First Immortal of the Sword Chapter 1004: Black Pitfalls

When Pluto woke up from the extreme tension, he saw a pair of bright and deep eyes, as well as that familiar face.

She felt a lot more at ease.

But when he noticed his almost ashamed posture, Pluto let go of the jade hand tightly holding Su Yi’s left arm like an electric shock, and took a step back.

Afterwards, her beautiful face became hot, her blush faded, and she was a little embarrassed, and said, “Just now… I was just a little nervous.”

Su Yi’s lips curled slightly, “Well, I feel it.”

Pluto: “???”

What is…feeling…getting?

She secretly took a deep breath, pretending to be calm, her charming star glanced around, and changed the subject without a trace: “Where are we?”

Su Yi smiled and said, “Go to the space corridor of Samsara Land.”

Speaking, he has already stepped forward.

This corridor seems to be illusory, and the space force twists and dances like a colorful light, but it gives people a very stable feeling.

Pluto Jade subconsciously stroked his chest, feeling ashamed in his heart.

Just now, I was so scared that I almost got into that guy’s arms!

“Follow up.”

Su Yi’s voice came from the front.

Pluto was stunned for a moment. He didn’t dare to think about it any more.

Soon, she’s back to her usual composure.

After all, it is a powerful existence that has been famous all over the world as early as ancient times, and dares to challenge the underworld. Naturally, it will not be disturbed by some shameful emotions.

However, when he thought that he was taking the initiative to be held by Su Yi, and holding the other’s arm tightly, Hades was still slightly uncomfortable.

“Get ready, you will soon arrive at the Reincarnation Land, which is an extremely taboo secret world. If you are not careful, you will be robbed and killed.”

Su Yi ordered.

In front of the space corridor, a blazing white light and shadow appeared.

That is the entrance to the land of reincarnation.

While speaking, Su Yi flipped his palm, took out the three-inch sapphire gourd, and hung it by his waist.

Then, he took out the life and death seal of the Buddha and handed it to Hades.

This treasure from the first day of the Jiutian Pavilion’s sacrificial hands has been completely erased from the will mark hidden in it.

Now it is handed over to Hades, which is also considered to be returned to the original owner.

Pluto took over the seal of life and death of the Buddha, and he was also vigilant in his heart.

Soon, the two reached the end of the space corridor. When the blazing white light and shadow passed by, the figure was suddenly wrapped in a space force, and the stars shifted.

When the vision returned to clear, a strange dark world appeared before me.

The sky of this world is cracked and shattered, with long and narrow cracks criss-crossing, spreading like a spider web in the void, as if it will collapse at any time.

Some sky fragments are not even far from the ground.

There is no grass on the ground, and a faint gray mist pervades the land, like an abandoned and broken world.

At first glance, it is desolate and desolate.

“This is the place of reincarnation?”

Pluto’s eyes narrowed slightly.

She was keenly aware that there was a deadly forbidden aura surging in this place, chaotic and terrifying.


In the distance, a piece of the sky fragment fell, and it turned into a burning space force and exploded, and the light rain swept through.

This makes Pluto’s heart tremble.

The shard of the sky is clearly an obscure space rule power, but it seems to be withered, falling between the sky and the earth, and it explodes with a bang.

The aura of destruction that spreads out, even if it is far away, makes people shudder.

Pluto’s beautiful face has become solemn.

She is sure that if the sky fragments are smashed, it will be her deity here, and I am afraid that they will be severely damaged!

As for this clone, there is no possibility of surviving!

“According to an old friend of mine, the destruction of the underworld in ancient times was related to this place. This place was originally covered with the complete ‘Six Paths of Reincarnation’ rules, but for some reason, it suffered a catastrophe that made The order of reincarnation has been severely damaged and shattered.”

Su Yi’s eyes flashed with memories.

Back then, he and the coffin-carrying old ghost had been here together, and he had also heard the coffin-carrying old ghost talk about these past secrets.

“Let’s go.”

Su Yi stepped forward.

He put away the Immortal Lei Hammer, and between his right hand, there were wisps of gray-white light, shrouded in mist, illuminating the void within a range of ten meters.

“The profound meaning of the rules of reincarnation?”

Pluto is surprised.

She now knows that the rules of reincarnation are part of the Great Way of Reincarnation.

Not long ago, Su Yi crossed the robbery to become a royal family in Reincarnation Taiwan, and she had seen the horror of the power of such rules.

She didn’t expect that Su Yi had already grasped the profound meaning of these rules!

Immediately, Pluto realized a problem and said, “According to what you said, the forbidden aura that fills this world is the power of the broken order of reincarnation?”


Su Yi nodded, “I use the power of the law of reincarnation as a ‘lamp’, and I can take you through this world, but without the law of reincarnation…you and I will definitely be unable to move an inch. There is no life in death.”

Pluto was terrified.

