Fey Evolution Merchant Chapter 823: Pure aura is still useful

Sun Ningxiang stood up from his chair, thinking about the deal with Lin Yuan, and couldn’t help but look forward to the express delivery from Ostrich Logistics in three hours.

Sun Ningxiang showed his favor to Sky City, and there is really no way to put on a posture of unconditional trust.

At this time, in order to get rid of the mercy of the Miao Family Di Beast Garden, Sun Ningxiang had no choice but to fight back.

If there is no problem with the express delivery from Ostrich Logistics after three hours, then Sun Ningxiang’s heart can be truly let go.

Lin Yuan in the Suo Ling space looked at where Luo Teng’s bingliang radish was constantly being produced, while watching the bingliang radish branches that did not absorb pure aura at all in his hand.

I just think that the first two are big, and I don’t have the slightest clue.

Lin Yuan has been entangled with the problem of Bingliang Luo, but put the spirit relic strengthened by Sun Ningxiang in the diamond-level trapped spirit box used by Sun Ningxiang before mailing the spirit relic.

Lin Yuan took a diamond-level trap filled with various plant-like spiritual objects out of the lock space, and gave it to the mother of blood bath sitting downstairs.

Let the mother of the blood bath give this diamond-level sleepy chest to Aneng who comes to pick up the goods.

Just when Lin Yuan was about to return to the Spirit Locking Space, Lin Yuan suddenly found that the radish branches in his hand were completely different from before.

At this time, the radish branches in my hand have changed from the original tender green to dark green.

Moreover, it has become stiff from its original soft state.

Lin Yuan immediately tore through the branches and leaves of bingliang radish with his hands, and found that the torn branches and leaves of bingliang radish on the outside did not use the meristem ability to recover the wounds on the leaves as quickly as in the lock space.

Lin Yuan’s fingers were filled with slimy juice from the torn thick leaves of Bingliang Luo.

Lin Yuan paused slightly at the sight, and frowned slightly.

But Lin Yuan’s frowning brows soon relaxed.

Lin Yuan secretly said in his heart.

“It seems that my pure aura is not useless for Bingliang Luo, but the meristem ability of the young leaves of Bingliang Luo under the high concentration of aura can only restore the wound, not enough to give birth. The root system of Bingliang dill can absorb nutrients.”

Lin Yuan immediately urged the spiritual power in his body, and the pure spiritual power poured into the broken leaves in the hand.

In a short while, the damaged leaves of the radish leaves from the dark green in Lin Yuan’s hands changed from the dark green to the tender green in the spiritual lock space.

And the wounds of the original leaves are also grown and killed by the plant tissues that quickly branched out.

It’s just that the leaves that grow and die haven’t recovered, but because the leaves are torn up by Lin Yuan, they become deformed.

The abundant juice flowing out of the leaves is quickly replenished by the meristem. Let the leaves continue to become stiff.

Seeing this change, Lin Yuan walked back into the spirit lock space.

Lin Yuan feels that it is very possible for him to use the old stakes of Bingliang Luo to develop a root system.

And transplant the old stakes of Bingliang Luo under pure aura.

However, since it has been decided to upgrade Bingliang Luo to legendary quality, it is undoubtedly the best choice for Lin Yuan to break the old stake when Bingliang Luo is upgraded to legendary quality.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Yuan began to use the opportunity of strengthening Bingliang Luo to strengthen the other spiritual objects he had on hand by the way.

In addition to Bingliang Luo, Lin Yuan also wants to upgrade the muscle-producing camellia to legendary quality.

By the time of the next transaction, Lin Yuanhao put a part of the leaf stems of Shengji Camellia together with the bingliang dill in the soul box and sent them to Sun Ningxiang.

It’s just that if there are only two spiritual creatures, it is not worth Lin Yuan to use an aura crystal.

After some thought, Lin Yuan fished out the Wufulanshouling goldfish that had been prepared for Duanhe in the Lingling Pond and transformed into the original spirit.

Later, Lin Yuan took out an aura crystal and decisively crushed the aura crystal to guide the aura into Bingliang Luo, Shengji Camellia and Wu Fulan Shou Ling Goldfish.

In a short while, the quality of Muscle Camellia and Bingliang dill was improved.

Although the fourth old stake was not grown in the legendary quality bingliang, but the old brown-red stakes of the bingliang had already appeared some golden spots.

It also makes the old slender pile stronger.

Lin Yuan can clearly feel that the speed at which the quality of the Bingliang dill has been upgraded to legendary quality is more than twice as fast as before.

The long leaves on the epic-quality sylvestre vines are very wide, but after being promoted to the legendary quality, the original broad leaves on the sylvestris vines have become a lot smaller.

The smaller leaves grow densely on the rattan, and each leaf has a thick fleshy texture to the touch.

Lin Yuan stretched out his hand to grab a leaf and put it in his mouth, chewing carefully.

Lin Yuan discovered that the scent of Bingliang dill has a faint fragrance of vegetation.

But at the same time it is slightly sour and not very tasty.

However, the chewing texture of Bingliang Luo is very good. This feeling is similar to the feeling of crushing grapes.

Even because the leaves of Bingliang dill are more moisturized, it is more elastic and crispier when crushing the raisins.

After eating a few leaves of Bingliang dill in his stomach, Lin Yuan soon felt full.

I was full just by eating four leaves, so Lin Yuan couldn’t help but sigh secretly about the power of Bingliang Luo.

With the speed at which the Bingliang Luo can produce the vines, it might be an exaggeration to say that the Bronze Level legendary quality Bingliang Luo can feed a person from Xia County.

However, it should be more than enough to supply 100,000 Reiki professionals, including the spiritual things contracted by Reiki professionals.

As for the muscle-producing camellia after it was promoted to legendary quality, there was no change.

It’s just that the body is a lot bigger than before, and there are many light pink buds between the branches and leaves of Shengji Camellia.

After seeing these pale pink buds~IndoMTL.com~ Lin Yuan decisively reached out and picked all the pale pink buds of Shengji Camellia.

Shengji Camellia is a kind of camellia in essence, it will bloom every year when the body’s nutrients are sufficient during the flowering season.

The therapeutic effect of Shengji Camellia is the stems of Shengji Camellia, not flowers.

The opening of the flowers consumes the nutrients in the stems of Shengji Camellia, so the healing effect of the stems of Shengji Camellia will be weakened.

However, after Lin Yuan took off the flower buds with his hand, the Muscle Camellia will not bloom new flowers for a long time.

At this time, the aura in the aura crystal has been exhausted, but the Wufulanshouling goldfish, whose exclusive characteristic is the original spirit, has not been successfully promoted to the legendary quality.

When Lin Yuan was observing this Wufulanshouling goldfish.

Lin Yuan discovered that the tail of the Wufulanshouling goldfish had become shorter, the body became fatter, and the sarcoma on the head became larger.

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