First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 1131: A spectator?

The sky and the earth shake violently, and the void is chaotic.

When Qingtang stood firm, her pretty face was pale, her long hair was disheveled, and there were red blood drops dripping from her body.

She was so badly wounded that the corners of her lips were bleeding.

That miserable appearance is worrying.

In the past five hundred years, she has been in charge of Taixuan Dongtian alone, known as the Great Wilderness, and admired by the world.

And today, the terrifying combat power that shocked the old antiques was even more revealed.

But who would have thought that in the face of the tailor, a terrifying giant from the depths of the starry sky, she would be suppressed so embarrassingly and miserably?

And this, also vividly brings out how terrible a tailor is!

“Qingtang, now it seems that even if you risk your life, you won’t be able to hold me back.”

Far away, Miss Huaxinzhai Ruoxi finally couldn’t hold back her mouth, with a smile on her face, mockery and sarcasm in her voice.

Before, Qingtang threatened to shut her up. Out of fear, she didn’t dare to say a word.

But now, with Qingtang suffering heavy losses, she obviously doesn’t care about such threats.

“You come from the depths of the starry sky. You have been in the Taixuan cave for many years like a spy, and you have deceived Su Xuanjun until now. It’s all doomed, and no one will help you.”

Ruoxi said with a smile, “Look at these people present, clearly watching you dying, but no one stood up!”

As soon as these words came out, Peng Zu, Yue Yin Yaozu and other old antiques all looked very uncomfortable.

Indeed, although they sympathized with Qingtang’s situation, none of them were willing to stand up and help because of Qingtang’s identity.

Mallow, Wang Que and the others all looked at Su Yi with anxiety and worry.

Master did not speak, even if they had gradually re-accepted Qingtang in their hearts, they did not dare to take a stand.

The tailor stood in the distance for a while, but he didn’t act immediately. He could see that Qingtang couldn’t last long.

But at this time, Qingtang is very likely to gamble, and it is undoubtedly the most dangerous!

On the contrary, the longer it drags on, the worse it will be for Qingtang.

“Look, even your respected master is watching from the sidelines.”

Ruoxi chuckled lightly, appearing to be more confident.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes turned to Su Yi, but they saw his figure standing there, motionless, his expression flat as before.

This is confusing.

Before, Qingtang sent many surprises, and those doubts in the past have been gradually resolved, and few people think that Qingtang is a traitor.

However, as Qingtang’s master, Su Yi’s attitude is very cold, even… a little ruthless!

Heaven and earth are dead, and mountains and rivers wither.

Qingtang’s eyes swept across the faces of everyone present, and the old antiques avoided their gazes, and the anxiety and worry in Mallow and the others were completely seen by her.

The tailor stood far away, his expression unwavering.

And my master…

When she saw Su Yi’s indifferent expression, the corners of Qingtang’s lips moved slightly, but in the end she didn’t say anything.

“I never thought that at this time of the day, someone would step up and help me.”

Qingtang looked at Ruoxi and said, “I’ll bet my life, you will die today.”

The words were understated.

Ruoxi had a chill down her spine.

Qingtang was seriously injured, but her figure was still straight and her spine was not bent.

Even the calm and determination in her eyes has never been shaken!

The tailor, on the other hand, stepped into the void and walked towards Qingtang step by step.

He showed people the face of the Lord of Yanxin Buddha. His old face was unwavering from beginning to end, and he had a desperate and terrifying power all over him.

“I know, you still have a hole card, just use it.”

The tailor speaks slowly.

He walked very slowly, but with every step he took, the power on his body became stronger, causing the void to hum violently, causing the heaven and earth to shake.

In the distance, Qingtang felt a sense of oppression.

She wiped off the blood stains from the corners of her lips, ignoring the blood-colored scars all over her body, her breath suddenly soaring.

If the sword intent on the whole person is burning, it penetrates the sky and the earth, shining brightly in the world.

Everyone shuddered and their expressions changed in shock. How could they not see that Qingtang at this moment had obviously used a secret technique to fight to the death?

The tailor narrowed his eyes, then shook his head slightly and said, “You can’t.”

His palms and fingers pinched and tapped in the air.


The world is like a piece of glass, and it shatters.

That incomparable palm print, with an indescribable terrifying potential, seems to melt into it with all its might!

Qingtang’s skirt flutters, her whole body is like a deep quagmire, she has a feeling of inextricable powerlessness, and she seems to be hostile to the avenues of heaven and earth, and she looks small and helpless alone.

She pursed her pale lips. She never called for help, and she never showed any emotion. Only the depths of her eyes were more determined.

She raised her right hand, her parallel fingers like swords, and her whole body like a burning sword intent poured into her palms and fingers with a deafening roar.

But at this moment, a vast sword chant resounded suddenly.

Almost at the same time as the sound of the sword resounded, a sturdy figure had already flashed across the sky, swinging the sword towards the palm print shot by the tailor in the air.

Qingtang was startled, her eyes widened.

Bang! ! !

