First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 1061: Mystery of Mysterious Yellow Mother Qi

Tianxuan Academy.

“Master Su, could it be that the Xuanjun Alliance has launched a counterattack?”

When seeing Su Yi returning, Yu Changming greeted him immediately.

“This time it’s just a small fish and a small shrimp, so don’t be nervous.”

Su Yi said casually.

Yu Changming breathed a sigh of relief.

“By the way, you should make some preparations in advance and contact the Yue clan. When I leave the Tianxuan Realm, your Tianxuan Academy will be evacuated from Fengqi Mountain, so let’s stay with the Yue clan for a while. .”

Su Yi exhorted.

He couldn’t have stayed in Fengqi Mountain and waited for his opponent to kill him.

Before leaving, it was natural to arrange a shelter for Tianxuan Academy.

The Moon Clan is undoubtedly a good place to go.


Yu Changming agreed.

Immediately, he said: “Master Su, a few days ago, I used the secret treasure left by the Patriarch when he left, and wanted to get in touch with the Patriarch. According to my inference, as long as the Patriarch got the news, it would definitely be the first time. Return in a moment.”

Su Yi nodded and said, “It would be better if that old greedy worm came back.”

In the world of Confucianism and Taoism, the old glutton is definitely an old antique called the ancestor. The Taoism is unfathomable. There are only a handful of people who can wrestle with it in the wild world.

If the old glutton comes back, Tianxuan Academy will have no worries.

Besides, based on Su Yi’s understanding of the old greedy worm, this old guy will definitely be furious about this, and then it is time for Yuhua Jianting and Xuanjun Alliance to be unlucky.


Su Yi continued to retreat in Fengqi Mountain for the next period of time.

A few days ago, he had learned some of the mysteries of “Xuanhuang Mother Qi” from the Xuanhuang ruler, and he had benefited a lot.

This kind of chaotic origin power, which was born at the beginning of the Xuanhuang Star Realm, contains the most pure and primitive rule power, and it is not comparable to the Zhoutian rules in today’s world.

The reason why it is called “Mother Qi” is that these chaotic forces are like the origin of all Taos!

If the Zhoutian rules in today’s world are compared to the trunk, branches and leaves of a big tree, then the Mother Qi of Xuanhuang is the root of this big tree.

Draining and refining Mysterious Yellow Mother Qi, it has two magical uses.

First, it can promote the rapid transformation of the Dao power controlled by the monk himself, so that his Dao shows the most primitive and complete appearance!

Secondly, after mastering the Mother Qi of Xuanhuang, it is like mastering the power of the origin of the Myriad Dao in the Xuanhuang star realm. With the improvement of cultivation and the tempering of the Dao Law, the complete astral realm can be evolved in the future!

Especially on this second point, Su Yi was shocked.

It should be noted that the Mysterious Yellow Star Realm has long since been withered and dilapidated, and it has been reduced to the old land of the star ruins. The years and history of the ancient times have been erased due to a mysterious catastrophe.

This also means that this star world has long been broken, and there is no complete starry sky long ago.

But if you master the mysterious yellow mother energy, you will have the opportunity to master the complete laws of the mysterious yellow star realm!

How can Su Yi not be shocked by this?

Recall that in the beginning, the Xuanhuang Star Realm was regarded as the origin of the starry sky.

The reason is that the original Mysterious Yellow Star Realm was covered with the complete laws of the star realm!

This further confirms that the original reminder of the spectator is correct. As long as the real source of chaos can be found in this broken black and yellow star realm, it is enough to deduce the complete laws belonging to this realm!

And in the Profound Harmony Realm, as long as it can be completely integrated with the complete Mysterious Yellow Star Realm Law, it is enough to achieve the transformation of the strongest when embarking on the ‘Road to Heaven’.

This is something that the spectators of the past never did!


Time flies, three days later.

Tianwu Shenshan, the place where the Xuanjun League is entrenched.

“Lord, according to the report of our spies in Wutong City, three days ago, there was a change in the upper floors of Fengqi Mountain, and it was suspected that a war broke out again, but it only took a moment to end.”

In the main hall, an old servant reported in a low voice, “There were no casualties in Tianxuan Academy, but… Mr. Feiyun, who went to Tianxuan Academy, never came back.”

Bima’s eyelids jumped fiercely and said, “Go down.”


The old servant took orders.

Bima then let out a long sigh and muttered: “Not long ago, Feng Lao and Yuhua Sword Court’s troops were completely wiped out, and now, even Feiyun has also been smashed… This Tianxuan Academy, it really hides There is an unpredictable massacre!”

“Fortunately, it’s not mine who died this time…”

The corners of Bhim’s lips were slightly raised, and his eyes were cold.

Suddenly, he calmed down, took out a picture scroll from his sleeve robe with a solemn expression, and opened it in the void.

Suddenly, a sea of ​​corpses and blood, like a demonic realm, appeared.

It is the picture of the ancient demon domain!

In the corner of the picture scroll, the haze is dense, and a pure land like a paradise emerges. Inside the pure land is a cave, and a three-eyed golden toad is squatting in front of it.

“Is it okay?”

The three-eyed golden toad asked in a loud voice.

Bima lowered his head, avoiding the eyes of the three-eyed Jinchan, and sighed: “Don’t hide the messenger, Mr. Feiyun… I’m afraid he has also stepped into the footsteps of Feng Lao.”

