenty years old, very young.

It is precisely because of this that Xue Changjing deduces this.

“Those who live a long time have different eyesight.”

Su Yi sighed.

Xue Changjing’s eyes flickered, and he said without a smile: “Then should I call you the spectator, or Su Xuanjun?”

“There is no difference.”

Su Yi put his hands on his back and looked at the 108 stars in the distant starry sky, “You can continue the trial, I promise not to disturb you.”

Xue Changjing believes this, because the spectator has always kept his word.

Even his opponent would not doubt it.

But Xue Changjing didn’t have the heart to try, and said, “Daoist friend Su encountered any setbacks on the way to this primitive secret place?”

Friend Su!

Such a title is intriguing.

Su Yi took a deep look at him and said, “What you want to ask is the life and death of your companions?”

Xue Changjing nodded slightly, “Please enlighten me.”

Su Yi said: “Most of them are dead.”

Xue Changjing’s eyes narrowed, and his face changed slightly, as if in disbelief, “You…killed?”


Su Yi said calmly.

A haze appeared between Xue Changjing’s brows, stared at Su Yi for a moment, and suddenly sighed regretfully: “Unfortunately, this is the road of trials, subject to the rules, it is forbidden for trialists to do anything, otherwise, I can I really want to learn a thing or two with fellow Daoists.”

Su Yi laughed and said, “Want to kill me and avenge your fellow travelers?”


Xue Changjing nodded without concealing it.

Su Yi also sighed and said, “It’s a coincidence, when I came to the original secret place, I also thought about killing you and the other three testers, but I never thought about walking with you. The three testers who were in the game have already been eliminated from the competition.”

Soon, Su Yi laughed again, “However, it’s enough to kill you first.”

Xue Changjing: “…”

He suddenly had a strong urge to kill the reincarnation of the spectator now!

Secretly took a deep breath, Xue Changjing sarcastically said: “With your knowledge, it is not difficult to see that whoever wants to start on the road of trial will suffer the backlash from the power of the rules here, but he still says this. In other words, if this is the nature of the reincarnated body of the spectator, it will be too disappointing.”

Su Yi said thoughtfully: “You want to motivate me?”

Xue Changjing said lightly: “I’ll just stand here and don’t move, do you dare to do it?”


In Su Yi’s sleeve robe, a piece of gray rattan swept out and swiped towards Xue Changjing’s cheek.

Xue Changjing didn’t move, his eyes were full of mockery.

As expected, there was no need for him to do anything at all, and a piece of rule power surged out, ruthlessly suppressing Su Yi.

Bang! !

The gray rattan burst into the secret pattern of the avenue, and the chaotic atmosphere was transpiring.

That piece of rule power was suddenly broken!


Xue Changjing’s pupils shrank.

Clap! !

The rattan had been slapped **** Xue Changjing’s cheek, leaving a **** scar, and his cheekbones had collapsed, causing him to stumble and almost fall out.

“How is this possible!?”

Xue Changjing was furious and couldn’t believe it, and his face changed completely.

As early as when he entered the trial road, he had seriously sensed that once he started here, he would definitely suffer the backlash from the power of the rules.

In addition, the sparrow messenger also reminded that it is forbidden to fight between trialists.

But now, Su Yi did act, and he was indeed attacked by the force of the rules, but he blocked the attacking force!

This is incredible!

“Come on, stand still.”

Su Yi is holding the cane, like Mr. Xi facing a student who makes mistakes.

Xue Changjing looked gloomy and said, “The treasure in your hand…”

Before he finished speaking, Su Yi raised the cane and drew it.

How could Xue Changjing still be as indifferent as before, dodging far away for the first time.

But Su Yi chased after him and hit him head-on.


A boiling power of rules emerged from this dojo, and it was ruthlessly suppressed towards Su Yi.

Can all be broken open by the Xuanhuang Fortune Vine.

On the contrary, Xue Changjing, who couldn’t dodge, was slapped again.

Bang! !

The shirt on his back was cracked, and a torn blood stain was drawn from his skin, causing him to grin and gasp in pain.

“Su Xuanjun! How dare you violate the rules! Aren’t you afraid of retribution?”

Xue Changjing was furious and screamed sharply.

“Don’t be afraid.”

Su Yi said without hesitation.

Xue Changjing: “…”

Without waiting for him to speak, Su Yi already carried the cane and came again.

This made Xue Changjing so angry that the power of the rules of the trial road was so useless?

Can’t even suppress a Xuanhe Emperor?

Could it be that the rules of this place are simply a decoration?

As his thoughts turned, Xue Changjing clenched his teeth sharply, his eyes were cold, and his murderous intent surged. He stopped dodging and decided to take a shot.

With his cultivation in the late stage of the same life, I can’t believe that he can’t take care of a young man in the mysterious world! !


Xue Changjing’s body roared with the sound of Taoism, and the light was surging, and the power suddenly became terrifying.

