First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 1031: Walking on the ground

Su Yi stopped his movements and said, “Give you a chance and tell me a reason why I won’t kill you.”

The old man took a few deep breaths and suppressed the fear in his heart.

He is sure that if he is not satisfied with his answer, the young man in front of him will definitely kill him like an ant!

“Those hostages brought back by the Great Deacon the day before yesterday have already been poisoned with a poisonous poison in their souls. What they should beware of is that if the worst happens, they will use the lives of these hostages to coerce them.”

The old man said quickly, “This also means that if you kill Kunwu Mountain directly, no matter what the result is, you will definitely be threatened. I believe…you don’t want to see those hostages killed, right? “

Su Yi’s expression was indifferent and said: “This reason is not enough to change your life, don’t forget, I can also understand this about your soul search.”

The old man felt nervous, and quickly said, “I can still help!”

Speaking, he gritted his teeth and said with a face full of grief: “To be honest, although I am a direct clan member, in the past few years, I have been called by the old guys from the branch like a dog.”

“Unfortunately, our direct line has been withered for too long. Now, including me, only a dozen people are still alive…”

Su Yi frowned and interrupted: “Don’t blame me for being rude.”

The old man shivered all over, gritted his teeth and said, “I can help you sneak into Kunwu Mountain and save those hostages quietly! Moreover, I will do everything possible to help you find a way to remove the poisonous poison from those hostages! “

Su Yi snorted and said, “Yes.”

However, before the old man could breathe a sigh of relief, he saw Su Yi continue: “Let go of the defense of the soul and let me search for my soul, as long as I’m sure you didn’t lie before, I don’t mind giving it to you when it’s done. A way to live.”

As soon as these words came out, the old man’s body suddenly froze, his face was embarrassed, and he was about to say something.


As Su Yi’s palms exerted force, the old man’s eyes darkened and he fainted immediately.

Su Yi started searching for souls directly.

After a while, he withdrew his consciousness and fell silent.

The old man’s name was Ye Yunshui, and he was indeed the second uncle of his mother, Ye Yufei. Although he was born in the direct line, his status was very low. In the past years, he could only survive in the clan.

Ye Yunshui’s experience was very rough. Not only was he at the mercy of the elders of the clan branch, but even the younger generation of clansmen dared to humiliate him in every possible way, treating him like a slave.

Even, even those clansmen in the direct line looked down on him, scolded him for being stubborn, and lost all the face of the direct line.

But in Ye Yunshui’s memory, Su Yi discovered some small things.

When his mother, Concubine Ye Yu was calculated and framed, and went to Cangqing Continent, Ye Yunshui secretly reminded Concubine Ye Yu to be careful. After leaving, she should not return to the clan again, otherwise she would be worried about her life.

Ye Yunshui has also secretly warned Ye Yunlan many times to let him bear the burden and not choose to fight against the branch of the Ye family.

Even, when Ye Yunlan returned to the clan last year and announced the news of Ye Yufei’s death, Ye Yunshui came to Ye Yufei’s father’s tombstone alone and cried.

These inconspicuous little things are imprinted in Ye Yunshui’s memory and will not be faked.

I have to say that Ye Yunshui is indeed a softhead. In the past years, he was trampled under his feet, and despite being humiliated, he never fought back.

But because of those little things in his memory, Su Yi finally changed his mind.

“After today, you can stand up and be a man.”

Su Yi whispered. He casually put the fainted Ye Yunshui on the ground and strode away.

Ye Yunshui can indeed help him enter Kunwu Mountain quietly, and even save Wen Xinzhao and others.

But Su Yi doesn’t need it.


It was drizzling and the sky was overcast.

After Su Yi left Tiancang Mountain, he swept away in the direction of Kunwu Mountain.

The Cangxuan Realm is the eighth star market. It was also eroded by the ban of the dark ancient times a long time ago, and it also ushered in a splendid world like the future.

The most important thing is that the Imperial Realm has been able to walk in the Cangxuan Realm!

In other words, in today’s Cangxuan Realm, there is already an opportunity for a spiritual monk to become emperor.

From the memories of Ye Yunjia, Ye Yunshui and others, Su Yi has already learned the news.

Naturally, Su Yi knew the power of the Kunwu Ye Clan very well.

A long time ago, at the height of its glory, the Ye family had a number of emperors in charge, the most powerful of which possessed the Profound Nether Realm Dao Xing, deterring the entire Cangxuan Realm!

However, the Cangxuan Realm has also been invaded by the dark ancient ban for tens of thousands of years, and the Ye family has flourished and declined.

After the evolution of the long years, the Cangxuan Realm has ushered in a brilliant world, and Kunwu Ye Clan took this opportunity to restore his vitality step by step.

Up to now, in addition to the two ancient antiques from the Xuan Nether Realm who survived from the dark ancient ban, there are also four newly promoted emperors in the dazzling world.

Among them is Ye Yunjia.

This person preached the Dao 29,000 years ago. Although he is very old, he can only be regarded as a later generation compared to the existence of the two mysterious and secluded realms of the Ye Clan in Kunwu.

Like Ye Yunjia, the same is true for the other three newly rising emperors.

