Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 919: The marsh crocodile is ferocious

It was the first time that Lin Yuan heard of the existence of the sixth-level dimensional crack at the regular meeting of the night club, and he also knew that the opened sixth-level dimensional crack could connect the entire dimensional world.

At that time, Lin Yuan felt that the most suitable dimensional world for human development should be the swamp world.

The probability of opening the swamp dimension crack in the five dimensional cracks is second only to the water world dimension crack.

There are relatively few holes in the five dimensional cracks.

The relatively rare marsh dimensional cracks in this hole are very dangerous, and most of them are black quagmire full of humus. It is difficult for humans to get involved.

Although the swamp can be turned into land under the infusion of huge earth elements.

But the cost involved is not affordable for ordinary people.

After all, exploring the rift in the swamp dimension is not like developing power in the swamp world, it can continue to develop.

As long as the source items in the Swamp Dimensional Crack Hub are taken out, the Swamp Dimensional Crack will be closed, and the previous investment will be wiped out.

Only 40% of the land in the crevices of the swamp dimension still has a large number of poisonous swamp beasts and carnivorous plants.

Sixty percent of the swamp area has a huge group of dimensional creature marsh crocodiles.

Marsh crocodiles can be said to be the most prosperous group in the swamp world.

The marsh crocodile group has a large number of first-class marsh crocodile with the same strength as the copper-level spiritual creature.

Such marsh crocodiles are mostly half a meter long and belong to juvenile crocodiles.

Although there are fangs in the mouth, since all the nutrients ingested are used to grow the body’s armor, the developmental strength of the mouth masseter muscle is not strong yet.

Even if you bite a bronze-level spiritual creature with weak defense, the big mouth can only ensure that the fangs are pierced into the muscles of the spiritual creature’s body, and it cannot tear effectively.

This makes the first-level crocodile always be compared with the first-level zerg.

The comparison between the first-level marsh crocodile and the first-level zerg even caused a wave among scholars.

Scholars used a variety of corroborations to sort the first-level crocodile and the first-level zerg, and finally came to the conclusion that the first-level zerg was the unit of the insect swarm, although it could not penetrate the defense of the first-level crocodile. To effective combat.

However, the fangs of the first-level marsh crocodile biting on the beetle is equivalent to a big clip that can be broken by the first-level zerg at any time.

As long as the first class crocodile actively bites the first class zerg, the first class zerg can use the mouth of the crocodile that is not covered by the lin armor as a breakthrough to cause damage to the first class crocodile.

So scholars ranked the first-level marsh crocodile’s strength below the first-level Zerg.

The existence of the first-level marsh crocodile was once regarded as the shame of the marsh dimensional crack.

But when the marsh crocodile reaches the third level, it will enter adulthood when it is equivalent to the golden-level spiritual creature.

The body length of the third-level marsh crocodile can reach two meters, although it is not very large.

But the third-level marsh crocodile has fully developed its masseter muscles, and its strength has undergone earth-shaking changes in its infancy.

The big mouth can easily bite through the muscles of the golden-ranked spirit creatures, and even crush the bones of the golden-ranked creatures with weak defense.

In the pitch-black swamp, the newly grown-up marsh crocodile floats like rotten wood, ready to launch a surprise attack on the prey on the edge of the swamp.

The third-level marsh crocodile, which is equivalent to a golden-level spiritual thing, will use a two-meter-long body to perform a rapid death roll after biting the target, so that it can twist off the limbs of the prey.

Scholars have also compared the third-level marsh crocodile and the third-level Zerg.

Zergs derive huge diversity when they reach the third level, but the derivation of marsh crocodiles has always been relatively single.

The derivation of a single third-level marsh crocodile uses big mouth tearing and death rolls and a hard lin armor, which can easily fight with two third-level Zergs without falling into the wind.

Even if the third-level marsh crocodile can’t beat the third-level horned monster, the marsh crocodile can definitely take the forefront of all third-level dimensional creatures.

Be aware that there may already be a third-level marsh crocodiles in the first-level rift.

Therefore, the exploration of the rift in the swamp dimension has always been a problem for the low-level Reiki professionals, and the high-level Reiki professionals do not like to explore the rift in the swamp dimension.

Due to topographical reasons, the difficulty of exploring the first-level marsh dimensional cracks basically reaches the level of other second-dimensional cracks.

In terms of materials, the materials produced by other second-dimensional cracks are undoubtedly several times higher than those of first-level swamp cracks.

This makes the Swamp Dimensional Rift in a situation that few people are willing to explore.

This situation directly leads to a relative shortage of materials produced in the marsh dimension cracks on the market.

Lin armor like the marsh crocodile has always been used as high-quality leather.

The half-body armor, leather armor and other spiritual clothing made of marsh crocodile skin all have relatively high prices.

Abyss Dimensional Cracks, Water World Dimensional Cracks have special products like alien fire and heavy water, as well as Swamp Dimensional Cracks.

Due to the extremely difficult exploration of marsh-dimensional cracks, the price of marsh soil produced by marsh-dimensional cracks is higher than that of fire and heavy water.

Different fire is a kind of aggregate composed of special fire elements, so is the marsh soil.

Marsh soil is a product of special soil elements. Burying the marsh soil in the ground can greatly promote the growth of plant spiritual things.

Suddenly enrich the whole area of ​​soil with abundant nutrients.

At the same time, marsh soil is also an excellent cultivation material for some spiritual things with soil properties.

When Lin Yuan Guiyuan Manor was built, Wen Yu was buried in the manor’s soil with several intermediate marsh soils produced in the third-level marsh dimensional cracks.

The intermediate marsh soil is combined with tens of thousands of kilograms of energy ore, which makes the plant spiritual creatures grown in Guiyuan Manor grow extremely fast.

The three-thousand-meter bamboo forest of Guiyuan Manor is planted with common-level spiritual objects Fangzhu and Tangzhu.

In the past six months, without the reinforcement of the creators, many Fangzhu and Tangzhu have been upgraded from the ordinary level to the elite level based on the energy provided by the marsh soil and energy ore in the soil.

It can be seen how great the marsh soil is for plant spirits.

Möbius heard Lin Yuan’s question and spoke.

“If you want to start the Klein hub, you only need to find a dimensional crack in advance~IndoMTL.com~ and then enter the interior to reach the location of the dimensional hub.”

“The Klein Hub will swallow the selected dimensional hub, and a dimensional crack connected to the dimensional world will appear over the Klein Hub in the lock space.”

“It’s just that once the Klein Hub swallows a dimensional hub that connects a certain dimensional crack, the Klein Hub cannot change the type of dimensional hub that is swallowed before it touches the core of that dimensional world.”

“Lin Yuan, you must be careful when you choose to let the Klein Hub swallow the Dimensional Hub.”

Lin Yuan nodded when he heard Mobius’ words.

“I had an idea if I chose.”

“I intend to let Klein Hub swallow the dimensional hub of the swamp dimensional crack, and open a dimensional crack connecting the swamp world in the spirit lock space.”

First more.

(End of this chapter)

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