Three-eyed Jinchan froze for a while, then said in astonishment, “Feiyun is also dead!?”

Bhima bowed his head, clasped his fists and said, “The messenger condolences.”

Three-eyed Jinchan was obviously furious, gritted his teeth and said, “How could a small Confucianism and Taoism have the role of killing Feiyun? Fuck @#¥%, it’s really evil!”

He scolded Datong, and then he calmed down a little.

Bima then took the opportunity to say: “Lord Messenger, in my opinion, the depths of the Xuan Academy were unfathomable that day, and I couldn’t send people to go there. In my opinion, it is better to report this matter to the young lady.” /

The three-eyed golden toad sneered, “Bima, do you really think I don’t know your thoughts? I just want to meet the young lady and try to get more benefits from the young lady!”

Bima’s cheeks were cloudy for a while, and there was even more hatred in the depths of his eyes.

However, he lowered his head and did not let the Three-Eyed Golden Toad notice the change in his expression.

“Wait, I’ll go see Miss.”

The three-eyed golden toad opened his mouth and spat out a black paintbrush, swiping in the air.

Ripple ripples appeared on the closed gate of the cave.

“There is an envoy of labor to report to Miss, saying that the reincarnation of Sword Master Xuan Jun may not be long before returning to the Great Wilderness.”

Bima looked solemn and bowed his hands in salute.

“The reincarnation of Sword Master Xuanjun?”

Three-eyed Jinchan froze for a moment, and said displeasedly, “Why didn’t you say this earlier? You should know that the lady has been waiting for news from this person for all these years!!”

Bhima explained in a low voice: “To be honest, the messenger, I have only recently learned some news, and I am only inferring, and I can’t really confirm it, so I don’t dare to harass the lady, but now, since the messenger Lord Go to meet the lady, you can tell the matter…”

Before finishing speaking, the three-eyed golden toad interrupted coldly: “Okay, I already know.”

It turns around and enters the cave.

This kind of arrogant attitude made Bhim quietly clench his fists, and there was a hint of imperceptible hatred between his brows.

After a while, he shook his head slightly and said secretly: “It’s just a wicked animal. Sooner or later, I will let you see me like a god!”

Suddenly, Bhima raised his head and stared at the entrance of the cave.

The entrance to the cave is so dazzling, I can’t see what’s inside.

But there was an anticipation in Bhima’s heart.

“Sister Songchai, Shizun will be back soon. With his temperament, he is destined to not forgive me lightly. This makes me have to be on guard and not dare to neglect in the slightest. After all, you also know , how powerful the master was back then.”

“However, as long as I’m with you, I’m not afraid!”

Thinking of this, a soft color flashed in Bima’s eyes.

For a long time, when he saw the three-eyed golden toad walking out of the cave, Bhima’s heart sank, and he couldn’t help but say, “Master messenger, where’s Miss?”

Three-eyed Jinchan glanced at him coldly, and said, “Miss said, she already knows the matter, and let me tell you some of her views.”

Bhima felt a sudden loss in his heart.

He hasn’t seen “Junior Sister Songchai” for many years.

I thought that today’s opportunity would be enough to meet the other party again, but who would have thought that fate would end up saving one side after all!

Secretly took a deep breath, Vima stabilized his inner emotions, and whispered: “Please also ask the messenger for guidance.”

The three-eyed golden toad said in a stern voice: “Miss can leave the customs within a year. Before that, I hope you can collect as many clues as possible about the reincarnation of Sword Master Xuan Jun, remember not to Act rashly.”

Bhima said without hesitation: “I will do my best!”

Immediately, he hesitated: “It’s just, if Shizun… no, if the reincarnation of Sword Master Xuanjun comes to you, how should you deal with it?”

Three-eyed Jinchan said: “Miss said that with the temperament of Sword Master Xuanjun, when he did not find out the truth of what happened after his reincarnation, he would not rush to take action.”

After a pause, the three-eyed Jinchan continued: “And the lady also said, just in case, let you throw out some of the secrets that you have set up in the past years, in order to attract Xuanjun sword master Pay attention and look at the reaction of the other party to understand the details and strength of the other party.”

Bima’s eyes flashed, he nodded, and said, “I understand.”

“As for the matter of Tianxuan Academy…”

Three-eyed Golden Toad said, “Let’s put it aside for now.”

Bima is puzzled: “Put it down?”

Three-eyed Jinchan said: “One year will pass by at the click of a finger. When the lady leaves the customs, she will personally go to find out the truth of this matter.”

Bima was shocked.

He suddenly realized that in the eyes of “Junior Sister Songchai”, the Xuanhuang ruler of Tianxuan Academy seems to be more important than the matter of the teacher’s respect for returning to the Great Wilderness!

Otherwise, how could it be possible to make a direct statement, intending to explore this matter in person after exiting the customs?

“It seems that the power of Xuanhuang Mother Qi is far more incredible than I imagined! Its importance is definitely not under the secret of reincarnation!”

Bharat Road.

A long time ago, he knew that the power of Huaxinzhai, which came from the depths of the starry sky, had two purposes.

It’s just that Vimalakirti didn’t understand what the mystery of Xuanhuang’s mother qi was, and how could it attract Huaxinzhai’s attention.

There is no doubt that Huaxinzhai has obviously concealed a lot of secrets about Xuanhuang’s mother qi!

Thinking of this, a lingering haze appeared on Bima’s brows.


ps: The third update has been written, please modify it, and it will be released soon~

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