The sword qi collided with the palm print, and the heaven and earth burst into a monstrous torrent of destruction.

Su Yi’s figure was shocked and flew out.

When standing firm, Kankan stood a foot in front of Qingtang.

Qingtang can clearly see that Master’s Qi is violently tossing, obviously suffering from this blow.

Master’s figure is like a lonely mountain that connects the sky to the ground, rooted there, like the sky is falling and the ground is sinking, and it will not be shaken.

As if the eight winds are blowing, they can’t cross this mountain!

Silently, two lines of crystal clear tears flowed out of Qingtang’s bright eyes, sliding across her pale and beautiful face.

Before she, she was arrogant, contemptuous, and strong. Even if she was severely injured and scarred, even if she was ridiculed and ridiculed, even if there was no one to help her, she didn’t care at all, her eyes were firm and calm, and she never wavered.

But at this time, when I saw a sturdy back that was just a short distance away from me, I couldn’t hide my inner emotions.

My eyes were red and tears were falling.


Qingtang opened her mouth, and even though she tried her best to suppress her inner emotions, her voice was choked up.

“Before I didn’t do it, I struggled repeatedly, not sure how to treat you, but now, I want to understand.”

Su Yi didn’t look back, but already aware of Qing Tang’s tears behind him, a hint of pity appeared in his eyes, and his voice became gentle.

He didn’t say what he wanted to understand.

Qingtang didn’t ask, the tears were still flowing uncontrollably, and there was a smile of joy from the heart on her pale face, and the corners of her lips couldn’t help but lift slightly.

At this moment, she suddenly felt that the emotions hidden in her heart in the past years, the helplessness she couldn’t express, were all washed away and dissipated by the thick warm current.

Even if she were to die at this time, she would not have any regrets!

The audience was dead silent, and everyone was shocked by Su Yi who came forward.

Those old antiques breathed a sigh of relief in their hearts for no reason. They all knew that if Su Yi, the master of Qingtang, did not take action, Qingtang would most likely be completely destroyed.

Mallow and the others were so relieved that they were so excited that they couldn’t help themselves.

Especially when they saw Qingtang’s tearful appearance, these brothers and sisters felt very distressed.

What kind of excitement and joy was it that Qingtang couldn’t hide her excitement and joy, and she burst into tears in front of everyone’s eyes?

“Oh, there is also a scene of deep love between master and apprentice.”

Miss Huaxinzhai Ruoxi sneered, full of irony.

Su Yi ignored it. He looked at the tailor and said, “Before, Guanzhu didn’t kill you completely, but in the future, I will.”

“It turns out that you haven’t become a viewer after all…”

The tailor laughed.

He seemed to see through the secret, the whole person relaxed, and a smile appeared on the old face.

The conversation between the two left everyone outside the venue at a loss, not knowing why.

But when these words fell into the ears of Miss Huaxinzhai Ruoxi, she felt like she was struck by lightning, her whole body froze, and she said in a trembling voice: “Master tailor, you said that he…he is…the spectator! ?”

The voice stuttered, revealing an undisguised panic and anxiety.

This is all the more surprising, watch? When did Sword Master Xuan Jun have a new identity?

“No, he is not yet. You can treat him as Su Xuanjun as before.”

The tailor said slowly, “In this way, I can also let go of my hands and feet completely without any fear.”

As he spoke, a smile appeared on the corners of his dry lips.


On the scrawny figure of the tailor, there seemed to be an ancient volcano erupting, and its power suddenly skyrocketed.

A strange cold and dark luster quietly covers the world, making the day seem to be dragged into the eternal night at once!

That bizarre scene made everyone completely terrified.

Before, the terrifying power that the tailor cut out was so powerful that it made people feel hopeless.

But who would have thought that the strength of the tailor at this moment has skyrocketed by a lot?

There is no doubt that tailors have had reservations since the war began! !

“You stay and I’ll clean up the old stuff.”

Su Yi said casually.

Qingtang shook her head slightly, the tears in her clear eyes evaporated in an instant, and her expression became calm, and said: “Master, this last surprise, the disciple must personally deliver it to you.”

Su Yi frowned slightly.

At this moment, the tailor chuckled and said: “The sky is wide and the net is sloppy, but not omissions. Doing things like this, killing people should be the same, Su Xuanjun, you have no chance to live to the future.”

The voice is still echoing, and the tailor’s figure disappears out of thin air.


The darkness between heaven and earth is like night, and the light seems to be completely swallowed up.

And the tailor’s breath has completely disappeared!

In addition, at this moment, Su Yi’s field of vision was pitch black, as if his six senses were isolated, he could no longer perceive any sight.

Even using divine sense will not help!

This sudden change made Su Yi’s body suddenly tense and his back became cold.

Without hesitation, he directly used Xeon means, if the sea of ​​consciousness was boiling, and completely awakened the Nine Prison Sword.

An obscure and mysterious force spreads from the Nine Hells Sword.

But before Su Yi could make a move, at this moment, a clanging sword sound suddenly exploded, resembling a young phoenix cry, stirring up nine days.

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