The cultivation base of that body was turned to the peak by him.


Xue Changjing drank violently, pinched his palms and fingers, and a splendid starlight condensed, crushing the void, and shrouded Su Yi.

But I can’t wait for this blow to get close to Su Yi——


The bang resounded.

Xue Changjing’s figure flew out backwards.

The violent power of the rules caused him to spit blood from his nose and mouth, and he fell dozens of feet away, in a miserable and miserable state.

“Why is this happening!?”

Xue Changjing was so angry that he scolded, “Is there any more rules? Only he, Su Xuanjun, is allowed to break the rules, and I won’t allow Lao Tzu to take action? Fuck!”

He was so angry, full of grief and anger, that he was about to go crazy.

Su Yi couldn’t help but be amused.

He stepped forward with a smile, picked up the cane and drew it.

How could Xue Changjing dare to resist, he spread his feet and ran wildly to dodge.

But this dojo only has a range of 100 zhang. It only blindly avoids and does not fight. After all, it is too passive.

Soon, Xue Changjing was hit again on the buttocks, and the beating made him scream, covering his buttocks with his hands, and jumping up.

He tries to dash to the stars.

But above the starry sky, one hundred and eight stars appeared, shrouded in the power of rules.

As he approached, a piece of regular force slammed down, knocking him to the ground, with gold stars in front of his eyes.

Without waiting for a response, Su Yi took the cane and drew it.

Bang! !

He flew out like a spinning top.

The whole body is covered with **** wounds, the skin is open, the hair is disheveled, and the face is blurred, which is called a miserable.

The majesty of being a realm king was gone.

If they were seen by the people of the Xinghe Divine Sect, it would be unimaginable that their master of the Hall of Stars would be abused so badly.

At this moment, a light rain emerged, and the spirit bird appeared.

It looked at Su Yi coldly and said indifferently: “Trial, you have violated the rules of the trial road!”

Xue Changjing immediately became excited, waving his arms and hissing: “Master messenger, the cheating surname Su is shameless and must be severely punished!!”


Ling Que was stunned for a moment, looking at what it was like tormenting this great figure in the realm of the realm, and even said the word cheating.

Su Yi also laughed. Xue Changjing was obviously angry, so he said such childish and ridiculous words.

“He didn’t cheat.”

Ling Que explained patiently, “After all, the power of rules also punished him and prevented him from doing anything to you, but…it doesn’t seem to have much effect…”

“Isn’t that called cheating!?”

Xue Changjing’s eyes widened.

“It doesn’t count.”

Ling Que answered seriously, “Breaching the rules and cheating are completely different.”

Xue Changjing: “???”

He was trembling with anger, and roared sadly, “Is there any justice? Is there justice? Co-author, we honest people who follow the rules deserve to be bullied?!”

Su Yi and Ling Que looked at each other and laughed. Is this what the realm king said?

Ling Que was silent for a moment, then said: “You can also break the rules.”

Xue Changjing’s cheeks twitch.

He fell silent.

For a long time, he raised his head, stared at Ling Que, and said word by word: “If I die here, it will prove that the rules of this trial road… are not fair!”

Ling Que only made a perfunctory noise.

Xue Changjing was so angry that he had the urge to strangle this sparrow to death.

Su Yi said: “Well, you remove the power of the rules here, and I will give him a fair chance to fight.”

Xue Changjing was startled, as if in disbelief.

He looked at Ling Que.

Ling Que was silent for a moment, then said: “Alright.”

It flapped its wings, and immediately, the power of the rules surrounding the dojo dissipated.

Xue Changjing suddenly became excited.

He roared in the way, and his full of grief and anger turned into a strong murderous intention, and he made no secret of it.

He had cold eyes like a blade, pointed at Su Yi, and said, “Su Yi, just because you dare to fight me fairly, I will let you die!”


The voice is still echoing, he opened his mouth and spat out a blue flying knife, and shot with all his strength.


Youlan’s flying knife is as thin as a cicada’s wings, bringing up the stars in the sky. This blow is devoted to Xue Changjing’s lifelong path, so its power is also boundless terror.

“Such an opponent is indeed not enough.”

Su Yi secretly thought.


A gleaming gray shadow!

The faint blue flying knife is still in the air, and it splits at the sound.

Following, the starry sky suddenly dissipated.

In the distance, Xue Changjing’s eyes widened, his lips trembled, and he said intermittently: “Okay… so fast… a sword…”

The voice was still echoing, and the place between his eyebrows suddenly cracked.

A puff of scarlet, hot blood sprayed out.

Then, the whole person fell silently to the sky.

When the body fell to the ground, it turned into ashes with a thud, and immediately fluttered into the air.

The King of the Realm of Tongshou from the Star Hall of the Galaxy God Sect was completely destroyed.

Not far away, Su Yi looked down at the gray rattan in his hand and exclaimed, “Good baby.”

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