Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 824: Pull down the water

Chapter 825 Pulling Down the Water

Among the people around, only Lin Yuan had no obvious signs of power, so Miao Zhuo asked Lin Yuan.

“The kid over there, let you tell me whether the top power is my Miao Family Di Beast Garden or Sun Family Ninglu Fairy Garden?”

Miao Zhuo’s words caused the eyes of everyone present to focus on Lin Yuan.

After seeing Lin Yuan’s appearance, many people present showed unexpected expressions.

Because Lin Yuan and Liu Jie were behind Sun Ningxiang when they walked in, Sun Ningxiang was targeted by Miao Zhuo as soon as he entered the Outer Palace of Yeyang Palace and became the center of the outer palace storm.

So everyone looked at Sun Ningxiang and didn’t notice Lin Yuan behind Sun Ningxiang.

Lin Yuan was dazzling in the challenge of the All-Star Game before, and he defeated a member of the main team of the Wild Snake Club guild without even summoning any spirits.

It has become a hot topic on Starnet.

The children of the old and top forces, who are both younger generations, naturally recognized Lin Yuan, and many people even deliberately probed Lin Yuan’s identity before that.

Just inquiring about, there was no result, Lin Yuan appeared out of thin air.

This makes people who have inquired about Lin Yuan become more curious.

In this era where strength is approximately equal to resources, even if the talents of Reiki professionals are extremely strong, the scope of the contract of spiritual things is wide, and they can easily understand the will rune.

But if you don’t have enough resources, you won’t be able to become strong after all, which means that Lin Yuan must have huge resources behind him.

Now that Lin Yuan is qualified to attend the night club, it just proves this.

Seeing Miao Zhuo point the finger at himself, Lin Yuan showed a playful expression on his face.

Originally, the stage has already set up the protagonist and the supporting role is almost full, but I have never given myself a chance to stand on the stage.

Lin Yuan has been thinking secretly how to join in.

And now that he has done nothing, Miao Zhuo’s words gave him a rightful chance to enter.

Sun Ningxiang’s gaze swept towards Lin Yuan at this time, and when he saw Lin Yuan, his gaze also saw Liu Jie wearing a Zhenlingsi mask next to Lin Yuan.

This made Sun Ningxiangqiang’s aura suddenly tense.

Lin Yuan and the man with the Zhenlingsi mask are walking together, which shows that Lin Yuan and the man with the Zhenlingsi mask are friends.

No matter what Lin Yuan’s identity is, Miao Zhuo’s involvement in Lin Yuan in the storm is equivalent to pulling a man wearing a Zhenlingsi mask into the water.

It’s not a big deal to make a turmoil among the younger generations at the night club.

But if the protagonist of the night club is involved, it would be a big fault.

His grandma’s killing of three four-star pinnacle creators originally caused the dissatisfaction of Lord Ye Si.

Because of this turmoil, if Master Ye Si was held accountable, the emperor-level powerhouse of the Miao family could also come forward to help Miao Zhuo intercede.

And his grandmother’s physical condition at this time can’t be exposed in any way, otherwise the biggest secret of Sun Jia Ninglu’s fairy garden will be exposed to the world.

The Ninglu Immortal Garden, which is now being supported by himself, will completely become a fish and be eaten by other forces.

Thinking about it this way, Sun Ningxiang only felt that her aura could not hold up.

At this moment, Sun Ningxiang only heard a youthful and happy voice in his ear.

“Of course, there will be no established forces that are stronger than Ninglu Xianpu, otherwise those established forces have already been promoted to the top forces.”

“Veteran forces are not fools, they all want face, naturally they don’t like being treated as random comparison objects like they are now.”

The voice of the young Qingyue made Miao Zhuo, Sun Ningxiang, Zheng Kaiyuan, and the children of the old and top powers who watch the excitement all startled.

Immediately, their eyes became different, and more people from the Outer Palace of Yeyang Palace gathered towards this small circle.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Miao Zhuo deliberately picked a person with no mark of influence on his body when he asked.

This approach is also to prevent embarrassment and enmity from the veteran forces that they have named.

At the same time, this question of Miao Zhuo directly changed the concept in the previous dialogue with Sun Ningxiang, turning the comparison between Sun Jia Ninglu Fairy Garden and the old forces directly into a comparison with Miao Jia Di Animal Garden.

Sun Jia Ninglu Fairy Garden was naturally not afraid of Miao Family Di Animal Garden during its heyday, and it was ranked in the top 20 with Di Animal Garden among the top 50 powers.

However, the Condensed Dew Immortal Garden where the creator resources have been exhausted is already in the tail of the top forces, and it is not comparable to the Beast Garden.

Besides, the function of the Beast Garden is known for its resource creation. In the eyes of ordinary people, the force of the Beast Garden is often higher than that of other top forces.

But Miao Zhuo didn’t expect that the people he ordered casually didn’t follow his own words, but instead answered the questions he wanted to avoid before.

If this is the case, it’s fine, but the people who were spotted by oneself said that the veteran forces do not want to be the object of casual mention and comparison.

Isn’t this tantamount to saying that you didn’t see the old power in your eyes, and gave yourself the hatred of the old power out of thin air?

Thinking about this, the fire in Miao Zhuo’s heart ignited.

If it weren’t for the outer palace of Yeyang Palace at this time, Miao Zhuo really wanted to go up and grab Lin Yuan by the collar, and shouted with a few big mouths.

Ask who is Lin Yuan and who?

He still had some consideration for Sun Ningxiang Miao Zhuo, but he didn’t plan to be polite to Miao Zhuo, a man like Lin Yuan who didn’t even have a power mark.

Miao Zhuo looked at Lin Yuan and said gloomily.

“Since you know that veteran forces want face, then you should also know that Di Beast Garden wants face even more.”

Miao Zhuo’s words were only finished. Miao Zhuo only saw the teenager on the opposite side looking in one direction in the crowd and spoke without rush.

“Miao’s Di Animal Garden wants face, but it seems that it is not very successful.”

“Even the veteran forces that you despise don’t give the face of Di Beast Garden~ IndoMTL.com~ Some veteran forces have taken the breach of contract of Di Beast Garden to Zhen Lingsi.”

“Presumably, no matter how you want to save face, Di Beast Garden should pay and pay for it.”

According to Lin Yuan’s gaze, Miao Zhuo’s gaze was instantly fixed on Qi Haitao, the Young Patriarch of the Bliss Sea Clan.

Miao Zhuo’s eyes instantly turned red after seeing Qi Haitao.

Miao Zhuo’s red eyes directly frightened Qi Haitao.

The dispute with the Bliss Sea Clan can be said to be a shameful shame in the Miao Family Di Beast Garden.

It’s just that the Bliss Sea Clan has spent a lot of money to cooperate with the top five emperor mercenaries.

The Elysium Sea Clan paid a lot of resources to the Wudi mercenaries and purchased several islands, and the Five Emperors mercenaries were responsible for protecting the safety of the Elysium Sea Clan members and the island business.

First more.

(End of this chapter)

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