After a little observation, she found that as Su Yi moved forward, the fragmented sky fragments along the way were motionless, and even when they touched the light of the law of reincarnation, the sky fragments on the road ahead were still there. Will take the initiative to give way.

In this scene, Pluto was surprised.

“How did you come here then?”

Pluto couldn’t help but ask.

“Of course my old friend took it with me.”

Su Yi said casually.

Back then, the old ghost who carried the coffin used the power of the “law of turning around” to travel with Su Yi in this reincarnation.

The two walk as they talk.

In this dilapidated world, life is exhausted, desolate and withered, and there is no living thing at all.

After half a quarter of an hour, Pluto’s body froze, and his star eyes widened, “Daoist friend, look at that…”

In the distance between the sky and the earth, a bare, steep mountain appears.

Countless space forces spread up from the foot of the mountain like a stream, rushing to the top of the mountain, forming a spectacle of “backward flow up the mountain”.

The scary thing is that the stream is formed by the power of space!

And on the top of the mountain, there is a black treasure ship suspended, which is ten feet long, and the whole body is pure black like the night.

After countless space forces rushed to the top of the mountain like a stream, they were continuously swallowed by that black treasure ship.

It gives the impression that the black treasure ship is like a black hole, swallowing thousands of streams!

Su Yi’s pupils suddenly froze.

He recognizes this mountain wind and calls it “Reflux Mountain”. After the space power surges up to the top of the mountain, it will feed back into this world.

However, when he came to Samsara Land last time, he had never seen the black treasure ship that was returning to the top of the mountain!

“Could it be that mysterious black ship?”

Pluto made a guess, and the beautiful face was surprised.

In the past few years, a mysterious underworld ship appeared in the depths of the bitter sea. Anyone who had seen this ship, no matter how strong or weak, disappeared mysteriously.

And the appearance of this ship is regarded as the origin of the “Sea of ​​Bitter Upheaval”. The monks in the world believe that it is this black ship that has brought about many upheaval in the Sea of ​​Bitterness!

Even Judgment Ming Zun, Cui Longxiang, disappeared mysteriously because he saw the black underworld ship!

When Su Yi and the others came, the old rooster once said that he had received a letter from Cui Longxiang, saying that the black underworld ship was most likely from the relic of the funeral god.

Therefore, when he saw the black treasure ship returning to the top of the mountain, Pluto made such a guess.

“It should be.”

Su Yi’s eyes brightened.

The black treasure ship was shaped like a spirit fish, narrow at both ends, wide in the middle, and covered with a canopy.

In the position of the bow, there is a peculiarly shaped war sword.

The long and narrow black blade and the horizontal hilt form a “cross” shape.

And at the hilt, there is a black ring around it.

The cross sword, the hilt wraps around the ring, the shape is extremely strange, but when you look at it, it gives people an impeccable sense of perfection!

However, when Su Yi stared at it, he suddenly found that the black ship was an illusory shadow, not reality.

It’s so hard to really see if the cross sword inserted in the bow of the ship has other more mysteries.

“This sword is very powerful.”

Su Yi whispered.

The body of the sword and the hilt are crossed, showing a general trend of opening the sky and breaking the ground and pressing the ten directions horizontally. At first glance, people feel the chilling and fierce aura coming towards them, as if facing the judgment of heaven.

And the ring around the hilt has a round and complete charm.

The hilt inside the ring is like “One Yuan Returning to the Beginning”.

“How powerful?”

Suddenly, a mellow voice sounded like a morning bell and an evening drum.

Then, a figure appeared out of thin air not far away.


Su Yi and Hades froze in their hearts and looked up together.

This is a man wearing a bamboo hat, a cloth robe, and sandals. He has a tall figure, and half of his face is hidden in the shadow of the hat.

However, if you look closely, it is not difficult to see clearly that this man looks like a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties, with thin cheeks, a willow beard under his jaw, and frosty white temples.

His eyes are as clear and bright as a baby, but when they turn, they seem to have the years floating in them, inadvertently showing the vicissitudes of life.

When he saw this person, Pluto fell into an ice cave in an and felt a mortal threat to his soul and state of mind.

She was tense all over, as if she was facing an enemy.

It should be noted that although she is a clone in front of her, it is not a problem to kill ordinary characters in the mysterious realm.

But at this time, just facing a middle-aged man with a bamboo hat who suddenly appeared, she felt a kind of suffocating pressure.

Like an elk encountering a tiger, it is an instinctive fear!

Su Yi also squinted his eyes. The aura on the man in the bucket hat can indeed be described as unfathomable and unpredictable.

However, he was not flustered, and thoughtfully said: “Looking at your dress, is it the owner of that ship?”

This person wears a bamboo hat, and if he wears a layer of mink clothes, he is no different from a fisherman who makes a living by fishing.

Of course the fisherman cannot live without a boat.

And there’s a boat at the top of the backwater mountain!

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