It is worth mentioning that among these emperors of the Ye clan in Kunwu, except for one of the Xuanyoujian who is from the Ye family’s direct line, the other emperors are all from the branch of the Ye family.

The Ye family’s direct descendant is the emperor of the mysterious realm, named Ye Cangtu, who was severely injured under the prohibition of the dark ancient times and suffered almost irreparable injuries.

In order to preserve his life and strength, Ye Cangtu has been in seclusion almost all the time in the past years, ignoring world affairs.

This is also an important reason for the decline of the Ye family lineage.

On the other hand, the power of the branch of the Ye family is growing day by day.

Su Yi has no mind to pay attention to the grievances and grievances within the Kunwu Ye clan.

He came this time to remove the Kunwu Ye family from the world, not to punish evil and promote good.

Kunwu Mountain.

It is so tall that it is known as the first cave in the Cangxuan world.

This mountain is majestic and beautiful, and its upper palaces and pavilions are scattered, row upon row, extremely spectacular, just like a pure land outside the world.

When he saw Kunwu Mountain from a distance, Su Yi’s mind moved, and his figure gradually faded, and finally it seemed to be transparent.

Mysterious Light Escape Technique!

A wonderful way to hide the figure and cover up the breath.

It is a character in the imperial realm.

Afterwards, Su Yi swept towards Kunwu Mountain.

This mountain is covered with nineteen giant forbidden formations. Each forbidden formation has its own magic, including killing formations, trapped formations, illusion formations, and mysterious formations.

If it’s not a member of the Ye clan of Kunwu, even if the emperor comes in person, he can’t sneak into it.

However, this is naturally not difficult for Su Yi.

He didn’t force his way, and he didn’t crack the secrets of those forbidden formations. Instead, he directly held a token and entered Kunwu Mountain openly.

This token was found from Ye Yunjia’s relics. It was branded with the will of the Ye family emperor. Holding this token, he could easily travel through the forbidden formations of Kunwu Mountain.

Therefore, the power of the forbidden formation on Kunwu Mountain is no different from the decoration in front of Su Yi.

Of course, if someone finds the trace of Su Yi and runs these forbidden formations, it will be different.

At the bottom of Kunwu Mountain, in front of an entrance to the belly of the mountain.

A gigantic liger lay lazily there. This beast had blue eyes and red mane, and fur as bright as gold. Its physique was as huge as an elephant.

The most important thing is that it is born with a keen sense of smell and a powerful soul, which can penetrate the subtleties and see through all the falsehoods.

At this time, the liger seemed to sense something and opened its eyes suddenly.

But before it could get up, an indifferent voice sounded in the soul:

“Stay honest.”

There are only four words, but it sounds like a divine voice from the sky, making the liger’s eyes turn black, and as the body twitches violently, it straightens and faints.

It’s too late to even struggle!

Then, Su Yi stepped into the cave entrance.

This scene, if seen, is doomed to be unbelievable.

After all, this Kunwu Mountain is the home of the Ye Clan, the overlord of the Cangxuan Realm, and just those forbidden formations are enough to trap the emperor.

But along the way, Su Yi seems to be strolling in the courtyard, as if he is in a no-man’s land!

In the entrance of the cave is a dark and winding path leading to the bottom of the mountain. There is a prison in it.

When the transparent and invisible Su Yi came to the prison in the middle of the mountain, he saw that those who were arrested by the Ye family were all imprisoned in the prison, unconscious.

Yuan Heng, Weng Jiu, Shui Tianqi, Xia Qingyuan and others were among them.

What makes Su Yi frown is that Wen Xinzhao is not there.

He suddenly remembered the news he heard from the conversation of the strong Ye clan when he came to Cangxuan Realm——

The chief deacon of the Ye family intends to give Wen Xinzhao to a man named Ye Feng to act as a double repair cauldron!

Su Yi’s eyes narrowed.

Next, he launched an operation to rescue everyone who was imprisoned in the prison one by one, and put them into the green seed.

After investigation, it is indeed as Ye Yunshui said that Yuan Heng, Weng Jiu and others were planted with a vicious Gu technique called “Leading the Spirit”. Can completely control the souls of Yuan Heng and others, such as driving puppets, life and death can’t help!

To be another may be helpless in the face of such poisonous poison.

But in Su Yi’s eyes, these poisonous poisons are totally worthless.

In his previous life, he once stepped down to destroy a wicked force called “Ten Thousand Gu Wumen”. In this ancient Wudao sect, there is a supreme inheritance called “Heaven Gu Tong Xuanjing”.

According to the records above, the most powerful Gu technique can even confuse the minds of people in the Mysterious Harmony Realm!

In the records of the “Heavenly Gu Tongxuan Jing”, there are thousands of ways to decipher this poisonous Gu called “Ling Ling”.

Therefore, Su Yi may not care about such threats.

When saving people, I will destroy these poisonous poisons one by one.

No accident happened.

After doing all this, Su Yi walked straight back to the entrance of the cave, glanced at the unconscious liger, and immediately cast the soul-searching technique to investigate.

Soon, Su Yi learned that just this morning, Ye Nanhe, the deacon of the Ye family, came to this prison and took Wen Xinzhao with him!

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